
Anti-consumerism Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Overconsumption of new material is the number one most harmful practice in trying to fight fast fashion to begin with."
"It is possible to step away from this consumeristic model and live in a more sustainable, communal, and service-oriented way."
"The reason for the season is not consumerism."
"Don't buy into trends, don't upgrade every single time something new comes out."
"I'd like to create real genuine items that you can treasure as opposed to just throwaway fashion which you wear twice and then replace."
"Who needs to spend money at the big Layman's multi-millionaire store."
"Anti-folding 2022, I'm starting a campaign. Who's with me?"
"People that's really for the culture out here taking care of their fellow human beings, they don't like us collaborating, they'd rather sit you in front of a TV and brainwash your ass."
"Stop being obsessed with the new, use the same one."
"I'm done purchasing the latest and greatest versions of things."
"This takes us in a direction away from consumerism because one is satisfied with less."
"I appreciate people that take themselves out of this whole consumerism and social media."
"It's all about experiences versus consumerism."
"We can play a massive role in chipping away at convenience culture by demonstrating to others that you can live a happy fulfilling and fun life after giving up plastic."
"Don't subscribe to the name brands and the hype."
"It's very low-fi, it's very cheap, it's very anti-technology, and I think that's one of the beautiful things about it."
"Thrifting: accessible, sustainable, and a middle finger to fast fashion."
"Revolution often begins with a contentedness with right now. That's the revolution we are hitting this point collectively and in our experience of the earth experience where consumerism is crumbling."
"We're revolutionary when we're not consuming all the time, when we're not buying into the patriarchy's idea of consumption and nonstop economic growth as the end-all be-all goal."
"Get out, enjoy the world, stop binge-watching stuff."
"The opposite of retail therapy is fearless generosity."
"Minimalism stands as a beacon of resistance, a philosophy that champions the richness of experiences over the accumulation of things."
"I like doing these periodically. It's kind of like an old school anti-haul."
"Rejecting consumerism and valuing garment construction."
"The opposite of greed for me is gratitude. The more grateful you are for what you have, the less you're going to consume."
"If you're happy and you know it, don't buy gear."
"We have this consumption thing in our society that I'm kind of like slowly being like, I don't, I have enough for me."
"Being able to dislike anti-consumer moves like this were kind of the only way to quantify people's reactions to exploitative decisions."
"I try to avoid the commercial fast-paced 'I need more' holiday anthem and I lean into simplicity."
"Reject the consumerism, that's a very effective way of resisting."
"It's very anti-hustle culture, I think, which is nice."
"Anti-consumerism has become one of the most important cultural forces in North American life."
"Make a list of other things to do besides shopping."
"I like when you actually buy stuff and don't feed into like, oh we got to buy designer, no, you buy stuff that I'm actually gonna freaking use."
"Not everything has to be bought at IKEA, nor does it have to be pretty to be functional."
"I love thrifting knickknacks because I feel like everything that's at Target and all the home stores is so copy-paste."
"I'm also anti-consumerism and I hate all the fast fashion, fast produce things."
"Instead of buying, instead of working really hard to have money to buy stuff, take that time and make stuff."
"Contentment is opposite to consumption; nobody who's content will spend any money."
"Don't give in to consumerism and capitalism, you honestly don't need that much to live."
"I don't subscribe to this consumer culture; I wear things until they break."
"We want to make good stuff that actually lasts a long time and doesn't promote consumerism."
"The baby boomers championed the voice of the people and peace and love over war and consumerism."
"It's connection to other people, connection to Nature, feelings of competence and agency, those are the sorts of things that improve our well-being and absolutely not consumption."
"Release yourself from the shackles of capitalism, needing to present yourself with new things every time."
"We need less extractive production, less consumption, we want localization over globalization."
"When you chase craft, you are raging Against the Machine, you are building better, higher quality things."
"Let's normalize anti-consumption; let's resist that spirit of mass consumption."
"We don't want to give everyone consumer capitalism; we don't want everyone to have the same consumerist lifestyle."
"To be calm becomes a kind of revolutionary act. To be happy with your own non-upgraded existence."
"I have too much. Save your money, stop buying stuff, break the cycle of wanting to browse and find a good deal, use what you have and enjoy what you have."
"We don't need to create more waste, we don't need to create more clutter in our lives."
"Keep it simple, don't clutter your life up with a bunch of fads and flash in the pan things that come and go."
"Our relationships with our family, relationships with our friends, being in our home, being content in our home, these things have all superseded and surpassed our desire to just buy for the sake of buying."
"I'm not here to make you shop things or here to tell you that you need things."
"I'm really happy with where my content is going right now, I like the more anti-consumerist side of things that I'm taking."
"You're not going to see a lot of bags with logos or t-shirts or sweatshirts with a prominent logo in your face; that is loud luxury, which is the opposite of quiet luxury."
"You don't have to keep up with the Joneses when it comes to making your house cozy and cute."
"Remember how amazing the products you already own are and forget about the new shiny stuff, who needs it."
"Don't buy into marketing and media and what they tell you to do; do what you want to do in your heart and what makes you truly happy."