
Strawberries Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Strawberries forever, forever in fields full of beetles. If anyone doesn't get that reference, there's no hope for you."
"Beautiful strawberries but caramelized almost like a very quick strawberry jam."
"Tastes like strawberries, I guess life still has its little surprises."
"Fresh strawberries from the garden are delicious."
"The scent of this was amazing, it's called strawberries and cream, and it smells exactly like that."
"Millions of strawberry roots have been shipped here from a nursery."
"We have gallons and gallons of strawberries... I just freeze them in gallon bags and you can see here very easy to dump into a blender."
"Strawberries are something my kids definitely love."
"These literally taste so good. I know some of you guys are going to be like, 'Oh my God, they're just chocolate-covered strawberries.' I don't care, I love these."
"Strawberries are packed with antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins, which have been known to protect stem cells from oxidative stress."
"Everyone knows like strawberries and cheese are great together."
"I am so excited because I have tons of little strawberries and blackberries popping up."
"Leave me a comment in the comment section below and let me know what you think about these strawberries. Are these cute or what? Because I love these."
"Sometimes when things come in like these strawberries, I don't know what I want to do with them long term. But I don't want to miss the window of purchasing them and getting them in my home."
"...the humble strawberry so today let me show you exactly how to plant these beautiful strawberries into containers."
"Strawberries and cream, the real victory afterward was the sweetest."
"Just imagine the best strawberry flavor and multiply that times 10. And that's what these strawberries taste like. Holy."
"Honestly guys this is how I will describe it to you if you want to feel like you are a container of strawberries so happy and delightful drink this milkshake it's just this."
"Strawberries symbolize sensuality, passion, fertility, and abundance. They symbolize the start of spring, the sweetness of life, purity, and love."
"They're called june bearing because up north Michigan and Canada, that's when they harvest their strawberries."
"You love strawberries. I love strawberries. This gives me strawberry shortcake."
"Strawberry fields forever. It smells so good right now in a cross breeze between two strawberry fields. Look at all that red, ready to be picked."
"I got some strawberries that were really yummy"
"Strawberries are a real treat this season."
"Listen, if strawberries could talk, they would have screamed right now."
"Strawberries are fresh and so sweet and juicy."
"...when you add strawberries on top you'll have a breakfast that will start your day right."
"Strawberry is perfect for Valentine's Day."
"Strawberries are unique in that they're equally at home in pots as they are out in the garden."
"Without a doubt, treated right and looked after, strawberries can easily become your biggest producer, especially when considering how little work they take if they're set up properly."
"Gaze into the boundless sky, countless strawberries fraw like twinkling stars."
"The packaging gets me all the time. It has cute strawberries on it. I mean, the bottle is just so cute."
"Strawberries, beautiful. Eat them fresh, put them in jam, use them in desserts."
"Strawberries are not just a delight for the taste buds they also offer a wealth of benefits for Kidney Health."
"I would order this again on a summer day with a meal if I was feeling like strawberries and also getting drunk."
"Strawberries were for Professor Wolf's birthday!"
"Oh, I love strawberries so much. It's all because of your hard work. Thank you. You're the world's best brand kittens. So awesome."
"Strawberries are at risk of going extinct."
"We have strawberries right now, we've got several strawberry plants that make these tiny strawberries."
"Delicious vanilla ice cream here, so smooth and creamy, the strawberries are providing such a fresh sweetness."
"I think that would be really cool and you know if putting 100 strawberries here and 100 strawberries there gets us to the point where we can call our friends and say if you want strawberries, come get them."
"Strawberries function as natural diuretics, aiding in increased urination and facilitating a swift cleansing of the kidneys."
"Fresh strawberries picked off the plant and eaten in the garden when they're all warm and juicy is literally one of life's greatest pleasures."
"This might be the best strawberry I've ever seen."
"I'm going to make these little like parfait strawberry things."
"Strawberries dipped in chocolate, that's what it reminds me of."
"Whenever I think of strawberry jam, I just think of my grandmother because she had a farm and she grew strawberries."
"It's all about strawberries today."
"We had some really good food with strawberries."
"I love chocolate dipped strawberries, and these are really good, so much better than they were during Valentine's Day."
"It's not just a standard top, it's got strawberries on it and it's beautiful."
"When you put sugar onto strawberries, you macerate them and give them like a strawberry glaze itself."
"I'm gonna really bring the strawberry flavor to you."
