
Campaign Strategy Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Not only do I think it is the right thing to do to be everywhere and to listen...I think it's the only way to win."
"The battles are a sight to behold, but I want to start with the campaign map."
"The campaign ought to be directed to sustaining a popular movement."
"So, what does that mean? Trump's not running. They're trying to make it seem like he is, but even Trump campaigning didn't work."
"Buried beneath its layers of cynical cash grabbiness completely baffling existence and money laundering vibes there's a sheer ambition to Crime boss's campaign that is as ill-fated as it is admirable."
"The entire Biden campaign is specifically and only about what a bad person Donald Trump is... On policy they don't got a lot."
"Democrats put real money behind this. It's the election equivalent of saving the whales."
"God will make a way, start going back to your chair, that denotes a campaign."
"One of the biggest mistakes in all of marketing is running brand awareness marketing campaigns and expecting direct response results."
"So essentially what I'm going to do is add more ad groups at this point and then I'll come back to the video and show you essentially my final strategy as I'm getting ready to completely launch my campaign."
"Joe Biden is running circles around Donald Trump."
"You cannot run just on a fear-based platform; you have to run on a Hope Place based platform."
"If your cold traffic campaigns are just breaking even, you can still be profitable overall by running retargeting."
"The big thing in 2019 there was three things that won as the election it was nothing to do with me uh it was it was brexit it was Boris it was Corbin and it was as simple as that those three things together was a great campaign great ingredients."
"Overall I think he's gonna be a net positive in the race and I think he's gonna do a lot I think he might functionally end up being like Bernie Sanders attack dog because he will be a bulldog."
"Trump is plowing ahead, gaining ground in every place he needs to."
"If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true."
"Anybody Trump endorses using these rallies has a really good shot at winning."
"We could catch up with Mitt Romney with a little bit of hard work."
"I need to see a value proposition for this campaign."
"It forces a presidential candidate to have appeal across different regions."
"Every single candidate up in a competitive district or state in '22 is gonna have to answer."
"What Trump's campaign did whether it was on purpose or an accident was brilliant I'm not talking about policy I'm talking about strategy and politics."
"Trump took anti-trump activists merchandise and turned it into pro Trump re-election merchandise."
"All you did was reveal the masterful trolling of the Trump campaign turning anti-trump activists into pro Trump activists."
"Democrats should vote with their heart and their heart should say anger, not solidity, not stability, rage."
"You don't hear me bashing other candidates because I'm going to need each of them to play their role."
"Biden's entire campaign is 'I'm not Trump' and 'I'm also barely alive.'"
"CNN did this town hall. I'm not here to rag on CNN for hosting the town hall."
"Trump needs to get off of this and he could have done a better job."
"When an administration sends people in to spy on the opposing campaign, I mean, something stinks."
"Fetterman's victory should redefine the beltway assumptions on electability."
"Let's see if the boy flow, you know what I'm saying, like our campaign."
"It makes it more about character, qualifications, record... It's just harder for the Republicans to motivate people."
"Volunteer early on in their campaigns to go door to door, manage social media advertising, give your skills whatever they are to promote your candidate of choice."
"I think his campaign has recognized I think this is very Savvy um that they've recognized that they are not going to get a fair Shake in the corporate regime media that's not going to happen."
"If we wanna beat Trump, we need real change."
"The very early start of the electorate, the very early start of the campaign season. They helped build the momentum."
"An awesome economic focus campaign, I love that."
"Following the count in that conversation, Papadopoulos continued to correspond with campaign officials."
"I think corporate greed is our best argument for the midterms on gas prices."
"This is actually their campaigning strategy: to Screech to Victory. And it's winning."
"It's like you know instead we're going to have we're just going to have another tool that helps with that."
"The technology could help with finding audiences, segmenting audiences, and figuring out where those audiences are getting their information from."
"It's a full plan, so my question to Senator Cruz is: What are your best campaign suggestions?"
"Bernie fights for the average Joe, not Wall Street, Hollywood, or big anybody."
"He thought he could be a nicer version or a different version of Donald Trump and he's finding out that campaigns are about contrast."
"It's like the best anti-Trump campaign ad: the people who know him best say don't vote for him under any circumstances."
"With your help, we can beat social media, we can beat the media."
"Elections are won by people who are a little bit anxious."
"This is actually suggesting that he may win reelection at this stage it looks like."
"We need someone whose first instinct is to back Liz Cheney, attack America First Republicans on the campaign Trail, and suggest that Donald Trump's path is one of resignation rather than resurgence." - Matt Gates
"Hillary Clinton was the first candidate in history who wasn't expected to garner votes through campaigning. You just owe them to her."
"They can't say that Donald Trump is the biggest threat to America and then run the most lackluster candidate and lackluster campaign that they possibly can."
"You've got to be willing as a candidate to go Toe to Toe Mano Amano with the trumpists and say look this ain't your game baby you are irrelevant to the process."
"Building a movement is crucial; Bernie's campaign is already generating change."
"Joe Biden stands for this system and Bernie Sanders better go at him for it."
"The campaign objective is to truly shift mainstream opinion."
"What the hell do you have to lose? Vote for me. What do you have to lose?"
"But still that's the best shot but even then Barack Obama still has a name and a reputation to preserve and like do you think he wants to attach that to a candidate who he knows is going to lose dramatically."
"He actually broke records in terms of campaign funding with those small dollar grassroots support."
"We're gonna win not only the nomination, that's why we're going to win in November."
"All the advantages that they argued that Joe Biden had over Bernie Sanders were lies."
"Bernie showed it is possible to run a campaign and make a difference without being a puppet of the evil effin industries."
"There's voter observance here, these rallies are you know have you know 9 10 15 000 people showing up at them and the Trump campaign is doing."
"She exposed cracks in the support that he needs."
"Use tags like #renewinfinitytrain and #finishinfinitytrain."
"If that picture is not on every single campaign ad from this point going forward, then every Republican candidate should be locked up for political malpractice."
"If you give us something to vote for, they will vote for you."
"If we all do this, if every single person who is part of our campaign opts into this, participates, we will be stronger than ever and we will be unstoppable."
"Don’t think that it’s just creating a campaign, setting a budget and publishing it. It’s way deeper than that."
"If you do not have a budget, you do not have a campaign strategy."
"If you switch to a system where it's just the popular vote, you're going to have politicians who only campaign in the largest cities and the coastal elites."
"If his campaign is about renew, rebuild, and restore, he'll win; if it's about revenge, he'll lose."
"Starting your campaign from anything from 10 pounds to 10 dollars seems like a good sweet spot."
"Let's go out and knock some doors and win."
"This baseline data helped to inform the implementation of the behavior change campaign."
"Location targeting is one of the main elements when setting up your campaign."
"Just provide some information about your campaign, and the Smart Builder will suggest layouts designed to resonate with your audience."