
Future Hope Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"Maybe one day, the country won't be leaving the most vulnerable children behind."
"Maybe folks like you and I, let's hope that our best days in our own lives are still ahead of us."
"Everything soon will come to light and then you will see things will be all right."
"Ultimately, if it's [10 years from now] and the hatchet is buried, that would obviously be great."
"I hope she learns her lesson in jail and she ends up being happy and a good, honest person one day."
"If the love for your child doesn't provide a bright enough future for you, nothing ever will. You murdered your best shot at true happiness."
"The millennium will be an exhilarating era of happiness and contentment and joy."
"After any injustice that happens to us, just remember there will be somebody in your future who cherishes it."
"Everything will work out for the best in the end."
"Yeah. There were dog armies in 16th century Europe."
"He achieved once and for all stupendous and wonderful things for us."
"This is all gonna be over soon, and there's gonna be a bright side of this."
"Everything happening now is to give you renewed hope in the future."
"God's plan for you is thoughts of good to prosper you and give you hope and a future."
"The behavior and the person aren't the same."
"We're gonna survive, gonna build your better world."
"I hope that the future of the show hues a little closer to that message of hope and optimism."
"They said the age of heroes would never come again. It will, it has to."
"Thanks to your support, we'll have a future in life."
"And Bowen Turner if you are watching this come July 2023 when you are released I hope for your sake that girls run when they see you."
"Every time I read the Bible I see God telling Job, 'Your latter end shall be greater than your beginning.'"
"There are difficult times ahead, but better days are near."
"Russia will be defeated and Ukraine finally will find peace and security."
"One day Jesus the chief Shepherd is gonna call the roll."
"Plans to prosper you and give you hope and a future, declares the Lord."
"It's not a question of if this will happen... but when this will happen."
"Hopefully I'll look back at this a year from now... and hopefully, I'll feel a little bit happier."
"Polar bears are truly amazing, and I just hope that there are still enough of them in the future for the coming generations to see."
"I feel optimistic about the future and I feel grateful for this very moment."
"The next time we see each other, it will be at the dawn of a whole new world, a peaceful, happy world."
"This success means there's light at the end of the tunnel."
"I want to see a better future for my children. I want them to be proud to say that Nigerian and carry Nigerian passports."
"Someday when we are wiser, when we all can do this together, we can make this world a better place."
"Soon enough, everybody will be loved and treated the same. Okay then, I'll wait."
"Be calm because this too will pass, and we will get out onto the other side."
"You can have hope in the future. This problem will be solved."
"Please let it go because you have something so much better waiting for you."
"The limp of this life is worth the joy that comes hereafter."
"Hardin was an optimist...he believed in humanity and was infinitely hopeful for our future."
"This can hopefully serve as an example of an idiot that was able to learn and be better in the future."
"Someday we'll make it out, you'll make it big."
"Your best days are ahead. God's got an incredible future prepared for you."
"Desperate times call for desperate messages, but love me later."
"Someday we will gather with all flesh before you in that Kingdom and worship you on the Sabbath day."
"The visualization should leave the audience with hope for the future if your solution is enacted."
"It sucks when a new entry into a hit gaming franchise falls far short of expectations. At least there's always next time, right?"
"They're starting to realize that it's not impossible. There is that light at the end of the tunnel."
"We certainly hope she'll get the help she needs in the future."
"There will be a time where people will not be killing to eat, that is destined."
"Your life is not over; the best is yet to come."
"Thank you for such an amazing sight...love you tomorrow."
"The sufferings of this present time cannot be compared to the glory that is yet to be revealed to us."
"It was really nice talking to you. I hope we can talk again soon."
"Solidarity and love. I know utopia is too far-fetched, but hopefully, we will have less war and more love and solidarity in the future."
"Just because there isn't love showing up today doesn't mean there's not love coming in the near future."
"True love coming in for you. Someone who wants to work on a team with you."
"The star card is about optimism, hope for the future, and a wish being granted."
"Nobody's dancing now, but we will dance again."
"Dry your tears, lift your head, and press onward. Your future glory far outpaces all you have known."
"There is hope for tomorrow, the best is yet to come."
"Maybe next Mother's Day we might be as close to normal as possible."
"All you want is your family to be happy, this is all going to be said and done, I feel, within the next few months."
"Living from the place of the greatest Earthly joy... the joy to come is so much greater than the trials that we face."
"An era of joyous life on the earth will be ushered in."
"But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells."
"So the America's gonna fall apart, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. At some point, it's gonna fall apart. You can't... What's going to replace it? Hopefully something better, something righteous, something that has learned its lesson from the past."
"Let's just hope that if we tolerate this long enough, we'll ride this out, and come next year, things will be very different."
"Find people who realistically know you but have real hope for your future."
"Tomorrow is a new day. Maybe something wonderful will happen tomorrow."
"America was at its best when people believed tomorrow would bring them a better day."
"Through this setback or disappointment, there is something that's going to be rising above."
"We all fantasize about a time when we won't have to wear the masks anymore."
"We live with the hope of a future, a secure hope that truly satisfies."
"God bless you and remember these are glory days, not remedies. The best is yet to come. Amen."
"My students, scientists imagining and inventing, they give me hope."
