
Political Insight Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Our economy is evolving in even more fundamental ways than I had realized... The reason why Donald Trump won in 2016 is that we automated away four million manufacturing jobs."
"Wisconsin is really good at figuring out what's right."
"Wow, that's just incredible, but you know it's very revealing as to what exactly goes on behind the scenes. So once again, I mean, we should hold our elected leaders accountable."
"John McCain understood the threats posed to America by outside actors like Russia."
"I would encourage people to listen to that RFK clip where he describes... it's pretty factual and it's very scary."
"China recognizes that part of the radicalization."
"Yang seems to be the only candidate who's ahead of the curve on a number of issues affecting Americans now."
"People inside of Donald Trump's orbit know what is going on."
"My forte is going to be in political or social positions on the basis of their souls they'll only believe in souls and the first oh Jesus my forte is like political stuff and research stuff and that type of thing."
"It's not my job to decide if people are ready to handle that I say bring it on what else you got."
"A man who quickly discovers exactly how the swamp operates."
"Your advice, President, on dealing with the current race crisis is spot-on."
"The great questions of the day will not be settled by speeches and majority decisions"
"Zimbabwe's rapid disintegration underscores a fundamental truth: a leader with too much power can be as damaging as any outside enemy."
"Devin Nunes, he saw it before anybody else knew what was happening."
"Foreign policy often seems a little bit distant. So let me just say that if you are concerned about education and infrastructure and healthcare, you know what you should be concerned about foreign policy." - Bernie Sanders
"There are very few people who... saw this race from start to finish the closest to Bernie's eyes you could have... because I was just with him so much."
"I think Trump was really ahead of the curve on that aspect."
"Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, also seems to know this."
"Choose a leader that understands what's going on."
"Learning that Melania Trump had told her husband midway through you know that woman is lying don't you we thought that was interesting."
"The quickest path to Trump's heart has always involved plopping a bag of cash on his desk."
"I think Tucker is the most important voice on TV because he gets these issues and he gets our voters in a way that no other media personality really does."
"They know it's unpopular because they know it's not in the Supreme Court they know it's not what the citizens want."
"Amidst political turmoil, his piercing insights unveil a saga of unprecedented actions."
"When you're in a position of power, why would you want to limit your position of power?"
"His perspectives on the issues like nuclear threats, border security, energy policy are vital contributions to the National conversation."
"Money is not as important as political power."
"In a moment of gut-wrenching Revelation, Tucker Carlson emerges as a Voice of Truth amidst the tumult."
"Libertarians have something important to offer in an important insight to offer."
"Running for office is a real eye-opener. I got a front-row seat to watch well-funded Democrat incumbents sit on their asses and refuse to help dem challengers."
"Remember, war is the most well-funded, most lucrative business in the world."
"At the end of the day I think people just want someone who's normal, honest, practical, and capable."
"We need to choose somebody...who has a good understanding of politics and power."
"I think Cynthia Loomis may actually be onto something."
"Someone with the guts and the intelligence and the wisdom to actually make it turn into policy."
"Donald Trump just played their game better than they did; he understood the game; he was better at being an oligarch than Hillary Clinton."
"Having the knowledge that the Mueller report provides is infinitely better than the alternative."
"Perhaps we're starting to see a glimmer that the European core is starting to understand the trap they've walked themselves into."
"People still want more; that's a big message coming out from Karnataka."
"Putin's grasp of the context in which he is operating is remarkable"
"People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war, or before an election." - Otto von Bismarck
"You might need the knowledge of Thomas Jefferson and the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln."
"I think a lot of times politicians and pundits don't give the American public the credit they deserve for knowing what's at stake."
"If the American people clearly learn that lesson which should be very obvious then that dries up trillions in contracts and untold prestige and power for blob warmongers."
"One of the biggest wakeup calls to liberals if they ever move over to being like real Progressive Rives is the understanding that almost all right-wing pundits and politicians know they're lying."
"Putin's true fear was on full display during the private funeral."
"The political parties are missing that swing voters are generally more open to immigration."
"Enthusiasm matters more than approval in voting."
"I don't know why this is so simple and yet Trump is the one who keeps getting it right."
"There are a lot of politicians here so they don't quite get it."
"His calculation, which proved correct, was that Democrats cared much more deeply about the results of a presidential election than they did about the judiciary."
"It's the truth. We saw it with Ron Paul, you know, you see it in the Republican primaries, you see it every time."
"Perot is the only guy who gave hints about solving the deficit problem."
"I do think that most of our successful presidents have had to reach below the cabinet level to get to that desk officer in the State Department."