
Personal Interactions Quotes

There are 227 quotes

"I just really enjoy the senior population, getting to visit with people in their homes and really learning about their activities during the day."
"It's about not just how you look but how you treat them how you talk to them the energy that you bring to the table all of that needs to be maintained."
"You just talk to me, bro, as a regular person, like, 'What's going on with your life?'"
"What are you getting at? Why why are you doing all this [__]?"
"Kissing is more vulnerable than [__], it's your mouth, it's your tongue."
"Discount how somebody feels when they're in pain or when they're scared or when they're angry."
"It's almost every day that someone approaches me in a restaurant or at the airport or somewhere in public."
"It's about the personal relationships of these people and the love that they have or the hate that they have towards each other."
"They're just talking about it to other people, but if you were to mention it, they'd be like, 'I don't care.'"
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
"Most people hate it, even those who do it recognize they're always on eggshells."
"Every interaction in your life, every circumstance, perfectly serves the spiritual needs of the individuals involved."
"The people that I meet in real life are good people."
"Tony Braxton dragged David by his damn dreadlocks."
"I remember meeting her at that meet and greet, it was completely different, and even my parents picked up on it."
"Someone's gonna come on to you very strong by the way, like someone is gonna come on very strong to you."
"It's okay if you bore people... Decent people don't expect you to be perfect."
"Being nice does not work, being a dick, being an [__] and holding your ground and with a little bit of anger and rage goes a long way very long way."
"Be kind and loving. You'll have a good day, your wife will have a bad day. Your family will be up one day, they'll be down."
"New message and he feels the same way about you."
"Petty is my coping mechanism, so in your life if someone comes at you with some nonsense, y'all don't need the bottle of wine, you can pull up with the kettle and pour them a dose of mega petty."
"I just wanted to have this conversation because I did feel it was important."
"I don't know how to talk to a girl outside of the club like that like I don't like it's awkward to me..."
"Good things will come to you, and whoever you're dealing with, they're going to have to deal with their karma as well."
"This is to signify from the get-go that you have to earn my attention and my respect."
"This is a perfect example of Rapport building."
"I don't pretend to know anyone if I've never met them."
"When he saw me obviously start to get upset by what he said..."
"Different views and beliefs, the melting pot. Whenever you get a chance to go home into those people's cookouts or go to those the galas, you see why they believe what they believe and why they feel the way they feel."
"You need to be completely open and have communication."
"It wasn't that necessary for you to get that aggressive."
"Those are my favorite interactions. I gotta earn it."
"An unexpected call, a text, a knock on the door, an email. Somebody wants to connect with you."
"I actually hung out with Leon first when I played the game."
"Choose to believe that Demi Lovato just wanted to tell Taylor how much she likes her music."
"I specifically asked you out on stream one day I said mainly here because I was told not to talk to you so I couldn't help myself but uh here we are."
"But you're at a different level so okay so you're at Coachella and I know that I saw you guys hanging out you're hanging out with a lot of people who are there on the bill."
"That sweater feels like I've come to your house and you're ready, like you've opened your mind up to me. It seems like we're on a more human, you know, level rather than like an objective specimen level. Does that make sense?"
"It is not a hopeless thing. This is why when I sit down with other people..."
"At least the chances of something embarrassing happening have gone down drastically."
"Be careful with overstepping boundaries; many are infatuated with you."
"Shoutout to everybody I met in Phoenix, you guys were amazing."
"Nice guys finish last, yeah, no one cares about the nice guy."
"Some of the greatest people I've met in my life, they were quiet. And when I met them, I began to speak with them beyond me. I was shocked at the mystery of God that was upon their mouth."
"Your cup of coffee. If I'm talking to you, why the heck are you on your phone? Yeah, that is the most disrespectful thing, you know what?"
"Boom, I'm in your face, you know? Gotta be ready for that."
"Despite my best efforts to talk him down... the encounters I had with basil were the only times I'd ever been griefed."
