
Godzilla Quotes

There are 399 quotes

"Godzilla has been an icon around the world for nearly 70 years, a distinctly Japanese creation that grew to become a beloved hero worldwide."
"While Godzilla was created as a metaphor for the atomic bombing of Japan and the devastation felt by an entire nation after World War II, the king of the monsters has continuously transformed into an avatar for many different ideas as the years go by."
"He's very similar to Godzilla in that way. The audience can't help but sympathize with the monster."
"Godzilla's always been a smashing success at sorting out the good from the bad."
"He is a hero, he's the goat king of the monsters."
"Godzilla king of the monsters was a love letter for those who grew up watching the old Toho films."
"While there are a ton of Toho and Godzilla references in this film, there are a few that extend beyond the monster verse and the old Japanese movies."
"Welcome back Godzilla, that was one of the greatest experiences of my life."
"Harness the awesome power of Godzilla's thunderous roar and devastating tail swipe as the king of the monsters battles Kong to settle an ancient rivalry."
"I've been dying for a Godzilla this size! Look how great that looks!"
"These are two incredible Godzilla action figures, especially considering they're less than 10 bucks each."
"Nothing in this universe will ever compare to Godzilla's most powerful attack: let them fight."
"Godzilla's last three cinematic forays have each seen the Titan hit his tallest height yet."
"The opening credits of 'Godzilla vs. Kong' gave Godzilla a weight of 164,000 tons—much heavier than he was in 'King of the Monsters.'"
"Godzilla takes the edge for being less likely to be fearful."
"Godzilla's atomic breath is a radioactive mixture of explosive superheated death."
"Godzilla takes the edge on intimidation, aggressiveness, leg strength, terrain compatibility, and special biological power-ups."
"Godzilla has acquired enough battle experience."
"It's safe to say that Kong has a slight advantage over Godzilla."
"Godzilla doesn't always play well with others, but there's one kaiju that's been a friend to him more often than most: Anguirus."
"Look at this Godzilla made out of gold or something... It's like a golden statue of a Godzilla!"
"Anguirus is widely considered to be Godzilla's closest ally and 'best friend.'"
"This is my all-time favorite Godzilla movie."
"Gareth Edwards' Godzilla was a brilliant movie."
"Until the release of 'Shin Godzilla' in 2016,
the Legendary Godzilla was the tallest incarnation
of Godzilla to appear in a movie [108m], surpassing
the previous record set by
the late Heisei Godzilla by a bit over 8 meters."
"Godzilla is absolutely massive, one of the biggest inclinations of the character that we've ever seen."
"Godzilla, the one and only king of the monsters."
"People argue back and forth about which Godzilla is the best or the strongest."
"Shin Godzilla is almost impenetrable from external attacks, with everything mankind could throw at it bouncing off its skin."
"Legendary Godzilla stands at a height of 120 meters and weighs nearly 100,000 tons, making it the heaviest and largest Godzilla seen on the big screen."
"Legendary Godzilla's ranged attack is a blinding light with enough power to blow away opponents hundreds of feet away."
"Godzilla is Nature's way of maintaining balance and is a necessary force in the world."
"Welcome to a Godzilla movie. Godzilla gets his ass kicked in almost every movie but he always gets back up until he wins."
"The king of monsters and savior of the city. It's good to be the king."
"Godzilla Minus One blew me away. One of the best movies of 2023, 100%."
"Godzilla figured out how to more effectively fight Ghidorah."
"A whole new generation of moviegoers is getting introduced to Godzilla."
"Godzilla is easily the most recognizable monster in all the 20th century. He's big, he's mean, and he's spent downplaying the severity of radioactive fallout for millions of children everywhere."
"Godzilla can stand for so much more than just that; he can be the embodiment of any collective human fear."
"We're in a new golden age of abundant Godzilla content that doesn't seem to be slowing down."
"Godzilla is the manifestation of our nightmares about nature and what it can do when it comes to put us in our place."
"In a long-term fight, Godzilla is eventually going to be on a slow incline."
"My hype level is at 11. I mean, I've been a Godzilla fan since I was a little kid."
"Godzilla 1954 was a horror movie with a greater purpose."
"Godzilla has been reinterpreted as everything from the embodiment of a nation’s fears to a symbol of the planet’s strength."
"From direct continuations of previous films to failed pitches that make even the strangest Godzilla movies seem sane in comparison, The King of The Monsters could have had a vastly different history on film."
"Godzilla vs Destoroyah, one of my favorite Godzilla movies, ending the Heisei era."
"Heaven itself attempts to recruit Godzilla into their army, but Godzilla refuses."
"The show also introduces various new Kaiju into the Godzilla franchise."
"Godzilla has destroyed most of the world and humanity is struggling to survive."
"Godzilla 1998 was meant to be the start of a massive franchise."
