
Post-production Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"The better your source audio is, the easier it is to manipulate in post."
"Post-production isn't cheating...it always happened in the old days."
"It's very difficult to play to a click accurately and with ye'll, instead, what it ends up being is a very useful tool for post-production."
"Words have been added at a later date, a post-production addition."
"Compositing essentially is a 2D operation, so after we render, we're gonna be performing some 2D operations."
"Tron set the foundation for making a movie with so much of the world left to be created after the cameras stopped rolling."
"Hope these best practices help you in your post-wedding post-production process."
"Post-processing effects are essential. They make everything look and feel completely different."
"It also has 4k movie recording and the ability to switch color profiles for post-production so if you want to add really cool color grading and loves to your videos that's definitely something that is appealing to me."
"We can light somebody in post-production and it looks just as real as if you'd really lit them that way when you were filming."
"Her legacy is not just in the film she worked on but also in the standards she set for post-production in cinema."
"You could color grade just about a whole movie and get pretty good results, literally knowing what you know now."
"The bigger the file you have, the better the quality, and the more freedom you have to tweak it hard in post."
"Masks you can use for a lot of things. You don't necessarily have to use it for color correction."
"This is a great way to use masks to protect people's identities or to blur out sensitive information."
"I've lowered the luma on just that singular color. This is how you can adjust a lot of things."
"You don't have to worry about syncing the audio in post."
"You can actually add motion blur in post production but it takes way more effort to do that than it does just to put an ND filter on and capture it in camera."
"To get the most out of any camera or drone you need to be editing your footage in post."
"Post production be scary to me though, man."
"The editing and post-production team played a crucial role in bringing everything together and creating a cohesive final product. They worked around the clock, often in shifts, to ensure that the show's tight deadlines were met."
"Uh, we can fix that in post. You want to talk to a gang member?"
"The editing is the last draft of the movie... Post-production is the final draft of the movie."
"Once you know what's going on under the hood of your favorite graphics programs, you can take greater control of your post-production process."
"Exposing to the right is better than exposing to the left, since it's easier in post-production to bring back some shadows versus highlights."
"All the codecs offered in this camera are really robust and really great for allowing you to push the image in post."
"For compositing we're going to jump over to After Effects and drop our main pass footage into the new comp."
"The post team does not get enough credit for what they do."
"Desaturating before doing your color correction node can be a neat trick."
"It's such a fun lens to use and just as much fun to play around with images in post-production."
"We prefer to make the shots lighter and in compositing they can make it darker and keep the details they want."
"You could add detail and sharpness in post, making sure that you're getting the most out of your footage."
"Whatever problem there is I'll fix it in post."
"The less you do on your camera I think the more control you'll have in post."
"And now all the hardest parts are out of the way we can begin color matching and adding motion blur to really blend this all together."
"It's the little things in the editing."
"Post-production is one of the most important things that anybody can learn, any 3D artist in general."
"Electronic editing can be carried out after the program recording is over on two or more videotape machines."
"6K is a great acquisition resolution as you are able to either downscale in post or use the extra resolution to crop, stabilize, or reframe."
"It's not as hard to change it afterwards and get it to where you want."
"Having that 16-bit color, all that color information is really nice because you can kind of manipulate that image to look however you want."
"I like doing everything in post-production, just as a matter of control."
"With color management we can flip a switch and do what's called a trim pass, meaning make small adjustments but we don't need to redo our entire grade and the bulk of our creative intent will be preserved."
"It's always important to have a high frame rate just so you can slow it down in post without it looking super choppy."
"Flexibility in post-production is incredibly valuable."
"This is a great way to actually quantify that and knowing how to fix it when you get your footage back into post-production."
"It's easier to start with the information and take it away; you can't really add that information in post."
"You can easily do that in post, you can just render different camera animations put that together and post in After Effects or Adobe Premiere or DaVinci Resolve or whatever."
"Deep essentially gives you perfect defocusing in post."
