
EQ Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"It's been shown to be able to increase your EQ, your level of empathy and relatedness and leadership, from parenting to team building."
"The most important part of leadership... is the EQ, humility... Do you earn people's respect? Do people want to work for you?"
"As for correctional software and EQ, this should only be used as a last result where optimal positioning and acoustic treatment are either not practical or not possible."
"Utilize EQ on effects to hone in the exact sound you want."
"EQ is the most powerful tool in our mix; if you want your vocals to sound clearer and more upfront, a big part of that is EQ."
"Sometimes boosting frequencies is the right move, but usually, I would say after cutting the unwanted frequencies."
"High pass everything except the kick and bass, but be careful as some sounds will lose their power if rolled off too high."
"Automate your EQ if you know what you're doing, but if not, static EQ settings can work for the rest of the track."
"Using the solo button to EQ can help get a sound sounding good on its own before mixing it with the rest of the track."
"Sometimes EQ isn't the right tool for the job. Know when to use it and when not to."
"EQing your effects can be massively useful."
"It's really important to have your ears dialed into how EQ can affect a sound or compression or reverb and all of the things that go into that category."
"It's kind of like EQ like one's harmonics one's a bright switch and one is kind of a low switch."
"It's not a criticism, I think it's just if you find you plug it in and you find that oh, need a little bit more EQ, EQ is your friend."
"Just put the EQ on this track that your bass is on and you can actually see if your bass even has the actual frequencies that you want."
"The LCD XC really does that well and so with EQ, this is one of the better performing headphones I think you can find."
"I think it's when you get to the second level of Sound Engineering that you then start seeing EQ as a way of fitting frequencies around each other and tracks around each other."
"So if 2db of EQ isn't making the change that you want to make then you shouldn't be using EQ to make that change."
"The brilliant match EQ plugin... seems to be getting us in the ballpark."
"Don't just EQ because you can, you need to be EQ'ing because you heard a problem that you want to solve or you hear something that you want to enhance."
"...one of the benefits to using an EQ on your mix bus is it can encourage you to not over-process things on an instrument-by-instrument level."
"So, way overstated advice that again has this tiny little technical kernel of truth in it but, if EQing things in your parallel processing make sense for your workflow and get you better results, do it because so many of the best mixers do this."
"A review that does not consider EQ is a bad review."
"And what you hear with this EQ and that's why I like it so much is that it's a really nice modeling of an analogue EQ. It feels very musical when you turn the knobs."
"EQ is key to making guitars sound massive."
"At its heart, mastering is simple: EQ, compression, and limiting."
"...using multi-band compression and dynamic EQ properly allows you to target in your compression so you're only applying compression where you need it..."
"...multiband compression and dynamic EQ allow you to apply EQ when you need it..."
"...using these compression and dynamic range manipulation tools so you can be more subtle with your EQ moves and more subtle with your compression..."
"EQ'ing is like sculpting sound. You're chiseling away at the frequencies to reveal the masterpiece underneath."
"Don't EQ just for the sake of EQ'ing. Sometimes, the right sample selection is the key to unlocking the perfect sound."
"In modern music production, EQ is the painter's brush, shaping every sonic detail to perfection."
"Contrast and context is so important when it comes to mixing and when it comes to EQ in particular."
"Sure, there are ways in which we can use EQs that are creative, and help us sort of add something, embellish the sound, if you will, but in general, I think if you think about correction as a guiding principle, it will help keep you out of trouble."
"Your microphone placement can influence the EQ of your voice a lot."
"If you get a good EQ sound, it will work for several different tones."
"I think intelligence is both EQ and IQ and that common sense street smart intelligence."
"The EQ is going to be even remotely useful for."
"Don't use EQ as a solution for time-based issues except for kind of the gray area of just room buildup due to reverb and reflections that kind of thing."
"Good quality saturation, it's almost a way to kind of like I'm going to use less compression, I'm going to use less EQ."
"The problem is most everybody taking under the EQ."
"What's good everybody? It's your boy Q here with the waveknobby.com to teach you guys everything about EQs today."
"This is very important, if not one of the most important steps when it comes to EQ and your vocals to fit your track."
"EQ is maybe the most powerful tool that you have in GarageBand."
"The dusk default preset is so good, it's like the validation for what all of us EQ proponents have been saying for such a long time."
"In my world, EQ is more important."
"We want it to sound good, we want to be able to EQ it, we want it loud, but we still want it to have some ability to go in there and tweak the settings and make it sound phenomenal."
"Your EQ is just as important as your IQ; your emotional intelligence."
"It injects a combination of high frequency EQ boost together with some finely tuned harmonic distortion to help enhance sounds."
"The first two plugins that you need to learn how to use to create professional music is EQ and compression."
"With EQ, we have two goals: minimize the bad and highlight the good."
"EQ is one of the best tools that you can use; it's really a way to shape sounds."
"EQ is your secret weapon to all things mixing, especially vocals."
"Having the ability to EQ the master output on here is a piece of genius."
"EQ is the mixer's secret weapon for how to actually get the tracks to blend well and have clarity and punch."
"Unlike most DJ mixers on the market, it contains a four-band EQ instead of the usual three."
"The late night EQ is actually the loudest option here."
"An EQ is definitely a way to go; it'll take any set of speakers you have and make them better."
"You can use EQ to make broad general changes to your tone to create a warmer or a brighter tone."
"You have this advanced level of EQ, emotional intelligence."
"The community driven EQ aspect is awe-inspiring."