
Hyenas Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"I am truly astonished by the hyena's ability to keep its cool and stand its ground in the face of so much adversity."
"Hyenas only really begin stirring at dusk as they're getting ready to hunt."
"Lions and hyenas are sworn enemies, frequently fighting over food."
"Hyenas are formidable hunters despite the reputation of scavengers."
"Hyenas are incredibly smart hunters."
"Hyenas live in clans of six to over 100 individuals, larger than any Wolfpack, lion pride, or orcapod."
"Hyenas live and die by the clan, a clan ruled by females, a clan whose cooperation breeds competition."
"Hyenas have an alarm call meant to warn the clan of predators or intruders but if she sees her cub being bullied by other hyenas she'll make a false alarm call to distract the hyenas and protect her baby."
"There's no saving them and there's no saving them and there no correction for hyenas because they actually are refusing the steps of Correction."
"Hyenas can loaf like house cats. Oh my God!"
"What do hyenas eat? Anything they could fit in their mouths that's dead."
"Not only are hyenas smarter than you think, they have a social circle just like us."
"Hyenas are probably one of the most underestimated predators in the carnivore society."
"In the hyena kingdom, it's a matriarchal society where the females are very much the bosses."
"Lions and hyenas do not get along."
"For the brown hyenas, the winter famine is over."
"Hyenas are cool. They're very strange critters."
"I hope you enjoyed this little hyena moment, it was a very, very beautiful sighting for me."
"They're obviously very keen to have a bit of a play because they are young hyenas, and that's what young hyenas do."
"It's splendid to watch hyenas playing; it's very cute."
"The fascinatingly gentle nature of hyenas that they simply have not been given in the popular press."
"Hyenas are incredibly intelligent."
"It's a whole different angle, and it's amazing to watch these hyenas taking to water so quickly and having so much fun in it."
"Our spotted hyenas actually lactate and suckle their cubs for a considerable period of time, sometimes over a year."
"It's a busy life being a mama hyena."
"Hyenas are awesome, they are highly intelligent animals and they really are fun to watch."
"If you've never seen a baby hyena, well the baby hyenas have got to be one of the cutest things that we have out here."
"So thoroughly entertaining species to spend time with and I like them, I think they're quite fun."
"Look at the hyena out of the den, the two little cubs with the adult, that is amazing."
"What a great start to the week, some young hyena for us."
"Hyenas are really essential for the ecosystem out here."
"To pick a fight with a hyena is maybe something you don't want to do."
"Hyenas do have the strongest jaws in the mammal kingdom."
"The whole social structure when it comes to hyenas is quite complex."
"Hyenas are my favorite animal out of all the animals out here."
"I am hoping to find some hyenas for you all."
"Hyenas are social animals and they do live for the clan."
"Hyenas can move that sort of loping gait for kilometers and kilometers; they really do have the stamina to move very far distances almost effortlessly."
"How old are the hyena cubs when they leave mum? Let's have a chat about what hyena cubs actually go through."
"Hyenas live in things called clans."
"Females are on top not only are they on top they are also bigger than the males."
"All female hyenas are higher rank than male hyenas and all Cubs are higher ranked than male Cubs."
"Female hyenas are generally even bigger than male hyenas."
"In the Mara, about 95% of the hyenas' food will be caught by them themselves."
"Hyenas are absolutely everywhere all around us."
"Now spotted hyenas are some of Safari Live's very favorite characters."
"In Hyenas, it's a matriarchal society where the female is the leader."
"The one thing about Hyenas that I like is they're always active."
"Hyenas, once considered to be scavengers, but actually they are very successful."
"Raising Cubs can be tiring work for a hyena mum."
"The eternal enemies of the Lions are hyena."
"Child of the universe, would hyenas respond to a name or get used to a name like dogs do?"
"Hyenas are incredible animals that are quite clean and they look after themselves and they really have a tight family."