"We've got the ground covered with the strawberries, we've got a nice canopy layer with the trees."
"One of the things that I used to do when I had a little garden was plant strawberries and then I would make my own jams."
"Do you remember the taste of strawberries?"
"These are the most incredible strawberries ever."
"I never kissed a mouth that tasted like yours, strawberries and something more."
"Macerating them just means that it's going to pull out all of those lovely juices from the strawberries."
"I've turned five strawberry plants into at least 800 of them over the last five years."
"What this white vinegar does is it kills the bacteria on the outside of the strawberries that cause them to start breaking down and decaying, molding, and mildewing."
"After you wash them without vinegar, they really smell like strawberries again, it like freshens it, livens them up, no joke."
"Strawberries are one of my favorite crops to grow, definitely my favorite fruit to grow."
"Strawberries do better in a raised bed, but make sure you put the straw over them and provide plenty of nitrogen and plenty of water."
"This is the one, so it looks like it's sold out for the Japanese strawberry, $7.99, not bad."
"I love strawberries, the redder the better."
"This berry makes strawberries significantly more interesting than ever."
"Interestingly, the media that they're in, it's a cocoa substrate, these are likely hydroponic strawberries anyway which is quite interesting."
"Everything is covered, there's no spaces, and every piece gets strawberries."
"Nobody really describes strawberries as bitter or plain, it's usually a sweet juicy strawberry."
"You can really get a whole strawberry patch going for really two bucks."
"Strawberry, the smell is to die for."
"It's like a candied strawberry, which is arguably the way to do it."
"We're here to collect strawberries to take home and make jam."
"We grow strawberries in greenhouses. We are farmers, so there's no such thing as retirement age for us."
"Homegrown strawberries... they have awesome, awesome flavor."
"Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries."
"It's that time of year when the bakeries start using strawberries in a lot of their baked goods and treats."
"Strawberries are not citrus, but they are a phenomenal source of Vitamin C."
"If irony were made of strawberries, we'd all be drinking a lot of smoothies right now."
"It's really fun to plant strawberries along the edges of your raised beds because they hang over and they just look so pretty."
"You can smell the strawberries, they're so strong."
"The strawberries in Japan are so much sweeter than they are in most places in the world."
"Those strawberries look delicious, I ain't even going to lie."
"Strawberries, by the way, are my favorite berry."
"The best strawberries is the one that you pick yourself."
"I love strawberries so much, my pizza looks so cute."
"These are the strawberries that we've got hanging in these wonderful wonderful hanging devices. This has been a huge success."
"I love creating these strawberry scenes."
"Y'all know I love chocolate covered strawberries."
"Strawberries are a crop for the future."
"Strawberries really are a special crop."
"Once your strawberries are all set up, you'll enjoy more than a few years of unbelievable harvests."
"These strawberries are 10 out of 10."
"Strawberry all the way to my heart."
"What if I was to tell you that everything you thought you knew about strawberries is probably wrong?"
"Strawberries, the only fruit whose seeds are on the outside."
"The strawberries also add a really good flavor."
"Nothing compares to the flavor of a homegrown strawberry."
"I can always find space for strawberries."
"I can't go a day without my daily strawberry habit."
"Made with premium strawberries, you're sure to become infatuated with these sweet buttery snacks."
"Fresh juicy strawberries dipped in milk, dark, and white chocolatey goodness."
"Vigilant aphid management and monitoring is still needed to control strawberry viruses."
"I really like strawberry, strawberry is good, but especially when it has chunks of strawberry in it."
"Strawberries... they're not sour, they're just right, smack bang in the middle."
"Vanilla ice cream and strawberries - yum!"
"Strawberries are always my favorite."
"I love the strawberries, so cute."
"I have fun stories about strawberries... we had lots of strawberries last year."
"I think I planted around a hundred strawberry plants in here and you can see how big and beautiful these leaves are."
"Strawberries are packed with vitamin C even more than oranges and citruses."
"Every year I come out here, I just have a whole lot of fun and have a whole lot of strawberries."
"Soaking strawberries in a little bit of vinegar and water like this helps to remove pesticides and insects and loosen up any other dirt that might be clinging to them."
"Now it's time to pick those gorgeous organic strawberries that you've been planting for such a long time."
"Did you know strawberries are the first fruit to ripen after winter?"
"My family is obsessing over strawberries; we could probably live off of this."