
Sports Enjoyment Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"As a neutral, I loved it. It was an amazing game."
"I've never felt more confident over a driver in my life."
"It's just so much more enjoyable to smoke a driver right down the middle."
"What a game it's been, we can't not rejoice in this Premier League."
"I just want to enjoy Manchester United, and I don't enjoy it at the moment."
"I mean, it's great to watch, though, isn't it?"
"I've enjoyed the start of this season far more than I remember enjoying last season."
"That team was just fun to watch, they were dominant everywhere."
"Chasing that high, it is. Even if you're brand new to golf, you've hit a good shot and you've experienced that little bit of thrill."
"The feeling I get when I'm on a skateboard is the same - it's my escape."
"You know, I'm enjoying the Champions League and my club's not in it. I'm getting used to this."
"It's been a cracking game, really enjoyed this game."
"I'm really enjoying watching Arsenal Football Club."
"It was a very good game to watch. Yes, brother."
"Sometimes you've just got to sit back and understand this is why we love the game football."
"Game-winning field goals and watching it well with friends."
"How nice does it feel to catch the TD, catch a touchdown in-game?"
"Generally, I'm enjoying watching Arsenal at the moment. How they move the ball around, how they attack teams. It's a good feeling as a fan."
"Gorgeous tender gnocchi are simple as 1, 2, 3."
"It was so great to see a game and not worry about the puck going in for no reason."
"I really want to see them now, see them in the city, in the stadium. So it will be an incredible year, and we are going to enjoy all of this."
"Watching a guy like Mitch Marner play, that's joy for me. Joy."
"Forget about whether or not you believe that this player is this good and you want to prove that you're right. Just watch it for what it is."
"I honestly believe we're gonna see goals... It's so good I'm gonna turn the lights on."
"Huge shout-out to today's sponsor deck of many if you guys haven't checked out deck of many these guys make really cool gaming accessories to just make gaming at your table just easier."
"Have you ever watched anybody any athlete in any sport that anytime you see him play gives you just a feeling of Joy like that is what Messi has always been."
"Screw this, I'm just going to enjoy football."
"I think that's what we should do, you know, and that to me is like that's what makes me like sports more."
"For him, the best part is being on the court."
"This is about enjoying football and being competitive."
"You know when you look back at this season... it just says everything about this team that they have been Relentless in pursuit."
"Just enjoy it and let's ignore the haters talking about VAR."
"It really looked like he was enjoying himself out there."
"I've seen United win Champions Leagues. I've seen us win the league. The cold harsh facts is that you've got to enjoy the good times if they are good times."
"Making sport fun is the absolute key... every touchpoint needs to be enjoyable."
"I just like watching him play. I'm just enjoying watching him play."
"I hate to say it, but I do like it as a fan."
"This is one of the most Unstoppable offenses in the NFL."
"These have been the most fun matches I've had so far."
"I do love a connection. It feels good when they score."
"Have you enjoyed our first watch along together, mate? I have had an absolute ball."
"I'm just happy to see quicker tempo of football, that's all I'm happy about."
"Absolutely fantastic. You were in the studio Sunday Paul just tell us how much did you enjoy that day."
"I kind of enjoy that portion of the NBA more than just a hey we don't know who's going to win right like that that's that's that's the [ __ ] I want to see right right Joe."
"Dunking has never been more satisfying than literally dunking your opponent."
"I'm doing something I love to do. That's play the game of basketball."
"That's kind of like why I love watching some sports games, the big swings, the huge plays."
"This is just amazing. I feel like every time here, always shows up with a smile on my face watching these guys have fun and playing the game of baseball."
"Fantastic man what a good time so much fun so fun to get out there and put out the uniform and be with the guys."
"But it was a great game, I had a fantastic time."
"When I saw it in the World Cup in 2018, I liked it."
"You know, I prefer to remember skating for what it felt like when it was fun."
"You come in here with whatever you're wearing, grab some plated nachos, turn some football on, sit back, take a nap for the afternoon."
"Sports is supposed to be fun, and I think you do a great job of this."
"Alan Shearer says as he gets older the feeling of scoring gets sweeter."
"Regardless of the outcome, I enjoyed this game."
"Deep diving into Formula One has been one of the funnest things I've ever done in my life, no kidding."
"It's good to bully on terrible teams again isn't it, and to not be on the other end of it."
"Whenever there's football and whenever Barcelona's playing, it's a good month."