"Zone Fighter was a series... Canon to the Showa era of Godzilla as Godzilla himself would make guest appearances."
"Godzilla is a recognizable and well-loved icon of pop cultural fiction all over the world."
"Godzilla, who protected humanity time and again."
"It'll take more than 150 pounds of uranium to kill Godzilla because he is very much alive."
"Godzilla looks scary in black and white, and the music and gritty cinematography create a foreboding mood."
"The fact that Godzilla can be used in so many different ways is why he's been around for over 70 years."
"Godzilla on the small screen and the growing legacy of an American titan."
"Godzilla 2000 brought the character back from a reputation soured by the American debacle."
"For the past 70 years, the king of the monsters has captivated audiences from all around the world."
"Wikizilla is a collaborative Wikipedia page that focuses mainly on Godzilla."
"For decades, Godzilla has been propelled by a never-ending cycle of death and rebirth, both literal and cinematic."
"Ever since his debut in Ishiro Honda's 1954 film, Gojira has been a distinctly Japanese creation, a monster that has stood for a country's fears and strengths."
"After 50 years of constant renewal, Godzilla is inherently eternal."
"Godzilla will always be part of this world, and it's up to humanity to learn how to live with that."
"The idea of Godzilla embodying the souls of everyone who died in World War II because of Japan is haunting."
"As long as Godzilla keeps entertaining people, Godzilla will be resurrected by a new generation of filmmakers in the future."
"Hello, I'm Gigazaur, a giant lizard that is legally distinct from Godzilla."
"Whenever Godzilla is on screen, it's a real treat. He has such a large presence, and this design for Godzilla is iconic at this point."
"The atomic breath scene is still so, so cool. It will never not be spine tingling."
"Over the years let me tell you Godzilla has definitely cemented his place as king of the monsters he's stood tall as the ultimate Alpha Predator strongest in the world of Titans."
"Godzilla minus one is a massive middle finger to Hollywood and if you're disgruntled with the way Hollywood is handling Blockbusters today then go and see this movie"
"It's a great Godzilla film period minus one isn't even necessarily A godz film first and foremost even I'd actually argue that it's not it's a film about guilt it's about PTSD and the horrors of War it just so happens to have Godzilla there as well"
"the best scenes were like just Godzilla wreaking havoc and like running through the city"
"How long has Godzilla as a character existed? Like forever. Pretty darn long time, yeah."
"King Godzilla is a fusion and Godzilla clone Kaiju created by the mad scientist mad oniyama in the king of the monsters manga series."
"Imagine the movie we could have had if he transferred his evil soul to that Godzilla doll we saw earlier."
"Godzilla definitely has a personality and it shines on screen."
"I'm going to start Godzilla too I'm going to watch Godzilla um that whole series."
"Godzilla wasn't meant to be shown as an antagonist to humanity but rather a byproduct of humanity's belligerence."
"This is the story of the monster that reached the heights of the unreachable Godzilla."
"The highly successful King Kong vs Godzilla convinced producer Tomiyuki Tanaka that they had a star in Godzilla and it was time to match him up with another famous monster, Mothra."
"Mothra vs Godzilla is remembered quite fondly and it's a popular Godzilla movie amongst fans."
"I do like that Godzilla is respected more than he was in the last film. He has that same aura as the original combined with refined special effects."
"Overall, this movie is definitely towards the top of my Showa era favorites."
"...Godzilla May yet break out again."
"...this version of Godzilla is beyond anything that came before or since."
"...Godzilla is in constant pain throughout this movie."
"Godzilla 2000 is a rare case to which the American cut of a Toho Godzilla film is the preferred version to watch, even the director of the movie deferring it over his own version."
"The series started out with the intention of it being canon to the Showa films, but that quickly changed when Marvel then decided to integrate Godzilla into the main Marvel continuity."
"Godzilla's funeral was held in 1995 shortly after finishing up the film Godzilla vs. Destroyer."
"For some terrible reason, Godzilla 1998 designer Patrick Tatopoulos revealed that he had sculpted female genitalia onto Godzilla's CGI model."
"Godzilla is here as our protector. He's not here to harm the Earth."
"That silly tone is how many people viewed Godzilla for many years and probably some still view him that way."
"Godzilla as kids movie: a self-reflexive metatextual kids movie."
"All Monsters Attack is regularly ranked the absolute worst film of the entire series... it's not bad so much as very very different."
"...it's more notable for having cemented Godzilla's reputation as something of a protective superhero."
"...Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla is the most thematically front-loaded villain is completely wasted on a bargain bin plot."
"...what Godzilla represents by contrasting him with a robotic version of himself."
"Godzilla versus Kong is a visual Thrill Ride."
"This project would replace Frankenstein with Godzilla so that maybe in the future their kids could play together."
"Godzilla and Kong, these two Eternal Rivals would one day bring about an end to a great war that had plagued the Earth since the dawn of time."
