
Moral Questioning Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"What have we become as Americans, that we allow this?"
"Cut up yet you want to be able to look into the past and say, 'Did I do the right thing when things were uncertain?' And I think this is one of those opportunities that you have as a parent and in life to advocate for what's right, do right by your child."
"Was it ever okay to own a person as property and beat them as long as they didn't die? No."
"It's crucial to question whether the pursuit of profits overshadows moral principles."
"Wasn't there anybody that had mercy in his heart to stop this from taking place?" - This really demonstrates the Prophet's tenderness for romanticism.
"Is this a sociopath or is this somebody that can be redeemed?"
"Why don't we find a weak and pathetic nation to go to war with? We'll win easily and everyone will laugh."
"If you're hurting people then you're a bad person... do you feel bad when you do wrong?"
"This absolutely is a question of Christian ethics, of Christian morals."
"In the end, we're left with the same question: Do we want an inspiring story about good triumphing over evil or are we ready to take a harsh look at where that evil comes from in the first place?"
"How many lies have you told in your life? What do you call someone who tells lies? A liar."
"So, why are we suddenly claiming that another murder is a gift from God?"
"I'm playing devil's advocate, but if you were in this scenario, would you make the same decision?"
"Mafia 3 feels modern with its character-driven script and moral anchors."
"Why did he destroy a life and his children's lives?"
"How can you live with yourselves? Sooner or later, the truth will come out."
"Does it do good is not a left-wing question. Does it make me feel good about me? That's central."
"Acknowledging that there were acts of horrible evil and violence... and still celebrate Thanksgiving for what it is, is that okay?"
"It's a cash grab... but does that mean it's all bad?"
"Who in their right mind would do something like this? You're literally at a candlelight vigil, talking to the woman you're cheating on your wife with."
"Now, the purpose of these two poems is to challenge the reader's preconceived notions about God and morality, putting forth the idea that a tiger and a lamb are both beautiful."
"Why would you want to merge with the world's greatest criminals and thieves?"
"Isn't the worth of human life worth three towers in Russia? That's the point in history we've come to, absolutely despicable."
"It seems callous to not save that first person. It seems insane morally speaking but this is why the meme says that this is the day the deontologist started questioning his belief system."
"Who are we to judge? Yeah, I mean there's probably at least a few people out there who have gotten cysts while also at the same time having dreams about [ __ ] demons."
"I just will never understand the instinct of people to have a death penalty... I feel like you can't go through with that."
"Did Rani know that Blythe would die? Is she so callous to carry her plans even knowing the fate of her childhood friend?"
"Jesus Christ admittedly was not perfect when he was here on this earth so why are we deifying the founders of this country many of whom owned slaves."
"Yet another example of women being lied to unfairly bro she's been murdering innocent girls for literal centuries even if they were of Royal Blood it would still they'll be murdering innocent girls they have nothing to do with what happened to her."
"Why is it wrong to slap a cat but not to put pigs in gas chambers for a bacon sandwich?"
"So let's be straight about this the great act of democracy is allowing the unborn to be killed in the womb the great act of democracy is not protecting people reporting on trials."
"You've created a world where what you're suggesting is actually evil or wrong."
"Barbara's the one who killed someone so who's the crazy one now."
"What does it say about us that we allow something like this to happen?"
"Says who is perhaps the greatest moral principle we have yet to discover."
"Celine Dion had already grossed close to 750 million dollars in revenue."
"Would Jesus abort a child? I can't see him doing that."
"This game makes me feel like a bad person, but in the best of ways."
"Is it worth the fight? Do I have the courage? Is it worth the sacrifice? America has been worth it every single time."
"If you can't extinguish it in your own country, why do you think you should be able to extinguish it in another country?"
"Can you really shame people who have no shame?" - Ezra Klein
"It's like, okay, if you just beat up a person and it leads to their death, then you can get 40 years in prison but if you also rape them then you can't. Does that make sense to anyone?"
"It certainly is a critically acclaimed novel but it has also been called a work of unparalleled depravity."
"Sarah temporarily loses herself to magic but she's able to pull back before it's too late and question if what they're doing is right."
"Who's the real monster, god is good."
"Gotta play devil's advocate here killing them might not be just it sort of depends on whether you think you would be any different from them."
"That monster deserves to be put down? I don't think so. There's only one monster here."
"How bad does it have to get before the people tear gassing children realize that they're the bad guys?"
"I always felt like am I just like a shitty person for thinking that?"
"If god exists, and he is omnipotent and omniscient, and he has allowed for everything and anything to happen, including wars, torture, and killing, than he is a sadistic monster not worth our affection or attention."
"It seems like we're really just hitting at and unweaving the moral fibers of our society."
"The conflict isn't about 'can they be strong enough to defeat these guys,' it's more about 'am I doing the right thing?'"
