
Online Discourse Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"The main objective of online debate and discourse is not to learn or to get closer to the truth, rather it is to never, ever be proven wrong."
"If Hank Green wants to say some [ __ ], just say it. We don't always have to frame everything around like... responding to online activism."
"I want ideally to have a platform where people can talk about what they want to talk about without... well, I mean, on the other hand, there's that argument that YouTube is a private entity."
"Facebook is your de facto public square so we should be allowing any kind of speech. Once again, the answer to bad speech is just more speech."
"I disagree with Destiny on almost everything but he has my respect for standing up to the online jihadis."
"Whenever you see online discourse like this one, it's always important to go into it and be prepared to hear out both sides of the argument."
"If I just fought with every uh contention I had with like the online left I'd never get any work done like against the right you know."
"I think sometimes the online conversation that we're all in is we spend a lot of time just trying to go after them and debunk their and not enough time pushing out to people what we want our message to be."
"You cannot go on the internet on the PC and say 'I know you guys don't like this but PC gaming sucks' and not expect for people to have a few things to say about this."
"Nobody deserves to die, and I think the way that people are justifying it has been bizarre online."
"The fact that that has been marginalized, I literally listed on Twitter spaces sometimes."
"They seemed ready and willing to help the patients felt seen and heard and I was thinking that the empathy and solidarity on display in that hearing is so much different than how the conversation around Co has unfolded online..."
"The thing is that among all the toxicity from his response, he actually made a pretty certain point."
"There's no online gender war. Most people in the real world, if you go outside, they don't give a [] about any of this [] nobody [__] cares."
"You're either gonna agree with what I say or you're not, that's just the nature of sharing online opinions."
"I would love to hear your thoughts about this movie as long as you're respectful in the comments and respect my opinions about it."
"The internet reintroduced public discussion to the public."
"Eliminating some of the really negative voices with really partisan voices on social media is really good right now."
"The largest figures in the online left right now have continuously demonstrated to me that they either value the inability to defend your ideas or downright demonize the ability to do so."
"Good game design often online is talked about like it's some objective phrase some objective buzzword we praised good games for."
"There are so many people online who are convinced that Kyle Rittenhouse shot a bunch of black people for no reason."
"If I learned anything from years of putting my opinion out there on the Internet, it's that music fans don't like hearing opinions that challenge their own."
"I just hope everybody in a comment section be civil to each other um and if you want to talk about it it's fine don't fight don't say horrible things."
"The federal government shaped the rules of online discussion in unprecedented and unnerving ways during the pandemic."
"Penis size is without a doubt one of the most talked about concerns amongst men, especially on the internet."
"I'd much rather have a lot of tweets that are like positivity instead of like very pedantic arguing."
"No personal attacks against me, against the people involved in these films, or against the people who are on the other side of this argument."
"I saw someone call an elephant fetus human on Twitter... conservatives don't know a fetus even if it slapped them in the face."
"I mean what kind of what... That's alpha male that's bass that's red pill that's crazy bro that's like sjw delusional psychopath making up live stuff."
"Twitter is not reality. It's okay, you know, we shouldn't get all wrapped up in the spokes of who's on Twitter, who's canceled, who's silenced."
"Philosophy doesn't belong to the academy... all of the critical thinking is not happening in epidemiology or in the institutions, it's happening with people online."
"My time is precious, it's finite. I'm not saying I'm looking forward to death or anything like that, but we all have a certain amount of time, and I don't want to spend it arguing with people on the internet."
"It's really unfortunate. Basically, every political figure that I know that's left-leaning makes content that just sort of sits out there and and sort of pulls in whoever happens to click on it and hear the arguments. That's basically it."
"I want to show y'all some scripture real quick because I feel like in this day and age, it's a lot of opinions online. Everybody got an opinion, and because we're human and we have emotions, we can tend to argue back and forth with each other."
"So much like popular discourse online is about the discourse, the arguments are about the arguments you know, about like instead of weighing what certain people have to say, just like weighing their moral character and just like wading into petty beef zone."
"To think that there were people out there, hundreds, thousands of people that were willing to comment such atrocious thoughts to public discourse made me lose all faith in human decency."
"I think masculinity is a good thing, but nowadays you go online and it seems like everybody hates masculinity. They're calling it toxic."
"I don't want to beat around the bush and say things that you probably have heard online and, you know, sensitive whatever. I'm just going to keep it straight up and real."
"Not every loud voice online knows what they're talking about."
"This is the first time I'm bringing this up online because it's very vulnerable."
"Setting the rules for online discourse is an important challenge for our society."
"The greatest advantage the online left has is that we're right. Isn't that a great advantage?"
"I encourage you to share your ideas, share your viewpoints, share the way you think in my comments, just don't do it by insulting me for no reason."
"Remember, no matter what some guy on the internet might tell you, your opinion matters."
"If you give your opinion online, you cannot be surprised when people disagree and give their opinion."
"People online generally have no idea what they're talking about because as a group of people we can never agree on anything."
"We have to have a conversation about the way we talk about people online."
"When we talk about music like this online, it is really never serious enough to warrant any sort of hate comments."
"I'm going to try and do something which is relatively rare online and say that I don't have an educated opinion on this."
"It feels like a new kind of sociology class where the people who are talking about feminism and the family structure... are being played out online."
"There is a level of civility on Twitter that I find really refreshing on the web."