"Godzilla was made the new king of the monsters."
"Godzilla is important I'm for Godzilla you know I originally was not um for these creatures and stuff but I I have to say I I am he did win me over I am for Godzilla."
"I don't think I want to live anywhere near where Godzilla's going to be."
"Wish you dance like that for me. I can. I'll put my Godzilla mask on for you too."
"Godzilla is the greatest threat to humanity, but also contains the mechanism for human salvation."
"Godzilla status in popular culture made it so Toho didn't have to make Godzilla movies every year to make money off its name."
"Maybe one day we'll see these two monsters finally battle it out."
"Godzilla's size has varied over the years, ranging from roughly 164 feet in the 1954 classic to over 350 in the 2014 reboot."
"Godzilla is actually a smarter organism or creature than we thought you know."
"This kind of Godzilla reboot... the best ever balance I've seen between the awe of the monster and the drama of the human beings."
"It's common knowledge that Godzilla's been recipient to a couple of real-world awards & honors."
"Godzilla could save us from the bomb because he is the one thing that the bomb can't kill."
"Godzilla does not simply walk past his enemies to destroy them, his strength is insane."
"Godzilla's Victory definitely outweighs his failures, there's a good reason they call him the king of the monsters."
"Godzilla triumphantly returns after a five year hiatus."
"It's okay, Godzilla's like the king of monsters for a reason."
"Wow, she's in a bathtub, that's crazy. We protected her. Yeah, parents, they care if she was alive, they both came together. Here, come on, Godzilla!"
"Godzilla is literally the MVP of the team."
"I think this is the best Godzilla movie ever made."
"Godzilla swims incredibly quickly underwater, exceeding the speeds of the most advanced submarines."
"For the first time, Godzilla is now seen as a hero."
"All those things make me think Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla probably should have been the last Godzilla movie of the show era."
"Godzilla Earth is by far and away the tallest Kaiju in the franchise, putting a swift end to the height competition."
"...Godzilla himself is taken back to his roots as a scary force of Destruction."
"Throughout 60 years of Godzilla films, no installment in the franchise has generated as much passionate hatred from the fan base as the 1998 Roland Emmerich-directed Godzilla."
"Godzilla was originally the embodiment of Japan's fear of atomic power."
"Despite godzilla still being a destructive force the protagonists still care for him."
"...I do have a lot of nostalgia for this version of Godzilla."
"I personally really love Godzilla, whether he is a man in a suit, whether he is CGI, or whether he is animated."
"This is the first time since his inception that Godzilla has been utilized so effectively."
"The video itself is a huge love letter to fans of Godzilla."
"Thank God Legendary seems to be making the right decisions for this new Godzilla film."
"Overall, a pretty good year for Godzilla fans."
"It appears this time Godzilla hasn't caused the most damage. It was those idiot prisoners who have now lured Godzilla back to the shore."
"Oh, there goes Tokyo, go go Godzilla."
"At any moment Watcher Godzilla triple feature one week from tonight at 10 on TNT's monster Vision hosted by Joe bar Briggs."
"That's how you smoke. Yeah, but everyone used to do it. I think after Godzilla did this, he turned around and was like, 'Damn, it worked! Oh, [__], yeah, give me another head! Give me another head! Give me another head!'"
"I think this may be my favorite version of Godzilla!"
"...as someone who has now seen 26 of the 29 Godzilla films and will be seeing the last three soon I can confirm that it's pretty much a staple of the series for the guy to take a sweet-ass time getting out of his trailer."
"...and godzilla in this movie starts doing really un-godzilla things and after he fights the real Godzilla who chips off some of his you know rubber skin you learned that it's a Terminator Godzilla like underneath..."
"...this movie is the best Godzilla movie ever made and it's not just because it's the first but because it actually takes itself very seriously and deals a lot in what Japan as a people were going through post World War II..."
"Godzilla exists in a world of science fiction, not only of dreams and hopes, but he's a caricature of reality, a satire, a mirror image."
"If you watch Godzilla backwards, it's about a giant lizard who helps rebuild a half-burnt city then moonwalks into the ocean."
"I just like this version of Godzilla where he doesn't give a [ __ ] about people or what he's doing"
"Probably the most well-written Godzilla film I've ever seen."
"Minilla's main weapon are his atomic smoke rings."
"Godzilla Junior was visible through the smoke, revived and transformed into a new Godzilla."
"There is a popular fan theory that the Godzilla in 'Godzilla vs. Hedorah' through 'Terror of Mechagodzilla' is actually the Showa Minilla, now grown to adulthood."
"Godzilla's most prominent trait is his protectiveness and loyalty towards Nick Totopolis, displaying empathy and even romantic feelings in certain situations."
"Godzilla vs Kong is almost upon us, the long-awaited rematch between the two greatest kaiju of all time has been a long time coming."