"Why are we allowing these countries to commit genocide and then going to the Olympics while COVID is raging?"
"So when in doubt, we can ask ourselves, what would Jesse do?"
"Entertaining to meaningfully impactful work can pave the way for more informed and action-oriented online community."
"Are the Fireflies the real villains in The Last of Us?"
"By his own lights, what he's doing is pursuing a conflict which he believes he has to win."
"How much more blood am I required to spill?" - Abrum the Unyielding
"That's dope shot. Oh, wow, you don't know how long you'd be gone. Oh yeah, true. You could omni-man. Yeah, you know you're evil too."
"It's mind-boggling to me that you're going to want to make some type of statement where you think you agree it's a wrong thing."
"If you're not hurting anyone, what's the problem?"
"I feel like this revenge is warranted though, you did like kill three of them."
"I would never worship a God that would send someone to an eternal lake of fire... That is not a God worthy of worship."
"He gave up a weekend... Is it moral? Is it fair? No, it's not fair."
"Ask yourself, would you have stood with him like his companions?"
"For God to say I made Satan to torture and hurt you so that eventually you can decide that I'm not that Avenue, that's [ __ ] nuts yo."
"Who's the Real Monster Here? Food for Thought."
"How many hands have I shaken that have murdered people?"
"Feeling victorious yet regretful, realizing the emptiness of an inappropriate 'win.'"
"Do you have no decency sir, have you no decency?"
"Have you ever looked back at something from your past and wondered how did I ever think that this was okay? That is where I'm at right now."
"Ultron thinks we're monsters. What's wrong with the world?"
"Wow, Chris, I've never felt so powerful. Is it wrong that I'm into this?"
"Does copying the enemy's tactics tarnish our cause?"
"War is terrible, and so, perhaps, are the men who wage it."
"This food isn't ours. Supplies aren't ours. Why should we take it?"
"Money is made possible since Iran only by the men who produce it, is that what you consider evil?" - Milton Friedman
"If a man or a woman kills themselves, are they not murdering themselves?"
"Should you give a [ __ ]? And when I say give a [ __ ], I mean should you care?"
"What would you want to destroy an innocent child like that?"
"This is crazy. I mean, why? Like, why would somebody dump them over the bridge? That's just such an evil thing to do."
"Have you ever had that moment where you looked at yourself and said, 'Am I the bad guy?'"
"If being fair and having morals is not benefiting you why would you want to keep doing it?"
"The absolute callous lack of a soul that it takes to destroy someone in the absence of any necessity to do it."
"Does he really think that he's doing good actually or does he know that he's become a bond villain and he's just happy to be a villain?"
"How do you feel about being comforted by lies? It feels immoral and offensive."
"It's not enough to say is what I did the right thing you also have to ask is it the right thing that the United States is giving aerial support to a genocidal war."
"If the righteous are barely saved, what will become of the godless and the wicked?"
"Realistic villains like Frollo contrast the message of who's the monster and who is the man."
"Why is it a bad thing for a white man to apologize for racism? Like even if he didn't mean it, why is it a bad thing for him to apologize for racism?"
"What will profit a man to gain the whole world if he loses his soul?"
"It's not the kind of thing good people do. Not even bad people trying to live like good ones."
"Who gave him the right to snatch somebody's honor with his punk ass? Who gave him the right?"
"Michelle Obama's trending and they were talking about her speech and how she was trying to take this moral high ground but really here's a video from her from what was it like seven years ago or something praising Harvey Weinstein."
"How can it possibly be moral to force someone to remain pregnant against their will?"
"Is this the result of a poor decision? Was his decision unforgivable?"
"To me, it seems a little odd that people are profiting off of these dead serial killers that did horrific things."
"Would we tolerate a statue of Hitler for even one second? I think everybody knows the answer to that."
"What is your name? Are you willing to acknowledge that you are a flawed person who has lived their lives using evil to get by?"
"Hatham alone made me question if the Assassins are actually the good guys of this conflict."
"Isn't it okay to tell this little white lie perhaps?"
"It's easier for us to consume pretty things without reckoning with the horrible story behind them."
"Famous last words for someone who died by his hands: 'Are you not ashamed of yourself?'"
"Homelander is the embodiment of the idea about what if superman was actually evil and the answer absolutely terrifying."
"What value does the child who is killed have? Right, what value... I mean, what value are you assigning there?"
"Hitler was right by what metric? By what metric was Germany the greatest nation in the world?"
"All I'm saying is, if you can look a dog in the eye when they're asking for a little bit of food with a little puppy eyes and say no, are you even human?"
"Whenever we read the obscene stories... it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon rather than the word of God."
"Is it possible that there is justification for the killing of Aranda?"
