
Reintegration Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"You have life to live. Go through your mourning process, reintegrate yourself, and then start enjoying life again."
"After doing these exercises over and over again for days, he masters them all and now he's ready to return to Human Society."
"I'm just trying to be a normal person and reintegrate myself back into society."
"It is better to allow these citizens to come back into the communities, get jobs, have decent housing, be able to reconnect with their families, and pay taxes..."
"If you meet an ex-inmate in a pub, there’s a much bigger chance he will buy you a beer than knock you down. It’s true."
"The US government expressed an interest in reabsorbing most of the CSA back into the Union."
"California passed this bill allowing former inmates to become firefighters."
"However, it was greatly exaggerated since work programs, education, and psychotherapy absolutely paved the way for prisoners to re-enter society in a productive fashion."
"Even if I can never be one of them again, I'm willing to try."
"Felon voting: restore voting rights after prison."
"Rick coming back to the family as a changed man."
"I shook his hand, I said welcome home brother."
"You will come out of the woods and re-emerge as the social butterfly that you are."
"Capitalists and reactionaries who demonstrate a willingness to reenter society on equal footing should be given every opportunity to learn, grow, and eventually rejoin our community in peace."
"If you've paid your debt to society... there is zero reason why you cannot be fully integrated into society with every right."
"When somebody is on the outside and they're really fighting to change and be a productive citizen to society and be an example."
"So when you get back from that, aside from being on the news and everything, what are you trying to do in terms of a job or something like that?"
"What things highlighted that you seen with him when he touched the street?"
"His isolation made him weaker, he was in a fortress and he lost contact with all of his sources of power."
"Come back to the world of the living where we can love you and we can hear you."
"The terms on which we rejoined would be very different from the terms we rejected."
"This is mutual support, helping each other and reintegrating."
"Returning from the wild always helps you see modern life through fresh eyes."
"The process of rebuilding and reintegrating can be fraught with additional challenges, most of which are cultural and fairly obvious."
"Your next steps are very much about stepping out of a place of security and comfort and safety and accepting help, allowing yourself to receive help and stepping forwards into the world."
"For a long time, I'd wake up and I didn't know where I was. I'd talk to people who weren't there... I tried to get back into society, but I couldn't get into the rhythm of it."
"It really is hard for felons to reenter the system."
"He was lost in space, and now he's back, correct?"
"...returning citizens are important, you know? Do you want good neighbors or do you want barriers?"
"You need good people around you when you come out of prison."
"You can't just simply welcome a returning soldier back, there's a period of intense reintegration where you have to reintroduce a soldier to his or her humanity and that if you don't do that you're putting the entire society at risk."
"Once you're in the system, it's almost like, even once you're out, once you get released, it's almost like you have those shackles on you for life."
"I feel like I've been very out the loop and I'm really excited to get back into things."
"It was uh, the jail programs they had when you get out of prison like uh, you know uh, the wine guard, the union rescues, L.A. Mission, um, oh halfway house."
"Not only about certain jobs after prison, but also about starting a business after prison."
"But fast food is definitely a tough line of work to be getting into at any point in your life, especially after prison."
"When you leave prison sometimes you find yourself in that in that same feeling because you haven't fully acclimated back to society yet."
"For now, I'm going back to work, getting a place in the city, becoming a normal operating member of society."
"We would like to give him a feel that he can carry on being part of society, at least this gives him a chance."
"When we don't equip these men and women to re-enter back into society, they have no other choice but to do the only thing they knew they were good at."
"There was nothing for me when I got out. There was no program to where I could go down and sit with a counselor and okay, okay, what do you need right now to be successful in society?"
"I was released from prison in 2002, and I wanted to change the dynamics and hopefully create an avenue for other men when they came home."
"Over half a million people in the US leave prison every year and struggle to rebuild their lives on the outside."
"What do people need when they leave prison? From getting a job, to treating addiction, to finding support, everyone walks a different path on their journey to leave prison behind forever."
"It's time for you to pick up the bed and carry it and re-enter humanity."
"You're hard to access, even though you're rejoining the world."
"It feels great to be back and also really scary and strange which is totally fine."
"The family has successfully reintegrated into society and they are all leading relatively normal and happy lives."
"Following her success since divorce there is a chance that the royal family will realize the value of their lost princess and draw her back into the theater of monarchy."
"People getting out of prison is an untapped resource."
"I have two or three hundred children that got on paper that I can prove, that are accepted back in the public school system because of my workshops."
"It took a lot of guts for me to get out of prison, but going back in was, without a doubt, even harder to do."
"Some of them are lucky enough or sensible enough to be able to make an adjustment that can be useful to them when they enter the free world again."
"I was released from prison with a $25 check and a bus ticket and was told to go start my life over."
