
Medical Diagnosis Quotes

There are 227 quotes

"There is no one answer, just like there is no one answer with any type of medical diagnosis. Everyone is different."
"Why has there been an increase in diagnosis? It's partly unhelpful because science has improved. It would be a bit like saying, 'Why have we got more people now surviving cancer?' It's because the science has improved."
"Elevated D-dimer is associated with increased risk for multi organ failure and death."
"If you see a drop in their platelets, think about microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. The basic concept behind this is that you are actually having some type of like small clots."
"Lung ultrasound findings may be more severe than x-ray."
"Sinus rhythm is confirmed by observing upright P waves in lead II and inverted P waves in aVR."
"What else could be very significant to pick up as an abnormality is pathological q waves."
"The common symptoms of low thyroid function include fatigue, weight gain, constipation, depression, hair loss, and dry skin."
"If you are diagnosed with low thyroid function... your doctor may be missing something."
"Reddening skin is a stage one pressure ulcer."
"Megaloblastic anemia is a type of anemia which is characterized by distinctive cytological and functional abnormalities in the blood cells and bone marrow cells due to impaired DNA synthesis."
"Not only is she sure that Roman's heart was responsible for his death, she's now convinced that drugs probably had nothing to do with it."
"There is an answer to IBS... a lot of names, one cause and we want to get to the bottom of it." - Jordan
"Nine doctors couldn’t diagnose her, and she’d almost given up…that is, until she found medical surgeon, Dr. Quinton Gopen, from UCLA’s Ronald Reagan Medical Center."
"Purpose-driven explanations clarify AI's role in decision-making."
"The principles in management... confirm the diagnosis... assess the severity... think about treatment."
"Exploring everything surrounding the presenting complaint is the golden rule of taking a history."
"One of the ways that the doctor can determine whether you have a nerve that's being irritated or pinched in your neck area is by doing just a couple of real brief simple orthopedic tests."
"These blood tests helped us identify low iron and anemia."
"Your ability to accurately diagnose the problem is everything."
"Patterns in liver function tests can guide diagnosis."
"Before we diagnose something as psychological, we should take a look and see if there's actually something causing it."
"To diagnose the cause of the mass, look here."
"For all of you who have been leaving comments and sending emails asking me to get my thyroid checked... from the test results thus far it looks like it's Hashimoto's."
"Healthcare is going to do a much better job diagnosing people."
"Diagnoses are more than just a label, they unlock resources and support."
"Once that oncologist said 'no, it's from your throat and it's very treatable,' then I'm like okay, so what do we do?"
"To hear those words of someone saying like a specialist in endometriosis saying you do have it... it was still a relief."
"Both things can be true: it is indeed over diagnosed for the drug companies can sell more drugs."
"A diagnosis only matters so that you know how to cope and how to treat it and how to help people understand when the inevitable negative effects pop up. That's it."
"The average amount of time it takes someone with endometriosis to be diagnosed is 7.5 years."
"You have to understand the why behind the diagnosis."
"After two years of suffering from a really weird mystery disease, I finally got my diagnosis."
"The entire ventricular myocardium is completely depolarized."
"I'm really sorry to tell you that your cancer has spread."
"If doctors can't tell you what's wrong, you may start to feel hopeless and helpless."
"We think ET is likely a spectrum of related disorders rather than a single disease entity."
"...patients get bumped kind of back and forth between my ENT says it's LPR, my GI says I don't have reflux."
"Strep pneumonia is the most common cause of community-acquired pneumonia in elderly individuals."
"Think about klebsiella in situations of aspiration events."
"So when I went in for it, I was actually really worried that they were just going to say, we didn't find anything. We don't know what's going on."
"You are owed an explanation by your doctor for how they came up with this diagnosis."
"Some of our diagnoses in medicine are clinical diagnoses based on the way the body is acting."
"Since our patient is suffering from spontaneous continuous dizziness with features of CNS lesion, our differential would include vertebrobasilar ischemic stroke, minor cerebellar hemorrhage, or a small discrete MS lesion."
"Would you agree that those symptoms are consistent with a severe abdominal condition, a possible perforation?"
"I couldn't accept that nothing was wrong, so I got a couple more scans. Turns out, my humeral head was shattered into seven pieces."
"This lady did not have HIV, she was not immunocompromised, but she did have these multifocal areas of abnormal flare hyperintensity."
"Now I imagine the CSF would be entered first as the person quickly begins having physical symptoms."
"If a patient comes in with chest pain that occurs during breathing, it's positional, and they have an associated friction rub, it's almost completely diagnostic of pericarditis."
"Age is a factor. The older they are, the more likely it's malignant. Generally, if they have an age greater than 50, they have a high likelihood of it being malignant."