"The committee discovers that Godzilla is still alive after all."
"...of all the eras of Godzilla the r era is certainly the most unique and it honestly has a little bit of everything for every type of Godzilla fan."
"Godzilla's Atomic breath is also described to be the most powerful force in nature even ignoring any other Titans Godzilla's Atomic breath would immediately upscale any hurricanes earthquakes storms."
"...the legendary Godzilla was the tallest incarnation of Godzilla to appear in a movie."
"...originally the sound effects team tried using many different animal rules for Godzilla unhappy with the results Akira ifukube created Godzilla's iconic Roar."
"Godzilla and his fellow monsters assembled near the Key Locks base at Mount Fuji, preparing to assault it."
"I still want to be Godzilla. That's what I want to be."
"The moment we all know of Godzilla's victory dance was not made up for the movie but was in fact a mid-60s craze in Japan called the shine which was a dance move made Popular by a Japanese series called omashiku."
"Godzilla Ultima could not be based on any previous incarnation, so Yamamori went back to basics as he had with the other monsters like Anguirus and Rodan, and started with the form of a Tyrannosaurus."
"With stunning visuals and an impactful story, 'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' proved that monster movies still have a place in the modern cinematic landscape."
"To wrap this up, here's a little happy Godzilla poster."
"Godzilla was a cultural icon and one of Japan's most recognizable exports."
"Godzilla is a force of balance that keeps all the Titans in check."
"Godzilla 2014: ... one of the best Godzilla movies to start out with, the cinematography is amazing, the tone is great."
"...Godzilla fights a giant Lobster, all I can say is the menu is nice."
"These incredible new battle roar Godzilla evolved and battle royal Kong action figures."
"Godzilla is a powerful organism. His DNA can do amazing things."
"Godzilla is just really gothic, it's cool."
"Godzilla, this is a secret titan revealed in a variety of ways."
"I absolutely love that it's a mix between the animated version and like Godzilla."
"Godzilla shares several traits with real-life dinosaurs, aligning closely enough with known dinosaur traits to be described as a dinosaur-like creature."
"Godzilla, the unrivaled king of the monsters. For nearly a century, this guy's been wrecking up entire cities in his path, proving himself to be humanity's greatest foe."
"Godzilla isn't evil per se, he's more or less lashing out against humanity for the destruction caused by the atomic bombs both in and out of war."
"His most powerful attack, the spiral heat ray, burns at temperatures reaching one million degrees celsius, its power is said to increase infinitely each time Godzilla uses it, making it perfect to blast through monsters or set entire surroundings on fire."
"Godzilla's most dangerous attribute is his radioactive body which constantly gives off lethal amounts of radiation, up to the point even a casual stroll contaminates everything in his vicinity."
"Godzilla is a proficient fighter, keeping up with far more powerful monsters and putting them in their place."
"The Japanese Godzilla movies are like about the failure of the government and the American ones are like about dudes being bros."
"I had so much fun looking for the Godzilla versus Kong toys with my wife as well."
"This Godzilla may no longer be the agent of death... but he is used to send a timely powerful message."
"...Godzilla's victory over Hedorah isn't an entirely joyous occasion."
"Man must learn to coexist with Godzilla."
"I really love the movie, really like this take on Godzilla."
"...the effort both Nakajima and Tezuka put into making sure Godzilla looked good in motion..."
"...Godzilla's roars are also incredibly good in this one, some of my favourite Godzilla roars of all time."
"Godzilla's teaching his kid how to roar. It's really cute."
"Terror of Mechagodzilla is a solid movie and one of the best in the Showa era. It has an amazing finale and one of the best monster fights ever. A great way to end off this era of Godzilla."
"Great movie and thus as Godzilla goes off in the ocean at the end of this movie, we've also met the end of the original Godzilla series. Whew, that sure took a while to talk about. I loved Godzilla, you guys."
"I wonder if I can summon Godzilla at will."
"For the first time ever audiences are seeing Godzilla the way that I do."
"Godzilla minus one is the highest critically praised Godzilla movie in the franchise's history."
"Godzilla minus one is the Godzilla movie that I needed right now."
"The Ginza attack is one of the best Godzilla sequences ever put to film."
"If anyone could take out Godzilla, it would be Batman."
"...the most character-driven live-action Godzilla film since the 1950s and featuring some of the best human drama to grace the Godzilla film."
"...recent Japanese interpretations of Godzilla have been seemingly intent on challenging the perception that the series is nothing more than cheap trash for kids."
"Fortunately due to the contractual agreement with legendary entertainment regarding the monsterverse films Hollywood's second attempt at adapting Godzilla..."
"If this had actually been how Toho ended the showa series, holy [__]."
"Seriously, Godzilla is awesome why were all these companies trying to release Godzilla movies that weren't called Godzilla?"