
Inner Turmoil Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Your miserableness is not coming from the outside; it's coming from the inside."
"I feel like this person has a beast inside them that you've tamed in their eyes."
"The surface of our mind is choppy waves, it is like the 'got to, got to, got to' mind."
"Sometimes I am my number one fan and sometimes I think that I should have all my teeth ripped out and tongue cut out and just you're done you're you're absolutely done I'm silencing myself you're done."
"How far will he go to make amends to his dead friend? This is a hypnotic, heartbreaking rendering of a mind hurtling towards madness."
"Revenge would never quiet his troubled mind, sidearm in hand."
"For all extents and purposes, Kira has what he's always wanted: a quiet life. But it's not his, and it burns him up inside that he has to control his urges."
"The terror within is far truer and far more powerful than any of our labels."
"I wanted to scream, I'd rather you pulled your gun and shot me, but instead, my mouth said thank you."
"Aqua spent decades in the darkness and surrounded in this pit of despair that she just lived in for a while, fighting literal personifications of her own self-doubt and misery."
"Nobody knows when inside of you the struggle starts."
"I am dying inside at this moment."
"Her heart is beating so loudly, she can't seem to calm down."
"You are driven to meditation because you can't stand being stuck in this crap that your mind is creating."
"Despite his inner turmoil, he put on a brave front for Silie, who sensed the presence of monsters nearby."
"Nothing will bring about an inner feeling of turmoil faster than allowing yourself to be seduced into fighting or arguing."
"The spirit of fear is when there is a spirit inside of you that puts you in terror continually."
"You put a demon inside of me, but I want it out."
"There's an inner turmoil happening within almost every character in Michael Mann's 'Heat' - a collision between what they believe and who they really are deep down."
"She puts out this strong, self-confident, rebellious outside, but on the inside, you know she's definitely dealing with a lot."
"Am I okay am I okay am I okay yes I can get a second guessing yes because obviously I am okay on the surface but probably deep within me I'm not okay."
"He had a very calm facial expression, but it seemed like the kind of calm you witness when someone is about to lose their mind."
"He put on that face for the fans, but inside, he's burning up."
"That's why people are so angry and grumpy and rageful all day long, because if inner child has kept them up all night long."
"The more I fought it, the more intense the violence became inside the black hole."
"I just feel I don't even know, just back to square one again, you know? It's just like my heart is telling me to stay, you know, still be there, my mind is like 'He's no good'."
"Deep within the psyche of every blood angel is a destructive yearning, a battle fury, and blood hunger that must be held in abeyance."
"So when you're flicking through this novel and I do hope that it is a when, enjoy the fact that your inner turmoil is given a poignant voice by Raskolnikov."
"...they're actually freaking out inside and terrified."
"There's a chaos inside that isn't shown on the outside."
"I said I was fine," Charlie insisted, although she wasn't at all sure.
"Ultimately, by releasing these thoughts that are causing you distress and inner turmoil, you are reborn and you can experience renewal."
"All it takes is a beautiful smile to hide an injured soul, and they will never notice how broken you really are."
"He was tortured on the inside by guilt and fear."
"My heart was filled with fear and sadness, though outwardly I tried to be courageous and nobody saw I was frightened of the coming days."
"A storm inside filled with a tumultuous rage only masked by the numbness."
"His own nature had revolted against the excess of anguish that had sought to maim and mar the perfection of its calm. With subtle and finely wrought temperaments it is always so."
"...because it just felt so wrong in my soul"
"I managed to be kind and grateful even though I was raging on the inside."
"I think most people that are not nice to other people, are broken inside and are unhappy inside."
"The reason there's a war among us is because there's a war inside of us."
"Quietly on the inside, they're screaming, hell on my job, hell in my house, hell with my siblings, hell at my school. Where can I go to get some peace? This man screams because there is nowhere to find any peace. Can you hear it?"
"I felt like it was like a monster inside of me, ravenous and out of control."
"Feels like the devil is inside of you looking out."
"But inside it's quite another story."
"We've all got a messy, loud, hidden beast."
"If you avoid the conflict to keep the peace, you start a war inside yourself."
"All the evil he had done and the hate he had for this cruel universe was because he hated himself."
"You make me at peace with something that should be tearing me up inside, and I will undo whatever the hell it is you've done to me."
"What tina said shook Daisy from the inside."
"Remember, although life may seem perfect from the outside, on the inside I feel empty."
"She is very good at guarding her emotions, very cool, calm, and collected on the outside even when she doesn't necessarily feel that way on the inside."
"You've got a darkness in you, buddy boy."
"It's the cruel beast that you feed, it's your burning, yearning need to bleed..."
"There's a deep-seated sickness, and that sickness is self-contempt."
"There's a darkness inside of me, it followed me, and it's gonna keep coming for us."
"But if you do not bring forth what is within you, what is within you will destroy you."
"Demons in my mind, demons pushing all my triggers, losing my pride."
"There is an earthquake in your soul at a certain level because there are earthquakes as well on Earth."
"What is this I feel inside me, knocking it hard against my bones?"
"I am a whirlwind of conflicts, so what can I say?"
"Restless currents of energy buzzed through Delaney as she looked at her reflection in the mirror."
"There's this empty hall of sadness and depression inside us."
"The things inside her were creatures of heat and fire, and they did not love the ice."
"It would be like killing a part of themselves; it would be like a sword inside of them."
"Apocalypse just means to unveil some confirmation of the sickness in your soul is not your fault."
"He's probably more broken on the inside than he is on the outside."
"I started to get so many compliments... but deep inside, I was dying."
"Perfect on the outside and twisted on the inside."
"The hate I feel inside boils my cool exterior over."
"Hate you? How many times do you think I killed him in my heart?"
"The drive home was somber, the streets and sounds of the city muted by the turmoil within."
"She looked healthy, pretty even normal, like a Hermione from a different life, but her eyes, her eyes were dead."
"The pain body is a semi-autonomous energy form that lives within most human beings, an entity made up of emotion."
"Even more maddening than the silence was the beating of her own heart."
"Your composure is so great, and you hold yourself so well; inside, you cling to pieces of a broken carousel."
"How absolutely terrifying," she said, but a worm of fear was eating away inside her.
"A storm of conflicted feelings swirls within the child."
"Jesus is still Lord over the storm, but what He wants is He wants the storm inside of you to end."
"I know what it's like to be judged based on what people see on the outside when there's so much chaos going on on the inside."
"The wreckage inside my mind is the only piece that's been left behind."
"He surrendered his life to the hollow inside him, and that hollow did some damage."
"Those spirits are like wounded animals. Whatever it is, they just hold on too tight. You can't let go."
"I am my heart's only owner, or at least I used to be, 'cause now a wildfire is raging deep inside."
"You try to blow it off by turning the car radio on and try to drown out that voice that screaming voice in your head."