"Thankful and appreciative...because someone finally was able to diagnose her and treat her and get her vision back."
"It's really become a fun field in my eyes because it's almost like you're playing detective in addition to being a doctor."
"So, after about a year of regular MRIs, the doctor said, 'Well, there's not a whole lot of point in doing surgery or chemo or radiation because it won't necessarily prolong your life even if we do all those things.'"
"The only way to get rid of that is to lose weight. Like, I'll take an x-ray, still a piece of fat back there."
"Possibly saving lives medical diagnosis being the paramount case."
"A BNP above 100 makes heart failure a likely diagnosis."
"If you see this pattern and the patient comes in with chest pain, if they're coming with chest pain, I'm going to call this an acute septal STEMI. So, the history makes a difference."
"How do you miss a torn lung in the perfect candidate for a torn lung?"
"If you make the diagnosis of PMR in a patient, make sure you're asking about headaches, jaw claudication, transient vision loss to rule out giant cell arteritis."
"In a patient with persistent diarrhea, facial flushing, wheezing, and palpitations, think 'carcinoid syndrome.'"
"This patient likely has aspiration pneumonia."
"Option A is correct because frequent scalp scratching indicates pediculous capitis or head lice due to the intense itchiness it causes."
"Option D is correct. The Chadwick sign is characterized by a distinct purplish-blue hue in the vagina and cervix resulting from heightened blood supply to the vaginal region during pregnancy."
"Option B is correct. Goodell's sign, characterized by a distinct softening of the vaginal section of the cervix, becomes noticeable around the eighth week of gestation."
"Option B is correct because in pancreatitis, serum amylase and lipase levels rise."
"...the key finding is that patients will have slow vertical cycads and that allows you to make an earlier diagnosis of PSP."
"The heart attacks... are diagnosed with an ECG and with a blood test called trop T."
"I went to go see my doctor and said he has a tumor growing on his optic nerve."
"When one sees a defect right here in the extreme areas of area two or six that is nasal steps and wide arcuate losses, those are classically associated with high-pressure glaucoma."
"...when we see patients with target-type lesions, it could be erythema multiforme, a common benign but it could be Stevens-Johnson, so look at those mucous membranes."
"Biomarkers appear to have a terrific impact on early detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease."
"Diagnosis of glaucoma does not always require the detection of visual field defects with perimetry."
"Upon seeing the doctors about this, the family was told that Tammy had contracted pneumonia..."
"Solid elements with flow are the key keynote to diagnosing cancer."
"Small benign and nexus cysts and small benign solid tumors are so common in postmenopausal women that their presence may be regarded as normal."
"Simple cysts, whether they're ovarian or extra ovarian regardless of age, are almost certainly benign."
"In a woman of reproductive age, if physiologic cysts are less than five centimeters, they don't need follow-up."
"The size can be helpful but it should not completely guide what you think about the cyst as far as it being benign or malignant."
"We've been discovering many, many more nodules that were previously clinically not detected."
"It goes away you feel good it happens again when you start having it happen more than once then you start thinking about well maybe you need that portion of the colon removed."
"Does the prescription that you came up with make sense? Does it make sense based on the patient's entering acuity their chief complaint their age their objective finding so whether we have retinoscopy or auto refraction and then followed by the subjective refraction."
"The Milkman diagnosis I call them. Do easy things first."
"These cells look scary...but it's really important to be able to recognize this pattern so that you don't mistake it for malignancy."
"Granular cell tumor can cause the mucosa or the epidermis to grow in a way that makes it get misdiagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma."
"A fever of unknown origin: a distinct clinical entity to allow for diagnosis in an individual patient."
"Because PET scans show so clearly which parts of the brain are atrophying and failing, it can rule out Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Parkinson's, and a number of other diseases, while providing the most definitive diagnosis available for FTD."
"Having a true diagnosis puts everybody at ease, and that's why the PETs are so important."
"So what you can see here is when the calcium scores of zero I think it's a great time to consider it lifestyle focus on lifestyle therapy."
"Okay, you know, and uh, I didn't have any diagnosis as far as I knew he didn't."
"We ended up calling this case a TIPy of undetermined significance and recommended additional tissue sampling."
"Idiopathic epilepsy is a diagnosis of exclusion."
"Most of the time, the management will change depending on whether it's a thyroid cancer or metastatic disease to the thyroid."
"After diagnosis, hematologists assess staging, cytogenetics, and prognosis to determine treatment."
"Well, that can be a lot of things. That can be inflammation or even infection in the uterus or the tubes or an ovarian cyst or endometriosis."
"The first test for all anemias: CBC. Cheap and fast."
"Any patient with neuropathy, test for B12 levels."
"Pernicious anemia = B12 deficiency. Remember that."
"So when 3 is greater than two with a 97 percent specificity you can say that this is an RCA infarct how sweet is that."
