
Centering Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Centering is the act of gathering all of the sporadic energy around you and bringing it back into a unified state."
"Eyes watching your breath have an absolutely simple default method of getting yourself back to center and that point of stillness that's going to be crucial."
"It's really important for you to come back to your center and keep focusing on you."
"You're coming back to your center, loving yourself fully. You're thriving despite circumstances."
"Starting your day with meditation or prayer, putting yourself in a peaceful state, getting centered again."
"The universe wants to bring you back to center."
"Inhale reach, exhale bring everything back to center."
"All you needed to do was get centered and heal."
"Just find that center, that connection, that grounding."
"I think that for me, home is where we're definitely centered."
"To make it something visceral, the things that I teach in my classes with this is what I refer to as zero point centering."
"Because everything else felt like at a place, yeah, and scattered and shifting and shattered and all over the place and there was no centering, no grounding in my brain or my life, what it felt like."
"...even just doing that little thing and just doing the head bop I've got off for a second yeah and I felt it and I go oh okay it made me kind of turn back around and find the the center again yep and that's I felt it immediately that's the key..."
"Align your head over your heart, your heart over your pelvis. Recenter."
"We pulled a Taiga in the last one. Look at that centering difference."
"You want to make sure it's equally centered and you have enough tufting cloth on all sides to stretch it properly once it's fixed."
Do you have a reference system? Do you have a reference sound, a reference thing you kind of go back to and go, "Okay, I gotta center myself again"?
"In moments of stress or anxiety, prayer can be a powerful tool to protect our energy and help us feel more centered."
"I counted to 20 and started reciting the elements of the periodic table to center myself."
"It helps me center myself for the day. I'm a big believer in having a gratitude practice."
"The structuralist rejection of all ontological and epistemological centers is followed by their own structure as a new center."
"Come and be centered in Christ and be centered in love."
"You're being asked to ground yourself. Go outside and plant your feet on the ground and enjoy the centering feeling that brings."
"Utilize your breath, draw the navel in towards the midline."
"Grounding and centering is the first and most important exercise that you should become familiar with before doing any magic."
"Bring your hands through heart center."
"Breathing is such a big part of being able to find your center again."
"Already starting to open into the hips and just allow yourself a few breaths of stillness here, closing the eyes, just allowing everything to focus to center."
"Balance has a lot to do with how well you can connect into your centre."
"It's important to tune in and re-center."
"Visualize sending your breath to the center region of the body in front of the hips."
"Avoid putting stuff dead center in the image."
"Inhaling, reaching up, and then exhaling, draw the hands down through the center line."
"Press into your feet, inhale reach your arms up, exhale hands to your heart."
"Let's relax to the center, pause, feel your body."
"I feel like that could just be something that could really help you like center your mind."
"Find your balance, find your center."
"Root down to reach up, lengthen, and exhale the hands to your heart."
"Get back into your breath from wherever you are, draw the navel in."
"Reach your arms to the sky, look up, exhale, draw your palms together in front of your heart."
"That's a wonderful way to find your center on any given day by having a really clear beginning."
"Keep breathing, connecting to center body, and hopefully carrying that with you for the rest of the day."
"Stand tall, lift the crown of your head towards the ceiling, and connect with your center."
"We were able to find our way back to the center."
"Unwind to your place of power, to your center."
"The thing that we need the most is actually to just slow down, slow down, and come back to stillness, come back to center."
"You gotta have something that brings you to your center, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's that thing that reminds you, it brings you back to your center."
"As we go, we get closer and closer to the center and come back to ourselves."
"...dwell in stillness and exhilaration at this great center."
"Now we are going to start styling this where we have it all centered."
"Whenever I felt a little out of control, a little overwhelmed, I would always go to Zen habits to center myself."
"Ripples in a pond, if you start trying to gather those ripples, no way, you got no chance, you got to start with a strong center."
"The basic principle that I follow is bringing everything into the center point of the vehicle."
"Just getting back to this perspective is a good grounding, centering, anchoring thing for me."
"I speak about this quite a lot but when we connect with our breathing, it just helps to center ourselves just a little bit."
"Good, release it, come back to the center."
"Flexbox allows us to properly center items, which apparently is one of the hardest things in web development."
"The age-old problem of not being able to properly center things has been solved for us."
"Breath is really interesting when it comes to emotion and feeling too; it helps you center and helps you focus."
"This work centers me and connects me to God and gratitude better than anything."
"We need to be in the center of this object before we start sketching."
"Take a deep breath in, and bow to the sacred center within your heart."
"These are the things that tap us into ourselves, recenter ourselves, and ground us."
"The work is really about getting back to ourselves, getting back into center."
"Find your center, promise yourself, dedicate yourself to a daily spiritual practice."
"Draw your navel in towards your spine, bring the leg back to center."
"The pelvis is the center of our body and yoga refers to it as Hara; everything else originates out of there."
"Inhale, exhale, let's draw the hands to the heart."
