
Mission Focus Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Dr. Smith, we are aware of Dr. Higgins' difficult personality, but we'd like to remind you that the goal of your mission is more important than any personal animosity."
"So absolutely to me from a professional but also from a very personal standpoint I think it's a huge huge deal that we've made this a very big focus of this mission for both women and people of color."
"Simple is good. As long as it accomplishes the mission."
"Keep it simple. As simple as you can make it and accomplish the mission. That's what we should be doing."
"Do a video about our mission... or jump right in."
"I have a mission to fulfill, so I'm gonna forget all my doubts and focus on his vision."
"Thank you, Obi-Wan. I needed that clarity. Of course you're angry with me, but you'd always put the mission first, always."
"All renewal in the church must have mission as its goal if it is not to fall prey to a kind of ecclesial introversion."
"You're going out there to destroy them, right? Not to study, not to bring back, but to wipe them out. That's the plan."
"If you have a mission and you're working towards your mission, your mission is legit, it's ethical, you're doing the right thing then it's your duty it's actually your duty to draw attention to your mission."
"If it's your time, it's your time, but you just understand that you still have a mission."
"Professionalism to me is you put the mission above yourself."
"They possess the steely resolve to see their mission through."
"They're not supposed to be saving a bunch of backwards locals from Raiders. They're supposed to be saving mankind from a new Dark Age."
"They're not playing to survive, they're playing to kill. This is Infinity's mission."
"Whatever it takes doesn't give a [ __ ] about the personal risk involved if the mission matters enough."
"Your focus is to do your mission as best you can and bring everybody home."
"Reusability is core to our mission here at SpaceX."
"This miracle was possible with focus on the mission."
"We gotta find the bastard then. No one gets to destroy America but me. Let's hunt down that futuristic toaster and be done with it."
"Peacemaker isn't just the name it's my mission, whatever it takes, whatever the cost."
"He lived to the end for the mission, did anything he had to do to protect that cause."
"The average soldier in the U.S armed forces is trained to put their politics aside and complete the mission."
"Thank you all right Marines listen up I know we're hurting but we got us a go Mission we move on."
"Marine pilots have a bigger focus on close air support and are typically involved with missions protecting and furthering the mission of the marines on the ground."
"It makes sense that as kind of the soldiers of the group they'd stay focused on the next mission."
"Explore the moon, that's the only contract I'm looking to complete today."
"Work on your mission, even if no one believes in it."
"We have no other option. Do you understand? We have to take this guy out."
"Elon is still focused on the same goal, the same mission, and he's relentless."
"I'm on a mission to shut down the Collectors."
"The goal of this mission is to save the Marines."
"It's difficult to say that Jack is sabotaging his mission to go back to the past."
"Bringing that full circle into a mission like this is something we're constantly looking to do."
"Tesla continually optimizes their vehicles their products everything their North Star is the mission."
"Do your job with honor and integrity and just stay focused on the mission."
"I'm going to live my life for this mission, I'm going to spend my life, invest my life for this moment."
"Get out of the way...the main project is get out of the way...have to become a true Christian and then of course things will the mission will fly."
"If you are just all in focus on a mission that really matters, if you accomplish it and you really focus on that, you solve the happiness problem as a guy."
"Ultimately, here's my issue with Greenpeace, is their core mission."
"The operator mentality: when you are in work mode, you are on a mission and nothing is going to stop you."
"Let us all work together to make this mission a success."
"Relationships should never obstruct a mission objective."
"Our key priorities are always crew safety, vehicle safety, mission success."
"The mission hasn't changed for me. With every passing day, I feel more and more confident that that kind of big vision that we said in the beginning is becoming a reality."
"The companies themselves are just vehicles. I would be completely happy making nothing from them, but the things that they've made possible because of our strong mission focus, it's just crazy."
"The more you look out for your team and your mission, the better off you'll end up."
"Put your team and your mission and others above yourself."
"This is what leadership is like, this is what you do, this is this people first, mission always kind of mentality."
"You got to remember your mission at hand; it's a game where you very much decide what you want to do."
"When we focus on the mission and we create a culture that supports that mission, then we actually create the opportunity for diversity and inclusion."
"Everyone's in it for the mission, and as long as the mission gets done, then people gonna help each other out."
"What's fun about this phase, is your team... they're all in mission minded, building the organization."
"Do not let your emotions cloud your judgment. As future assassins, you must be able to separate your feelings from your mission."
"Okay, everyone, time to continue our mission," stated Naruto.
"Money isn't everything; let's not forget the mission."
"Leaders truly care about their team and they put the mission first."
"The only thing on my mind whenever I went on a mission was protecting as many Americans as possible."
"We're focused on our mission of serving artists."
"Don't lose sight of your mission; remember what it is that you are trying to accomplish."
"For me, it all comes back to what is the mission, right? What's the mission statement, what are we doing."