
Cultural Decline Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Rights-based conservatism has really good points...where common good conservatives make the point...we have a declining culture and country right now."
"There's no living water in these other sources, and people will feel it. Our culture is crumbling, and the need for Jesus is growing."
"The death of woke Hollywood is not coming because it's already here and if these hacktivist types want to blame anyone for its downfall they need to only look in the mirror to see who's really to blame."
"Embodying the period's artistic audacity, however, this golden age was not to last."
"The Oscars used to be a major cultural event... now it's like a nothing, a blip."
"We're on a decline if you're talking about back then when it was directly from the source."
"We've turned our back on god we've turned our back on moral foundations on family principles on right and wrong on justice we've turned our back on these things and guess what now this is what we have to deal with."
"The death of culture is something that I don't think anyone wants."
"This brilliant Western Civilization that we've had is collapsing because of all these [__] lies."
"Black Panther: pivotal character both in his own solo series and as part of the Avengers."
"If there's an opposite of the Renaissance or the Golden Age, we're living it now. I mean seriously, it's the dark ages of film."
"The West is coming to the realization that its human project is failing."
"I think we're thinking we're only at the very earliest stages of that. I think the left from the days of London has basically died and in its wake has left a great deal of quite destructive cultural intellectual and political baggage."
"I think our way of life here in the West is rapidly coming to an end. I believe that to be absolutely accurate and true."
"The West will die without the rebirth of the logos."
"There is a war against men, masculinity is in great decline all across the board regardless of race, nation or creed."
"It is absolutely true that there is a war against men, masculinity is in a great decline all across the board regardless of race, nation, or creed."
"Tinseltown has lost a major battle in the war for the culture."
"I think we might actually end up being Babylon."
"This hyper selfishness, this hyper individualism, is killing our culture and civilization."
"Civilization declines when men stop holding the door and treating women with respect."
"Our country is dying western civilization and culture is dying right in front of our eyes." - Ben
"Racism is normal in La Liga, the championship that once belonged to Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Cristiano, and Messi today belongs to racism."
"Decadence is defined as the moral or cultural decline of a society due to excessive indulgence."
"When you take God out... things start to fall apart... you end up in a world nobody wants to live in."
"I don't think anyone in this room can honestly say that America is better now than it was when most people were going to church."
"All of the successes of America and the Western values that gave birth to America are being eroded as we speak."
"Europe has no future, it is a museum. Very powerful that, because the sun's rising in the East. It didn't have to set in the West."
"When the Statue of Liberty stopped opening her arms to the rest of the world, well then, America's greatness would recede."
"The attack on classic art and literature is not only one of the most disgusting and Despicable aspects of wokeness but also the sign of a culture that is suffering immense and and almost irreversible decadence."
"The faces of those in Hollywood shall turn pale as they watch their empire crash down."
"Hip-hop is not dying. Community, belonging, friendship, togetherness, and humanity is."
"American ambition has been lost in the last 50 years."
"When art becomes completely self-referential, it is on the verge of dying."
"Where are Western values not in retreat? Where is democracy not in retreat?"
"I genuinely miss the '90s, music's gone downhill, movies have gone downhill, hobbies, things to do, activities, everything."
"Babylon wins... How can Babylon rise in a Christian Nation? How can churches fail and anti-God institutions win?"
"The West is collapsing, and it's not getting better."
"No one will gaze up to heaven, the godly will be considered mad, and the impious will be honored as wise."
"Masculinity has been eroding by the decade... we're losing."
"We are a debased and a morally decrypted civilization. We are an empire that is falling."
"Toll the funeral bells for everything that made America great. But, are those the best measurements of a country's greatness, of a life well lived?"
"I think it's damaging to children, I think all of this stuff it is sending us into a very weak feeble pathetic place and we've got to stand up and stand against it."
"Once a society falls into the cultural abyss, it is very difficult to climb back out."
"I love what America represents. However, I do feel that it's in a slow decline."
"Society has reached the peak of decadence, and the insanity keeps escalating."
"The decline and fall of the Western civilization."
"Knowledge comes, but not everybody receives it. For my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
"English culture is retreating, you'll be finding it harder and harder to find if you come and visit as a tourist."
"The further away you get from those values, the more we see the country falling apart."
"I truly believe we are losing Western society in Western culture."
"The shared spaces are shrinking in our culture... because everything's become infused with politics."
"It's a dumbing down of society, it's a retardation of society, it's a legalization of a mentality that leads to our destruction."
"Civilizations don't die by murder they die by Suicide."
"The death of hippie signaled the end of the Summer of Love."
"In a lot of ways, I think we've dumbed down the world because..."
"No other country doesn't like America and it makes me sad to see those rights dying."
"Times are getting tough because we are growing weak."
"The dumbing down of people, they don't read much anymore."
"By 1985 disco was dead, the king of the Village People was dying, and the group disbanded."
"Europe has already fallen. It's fallen when people believe it is."
"It's not just Christianity, but the West is suicidal. We're just running as fast as we can off a cliff. The things that would lend towards the most harm, the most destruction, that's what has been heralded as a virtue."
"Europe is completely becoming Babylon."
"Classical music isn't dying so much as it's being murdered by stupid people."
"Degenerating language inevitably acts as both cause and effect of the decline of cultures and nations."
"A culture talking itself to death while it slowly sinks into oblivion."
"The decline of Petra and the Nabatean culture ensued, influenced by shifts in trade routes, economic dynamics, and the waning importance of the incense trade."
"Decadence in N's eyes isn't just about the erosion of civilizations; it's a relentless affliction that penetrates to the very core of human existence."
"Our culture is getting less and less good at meeting some of those basic psychological needs for enormous numbers of people."