"By using this time to let yourself relax, you come back to your center, come back to a place of stillness."
"Your energy and awareness are condensing into a pearl just below the navel in the center of the body."
"Breathe into both hands, breathing into the belly, breathing into the heart."
"Hands to your heart center, Surya Namaskar."
"Everything is about using the center to create power."
"Take a few deep breaths to regain your center."
"We’re more concerned with moving towards the center of our being which is God."
"Maybe you just need something that's casual, something that's helping you ground, something that's helping you find center."
"Use this time to stretch to breathe and to recenter, right?"
"See if you can continue to try to come to the middle, the middle of your body left to right and the middle of your body front to back."
"Inhale back up to center, exhale twist open to the other side."
"Feel your breath expanding from your center."
"Exhale hands to your heart center."
"Keep the mind calm, inhale back to the center, exhale again stabilize."
"Inhale the arms overhead, Palms come together, exhale through Heart Center, just regaining your Center."
"We were taking the magic path that's supposed to lead travelers down an empty and endless path that leads back to the center."
"Take a moment to tune in and connect to your breath."
"Feel your mind and your body starting to relax into the center."
"Feel your breath, feel your body, take a moment to just kind of center yourself."
"Find that connection to your core, your center."
"Focus on the center and use your breath to control the movement."
"Feel the power of the quad lifting up from the ground and the abdominal wall drawing in towards your center."
"We're going to define the center point of our canvas."
"If we center the hoop, the needle in the hoop on the machine, the design is centered."
"This is a really cool and quick way of centering things in the center of the page."
"I love the being in your center, finding that center, holding that center, actively moving forward, seeing the world as your mirror."
"Let's really practice moving from center."
"Inhale, reach those arms all the way up, take an exhale, hands to heart center."
"One way to increase interpretability would be to center the mastery goals variable."
"Exhale, draw the hands through prayer at center line, thumbs to heart center."
"Take one more deep breath in here, and as you exhale, release the gaze back to center."
"Finding that center, finding that strength, so we're doing it in a conscious and controlled way."
"Find that engagement, that power through your center, own it."
"Let yourself get centered in your child's pose."
"You have to be aware of the center to find the balance."
"You're finding your center, you're finding your Zen."
"Turn back, dull earth, and find thy center out."
"I think the Bonanza 3 is great for centering tight cores."
"Find your body one more time, find your center, go back to your breathing."
"Use your breath, use your yoga practice to find ways to bring you back to your center."
"Universe above, earth below, and you in the very center."
"Come up to sit, bring your hands into prayer, bring your third eye into your fingertips."
"When you throw a pot of clay, you put your two elbows here on your hip, and you find your center."
"Let's bring this to the center of the page."
"Meditation is one of the reasons how you can center yourself."
"Come back to your breath and your center."
"Feel the fullness of your breath around your ribs, your upper back, emptying your breath at the pit of your belly."
"Stand tall, balance up over your ankles, join your palms together, close your eyes, center yourself."
"Breathe in, breathe out, thinking of breathing right into the navel center."
"Take deep breaths in, deep breaths out, to bring you back to center."
"Letting yourself come into your center, come into your body, breathing deeply."
"Stay tethered to your center, where you can be the mediator, simply observe. Thoughts flow in, thoughts flow out."
"Stand up nice and tall, reach your hands over your head, exhale, draw them down to your heart center."
"Inhale root down to rise all the way up, exhale hands to heart."
"Always a good place to reset, to come back into yourself, no matter what has happened on the mat."
"I find it very calming and centering."
"The center is really your six inch star. Beautiful."
"I love this move for recentering your energy."
"Feel that power and that openness from your center all directions."
"Your time right now is really important because it's about centering yourself."
"Centering in a Flexbox is really, really simple; it's just 'justify-content: center'."
"Be the eye in the storm, not identifying with the storm."
"Find that center of peace, relaxation."
"You're just coming back to self, coming back to center, learning to love yourself again."
"Releasing all negativity like storm clouds from your body, centering yourself, embracing harmony."
"As with all yoga, we'll begin by finding a centered place within ourselves and finding the breath."
"Press yourself back up to center, right away over to the other side."
"Being in nature grounds you, it centers you."
"Exhale, slowly bring your hands back down towards your heart."
"Go to center if you get scared or worried, remind yourself you are an eternal being, you don't need to be afraid."
"Once you find your center, that balance will come."
"Take a few deep breaths and exhale the tension you have built up in your body, let the stress go as you come back to your center."
"You are being asked to center yourself to anchor yourself in the spiritual awareness of this ending."
"I've been patient, I've been waiting, I've been finding my center."
"Let's bring the thumbs into heart center; we'll connect into the breath, relaxing the shoulders away from the ears."
"Hold your center now and do not be rattled by any other through intimidation or confrontation or doubt, jealousy, or fear."
"Please come back to your center, breathe, and remember all the wonderful things that you do have."
"Surrender stress, take a few deep breaths, exhale the tension you've built up in your body, let the stress go as you come back to center."