
Political Determination Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"He's not going to let their obstruction stop him from working his ass off to deliver for the American people."
"We will not be intimidated. President Trump will not be intimidated."
"Do not surrender the Senate, no matter what side you're on."
"This is not out of this is not out of frustration this is out of determination and resolve to get our country back on track that's what it's about."
"I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again gets anywhere near the oval office we have seen the danger that he continues to provoke with his language."
"This is a man who has the will to carry on and was absolutely adamant he was going to carry on."
"Stop listening to these people. We're not going to not get reparations because of other people."
"I'm not going to lose my son at the end of 2020 and lose my country and my republic in 2021. It's not going to happen."
"Enough is enough. We've got to start fighting back." - Governor Ron DeSantis
"I will veto any effort to delay or defund or dismantle the new rules that we put in place."
"The Taiwanese have become more and more determined to maintain their de facto sovereignty."
"We did not favor. We did not flinch. And we have not given in. Instead, we're delivering results for the American people."
"I'll do whatever it takes to make sure Donald Trump is nowhere near the Oval Office, and I mean it."
"I have said since January 6th that I will do whatever it takes to ensure Donald Trump is never again anywhere near the Oval Office, and I mean it."
"I cannot wait for 2024. If they put him in jail, he will run his presidential campaign from jail."
"I'm going to smash the CIA into a thousand pieces."
"We are the party of fighters, we are the party of courageous people who will lay it all out on the field and fight for this nation because if we don't fight for it, who will?"
"We will beat down this GOP stupidity... ensure our democracy."
"Bernie is the only one of these candidates who will not back down from the Republicans or from Donald Trump."
"Let's be very clear: we will do anything necessary to stop a No Deal Brexit."
"Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats are determined to fight for the $15 an hour minimum wage." - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
"What is preventing Russia from running over Ukraine is the passion and will of the people of Ukraine and an extraordinary leader... Putin will lose this battle, he will lose this war." - Senator Chris Murphy
"The most important thing is to defeat Donald Trump, and I'll do whatever it takes to do that." - Michael Knowles
"Donald Trump must be defeated and I will do everything in my power to make that happen."
"We're taking the wheel. It's that simple. We don't care about Republican donors."
"There's very few certainties in politics, but one thing you can absolutely count on is that there are tens of millions of Americans who will do everything we need to do to make sure Donald Trump is never the president again."
"It's very important that we have great border security I think it's going to be over with sooner than people think but I will do whatever we have to do if we have to stay out for a very long period of time we're going to do that."
"Despite the extreme difficult testing times caused by the full-scale armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine, the country is determined to further strengthen cooperation with Nigeria at the bilateral level." - President Zelensky
"What he wants is to beat his foes and beat them back to the point where he can say, 'They wanted to impeach me, but they couldn't.' That's where Trump lives."
"We're not going away until we get this background check bill passed."
"Putin has made it abundantly clear he's never going to stop."
"Democratic candidates need to wake up and be relentless every single day, just like the Republicans are. Because guess what? They don't come back with excuses, they come back with results."
"Russia won't let go - he's going to secure it all, crush the current government of Ukraine."
"I am determined that there will be an independence referendum in this parliament."
"We will not spare anything. We'll get it back into shape." - The President
"We will not allow democracy to be subverted by those who want to take us back to the dark ages."
"Fear not everybody, we're gonna fight back...we regain our democracy."
"If they steal the election again, I'm going to be the biggest pain in their, I'm willing to tell them that, and they're going to have to kill me to stop me."
"Putin determined to maintain occupation in Ukraine, ignoring own people's voices."
"Enough is enough! We're here in the Hawkeye State to stay, thank you for all you're gonna do."
"I was willing to fight till my last breath to make sure my children don't inherit a communist country."
"We as the Patriots will take back the control."
"We're winning this election, the mood is fantastic, the determination is totally there."
"Ree felt strongly that all of Korea must be unified."
"Genuine political will and innovative thinking are required to not only identify the solutions but to pursue them diligently and consistently until the desired results are achieved."
"I'm not scared of you anymore. So come election day, my name will be on that ballot. Count on it."