"What is your impression of me based on tonight?"
"Diplomacy? Oh, I'm so sorry Chum, I didn't know it was you."
"I think it adds a little bit of spice to things. I enjoy having Ian on to push back and for me to push back on it."
"When a woman puts you under pressure, remember women bluff to test your strength."
"When it comes to the way you interact with individuals, you are so conscious of other people's needs."
"Even just that alone, that makes someone's day."
"Every time I ever see you, I just want to know who it works out for. Give me one example of something that we know that it happened."
"You got a wife? I don't want to be snatched bald in the parking lot."
"There's not a definitive moment where I feel like I've won. I love the experiences, the interactions I have with amazing people."
"The tension is released. Oh, I just said, 'Yes, baby,' that's all I said."
"Our personal comedy, the way that we would interact with each other."
"This is someone that is very attracted to you. They're trying to get your attention. They're trying to have some form of victory here."
"Your relationship with this person is not predictable."
"Absolutely beautiful thank you very much indeed has melanoma come to congratulate me on my new badge and she's ran away okay well see you later."
"It's always like some drama, and it's very funny."
"I literally just woke up to talk to Tom Warren. Tom, how you doing?"
"There's no substitute for meeting someone face to face. You can see their physicality, feel their vibe."
"Do they compliment people when it's deserved and not just to get something?"
"what's next in her head right now she just texts me unsolicited about a couple weeks ago I was like hey hey uh I got out of the gate kind of slow"
"People won't remember what you said... they'll always remember how you made them feel."
"I'm so glad you bit that bullet, dude. I'm so glad."
"Every client interaction you have is just like you would be making a friend or meeting a future boyfriend or a girlfriend."
"You know when to catch me, huh? Holy moly, huh?"
"I think it's much kinder to tell someone your honest opinion."
"Privacy focus, not likes and comments and followers, but it's about real friends, real interactions."
"Consequences: Every time they do X, it results in Y."
"I'd love to get Gordon out in person at some point when it's possible to do that again and do some kind of head-to-head battle or something."
"They're patiently waiting for you to notice them because they have definitely noticed you, and that is why they are checking you out on social media."
"I respect somebody setting boundaries like that."
"We've been telling most lines about how fancy the house is when she comes back."
"I try to conduct myself in a way that people have a positive uh interaction."
"Every time I see him he starts talking about their pandemic."
"It's the little things like that that people don't do anymore that kind of stuff and it's those little things that give people joy."
"Mark Hanson would proposition Elizabeth time and time again, and allegedly she turned him down every time."
"That was my first thing, to like do something stupid to make someone laugh."
"Accept what people show you; don't argue with someone's truth."
"The only thing you accomplish when telling someone they're short is just making them mad."
"I've been one of the more understanding people who can find reasons to counterbalance any kind of personality issues they have operational issues with what fantastic unique rare players they are."
"It's deep as [__] when you dealing with Adam Deuce."
"Even in my own grand adventures it's not the successes that I tend to remember, it's the moment-to-moment talking and meeting with people."
"It's not your job to make people... fuck with you off of you being yourself."
"Maybe stop trying to bulldoze us and dismiss our emotions like you have done on this stage."
"They're very overwhelmed when someone demonstrates a lot of rushing or out of control emotions."
"To meet these people in person is such an experience, just seeing them. It's great to see them on video but when you see them in person you can just feel the energy, you can see their shine."
"What you do but they remember how you made them feel."
"Yuki leans in and shares with Duke that he has some afternoon commitments to attend to."
"He recognized that I like to make a lot of dirty jokes... he would always dial it up to 500%."
"I don't usually confront people about it either, and such as was in this case I did not confront anyone, I was confronted and I answered."
"I like getting complimented, I like being praised."
"When you treat someone like a celebrity, they will then treat you like a fan."
"It's okay to compliment people for being special. It costs nothing to show them love."
