
Priority Setting Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Look, sometimes you gotta go for the Joker teeth first. You can't focus on the people, come on."
"Our focus is on...getting the American people vaccinated. That needs to be our focus now."
"We focus on the user and all else will follow."
"You must pray with the priority of spiritual intimacy."
"If you don't set your priorities, someone else will."
"Opting out of gift exchanges that aren't so important to us."
"You're still working? Work is a priority as I am here from now on for this to be a priority."
"Stable production is the most important thing for you right now."
"It is not whether we can afford it. It is whether we can afford to ignore it."
"There's a lot of challenges, I'd say the number one challenge is time."
"It's more important to invest in yourself in developing the skills and the knowledge than it is in the hardware."
"Reliability is number one above everybody else."
"Living magazine: Most of us prioritize our pets' physical and mental health over our own."
"The urgent things show up as tasks just by their own. But the important but not urgent, they don't have complete urgent completion dates yet those are the things that change the arc of your life."
"It seems clear to me these people were genuinely fans of these games and they really approached this with authenticity at the top of their priority list."
"I might even pin that as well. It might unpin the terrible bingo board, so I think this is a little bit more important honestly."
"Our number one priority this transfer window is a striker then I'm gonna tell you well done."
"Pick the things that you think are really important and focus on that and try to make it better."
"It's just it's the most serious thing I think in the room."
"Successful presidents better than me have been successful in large part because they know how to time what they're doing, order it, decide priorities."
"I think the priority for CD Projekt Red should be fixing core gameplay mechanics."
"Microsoft has stated that all non-essential or optional Windows updates will be paused instead Microsoft will focus only on critical and possibly any out-of-band security updates."
"What are you going to focus on first at max level? Are you going hard into the gear grind or maybe you're working on some of the optional stuff?"
"Taking care of the baby is the most important thing that I can do right now so if that is all I get done I say all like that that's enough and really it's a lot."
"Reopening schools is going to stabilize our society. I think it's the number one most important thing we can do to stabilize our society from top to bottom."
"I really just focus on the absolute essentials instead of getting really overwhelmed by having a long list of things to do..."
"We used the daytime for the important stuff."
"You have to choose justice before stability."
"We can do anything, we just can't do everything."
"Start with investment in education, it's the most important thing."
"Content creators really need to focus on community building over sales."
"Change one thing and that one thing is where your money goes first."
"Faith and family of course get the first shout out."
"We need to keep the main thing the main thing. The main thing is Jesus Christ and Him crucified."
"Your other rights don't mean a whole lot if you're not alive to enjoy any of them."
"Money is like fuel, as long as it comes second."
"The most important thing is to bring people to Christ. The second most important thing is to preserve the freedom to do the most important thing."
"Life is not about time management, it's really about mind management, it's about priority management as well."
"Make recovery your first priority if you have addictive behaviors."
"We should make extending the resistance network a high priority."
"This was actually a great beta test for a new FBI program in getting ransomware, and they're talking like the DOJ is talking about treating ransomware basically at the same priority as terrorism."
"I think, 'Will it be fun first?' What I enjoy doing."
"I want to make the best video first and foremost and everything else is secondary. That's just how it is."
"Protecting your health is important and it should always be a priority."
"Put your highest priority on healing this wound."
"Eventually we'll do something with it but for now it's not super critical."
"Don't fight every battle; pick the issues that matter the most."
"I guess the taste of the food doesn't actually matter in this kind of situation."
"Create those top three priority items that you want to accomplish with your finances."
"Building community is the bedrock. Without community, you can't put the cart before the horse."
"The best Roi, the most important Roi is time."
"One of the most beneficial things that you can do for yourself during this alone time is decide what your priorities are and lay down some expectations."
"We believe in educated choices that put your best interest first."
"China's relationship with the developing world is its most important strategic priority."
"People matter more than concepts and must come first."
"Recognize that your partnership with spirit is your number one priority right now."
"It's a balance... Freedom over fame for sure."
"Let me ask you a question, you're in charge, you're manager, you gotta prioritize what you're priori."
"Your health has to be your priority... take the time you need for yourself."
"Emergency fund has to be first, it has to be first."
"It's hard to pick which one is the priority because they're so important, they're all the priorities."
"Once you know your priorities, it becomes possible for you to work out where to focus your attention."
"Before helping others, put on your own oxygen mask."
"Whatever I'm missing out on is a choice... I'd so much rather be doing what I'm doing."
"It's a matter of figuring out what your priorities are and basically having your checklist."
"You got to reach for it, you got to try it. Maybe I need to just focus on me in this moment in time. It's okay for you to say you're going to prioritize personal development."
"If you have not discerned what you're supposed to say no to, you will never be clear on what you're supposed to say yes to."
"A lot of people are getting too wrapped up in details that turn out to not be as important as bigger picture issues."
"Don't waste my time... I don't have time to waste."
"It’s time we put doing something about it much higher on our To-Do List."
"It's not a question of scarcity, it's about setting the right priorities."
"What are you willing to say no to now so that you can say yes to anything later?"
"Paying off your high interest debts should be a priority."
"At some point, you're just making a normative decision of what your priorities are."
"Lives are more important than anything else."
"Cutting out dumb shit is what takes everybody to the next level."
"These issues need to be addressed before we go any further."
"Making sure that you're having fun is my top priority."
"Every single piece of it has to be second to your willingness to fight for self-love."
"Giving back the time to the people is central in everything."
"Reform priorities should also include an overhaul of the Prosecutor General's office."
"Our number one priority is to rehabilitate this individual."
"What are your priorities? What do you want to get out of it?"
"No wonder they say that the most important thing in life is setting your priorities right."
"How much more fulfilling is your life when you do have those priorities in order?"
"Until we take care of the business of internal reparations, I don't even know why we're talking about external reparations."
"Evaluate your ranking... if your reference is rooted in pain that you have not healed from then you're going to rank certain things higher."
"Balance is the challenge - prioritize what you want to see grow the most."
"If I could get this out of my life for the time being everything else will fall into place."
"Create a list of must-haves and nice-to-haves."
"Your first job is to take care of your own household first."
"Ultimately, you can't serve two things at once."
"YouTube is the most important thing. It's first and foremost."
"Genuine people prioritize what truly matters."
"Mental preparedness has got to be your number one focus."
"The ABCDE method is a powerful priority setting technique that you can use every single day."
"But before we talk about specs and features, let's talk about the cost."
"Safety's first and that needs to be made clear."
"Priority is definitely there without a doubt, and it's something which our religion has, and we should all implement it."
"Background tasks have the lowest priority of all tasks."
"Family always came first is something that I learned."
"We've made it a very strong priority to start filling gaps in our prepping and bug in checklist."
"We will keep safety, particularly for teenagers, a top priority."
"The 'why' behind every goal is often bigger than you think. It gives you clarity and helps you know your priorities."
"The main thing is picking the places that are going to be the most important for you as an organization."
"The key is not the structure... it's about leaders saying, 'For my area, these are where the priorities are'."
"Making Shanghai is our number one priority, and we're going to do everything we can to get there."