"It has revealed the hypocrisy that is buried just beneath the surface in most of us, claiming to be incensed, even outraged by what we hear, all the while clamoring for more."
"It takes a special kind of bastard to let women and children board ships to a far-off land that doesn't actually exist purely to make a few quid."
"What kind of country is it where nobody says, 'Well, wait, that's kind of sad. They shot an unarmed woman. Is that really a death penalty offense? How hard-hearted are we that no one can even acknowledge that sad?'"
"Why are we committing such a heinous and spiritually reprehensible crime by killing these other creatures when we don't have to?" - Dr. Milton Mills
"The glimpses you get in the play, these little signs that Shakespeare gives you, that it is possible even at that moment to try to redeem something."
"So it all really began because I said, how will children, how will we explain to children what happened in Nazi Germany?"
"If God is good why can't he destroy all evil well he eventually will why can't he do it now because he'd have to destroy you."
"Even me playing it sometimes, I’m like, damn why do I think that? Like, that’s fucked up."
"What is the use of having power without justice?"
"Ask yourself, is the thing I'm doing, the thing I'm worried about doing, is it a good thing? Then go do it."
"It really questions the human moral and humanity in general."
"How can I say I can love somebody who is so unbelievably cruel?"
"There's that dread of what have we just started man what have we just gotten into like even doing the right thing they question was this the right thing."
"What shall it profit for a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?"
"You could have just went on with your life. Why'd you do that?"
"What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?"
"What is meant by saying something is an act of terrorism? All terrorists kill innocent people, yes, but not all who kill innocent people are terrorists. The difference lies in the intention of the person doing the killing."
"If a weaker man goes up to a stronger man and hits him, do we feel bad when he gets hit back?"
"I woke up this morning and I splashed water in my face, and I asked myself a question: Are you the good guy? And I finally had the answer. And that answer was: I sure am trying."
"Does that mean it's wrong that I feel that... it's coming from a good place because I care."
"It's a blessing in disguise that Mew died and not me."
"Is there anything in that story that reminds you of the death of John the Baptist?"
"Your God is still responsible and he's still an evil [ __ ] for doing that."
"How does a reluctant everyman deal with having the powers of basically a God?"
"Can you accept that as a disciple of Jesus? I think the answer is no."
"If these guys are so close to God, right, and they're to be revered and they're to be like Jesus... who did these men feel like they were emulating? It was not Jesus for sure."
"That's the question: How does one right a wrong when the wrong itself is narrated as right?"
"Would you take out a person who made your life hell?"
"Still, that feels a little cold-hearted, doesn't it? Like, would I be willing to let someone lose their livelihood over some ideological points?"
"If you are questioning that sort of thing that you need to be a better man a better person a better human being right."
"At what point do you decide all on your own that you are the villain here?"
"How is it that murder is somehow okay? It's just ludicrous."
"He even justifies his killings as a necessary measure against the Islamist infiltration of Norway. The most important question: Can he be held fully responsible for his actions?"
"I feel like people feel something, right? Like oh, is it wrong that I feel like that?"
"Can you be a Christian and vote for this party? We're saying can you be Christ-like while doing it, right?"
"What debt do I owe y'all? What debt do the gang owe that they're paying for with so many lives?"
"Is Dumbledore truly operating on behalf of the greater good?"
"Jealousy is not a sin. Jealousy is not a sin. No, jealousy is not a sin."
"Denying access to that Faith...are you really justified?"
"It will make you question everything you think you know about the limits of depravity and change the way you see modern cinema forever."
"Are you pro-life for the whole life or is this pro-life ethos more itinerant and selective?"
"I think there's some morally questionable thoughts going on here."
"Was it worth it? That is a coward's question. It suits you."
"What is right, what is wrong if we can see anything wrong?"
"...does he really need to kill the adventurers?"
"The most elaborate research job on that makes it clear: we did not save lives by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
"How could she be so terrible to such a kind person?"
"Grandpa Joe from Willie Wonker and the Chocolate Factory was the bad guy if he could dance around the house with joy because of free chocolate."
"How can it be wrong if we love each other?"
"What makes a person a good person and what secrets should be secrets and what you can share with others and how to navigate relationships in a tense environment."
"The aftermath is another interesting song that deals with the consequences of war and asks whether it's worthwhile considering the resulting atrocities."
"I just asked myself, 'What would a good guy do?'"
"The moral force of the unbelief of anger and the moral urgency of the unbelief of anxiety mix into a gathering flow of insistent, ethically driven doubts."
"I'm trying to come to terms with how can you say you're a good person if you've failed in all these ways, and how can you say someone else is a bad person without looking at yourself."
"Why can't you just help poor people like Jesus would have done?"
"It's fascinating and awful to find out what people will do when they think they aren't being watched."
"How would you feel if you were in our shoes and the tables were turned on you?"