
Mountain Climbing Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time. It's the only way."
"Claiming this mountain, slow and steady, you're doing just fine."
"The climb can be very challenging due to altitude and unpredictable weather."
"The tragic Mount Everest avalanche: a deadly reminder of nature's wrath."
"I was consumed by the idea of climbing up the mountain."
"The dolomites are considered the most beautiful mountains in the world and are a well-liked destination for hikers and climbers."
"What they don't know in this photograph is that I am quite literally sobbing because the drop on either side of that Ridge was so severe."
"As long as mountains exist, humans strive to climb them."
"Nature does not yield easily, and every inch gained is a hard-fought victory over the Mountain's stoic resistance."
"When it comes to creatures that climb mountains, the Ibex goat are second to none. Their incredible balance as they graze the vertical mountainside for food is nothing short of magical."
"Mountain climbing just takes a little bit of skill."
"Daredevil Ibex goats: when it comes to mountain climbers, these ibex are the true masters of terrain."
"It's awesome to be here you know - it's uh - look at that mountain peak and be like I know I could climb and push yourself get to the top look down and beat I look at all that I did but I'm looking at even higher man I got some big big plans man."
"Some mountains are meant to climb. Trust me, when you get to the top, the view will be well worth it."
"Expeditions to the mountain's Peak have become a lucrative industry but climbing Mount Everest is no walk in the park."
"The mountain runner: Kilian Jornet is a mountain climber, ultra runner, ski mountaineer, and self-proclaimed lover of mountains."
"Mount Kilimanjaro, because I love accomplishing something super hard."
"Eight thousand. For most people, a perfectly innocent, somewhat meaningless number. But for mountain climbers, it can be the number that defines their lives forever."
"There are no shortcuts to the top of any mountain, especially when climbing without supplemental oxygen."
"The joy of being on top of a mountain lies in the effort it takes to get there."
"The legend of William Wallace grows as he climbs this mountain."
"There is nothing to match reaching the summit of K2."
"Mountain climbing can be a hazardous sport, but if you have the right equipment and dress properly, you have the right attitude, it can really be a wonderful experience."
"The glory of summiting a mountain lies not only in the breathtaking Vistas that stretch out before you but also in the profound sense of accomplishment."
"Ascending a mountain requires a higher level of fitness, experience with a variety of terrain, and the correct equipment."
"In mountain climbing, the real danger of any summit bid begins on the descent."
"If climbing a mountain is something you've always wanted to do, this really is a great place to start."
"Attempts to conquer mountain peaks often end in tragedy."
"I can see all the little pieces of rock and Boulder up here on Capitol Peak and overall I'm very pleased with this particular product."
"It was nice to climb White Mountain earlier in the day."
"It is a trying mountain and the weather has a big say in it."
"Climb the mountain to better ourselves, and that is the pure joy in the human being."
"Camp out among the grasses and gentians of glacial meadows, and craggy garden nooks full of nature's darlings. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings, nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees." - John Muir
"Mountain climbing is a pursuit that calls upon our deepest strengths, testing our resilience and determination against nature's challenges."
"Climbing a mountain is a journey like no other, a dance between beauty and danger."
"We're about to climb the highest mountain in the UK, wish us luck."
"We could do this, let's do it, UK's biggest mountain here we come."
"We made it to the top of Jackass Pass."
"You keep climbing one mountain after another, over and over and over again, and it transforms your life."
"Mountain climbing teaches us humility, for no matter how skilled or prepared we are, we are always at the mercy of the mountain's whims."
"It's a great way to be introduced into mountain climbing."
"That's half the reason you climb to the top of the mountain, so you can do that on the way down."
"Climbing mountains, especially some of these iconic peaks, is a personal thing, it's a personal journey, and oftentimes a personal struggle."
"Nothing like a relaxing ice bath after a punishing sweaty climb to the top of this 8,000 ft Mountain."
"I knew that people sometimes died climbing mountains, but at the age of 23, personal mortality, the idea of my own death, was still largely outside my conceptual grasp."