
Spiritual Inquiry Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Consider this about his book: what if it were possible to have a conversation with Jesus and ask him anything you could think of?"
"You need to ask our Father God, 'Father, what are my gifts?'"
"What drives people to believe in religious and spiritual faith?"
"The question is what is your personal relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ?"
"How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?"
"The soul, what it is, what it does, where it comes from, how long it lasts, etc., it is a timeless well."
"What I want you to ask yourself this morning is this: God, by the life that I'm living, am I pure salt? Am I really making a difference?"
"What would you want your spirit to look like?"
"Do I really believe that God wants to do this through me?"
"Some of you have the Holy Ghost but you was taught by some no-good rotten liar."
"How can we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?"
"God does not mind our doubt as long as we are seeking answer from God in the midst of that doubt."
"Would you have the courage today to say, 'God, what would you have me to do?'"
"Does he affirm like attributes... does he believe in a greater power?"
"What if there is some kind of signal or whatever is happening spiritually that could turn these sharks on?"
"If you really want to know if He's real, I encourage you to open your mouth and say, 'God, if you're real, reveal yourself to me.'"
"God probes us, asking questions to make us think out loud."
"Universe, I'm available to you. What would you have me do? What do you need from me?"
"Every human is actually looking for God; they don't know where to find him or how to find him most of the time, but they're seeking God."
"Gateway of the Mind: in 1983, a team of scientists set out to prove the existence of God hypothesizing that if a test subject was deprived of all of their senses they would be able to feel the presence of God or some other Divine figure."
"There are those who are not Christians but are asking all the right questions about what's happening in the world."
"There's so much I don't want to try and unpack it. I simply said to her, 'Have you ever wondered what God might think about you?'"
"If I answered all your objections to your satisfaction, would you submit your life to Jesus or recognize God as your creator?"
"Could this really be true? Could there really be a God who loves me? Could Jesus of Nazareth really be the revelation of God to mankind?"
"God is not offended by you asking for confirmation."
"Are you sure that God loves you... a hundred percent sure?"
"What have you done with your gifts from God?"
"I wanted to figure out how are these people coming through."
"The Christian faith wasn't just answering the intellectual questions but also began to answer some of the existential issues."
"Would you be willing to make it your Endeavor to Simply know and love God?"
"God, what is the impossible that is possible for me? What is the impossible that can happen because you gave me eyes to see?"
"My question to you tonight is have you ever understood the Gospel?"
"Are we living in the Judgment hour right now?"
"What did you get saved from and what did you get saved to? What does it mean to be saved?"
"...I guess my question today is like in terms of Sur what do you think your alabaster jar would be."
"I began to look at scripture and said Jesus how did you do it? How was it that you could walk down a street and people would run after you?"
"Does He interact? When I pray does He answer me?"
"Tell me, Bishop, is there some way my family could learn about your church?"
"What if there isn't anything else that you need to do to awaken?"
"How does Jesus see this? What does the Lord want us to do?"
"If you've ever wondered if spirits are real and what they can teach us, then do we have the show for you."
"We should ask God, 'What does this verse mean to you? How can I apply it to my life?'"
"How have you responded to Jesus Christ?"
"The teachings of the Upanishads are not linear; it's not as if truth is there and you have to go and find it, it's here, so how do you find it out? That's the question."
"The Mundaka Upanishad consists of two kinds of inquiries: the first inquiry is an inquiry into the self, and the second one is an inquiry into Om."
"Holy Spirit, can I know you? Can you be my friend?"
"I'm only trying to find out what God is."
"The Word of God has the answers to your questions."
"When the wind turns and asks in my father's voice, 'Have you prayed?' I know three things: one, I'm never finished answering to the dead."
"Are you a born again child of God?"
"Now what things can there be of greater moment and importance for men to know or God to reveal than the nature of God in ourselves, the state and condition of our souls, the only way to avoid eternal misery and enjoy everlasting bliss?"
"So I asked my pendulum if she had a spirit or something attached to her a few years ago, and it said yes."
"What is God's will not just for us individually but what is God's will in itself?"
"What if it's not God? That's the wrong question. What if it is?"
"If you want to find out what the truth about sikhi is, then go to gurusa directly."
"Why is God hidden from us? That's a question that believers have been grappling with for millennia."
"Finally, there must be spiritual inquiry which will lead to knowledge, and that knowledge alone will set us free."