"So you have this combination of ejection fraction and perfusion. Normal perfusion, normal EF, this is the best-case scenario."
"They found two cysts growing on my low spine."
"Is there anything they could do with a bone marrow to try and figure it out? Probably not."
"If your tumor does have that braf mutation, you're a candidate for targeted therapy."
"The positive likelihood ratios are much more significant than the negative likelihood ratios, meaning that the physical exam is much better at ruling in a diagnosis of cirrhosis than ruling it out."
"...very often patients are told that well it's probably due to a virus, so post-viral cardiomyopathy, which often is not the case in many of these or idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy we don't know the cause."
"Always consider DKA in a young patient with encephalopathy, anion gap metabolic acidosis, and hyperglycemia."
"So, closer to seven, we might be looking at systemic hypertension."
"What is the likely diagnosis in a child with a family history of anemia that presents with Coombs-negative hemolytic anemia, jaundice, and an enlarged spleen?"
"Diagnosis is basically labeling a disease."
"You've completely ruptured your entire ACL."
"There's some focal thinning of the cartilage with some superficial fibrillation...not all happy that cartilage...maybe it's a bit of an insufficiency reaction."
"So now when I put the bow tie, start thinking of what condition do you think is likely occurring?"
"Putting Rhonda into the state would allow her doctors to see what was wrong with her heart."
"As I said based on her Echo, she had high probability of having pulmonary hypertension."
"She might has William syndrome but she failed the last little test and that would make life a awful lot easier if she had a label that's that's when the nightmare began when not having a diagnosis makes it difficult to access the support that you need."
"Diagnosis momentum: Once a diagnosis has put into play and it's received by the house officer or the student or another physician, particularly if it comes from someone with a lot of credentials, it's taken at face value."
"Ruling out a diagnosis does not mean that its probability is literally zero percent."
"A diagnosis is ruled in when the probability of that disease is high enough that the balance of anticipated benefit and anticipated harm argues against further testing for it."
"...a true diagnosis of infected necrosis is when there's gas in the collection..."
"It's up to your urologist to try to determine: is this PSA elevated because of prostate cancer or is it because of just the enlarged prostate?"
"Dermatopathology is the pathology of the skin, making diagnoses based on what you see."
"Diagnosis and treatment planning is all about figuring out what the problem is, planning out how to fix it, and then doing our best to fix it."
"Help you learn to recognize some of the signs and symptoms of heart attacks and the tools that we use for their diagnosis."
"If you have a problem in the bone marrow, you're going to see it reflected in the peripheral blood."
"This is a confident diagnosis typical fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis."
"When we can find fluid in parts of the body that doesn't normally have that fluid, it's a red flag."
"A UIP and a probable UIP pattern gives you a very confident diagnosis of a UIP or slash IPF pattern of interstitial lung disease."
"Time is often the right judge which will tell you what is the pattern of interstitial lung disease."
"Angiosarcoma typically occurs on the head and neck of sun-damaged elderly patients."
"One biopsy can make you extremely suspicious, but the clinician always knows more than you do about the patient."
"It's very important that we identify these type of tumors so that these patients can respond to this beautiful treatment that is available to them."
"Look at the profile. Look at the chin. Is the chin small? Can we make a diagnosis of micrognathia?"
"The gold standard for ruling out cancer is definitely biopsy."
"Research indicates that most experienced physicians can diagnose cancer with accuracy ranging from 79 to 91 percent, but machine learning techniques can detect these same tasks at the accuracy of more than 90 percent."
"Increased blood flow might indicate a particular underlying pathology, including infections or recent fracture."
"There is unfortunately, still at this time, no definitive test for Parkinson's disease other than autopsy."
"Clinical correlation is required for a definitive diagnosis of an anaplastic carcinoma."
"The goal in all of pathology, but particularly in liver pathology, is to render a diagnosis because the diagnosis is important in terms of caring for our patients."
"The presence of reciprocal ST segment depression on a tracing where there is ST segment elevation is highly confirmatory that the elevation is due to MI."
"Brainstem nuclei clinical correlates: if you know what the symptoms are, you can backtrack and say, 'Oh, they have problems moving their eye but no other problems.'"
"The earlier that we diagnose somebody, the better."
"The most fundamental part of performing fetal echo to identify congenital heart disease and abnormalities within the fetal heart is morphologic assessment of structures."
"Seeing reversal here in the pulmonary vein can be very important."
"Solitary nodule, you think of primary lung cancer, especially if it has any degree of irregularity."
"The first question we need to ask when we see a new patient: Where is the lesion?"
"The best first diagnostic step is an EKG, but myocarditis is more in practice a diagnosis of exclusion."
"Diabetic ketoacidosis is likely if our patient is experiencing a serum glucose of greater than 300 and they have ketones in their urine."