"One might think that there are a little bit bitters and some ones kind of kicking their ass in the movie game."
"Things have been rough, but by the end of the year, you'll be feeling hopeful."
"Tomorrow the sun may not be shining for you right now, but tomorrow the sun gonna shine."
"I love trucking and I want to see the trucking industry thrive."
"It's not going to be another 2020 year, it's shining the sun down upon us."
"Christ is going to fix it in the Millennium."
"Next time the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future, he has no future, amen, but you do."
"One day you'll find one that you don't doubt."
"You'll find someone better someday."
"It's been a good year, but we're hoping for even better 2024."
"History is history, but all we can do is hope that going forward, this kind of stuff is never allowed to happen again."
"Helen, I truly appreciate your concern for me. I believe that someday I'll find the right person."
"Let us embrace the lessons of the past, the promises of the present, and the hope of the future."
"All of Scripture is teaching us that someday we will feast with our enemies, someday we will worship with our enemies, someday we will gaze upon the face of Jesus side by side with our enemies."
"I'm sure my daughter's son will grow up to be a great man."
"My latter days will be better than my former days."
"One day Ben's gonna come in here around that corner and run up to you and be on set with you."
"Having faith makes you think that things are not permanent, that there's better days coming."
"My hope is that in the coming years we see end-tidal CO2 used effectively at the bedside as a tool that can help us better manage our patients."
"One day, yes, one day the lamb and the lion will lie down together. One day, yes, the desert will blossom as a rose."
"Everybody, anywhere, at any time, would always look forward to a better future."
"Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah."
"One day we'll be those who can't sin, and we look forward to that, but that's all of God's grace."
"Hope you have a good day, if you don't, I'm sorry. Maybe tomorrow or next week or next month or next year, you know, it's gonna be good. Good things happen."
"Keep going because the best truly is yet to come."
"Look ahead, this is coming. I know, we know, we've been through a lot. Just wait, the better days."
"I'm going to look for a guy who can treat you better, how about that?"
"I'm not going to live another 60 years to see that really, I hope that future generations have a chance though."
"Mankind has always looked to the past with regret for mistakes, and to the future for the chance to correct them."
"When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race."
"The faith for my future breakthrough, many times is hidden in the victories of the past."
"This isn't forever. Soon enough you'll be in a place with soft beds and plenty of food where you can rest for a while."
"I want to be hopeful right now for the future."
"Talking with a licensed therapist can give you clarity about the past and hope for what's to come."
"You would have been a good father, a good husband. I know it seems impossible now, but someone else will come along."
"Fear not for the future, weep not for the past."
"They believe that Luffy and his story will come one day to be the dawn and lead the dawn."
"You're gonna be heartbroken... but one day you will just have that feeling and you will just know this is the one."
"Though just a young man at the time, I knew that one day he'd be mine."
"The New Testament apostles' view of salvation was that we would rule on the earth in the age to come with Jesus."
"When God goes behind you, your past cannot overtake your future."
"We look forward to that kingdom that cannot be shaken."
"The sufferings of this world are not even worthy to be compared with what God has in store for those that love Him."
"It could transform lives of cancer patients in the future, so that's a positive."
"The Bible talks about the problems of life... it tells us about the source of life, the meaning of our present life, and the glorious future of life for the believer."
"I would love to go back into history in a way that informs what we can look for as a by way of hope for the future."
"For I consider that sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us."
"If there isn't some compromise, there isn't some way to give Palestinians a path to a state in some hopeful future, this is just an endless conflict."
"But one day I will meet someone who, in a strange way, will share their sight and ear with me, so that I may one day put my books down and enjoy."
"Don't give up. The best is yet to come."
"A time is coming when God will reign with justice and life."
"There will be no more sickness and no more tears."
"I am just so impressed with everything about this, and I think finally I have hope again that full self-drive is going to be a part of the future."
"There is a big breakthrough Hallelujah that is getting ready to happen by the end of this year."
"Hope is in the future, you hope next week you'll come get a little better and a little stronger, but faith is now."
"My hope is that a state-specific science will make sense of this someday."
"I believe with all of my heart this is that generation."
"Our true and perfect happiness consists in the life which we hope for and which is hid from us as yet."
"We can be together forever someday."
"Good days are coming for those who dream for the best!"
"Hopefully with him gone, humans and robots can now live in peace."
"The sufferings of this present world are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us."
"Hopefully, everybody will get through this, come out stronger on the other side, and we won't have to experience anything like this ever again."
"One day I will meet someone who, in a strange way, will share their sight and ear with me, so that I may one day put my books down and enjoy life through my own eyes."
"Crowfeather tells her that he loves her, but her heart and place is with her clan, and they can wait to be together again until they walk in the stars together."
"Leave the past to God's mercy, leave the future to God's providence."
"Damn right they'll be fine, one day, somewhere, I'm gonna find you and give you a hug."
"I know that the better days are coming."
"It may not bring him any comfort at the moment, and I understand that, but maybe one day it will."
"For a’ that, an’ a’ that, It’s comin yet for a’ that, That Man to Man the warld o’er Shall brithers be for a’ that."
"2023 is going to be an incredible year; it's certainly going to be an improvement over 2022."