"Every interaction I have seeps down into my subconscious mind, so I better make sure that it's a good one."
"Let me at least they give her a chance to say whatever she needs to say. I'm gonna try to make her feel better, and I did."
"Your relationship with them is going to branch off in different ways."
"You might get mad, you might get frustrated, you might want to beat up Skylar."
"I just want to make sure that I'm kind to everybody I run into."
"Planting seeds is simple things. It's giving words of compliments, it's giving attention, it's giving flowers, it's spending time together, it's being nice to each other."
"You just insulted him, the little Texas thing you got on your hand."
"It's amazing... Black Panther means so much to so many people."
"I love doing it and I think one of the things that I love about it is that you have these incredible encounters with people."
"Whenever someone has come up to me or said to me, 'Oh my gosh you're so talented,' I have found that to be a great compliment."
"It usually cause the rest of them to leave you the hell alone."
"Oh, you look nice, right? But then if you go, 'Ah, you look ugly,' they know obviously that they're not ugly... That's the type of stuff that Gio can take."
"Life's not that hard, bro. You know how Evan, we joke like he's always angry about stuff and he's complaining about? Every time I go, 'You think you're gonna be alright?' And guess what the answer is every time he goes, 'Yeah.'"
"If someone responds to you messing up their pronouns in a snappish or harsh way, it's more about their insecurities and not really about you."
"I mean, you know, right or wrong, you know, you gotta address things right away."
"I could have sworn when we first met this kid..."
"So I said something like, 'I'm so sorry I'm being so nuts' and then I was like, 'I've been trapped in rooms and lived with women who have killed their own children, so I can handle you, Whitney. We are cool.'"
"The more conversation you have with them, interaction... they push you more."
"Compliment women on their behavior and character, not just their looks."
"It takes a lifetime to build trust between a person, but a second to break it."
"It's lovely to see you. Yeah, whatever your adventures may take you today, remember what I said, alright? Most people would pay a pretty penny for life advice and wisdom like that. Yes, I'm giving."
"I buy from the person, not the product. That will always tell me something more."
"I have never had an incident where I felt like their nationality was an issue."
"Well, you were the dumb today, tomorrow probably me again but today Rex's smart."
"You might have a girlfriend or a boyfriend or a husband or a wife or a mother-in-law and they trigger the [ __ ] out of you."
"Cocky is what you call it when my confidence runs into your insecurity."
"Especially the relationship I have with my brother...constantly trying to make each other laugh."
"If she locks the door and it's just the two of you, it's a sign. Just don't move too fast. Take a breath."
"I just really want to be so obvious, I don't want to be guessing."
"Danny took one look at me and called up Hiro Matsuda."
"My meeting with Wilbur was pretty easy, really easy clap."
"You don't have to agree all the time. I like a little pushback. Makes things really interesting."
"Once I see that you're jealous of me, you're insecure, it's not a good word, it's not a happy word."
"Baseline of not just x amount of take and y amount of give."
"I just love knowing, because I was working there, like you said, you're working at the spotlight, I was working there, and if I saw somebody, I was like, 'I [] with your [] man.'"
"It's less about the words, more about the vibe."
"Expiration date does end with some hope for Scout where they do kind of agree to go on a date."
"Most things aren't personal, especially personal insults."
"I try not to categorize people. I just try to protect energy."
"The real highlight is there are people that surprise you."
"It's okay, not everyone's going to like everyone."
"For some of you, your twin is trying to one-up you... it's really weird energy because for some of you they're gonna do it... offering to other options or entertaining other options..."
"The reality is most people aren't going to like you, want to be your friend, or even talk to you. That's just reality."
"That's great. That's not sag setting that that is a relationship and a conversation."
"Rakiki is apparently the same dude that kind of touched him and made him feel a certain type of way."
"When someone has read receipts on, they will intentionally not open your message."
"That was amazing, yo dude, that was amazing!"