"Sports in general are still out there and no matter how much basketball you've watched in your life there's always gonna be stuff you've never seen."
"CU fans are already having the time of their lives."
"That's the best feeling you'll probably have."
"Watching Tom Brady play can be an absolute joy... unless you're on the other team."
"Quidditch: bringing both wizards and muggles together in enjoyment."
"I regret taking a break from a competitor's standpoint because bro now I think about it man it's fun it's so fun to compete."
"Maybe one of the best football experiences I've ever had."
"This is why I love this game because you never know what type of day you're gonna have."
"I love this match, this is the sort of thing I watch wrestling for."
"I'm thoroughly enjoying playing with the different players."
"I'm just lucky to play with such a great talented team. I'm definitely enjoying the moment."
"Liverpool winning games of football and scoring goals."
"Harlequins began playing a brand of rugby that the players seemed to enjoy."
"Probably been the best 10 to 15 days I've ever had since I've been in football."
"I'm personally loving the draft and loving the gameplay."
"It's been one of the better games I've watched for a long time."
"We wouldn't be in it for the wins but to see that team because I think that would be, uh, that would be great."
"Let's do a Mini World Cup one, that would be good."
"Kind of football that doesn't really have bad games you know."
"Invest time in watching good teams play good games, skip the rest."
"The best thing about football is watching Barça play."
"That was sick, the first time when I realized I actually hit a driver."
"I love taking ground balls, that's actually like the most fun that I have in baseball."
"Enjoy the game, probably the best game in the world."
"Even when it's raining, it doesn't ruin the game as a whole."
"Seriously, this might be the coolest course I've ever played."
"That's the most fun thing, is reading teams on defense, it's like one of the most fun things you could do."
"If our bats getting kills, you know we're having a good time."
"Dunks always make you feel good, you can't deny it."
"Great game of T20 cricket, lovely to be back."
"The world is a complex place full of hypocrisy and contradiction. Systems that atrophy around us can no longer be relied on and trusted. Our leaders are fallen figures and our poets are all mute. But football, football is nice."
"I don't think you have to know anything about F1 to like it. I don't think that's a prerequisite to go to the track."
"This win really put a huge smile on my face, up the Gunners."
"What a joy it was to be among so many passionate cricket lovers."
"I'm genuinely happy at what we have seen today."
"This is the definition of a [__] boondoggle."
"That was a good second match, I like this boat a lot."
"This was proper fun football, man. It felt like I was playing a daily knockout tournament from like three, four years ago."
"You have to cherish it, you have to enjoy it, it's like every game there's a buzz."
"It just feels really good to pass the ball around."
"It's great to have seen us go from being pretty awful sometimes to generally a good football excitement. It's really enjoyable to watch us play now."
"Some of my favorite moments watching Overwatch came from 2019."
"The flow of the game is so much better without VAR, knowing that a goal is a goal unless the linesman's got his flag up or the referee's blown his whistle."
"I proper enjoyed the game. It was proper end to end. Benzema in the flesh, you know what I mean? The guy's getting better with age." - Steve
"I've been waiting for this moment. I mean, I'm very lucky to share the course with the best player in the world, and you know, I had fun, I enjoyed today, and that's all it takes."
"I love putts where the only way for it to go is straight into the basket."
"No one will have got more pleasure out of the day than Courtney Walsh."
"This was like my third all three matches I loved in different ways."
"Sit back and relax, enjoy an afternoon of football."
"It's a freeing feeling being on a tennis court."
"I just don't want anybody to get hurt when everybody to be healthy so we can have good basketball and enjoy it."
"When I go to the stadium, what I want to see is a goal, I like to see a nice action, I like to see somebody who treats the ball very well."
"Twilight golf on the links golf course of this standard, playing alright, it's as good as it gets guys."
"I had more fun, and that's what minor sport should be all about."
"I didn't expect this thing to feel as good jumping as it does."
"We're about to cook up some fish tacos, enjoy our evening, maybe watch a hockey game."
"Enjoy it, like we've been waiting a few years for the Bears to start winning games."
"How good has the rugby been this weekend?"
"Kids are out in force enjoying the game, you love to see that."
"It's been a great match, I love it."
"I'm really sure just enjoying today because we played a very good game."
"This is a unique match, and I am very much enjoying it."
"It's been a fantastic week of football."
"They're better than where they were last season and they're certainly better to watch."
