
Policy Proposal Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"I'm locked in on this idea of a freedom dividend in part because I think it's the most dramatically positive thing we could do that we could actually effectuate in real life that would improve people's lives."
"We need a big and bold program to modernize our nation's crumbling infrastructure."
"We could cut gun deaths in half this decade."
"Well, we just want the police to have another option to take somebody to treatment."
"I definitely think that we need to ban all assault rifles. They have no business on our streets."
"What I'm going to do is pass Obamacare with a public option."
"I actually do have a very simple proposal that will maintain the Second Amendment rights and reduce these shootings: father is in the home."
"Should we create a government program to take care of veterans? That's where you get the VA."
"He wants to increase funding for education, but make sure it goes to the students."
"Canceling federal student loans would instantly make tens of millions of people's lives better."
"Flatter rates will mean more reward for that extra effort and vanishing loopholes and a minimum tax will mean that everybody and every corporation paid their fair share."
"We will immediately ban chokeholds and carotid holes. George Floyd would be alive today if we did that." - Senator Harris
"We will require a national registry for police officers who break the law." - Senator Harris
"We need a national approach. We need to end bump stocks, we need to end our automatic weapons and bring back the assault weapons ban."
"If I'm your president, we'll implement the national strategy I've been laying out since March."
"The Portman plan proposes to give you $445 a week additionally if you were able to go back to work in some capacity in the last couple weeks."
"Let's cap the cost of insulin at 35 a month."
"Every part of Biden's proposal will be there in a big, robust way."
"We're only proposing that there be a wider range of alternatives."
"Trump says on day one of his presidency if he is inaugurated in January of 2025 he will sign an executive order ending Birthright citizenship as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States."
"We need to establish a commission to hold China accountable for unleashing the virus upon the world."
"We should dream about another federal works project."
"I would like to see some level of student loan forgiveness."
"I will ban genital mutilation or chemical castration."
"United States should defund and withdraw from United Nations and reconstitute the movement to achieve world peace for all."
"Now he wants to propose canceling the entire 1.6 trillion dollars in U.S. student loan debt."
"The Problem Solvers Caucus proposal seems to be the most interesting and the most desirable."
"Term limits in our government: the one piece of policy that I think would rally this nation together."
"Canceling student loan debt is possible and don't let people get away with telling you that it's not."
"We want a merit-based system for entry. This will improve living conditions for all Americans, both immigrant and U.S. born."
"Help is on the way. I've laid out a clear plan for child care, a clear plan for starting early education as well, so three and four and five-year-olds are in school."
"We should do a new new deal where we build the technology of the future renewable energy revolution."
"Two years of community college would be tuition-free."
"As we oppose their efforts to seize greater political power, we must simultaneously propose a better model of the faith."
"Healthcare is not free. We'll pay for it in a progressive way, exempting the first $29,000 of income from taxation."
"I actually kind of think we should make that mandatory."
"It's time to bring our legal immigration system into the 21st century."
"We need to crack down on violent offenders and recidivists."
"Biden is going to unveil a major new spending plan as Democrats eye a bigger role for government."
"Accuracy is advised. We need to institute Operation Eagle-Free into more institutes of America."
"Let's institute a mass mandate nationwide starting immediately, and we will save lives."
"Guaranteeing health care to all people without any premiums, without any co-payments, without any deductibles, and without any out-of-pocket expenses."
"We should provide healthcare to every man, woman, and child by passing Medicare for all."
"Territorial control plan: a bold approach to halt escalating violence."
"Social Security can do the exact same thing, and this is how the proposed Social Security raises... They actually want to raise Social Security for pretty much everybody."
"We need to return to the idea of higher education as a public good."
"I think the idea is to offer a nonprofit insurance plan as an option."
"Why would it be such a bad idea to use it to help people?"
"Raise the admission cap of the U.S refugee intake."
"If everyone was guaranteed Healthcare, housing, and education, this would be a better place for everybody."
"So it would allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices. A Congressional Budget Office analysis estimated that price negotiation of these prescription drugs would lower spending by about $456 billion over 10 years."
"Bernie Sanders proposes policies that will benefit everybody else after acknowledging the specific injustices black people face."
"It provides a clear plan to strengthen our Armed Forces and defend our country."
"I propose that we do thousand dollar bonuses for all sworn law enforcement officers in the state of Florida. That's almost 50,000 people."
"I would like to see uh something come out that basically limits uh sort of the concepts of government overreach in the space right."
"I'll be strongly pushing comprehensive background checks."
"My plan would cut the cost of childcare in half."
"Labour's New Deal for working people: the biggest leveling up of workers' rights in decades."
"You should always have a public option and a private option that makes them compete against each other."
"Stem the flow of firearms used to commit violence."
"We need another stimulus we need direct payments in the hands of the American people and businesses or we are going to enter and stay in this great depression for I think as long as the CBO sees it."
"Let's put forward real solutions to immediately tackle some of those pressures coming from foreign buyers."
"I will redirect 50% of our $420 billion annual military budget to fix healthcare, Social Security, education, and homeland defense."
"I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of teenagers wearing Maga hats until we can figure out what is going on."
"Let's keep going on a four percent income-based premium for households."
"The president proposed an extension in the child tax credit because he feels that is something that can not only help families make ends meet, it can help bring more women back into the workforce."
"The voucher plan would resolve every present critical problem in the school system."
"Uniform code of military Justice specifies Court martial for any officer who sends a soldier into battle without a weapon, there ought to be a similar protection for students."
"Passing a Medicare for all single-payer system, a radical idea."
"The only way we can reduce firearm violence is through a comprehensive plan based on three pillars."
"Transparency is key. Government buildings should have no doors, anyone can walk in anytime."
"Instead of extending the child tax credits all the way until 2025 I think they could do something like extend the child tax credits for two more years."
"Look, we should nationalize social media. It's a universal social good." - Joe Rogan
"As president, I will end this destructive system, pass the End Money Bail Act, and provide resources directly to states and counties to implement a pre-trial money-free system."
"My proposal would help us ensure Social Security does what it was intended to do."
"The mortgage interest deduction should be withheld from homeowners and suburbs that refuse to take steps to desegregate."
"Joe will rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and fight the threat of climate change."
"In theory, if someone was to tell me I have a solution, I have a way of completely removing firearms from this world, I would tell you I'm completely for this."
"Support continues to grow every single day for not just a fourth stimulus check in this infrastructure package but for monthly recurring stimulus checks."
"The transaction cost of doing this has to be really hiked up."
"Anyone who votes should be required to show a secure photo ID."
"Calling it Medicare for all is a big mistake. What we should call it is national health insurance."
"We can create a universal health care system to give everyone basic health care for free, and I have a proposal to do it."
"Clearly it's cash relief and universal basic income."