"Like magic, it takes away the nasty green edges from our footage."
"All of these changes were done in compositing; there was no re-rendering of the image."
"You get to craft and refine the flow of the video first and then just worry about the camera angles later."
"This allows the camera to capture a three-dimensional image, allowing for several crazy applications in post-production."
"For me, it is like you're starting with this raw thing that you created and you perfected in camera, but then there's so much more you can do after the fact."
"Color grading is definitely a must if you're going for anything that you think is gonna look good."
"There are some things you simply can't do in post-production."
"The effect that the polarizer gives you can't be replicated in post-production."
"Even if it clips, even if it goes above zero dB full scale, you can actually pull that down and fix it in post."
"Now you really can fix it in post, just don't tell any directors that."
"I get really pretty good looking renders with only a little bit of tweaking needed in post."
"So there's a lot of work that can be done in post-production."
"Twin Motion gives you some great exports but unless you know how to use Lightroom as well, then unfortunately this is going to be the best you can produce out of Twin Motion."
"If you haven't shot RAW before, the big benefit is the ability to change a range of parameters... and you can really manipulate your image in post much more than the more compressed formats."
"It's very important to shoot a wide variety of shots that you can edit into a series of sequences during post-production."
"Visual effects are when you take footage and then you add things on top of the footage in post."
"The power of post-production graduated filters in modern programs like Lightroom Classic must not be underestimated."
"The composition matches the resolution frame rate which is absolutely crucial for lockdown to work properly."
"I tend to shoot with a flat profile and do my raw conversion in such a way that I've got a bit of room to maneuver in my post-production."
"The raw image is a much better image for post-production."
"Color grading your footage is the most important step."
"Filming in 6K means that we have the ability to reframe, especially when our output is 4K."
"We're able to push the colors around while still retaining quality."
"If you want to do some post-production work on the photos, you're going to want to shoot in raw."
"By separating out all these passes, that allows us to composite them in a much easier way."
"If you use a slight grain in your renders or in your images that you put out you can avoid those bending effects."
"Now of course, you could try to eyeball all of this stuff and just take the different shots and try to match them in post, but it's first going to take a very long time, and I really doubt that you're going to be able to get it really perfectly."
"Rotoscoping is basically just green screening out an object or selecting an object and masking it out of the frame."
"There is a hell of a lot you can do to improve your vocal audio in post just by using this effect called Parametric EQ."
"If you edit a raw photo or you edit a logarithmic piece of video footage, you can make it better than what the JPEG will look out of camera."
"You can reposition, reframe your shot after the fact."
"It's very important that you get everything right during filming, and then maybe do a little bit of tweaking at the end."
"It gives you a bit better dynamic range and a bit more color flexibility in post, and that's one of the common reasons for shooting log footage."
"One of the coolest things on this camera is the fact that you can adjust in post whether you're shooting in landscape or portrait mode."
"I love shooting in Cine like D because it gives me a bit more room in post to adjust colors and apply LUTs."
"We can just leave a camera there, record, and then afterwards we can pick any angle we like."
"Post-production is the thing that ties your whole film together."
"Always put in backgrounds running throughout the entire film, including the credits."
"That's how you can create these cool nighttime renderings using just Revit's basic rendering engine and just a little bit post-production later on in Photoshop."
"It really does take 'I'll fix it in post' to a whole another meaning."
"That's just one of the beauties of post-production, is you can really see those little details that you wouldn't have otherwise during the shoot."
"Sugar Studios is the premier facility for independent film post-production in Los Angeles."
"Shooting 4K allows you the flexibility to crop and downsample in post-production."
"When you are delivering in 4K, you can benefit from improved image quality by down-sampling and have more resolution to play with when reframing or applying stabilization in post."
"We've done a lot of the technical work, and now it's getting just a little bit more subjective and a little bit more creative."
"You don't always have to position it perfectly the time you're shooting; you can actually reposition everything later in studio."
"Let's go into post-production, and I'll show you how all the magic comes together."