
Relationship Milestones Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"There was the moment that I knew I wanted to propose, but then there was also the moment where I knew that I [__] up by not proposing."
"My girlfriend did the sweetest thing for my brother, and now I know she's the one."
"Our first time was honestly really special and I do really love it."
"It's truly amazing to see the growth and evolution of your relationship."
"I would do both proposals. Like you do yours and then I'll do mine. That way you both get to say what you wanted to."
"Meeting you is a major turning point in their life."
"First time someone tells you they love you and they mean it, it just, it's so [__] powerful."
"Listening to Perfect is like watching the time capsule of two soul mates as the throat tightening lyrics equally fit both the moment they met and the moment they say 'I do'."
"After all these years we're together, what we achieved… I think I said, 'I love you.'"
"Someone is going to text you or call you a very loving message. Reconciliation, happy good times, marriage proposals."
"It's our wedding anniversary as well, married seven days today!"
"It turns out, Akira plans to give the most beautiful gift to Hinana on her birthday."
"There's gonna be marriage here for some of you, there's a new beginning and love."
"Your marriage partner or business partner might have a major fulfillment or completion."
"But when we got married, we decided we didn't want to tell anyone or make a big deal about it until we had a wedding."
"Moving in together, oh my god, we're taking the big frickin' step."
"We have all been there since the beginning of Corey's and Eric's relationship...we welcomed her into our family and treated her as one of us."
"They were ready to start their lives together."
"Your first night together is also gonna be the day where you tell each other that you love each other."
"Most first kisses are awkward but this is anything but."
"You could be getting married, you could be getting in a very serious committed something relationship with someone."
"It's our two-year anniversary, can you believe it?"
"If I were to ever actually propose, it would be like a super romantic, cliched nonsense."
"Major future dates may hold significance for your connection, including potential milestones like marriage or children."
"Last she's gotten married. Is that closure now? Yes, that's closure."
"In a touching moment, Oliver and Chloe share a kiss."
"I'll go get you another ring. This is a good place to do it."
"Approaching mile markers in our relationships—it's the moment of truth."
"You two are coming up on another milestone of connecting. You have deep roots."
"They want to make a tangible commitment to you, like moving in together, getting engaged, maybe even having a baby. They want all of that. They're very devoted. They're not gonna let go of this."
"We're starting the process of our engagement checking it out. This is the first official start of the engagement. It's so exciting."
"For some people, it's about getting married."
"A culmination point of an important relationship for you."
"Wedding, and it's this situation involves marriage or perhaps just a higher level of commitment."
"Ryan did it, became boyfriend and girlfriend and engaged all in the same night."
"Something unexpected, the four of Wands marriage commitment."
"We watched you fall in love, ask her to marry, say yes to him."
"We're now thinking we might get married next year, we're not sure."
"The fact that she asked me to be her boyfriend already let me know that I've already checked off all the boxes."
"Fell fast I'm going to say within the first two weeks he said you know that he was falling in love and this and that"
"It's important to me to meet the parents immediately after being serious with someone."
"This is so thoughtful because we actually came to this hotel on Cameron's 21st, and I said on my 21st I wanted to come here. But we ended up doing something else. But now that you're here on our anniversary, I'm so excited."
"I've been living with my boyfriend for about a month now and things are going really well. In fact, my boyfriend is now my fiance."
"Moving in together is a huge step, honestly, I think it's even bigger than getting married."
"Our main purpose in life is to hit it off with someone, date for a few years, get married, and live happily ever after."
"The third date is the most crucial date."
"We had our first road trip together."
"He wants you to meet his friends and family... it is typically a great sign."