"If a Cancer has a crush on you it's not gonna be terribly obvious... but if you do happen to realize they have a crush on you they might make a lot of jokes with you."
"If anyone ever laughs in a negative way about something you say, that's the red flag."
"People can't be too nice to me for me to Value them."
"It's important to have honest conversations."
"I just wanted to talk to her, like remember how I tell you there was just a sense in me, like a feeling in me where I was like I need to chat to her."
"Around high quality people, you actually don't need to maintain the halo effect quite as much."
"I knew she wasn't telling the truth, I mean come on, give me a break."
"It's about the connections that you make, it is about the feelings that you have."
"Just play, my guy; you're a disaster, my guy."
"There is nothing more sexy in the world than someone giving you a hug and stepping back and saying, 'Damn, you smell good.'"
"Don't be super professional around me all the time."
"You're giving them love, you're giving them anger, you're giving them frustration, you're giving them all these things, and they revel in it."
"I hate that people feel like they have to tell you they don't like you."
"Let's just go ahead and be 100% honest with each other."
"How you made them feel is really, really important."
"A slap? Hands down, is one of the biggest disrespects you can give a man."
"It's not every day you get a ride with Bob Gurr."
"Every place, every person I talk to, everything I do, I'm leaving something. And that's important in life."
"Don't judge people by their work. Just enjoy the person you're with, not what this person does."
"They don't want you to move on, they don't want you to interact with other people."
"I thought you were about it so dude who so you believe because I asked him about the wings and he told me he didn't so I had to find out from Ben."
"People are gonna like me, people are gonna not like me... but I just wanted to squash them so that, you know, maybe somebody can come around to the other side and just hear me out."
"Sometimes you do have to get a little bit rackaraga on them, but it works."
"He had that extraordinary knack of relaxing people to be themselves."
"Why would you shake his hand? Spit in his face."
"Most critically it is about the pressure on him and what the direct conversations he had with the president."
"He said, 'That's yours for the Tupperware, darling.'"
"I feel like usually I like to start from the beginning with people"
"You deserve better relationships, and that means having actual conversations with actual humans."
"But if I don't find a funny way to tell you to sit on the blanket and take your shoes off and don't turn that this way and what does it mean when you're squinting and all these whatever things I I had to make a joke out of it."
"I've come to cherish the moments I spend with the people I'm close to, knowing that they're aware of my personal quirks."
"You know you've got a sweet rifle when the guy who just kicked your patootie turns around and says, 'Man, that's a sweet rifle.'"
"I've seen parts of the UK that I never knew existed and I've seen history of beautiful landscapes and met some really lovely people."
"I feel like we might have made a friend from a hater to a friend."
"I remember when you gave me three donations over a hundred dollars altogether."
"I tend to do that when I'm with them, I just have not found the time or way yet."
"Relationships are messy. Sometimes they’re toxic."
"You definitely pull out the truth in people."
"That little gesture can really change someone's life."
"As long as you respect me and I respect your opinion, we're good."
"You meet these guys you cannot dislike them they're just lovely guys you know."
"What a legend, right? That'll do it for the next five hours."
"I had to be careful um I never met Lance I'm sure he's a nice guy."
"Wow, you're just really throwing down those things."
"Do not answer your enemies' loaded questions."
"Well, it's funny because some of the times you said talkie then, I'm like, I'm waiting for him to do it."
"What you call someone tells you so much about the relationship."
"It's okay for you to enjoy people's presence."
"Dylan is the only person who could get butthurt over team everyone."
"The truth is the truth, you shouldn't come to him if you can't handle it."
"Energy is something that you cannot ever to lie about and the energy in which your Z gives out is not good."
"This person feels like you're a handful... It's like they're looking past whatever drama occurred between the two of you."
"Thank you, bro, sorry [__] got to me in the chat."
"Every big celebrity I've ever met has been so kind. If you can be nice, I can be nice."
"One of the compliments I've always gotten consistently from men is they'll say baby why you always taste so good."