"Under idealism, death is the reintegration of your mind into the broader mind of nature; nothing's lost."
"After you've paid your debt to society, we often deprive you of your right to vote, which I think is wrong."
"You should be able to reenter society."
"She was able to reintegrate herself due to her strong connections with people."
"Your destiny is to come down from that isolated throne and reestablish yourself as part of the collective."
"In order to solve this problem, we have to reintegrate; in order to reintegrate, we have to look at the human being as a whole body-mind-spirit system."
"Once your number hits zero and you've grown, you get to leave and go back to the world a stronger and better person for it."
"Helping the offender not to offend again can be done by deterrence, compensation to retribution, and then later help by changing them and reintegrating them into society."
"The young offender must be prepared and helped to take his place again in society, and society must be prepared to accept him and absorb him."
"He wants to be back in the community; he wants to work hard and be a member of his family."
"Now it's your job to become a contributing member to society."
"You're helping people that are getting out of prison re-entry, getting people acclimated back into society."
"Anything that can help to properly reintegrate people into the workplace and broader society is something we should welcome."
"The longer you're away from a normal everyday person job, the harder it's going to be to reintegrate."
"The re-entry training must begin in prison to help people in custody prepare for the hardest part which is coming home with a solid reputation and a felony record."
"Gallant Few is an organization we support which helps service members come back from active duty deployments and get integrated back into society."
"These are fragmented pieces of yourself you're bringing them back home."
"Once they come home, they are now receive a stipend of funds to help them to transition back into society."
"It's a lot of peace and order; they teach you a lot of structure that you can bring back out here into the free world."
"Helping people reintegrate into society, helping people not go to prison, that's what I do."
"The people they are coming back to, whose lives are bound up with theirs, without their understanding, all that has been accomplished in the last few weeks can be torn down with it. Their return to life can be doubly swift and sure."
"The longer we hold someone, the more likely it is that they're going to recidivate and the more difficult it is for them to reintegrate back into society."
"Can individuals who have committed serious crimes truly change? What measures can society take to support their reintegration whilst safeguarding public scrutiny?"
"The doc touches on America's war on terror, the root causes of jihadist violence, the challenges of becoming a civilian again."
"If you want to give back to support, you should have some sort of connection with that manager in that facility to know who's coming out into society."
"If you truly have made a mistake and you take time out of your life to reflect on that mistake... I don't think there's any reason that you shouldn't be able to come back into society."
"Prison isn't even really the hardest part. It's the whole coming home after prison and really trying to get your shit together that's really the hardest part."
"Virtually all psychotherapeutic practices involve a reintegration of material that's been split off or repressed or dissociated."
"Most people come out of prison, they do need something to fall back on and get reacclimated to society."
"I guess gradually being forced back into the world, I started feeling a little more at ease."
"...then Divine punishment is going to be reintegrative; it's going to see sin as a breach in community and punishment is a mechanism for healing that breach."
"The harder we make it for people to reintegrate into society, the more people will go back to prison."
"Getting your life together outside of prison is really freaking hard, but it is not impossible."
"I'm doing my best to do it right in the presence of the world, and then the system don't prepare you to come home in no shape, form, or fashion."
"So long as they are willing to renounce violence and ties to al Qaeda and other extremist networks; that President Karzai should be able to work to reintegrate those individuals into Afghan society."
"He will not only successfully re-enter society, he will help others re-enter society."
"I finally feel like I can get up and get ready and eventually go back out into the real world."
"I really think he'll be a good fit to be back into the community."
"The support of your family counts for a lot when you get out."
"Returning Condor to Yurok ancestral territory is really bringing a member of our community, a member of our family home."
"The system deals with the child, children at risk, and children in conflict with the law which provides child-appropriate proceeding including programs, services for prevention, diversion, rehabilitation, and also the reintegration and aftercare."
"As my platform built, I felt it was my responsibility to help other prisoners who just got out and get their stories out there."
"We need to ensure that individuals who are trapped in the criminal justice system have a support structure so they can find their way back to society and not return to jail."
"I'm ready to go back to society and be there for my family."
"It just felt like this wonderful slow saturation back into the world."
"I had to transition back out to that other world, to learn how to be around other people again."
"We have to make sure that we rehabilitate these kids so they can get back into the mainstream of life."
"I want to enter back into society. I want to be a productive citizen. I want to care for others."
"You know, a year is a good amount of time; it was enough time for me to somewhat reacclimate myself back out into society."
"I think you should embrace every single person coming out of prison that is looking to change."
"Children go to like magical universe, think Narnia, and they come back and they are struggling to reintegrate in society."
"You're awakening, rejoining the world again, coming out of isolation."
"You're rejoining the world again and balancing yourself out."
"I don't see how you can go into the military, be programmed in the military to do what we do in the military, and come back out and not be different."