
Shocking Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"A bombshell is something that is very surprising, amazing, or shocking."
"Lil Uzi told the crowd at one of his concerts that they all were going to hell for listening to his music."
"The details of this case are just absolutely horrendous..."
"This mother hires a hit man all right mama has a hit man to kill her own three-year-old son"
"Your husband's dead. Merry Christmas," sounds like a line from a dark comedy.
"DNA testing reveals milkman fathered over 800 children between 1951 and 1964."
"Finding a gunman aiming at the camera while exploring in google maps can send chills down anyone's spine."
"What I love about the Plantagenet story is that it's more shocking, more brutal, and more astonishing than anything you'll find in fiction."
"The Plantagenet story: more shocking, more brutal, and more astonishing than anything you'll find in fiction."
"Shocking and horrifying but very educational."
"I've killed Lindsay before, so... Oh my god, that's terrifying! I don't want you to be me. No, no, no."
"She was covered in blood while bizarrely kissing her dogs."
"I like hand grenades because you can shove them in people's mouths and watch their intestines blow out."
"I don't want people leaving going 'oh that was nice.' I want people leaving with their lashes off, saying 'I can't believe it, I choked, I almost peed myself.'"
"The extremely rare sight of a car soaring through the air turned into one of the scariest events of the year."
"It's shocking that it took until 2023 when we've had multiple Pokémon Snap games."
"The answer which appears to be emerging is shocking."
"It's the wildest story I'm literally watching it my jaw is on the ground"
"Ruins is one of the most unique stories I've ever read."
"It's a hell of an idea though, isn't it? You know, 71 people to watch an execution of a guy offered to 81 years old off rob to have his head cut off."
"Some of the images and information are shocking to folks, especially if they have not encountered it before. Obviously, it is not there for shock value. It is there because it is the lived history and the living legacy of people in our communities."
"It was shocking in places it was just a lot of fun which is something that plays can be."
"The things that we captured on camera are sure to shock and disturb many viewers for many years to come."
"Everything about it is deeply inappropriate and jaw-dropping."
"The results are very surprising, shocking even."
"I have never heard anything as bad as the Kanda triple murder."
"The amount of misinformation is almost shocking."
"Probably one of the most shocking endings of any show I've seen you know in recent times."
"...for the next like three minutes when they reveal everything that's actually going on with this family and what Julia Stiles, who she actually is, and what the plot act, I was sitting there like, 'This is [ __ ] up, and I love it.'"
"I've got an incest donai up my sleeve that would make them all look like nursery rhymes."
"Every day there's something new about the story that you couldn't be more shocked than the previous day."
"I hope you are having a wonderful day today's the storytime is the Craziest Scariest Fucking what the fuck story I've ever told here on this channel."
"It's like a shot from a horror movie."
"I shot my dad and fled the country with 30 grand of my YouTube money. You shot your father?"
"It's a shocking allegation... and the poignant fact that it's true hasn't sunk into people yet because I don't think they can quite take it."
"It was both shocking on the one hand and also very kind of freeing and revelatory in a lot of ways."
"It was very shocking in the theaters."
"It's both shocking and shockingly realistic and it helped set the grim and violent tone for one of the most controversial movies ever made."
"I don't know what the craziest part was them threatening to kill themselves the holocausting being an option the dogs [ __ ] the pet it was just like one thing after another and I'll tell you what I mean the Dave text is the craziest thing yeah."
"You can [ __ ] children in Texas, it's amazing."
"Stay tuned for some of the wildest fisherman catches that shock the whole world."
"Curiously some of the most striking and shocking things you're going to see are in fact the most common place."
"Gruesome creatures command attention, honestly not really for the right reasons."
"He genuinely was like, 'Yeah, I'll jerk a dog off,' and everybody's like, 'Yo, that's [__] sauce, son!'"
"If you start off a show or a movie or anything where you got piranhas eating a boy's testicles off [__], I'm hooked."
"I just feel like that was even then in 2018. That's it was just shocking seeing everybody get dusty period to me."
"When she was stabbing her [ __ ] arm, that was horrifying."
