
Political Concern Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"The problem is, when you take the authoritarian structure that Trump came to represent and built around himself, and you hand that to somebody who looks good in pictures, that's terrifying."
"We are in fascism watch; we have all the ingredients for fascism."
"I think that the rise of strongmen authoritarians around the world is very worrying."
"A second Civil War, that's a phrase that should frighten you."
"If it dies in America that's the beginning of the end."
"What worries me most is the quality of leadership today."
"Your right to vote, even our democracy is on the ballot."
"We've crossed a line here that is extraordinarily dangerous for the future."
"This is incredibly damning and very very worrisome."
"Now America, on both sides, people are concerned about the integrity of our country, the integrity of the system this country is built upon."
"It's a very dark day for American democracy."
"Most Americans believe that American democracy is currently under threat."
"I'm upset and upset for the United States of America that many of my friends who live overseas... I can't believe that a former president of the United States has been indicted."
"We have a real problem with the health of our democracy."
"Our Founders never contemplated that you would have someone so utterly contemptible present themselves for the highest office."
"If we don't have these safe options then we can absolutely count on Trump to do all manner of anti-democratic power grabs."
"I believe he is a threat to my country and to the American Constitution."
"This trial should concern every American regardless of political affiliation."
"I'm worried about what's going to happen under Biden."
"Scary as hell. Frank Luntz sounds alarm on nearly half of Americans saying losing candidates should not accept election results."
"If Donald Trump loses the election, there will never be a peaceful transfer of power."
"Just what is it that the Democrats are so worried about?"
"I'm really worried that we're going to start to see a repeat of 2014 to 2016."
"Apparently the White House is literally freaking out, that's like a literal quote, freaking out."
"Threats to democracy as the top voter concern."
"The new Emir began with a reformist zeal that had the royal families of surrounding Gulf states worried."
"This is the biggest threat to our democracy since the civil war."
"I'm very worried about mail-in voting because I think it's subject to tremendous fraud and being rigged."
"Every day it's like they're driving the country closer to a political and judicial cliff."
"If you care about this country and a free press, today should have sickened you."
"The only other thing I'm worried about... they're not going to stop with Alex Jones, they're gonna go after a whole bunch of other people."
"As a general matter no matter who owns or runs twitter the president has long been concerned about the power of large social media platforms uh what they have that power they have over our everyday lives."
"This is the most concerned I've ever been about the potential for nuclear escalation."
"Everybody needs to be concerned with earning our vote."
"There is no bottom. He will only get worse. He'll never concede. He'll do anything to stay in power."
"Politicians are worried that if you set a precedent."
"We are afraid Hong Kong will be like any other city in China." - Hong Kong protester
"Donald Trump is sparking fears among those who understand the inner workings of the Pentagon that he would convert the nonpartisan US military into the muscular arm of his political agenda..."
"President Biden is facing a disaster with young voters, increasing fears among Democrats that they are in danger of losing a generation if he doesn't improve his standing with Generation Zed."
"The number of democracies in the world has begun to drop dramatically."
"The reason why I care is because I think there's been a lot of downplaying of January 6 and it makes me sick."
"She's concerned... risks disenfranchising thousands of voters."
"You just don't want all three branches of government involved in a coup-like movement."
"Where is our country? Where is anyone in our country on a federal level that gives a crap about our country?"
"I don't know if I even really fully believed it but I'd say Venezuela. We would indeed become Venezuela."
"They're very worried about losing the Hispanic vote."
"A sitting president of the United States worried about the Democratic operatives."
"He's saying you shouldn't have the right to speak your mind... it's worrying."
"National unity without addressing underlying issues is worrisome."
"You don't have to agree with them about everything or anything at all in order to be very very troubled at the prospect the possibility that people are being put on a no-fly list because of their political viewpoints."
"Think seriously about his mental condition and psychological state. Then tell me you’re fine with him as president of the United States for an additional four years."
"So to be concerned that the Russians are messing with presidential campaigns was a legitimate concern."
"Let me be clear, as I listen to that press conference, it's infuriating."
"It's dangerous for our country... incredibly dangerous."
"Worry is not an adequate expression of how fearful I am of the possibility of him becoming president."
"Even Barack Obama is concerned and sees a threat about cancel culture."
"Now that is obviously insanely sketchy during an election year in the US and also terrifying for a bunch of other internet-related reasons."
"If this law goes through, it is a potentially fatal blow to Israel's democracy."
"Biden needs a cognitive exam now to determine his fitness for office."
"The American people should be terrified by the prospect that the leading candidate for the Republican party is the twice impeached former president of the United States."
"The basic freedoms that we've enjoyed for a long time are being not only chipped away at but I think deeply hit right now in ways that a lot of people never saw possible."
"The answer to that question hangs the future of the country we love so much and the fate of the democracy."
"We cannot afford to have 40 years of a 6-3 far-right conservative judicial system."
"The audience recognizes a grave threat to American democracy."
"He's a clear and present danger to our democracy. I just can't hold that. I cannot hold that in."
"This is one of the most important things going on in our country right now."
"This strain of tyranny of this kind of fascist mindset."
"One of the most important issues on the minds of American people is losing our democracy and the need to protect our democracy."
"People would be legitimately concerned if he did, in fact, work with the Russians."
"Experts and the Biden administration are sounding the alarm about how media misinformation from Facebook to Fox News is part of what's driving this."
"And listen to the fact that people in this party are very worried that Biden's not the right person."
"If corporations want to usurp the power to make law and policy, you have got a serious issue there."
"I'm so scared they're gonna ruin [__] Texas. It's like a three percent election."
"I have a concern for the state of the republic and pluralism and the future of this country, and it is real."
"Why is our government so intensely worried and believe they have total control of Ukraine?"
"It's horrifying to me and it's scary that it's happening in front of us and a lot of people aren't saying anything." - Republican House Candidate
"Even if you don't plan to vote for Donald Trump, the destruction of our democracy should keep you up at night."
"Democracy is at risk, it's kind of an understatement."
"The right is at least worrisome on the issue of restricting speech."
"We're deeply concerned by the Belarus presidential election."
"We serve, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us."
"If you're somebody that has significant wealth, you've got to be thinking, 'Hey, this government is going to get crazier and crazier as time goes on.'"
"We're in a struggle for the survival of democracy in America."
"Why are you taking my dad's health care away?"
"Stunning revelations: America's top military officer was so concerned former president Trump might spark a war with China."
"There is a universal concern in Parliament about Asic."
"The most terrifying phenomenon I think going on in the world right now is what's happening in the Republican party."
"Our freedom is under the biggest threat that it's been in all this time."
"We cannot take that chance, our kids' futures, our grandchildren's futures are dependent on not letting this country go full commie."
"It's very troubling because it basically dilutes the voice of the lawful voter."
"The real worry here isn't just that Trump sounds like an authoritarian, it's that many people in this country like the way that sounds."
"My biggest fear is a third term which will be a cool on the Constitution because the Constitution is very rigid."
"...white Christian nationalism, in particular, is everybody's problem. Something that should concern us all—liberal or conservative, Christian or secular—because it is authoritarian, anti-democratic, and conspiratorial."
"So, we have a lot of inequality. There's no question, and this certainly motivates...I think it's hard to look at facts like this regardless of your political stripe and not worry."
"Democracy is in danger in Israel."
"Everywhere democracy is under threat."
"The fear of what Putin is doing and what he might do next should be animating Western politics on a scale that we are not even close to properly talking about."
"The alliance between the two great Greek powers was a cause of concern in the Senate."
"I'm a little bit concerned because I don't think that I've ever seen as much of a divisive campaign as much pointed hatred."