"Hyenas live in clans, especially this species, the spotted hyena."
"A large amount of the diet for the hyenas is from their own kill. These animals, they do hunt for themselves."
"That's one of the beautiful things about hyenas, they do suckle for such a long time."
"This is absolutely incredible, we're actually having an opportunity to watch these hyenas hunt."
"I love spending time at hyena dens because it completely changes the misconceptions about hyenas."
"This is the spotted hyena, one of those animals who are helping the environment to clean the remains of the other animals after a kill."
"It's incredible to see the brute force power the hyenas display."
"Young hyenas have got to be the cutest animals."
"It's an absolutely amazing social behavior with hyenas."
"No other hyena will have that same spot pattern, so we can actually learn who hyenas are by learning the spot patterns."
"Hyenas are said to be incredibly intelligent animals and they can recognize every single individual in their clan's vocalization."
"Hyenas are very much beautiful and intelligent animals."
"Oh, got a few little hyenas here, hello, let's stop and say good morning to these hyenas basking here in the sunlight."
"Very cool, it's always amazing to spend time with hyenas when they're curious."
"Hyenas are probably one of the most intelligent animals that we have out here."
"They are incredibly clever in their ability to problem-solve and to figure things out."
"It's a common misconception that hyenas don't hunt here in the Mara; they hunt very well."
"Hyenas have exceptionally powerful noses."
"It is pure white and this is very common of hyenas because they eat so many bones."
"Her love for hyenas was absolutely infectious, and that's probably the reason that I'm in love with them and will continue to be in love with them for a very long time."
"Hyenas are such comical creatures, I really enjoy spending time around them."
"How could you not love hyenas, they're such a cool cool animal."
"Hyena dens are the best place to be able to witness the interactions between the clan."
"What's wonderful about a hyena den is that you get to see a different side of hyenas, the side that's very affectionate."
"Hyenas are actually exceptional hunters, a lot more successful bringing down prey than lions are."
"Hyenas will give birth to twin litters, and one will always be more dominant than the other."
"It was long thought that hyena cubs killed one another, but it's been completely debunked; it's a myth."
"The interesting thing about hyenas is that they can suckle for up to two years."
"Yes, hyenas will always have a lot to offer, and they are some of the most intelligent animals we've got."
"I'm told there's a massive clan of hyenas on the side of the Mara River."
"Hyenas in this area are very formidable hunters, possibly more so than other areas of Africa."
"Hyenas are very patient as well, and I'm sure that sooner or later they're going to get a bite to eat."
"You don't ever see hyenas get up and want to dispose of other animals they see around. They're just interested in taking some food and getting away."
"Hyenas are my favorite animals because they're always doing something."
"Hyenas are particularly close to my heart. I think that they're wonderful creatures, they're very very smart."
"Hyenas have a very strict hierarchy in the way in which their social structure is organized."
"Without hyenas, African habitats would suffer."
"I've always considered hyenas more successful than all the other predators."
"Spotted hyenas are very, very, very intelligent; they're as intelligent as primates."
"Hyenas absolutely excelled. Can you believe that?"
"Hyenas are incredible mothers, you won't believe it."
"Hyenas are very misunderstood creatures."
"We've got a hyena spotted tonight, one of Africa's super predators approaching us."
"Hyenas are famous for their giggles."
"People don't care about hyenas, do they? I quite enjoy them."
"Hyenas are really, really intelligent."
"Everyone, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the brand new members of the Juma clan of hyenas."
"Hyenas are a very dynamic and diverse organism that has evolved on the African plains."
"For their body size, hyenas have got the strongest bite in the animal kingdom."
"Hyenas are seriously clever animals."
"Movies are a little bit mean to hyenas because they're actually really, really intelligent animals."
"I love spotted hyenas; they're one of my favorite animals of all time."
"Hyenas are neither part of the cat family, felids, or the dog family, canids, they're part of their own unique family."