"On the kitchen table was a soup bowl made from a human skull."
"I saw one of the most bizarre things in my entire life. A man was lying on top of a granite - well, another was taking a dump on his bare chest."
"The translucent liquid's purpose was even more shocking: a self-preserving cycle of continuity."
"Witness this incredible moment caught on camera in China: a guy casually enters the elevator, bringing his things with him. Suddenly, he steps out for a moment and as he places his foot outside, the elevator plunges down the shaft."
"This is a shocking, remarkable wear test."
"Extremely wicked, shockingly evil, and vile."
"Imagine going to work one morning and finding two dead bodies in a bin."
"This movie shocked me to the core. Wow. Just wow."
"...he proceeds to urinate all over the stage. The audience of this event are understandably flabbergasted that they've just witnessed this 'PE PE prank'."
"Absolutely mind-blowing and it will freak out your friends and family."
"Everything about this match was shocking."
"...tug his little [__] cat package just to get a reaction. It's [__] crazy, you know?"
"He did slit their throats before posting them on the cross."
"This is profoundly shocking. It is. This is the 1960s, looks like an image from a slum of the 1860s."
"That is almost unbelievable to me."
"The horror itself might be less shocking without the commonplace quality of the soil in which its seeds are planted."
"At one point during filming, real-life corpses were delivered to the set by a man who turned out to be an illegal grave robber."
"He was just like, 'I just nutted in a 17 year old, what's up?'"
"All culminating in a pair of jaw-dropping executions."
"The idea that a neighbor, a mother whose own child played with others in the area, could turn into a cold-blooded killer was simply incomprehensible to them."
"Some old dude was jacking off in the middle of the bathroom in the middle of the bed. What the [__]?"
"Samuel little, an American serial killer, confessed to committing about 93 murders."
"Now, that's edgy. Send you into the Omega Sanction where you live your life over infinitely, each worse than the last. What the [__]!"
"Cases on this list are truly appalling, even alarming."
"A shocking tale that will make you think twice about your next order."
"What a shocking movie. Seriously, I am so shocked how much I like this movie."
"I don't know how many people could just blur out the truth about someone being dead, dismembered, and just thrown from a helicopter like he just blurts that s*** out."
"Some people shake their dogs to make their fur fall off so they can eat it."
"Things erupt into pure chaos as the reflection proceeds to rip its jaw clean open with the real-life Angie's jaw following suit."
"It's rather shocking the amount of lives lost during the First World War."
"He called his dad and said, 'I've been arrested in the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.'"
"...and that's behind her eyes by Sarah Pinborough this book literally shook me to my core at the end of this book like what the heck I just couldn't believe where this story went I don't think I ever could have predicted that and it was just so great like it was so great."
"I've seen some crazy stuff...but I've never ever ever ever ever found a freaking human body part while doing a housing inspection."
"This story is absolutely insane and maybe one of the most insane stories I've heard in a long time."
"The plot twists were so good, it's shocking."
"The Red Wedding... subverted expectations and ripped our hearts out whilst delivering one of the biggest twists of all time."
"The last sentence of the book will make you gasp out loud."
"The shocking ending will definitely stick with you as the concept isn't just a gross depiction of the plastic surgeon's damaged psyche but also a complete invasion of your comfort zone."
"These accounts will shock you to the core."
"It is an absolutely mind-blowing price difference between the two."
"I've seen I Saw the Devil, is by far the best foreign movie that I've ever seen, that was like, holy [expletive], this is crazy."
"It's been really good, it's been life-changing and shocking for everyone in a good way."
"It's a truly shocking case that happened over 40 years ago."
"It was scary and creepy, and then I heard the organ play. It was loud and full, and it was shocking."
"Staggering events will soon shock the whole world."
"This story is going to be a little bit shocking and also a little bit theatrical."
"The value is just kind of crazy and shocking, honestly."
"This book surprised the hell out of me with that first chapter."
"This is the horrifying story of the cannibal soldiers and the president they almost ate."
"The first 50 pages... are really shocking and it grips you right away."