
War Criticism Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The United States loves war, and the United States loves to provoke wars. I don't know if you've been paying attention to the last 70 years of United States history, if you disagree with me, well, you're wrong."
"There is no justice in war. War is as morally bankrupt as a trial by battle."
"It's absolutely obscene that it's all being used to keep this war going."
"War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other." - Nico Bellic
"This war was started by Russia. War is not the method to resolve the conflicts in our society."
"But their opinions, their views, these reactions confirm that the political and social side of Russia's war aims is untenable."
"War sucks period whatever side you're on it doesn't matter it sucks."
"We don't need another war, we need less wars."
"I'm not against war, I'm just against stupid wars."
"Putin's war was premeditated and unprovoked. He rejected efforts at diplomacy. Putin was wrong. We were ready."
"This illegal and unnecessary war is a grave mistake, and Putin must stop it now."
"War is terrible. War is awful. War is punishing and cruel and ruins lives and ends lives."
"Thank you and it might sound radical colleagues but the answer to war is not more war."
"The Iraq War demonstrated that regime change is always fundamentally evil and will always fail."
"The Iraq War was a criminal disaster that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans and millions of Iraqis."
"Maybe we can get Beyond these institutions Wars lies escalate in tension and despair."
"I will continue to speak out and reject it. So when the war expands and the nuclear bombs head your way, I can just say, 'Told you so.' But you know what? I won't."
"It's just generally bad to invade other countries and kill innocent people."
"War is a mass suffering of people who have no power to gain at the hands of a select few trying to gain power."
"We're all running out of strength to fight, there's no reason for shedding any more unnecessary blood here."
"Finally somebody who's willing to say it, let's end these ridiculous wars."
"A sane person in the twenty-first century...would not have allowed this war to happen."
"War is a racket... the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives."
"People around the world, including in the streets of Moscow and Saint Petersburg, are standing against his brutal and unnecessary war. They are standing with Ukraine, as are all of us in Canada and increasingly the world."
"The whole premise for the war in the first place was a lie."
"War is just a racket, conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses."
"No one wins in a war folks except the defense contractors and the guys that make billions of dollars by sending your boys your sons and your daughters off to war to be killed and maimed so they can make a big paycheck."
"War is very bad for virtually everyone in a nation except for the media... and politicians who can gobble up more of your rights and sovereignty."
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched..."
"Opposition pressures Kremlin to end the war."
"We must stand for stopping the bombing, for ending this brutal war, and for justice in the Middle East."
"Chelsea Manning's only crime was showing the world the hideous realities of the war in Iraq."
"There shouldn't be a war machine; there should be military activity only when there is real justification."
"Saying that the Iraq war is a bad idea because all wars are wrong is just about the worst humanly possible argument you can make."
"War is an inefficient means of conflict resolution because of all of the death and destruction that comes with it."
"Trump is the only person um with stature and the Republican Party really who's saying wait a second you know why are we supporting an endless war?"
"We oppose war because war is the worst thing."
"War is murder, that's all it is, it's organized murder carried out by both parties, what the side that wins knows how to organize murder better than the other side, that's it."
"The war should have and could have been avoided because it's a war over NATO enlargement."
"These are rich men's wars; that's actually reflective of the class nature of this imperial system."
"You don't need to be a liberal to refuse to be swept away by war propaganda."
"I hate the fact that this war has been going on for ages because the US doesn't want to surrender or something weird."
"It makes me sick that someone like Dick Cheney and his buddies at Halliburton got so insanely rich off these wars, and someone like Donald Rumsfeld is strutting around, you know, teaching other people."
"Neither side wanted the war, and aside from Kings, generals, and businessmen, it seems that no one's winning either."
"We are not a good and virtuous nation. God does not bless us above other nations. Victory is not assured. War is not noble and uplifting."
"People never wage war, it is politicians that wage war. No soldier that ever stood in the line of a rifle believes that war is heroic."
"It's the ugliest thing that men do ever. Vladimir Putin started this war so whatever the context of the decision that he made, he did it. He fired the first shots, he is to blame for what we're seeing tonight in Ukraine."
"What we did in Ukraine wasn't just wrong, it was a crime."
"And it's very environmentally friendly as well while the U.S. spent trillions of dollars in a 20-year war in Afghanistan and the 10-year war in Iraq that produced no benefits for the American people."
"I am sickened by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create."
"Where is the initiative for peace? Why are the Western powers repeatedly seeking more war and more fighting in Ukraine rather than exploring ways to achieve peace?"
"Both sides had casualties. We should condemn civilian deaths on both sides."
"The exact same people who lied us into the Iraq war are the exact same people who lied us into Libya and are lying about Syria."
"These [ __ ] don't even care about that [ __ ] [ __ ] and wait they sit back right and then you have to sit back and think like okay what's the whole what was the whole purpose of a war."
"It's just a needless loss of life, it's dumb."
"I think each war is a true disappointment for humankind."
"On any level, there is no sense to the war because what would Russia achieve? Catastrophe."
"'Polk's justification for the war was a half-insane mumbling of a fever dream.' - Abraham Lincoln, on the Mexican War."
"But nothing indicates that Vladimir Putin intends to stop this profoundly unjust war of aggression and destruction."
"The men who fought in it were lions led by donkeys."
"War can be justified but all war is still extremely absurd and traumatic."
"A war of aggression is really nothing much more than a large-scale armed robbery."
"I am convinced that needless and unnecessary wars are a great detriment; they undermine our prosperity and our liberties, they add to our deficits, and they consume our welfare."
"War is hell, right? Oh, there we go, war is stupid."
"My friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old lie: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori."
"The rational behind the global war on terror is deeply flawed."
"Our job is to monitor the centers of power, especially when they go to war and especially when it's on the basis of a lie."
"The very reason why peacekeepers should not be leading a war."