"The presence of an elevated lactate level is almost always indicative of anaerobic cellular metabolism."
"Our computer could actually accurately pick up 97% of the melanomas."
"If you see vertical abrasions, that could indicate a foreign body that's stuck on the lid."
"Trying to understand benign bone tumors in this manner is most helpful in achieving the most appropriate diagnosis and progressing with the most appropriate treatment."
"We need to realize that having that contrast in most cases for body cases will help us make a better diagnosis."
"Service connection is establishing that you had an in-service injury or event, that you have a current diagnosis for a condition and then a medical nexus linking those two things."
"I got the results: supraventricular tachycardia, not cancer."
"Electrocardiogram can be helpful for risk stratification."
"If you find abnormalities on an EKG, that increases the chance that this was a cardiac syncope."
"This helps to localize dysfunction to specific parts of the nervous system, making it an invaluable tool for diagnosis."
"There are a ton of disorders that are invisible to ophthalmoscopy."
"PCOS is a diagnosis of exclusion."
"Most colon cancer we find as gastroenterologists have zero symptoms."
"Plaque is an important marker of atherosclerotic disease."
"The peak systolic velocity in the internal carotid artery is the single most accurate predictor of the severity of stenosis."
"Decipher can identify a subset of these patients at very low risk for metastatic progression when treated with standard of care."
"Deciding between a benign melanocytic nevus and a malignant melanoma is one of the most important skills for a dermatopathologist to have."
"We are able to diagnose carcinoid liver metastases."
"Making the diagnosis for someone who has died 1400 years ago without taking proper history, without physically examining the patient, and without investigating the patient is a very immature thing to do."
"There's a big possibility that your patient's having an MI."
"The best way to make a diagnosis is to use MRI."
"The purpose of the liver biopsy nowadays is to demonstrate whether or not you have cirrhosis."
"Getting the right diagnosis will lead to prompt, usually glucocorticoid treatment like prednisone, which can be very effective in the majority of cases."
"The presence of dotted vessels and serpentine vessels are positive features for the diagnosis of melanoma."
"Using core needle, a more accurate diagnosis can be provided of specific breast lesions, especially benign lesions."
"The initial and most accurate test is going to be genetic testing."
"The QRS axis represents the overall mean direction of ventricular depolarization and is important in supporting a diagnosis of ventricular hypertrophy and other conduction disturbances or congenital heart lesions."
"We have three classic EKG features of pre-excitation: a short PR interval, a Delta wave, and a prolonged QRS interval."
"The most important diagnostic for this is to get serial echocardiograms."
"One thing that VA is going to require before they grant service connection is that a veteran has a diagnosis for sleep apnea."
"I really like the intricate diagnostic puzzles, and atopic dermatitis is not necessarily one of them."
"For diagnosis of MPN, we need to take an integrated approach and combine the clinical findings with laboratory results."
"If the ammonia level is very high with normal anion gap and respiratory alkalosis, the most likely cause is urea cycle disorder."
"It's really important to properly diagnose the condition."
"Substance use disorder is a diagnosis that's made by a checklist of 11 items."
"PET scans are approved by Medicare to assess tumors and are more sensitive than typical MRI scanners."
"Make more accurate diagnoses with less data."
"If someone has anterior groin pain, it's more likely to be hip, less likely to be SIJ, and even less likely to be lumbar spine."
"Growth detected from a catheter hub sample at least two hours before growth from a peripheral blood sample is highly indicative of a positive blood culture secondary to a central line."
"We feel like that is more like an overlap with two diseases side by side."
"The tests are a tool for you to make the diagnosis; they are not the diagnosis."
"With increased diagnostic ability comes clarity, but also the responsibility for all the anatomy that we see."
"Check within the pericardium. There is a small tear in the superior vena cava causing blood to enter the pericardial cavity."
"If those areas show up as abnormally low, then that may be indicative of a person who has Alzheimer's disease."
"For the first time since Jackson's diagnosis, I felt hopeful."
"Diagnosis over management: you're really focused much more on the diagnosis and figuring out what's going on."
"If someone is not making enough thyroxine, then they should actually have elevated TSH."
"A small but significant portion of these lesions will actually represent a non-benign lesion and early detection will have significant impact on the patient's prognosis."
"The best initial diagnostic step for malleolus fracture is an x-ray."
"Making the diagnosis... allows you to give prognosis to your patient, tell them what to expect, allay fears, dispel concerns."
"If you train a model to pick whether someone has cancer or not, you better tell them the uncertainty in that prediction, not just yes or no."
"Computers can more accurately tell if someone has cancer than a human can."
"Buzzwords... can automatically give away a diagnosis."
"The diagnosis is made by a combination of routine blood picture and bone marrow examination."