"Let them play, let them enjoy it, don't over coach them."
"This is what I love most about golf, just how beautiful the areas are."
"Ultimately at the end of the day, we want our athlete to enjoy this process."
"We hope to help you get more enjoyment out of the sport by increasing your confidence and familiarity with the rules."
"You can't beat fun at the old ballpark."
"It was a wonderful game to watch."
"I love that you're playing tennis and keeping healthy, that's what's most important in my mind for you."
"I'm watching the game between patients, got to tell you the game is way better with your commentary."
"The more that confidence can come from within... the better they're going to play and the more they're going to enjoy their sport."
"If they can learn how to manage it in a healthy, in a positive way, they're going to be able to enjoy themselves more."
"It's always fun to complete a pass and it's even more fun when you throw a touchdown."
"Enjoy the series because it's going to be fantastic."
"The English Premier League, it was so enjoyable."
"I like watching tennis, I realize."
"It's always fun, you can kind of travel the world and play different courses out there."
"One of the greatest joys of the football in the game."
"It must be a lot of fun to be a professional athlete."
"This is what running is meant to be like."
"It was just a joy to sit and watch them, hey run past people, drop a shoulder and go past people."
"I'm still a fan as well as a player, so I just enjoy watching the game."
"Hope you enjoy your Sunday, whatever you're up to. The Wallabies certainly are enjoying Sunday."
"I'm not really a Chiefs fan or 49ers fan, but I do enjoy watching Patrick Mahomes."
"Enjoy tennis, play tennis every time, every day, and enjoy the maneuverability."
"It's great to be able to come in here and start hitting golf balls again."
"Once again it's the magic of the green courts and the Ping of the ball on the racket."
"What a wonderful game we're watching."
"I really enjoyed this match and it was really good."
"It's awesome being out on the field."
"Game was good, they won, so it couldn't get better than that."
"Sometimes things go your way, sometimes they don't, but still the same fun game."
"Foiling is really a fun way to get into the sport and I really hope you enjoy your time on it."
"Can't people just enjoy the racing?"
"These two teams are fun to watch; they're both very well-coached, they run their stuff, and get the shots they want."
"It makes practice fun and when you start hitting it better on the golf course, it makes golf way more fun."
"It's a whole heck of a lot more fun playing football when you're up 20 to nothing at home."
"May I wish you all a joyful and peaceful Christmas and plenty of matches to watch as good as this one in the new year."
"It goes to show the difference between having no fun in the Premier League and a bit of fun down here in the championship."
"They're starting to enjoy them elv now all them got themselves well on top in this game."
"It was a great match all around, I really enjoyed it."
"I love watching baseball games live."
"So the next time you're watching a Formula One Grand Prix at the track or on television, I hope what we have shown you will help to make the race more enjoyable."
"It's fun to see her come to high school and just enjoy the sport and have fun with it."
"You can just appreciate both for being so different, but at the same time, at the end of the day, it's just car lovers enjoy the sport."
"It's just a joy to be back out there with them."
"She's having a wonderful Commonwealth Games, enjoying every second."
"Life's too short to not love being at the yard."
"Terrific night, terrific game of footy."
"Using a launch monitor doesn't always have to be about the serious process of improving your game; it can also be about having fun."
"It's safe to say that I 100% get it, and I actually love the game now."
"Great football game, I enjoyed it."
"I love having football at 9:30 in the morning."
"He always made sure even under crazy pressure moments that I was enjoying playing tennis and enjoying the process."
"My favorite Grand Slam to watch is Wimbledon."
"It's such an enjoyable All-Ireland final."
"What's up world, it's a big world, and we're all hanging out here on Sunday watching some cornhole."
"I love a good wall or like a good vertical wall jump."
"Continue to have fun with the game, I think that's what hockey is about, it's the funnest game to play in the world."
"I'm loving Lucic having a fun time, he looks like he's having the best time ever out there in Calgary."
"How good is rugby league, how good are the Warriors."
"Great football game, I missed football so much."
"That was a good game to go to, man."
"We just wanted to watch football, that's all we wanted to watch, and we saw some great football."
"Isn't that a good thing, and wasn't that a good period of hockey?"
"How about them apples, man, that guy is so fun to watch."
"Legit a good match, I really enjoyed this."
"I got quite good at snowboarding and preferred that to skiing."
"Just watching Kyrie Irving play basketball is such a joy, it really is."