
Visual Style Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"I wanted to make an old-school movie that has chiaroscuro, which is like, you know, really shows black and white and all the colors in between."
"Vintage Comic Book Suit... a custom shader to nail the hand-drawn Spider-Man appearance."
"Everyone noticed that inside the style of shading is different from the minutes outside. We are ushering in a new era."
"It's shot in a way that is as if it's an indie film."
"The dark, gothic aesthetic of this movie heightens the intense drama."
"Web of Shadows captures the iconic afternoon gleam perfectly, complementing Spider-Man's adventures."
"Rudy ENB is easily my favorite for Skyrim Special Edition, if your computer can handle it and you don't hate the colorful style."
"I think what stands out most about this game is simply the look. It's got almost this dreamy art style and setting."
"This game is so cute, it reminds me of Adventure Time."
"Kubrick's use of color is bold and arresting."
"Hot Thai Kitchen would never look the way it does if it wasn't for my brother Art."
"It was gory, it was cool to look at, there was some awesome stylish choreography throughout."
"There's a uniquely feminine quality to this game's visual design that I believe makes it stand out in a really great way."
"What I do think this confirms though is that they're aiming for a realistic look in their film without the traditional Warcraft art style."
"The Evangelion Rebuild films show us something harrowingly new: visual styles totally unknown to anime and a world that might not even register as part of Evangelion if those child characters weren't still running around within it."
"This is a Thor movie on acid. I could not stop smiling." - Mark Riley
"Night Trap 2 is going to have a much darker edgier look, style, and I think it's going to be far more experiential."
"House of the Wolfman, this Wolfman looks wonderful, especially in this classic black and white render. He's tough and the movement on all fours is great."
"Burton's style is often imitated in a sincere form of flattery and honor."
"I don't love the visual style, but I do think it's neat how the Overworld stuff all seems to have 2D pre-rendered backgrounds with polygon characters just like the original game."
"Something about the character rendering though actually reminds me of the Order 1886 in a positive way."
"The darkness bleeds to the edge of the screen."
"I love the animation style, I can't get over it."
"Wind Waker takes the franchise in a new direction with a bold and uncompromising visual style that is aged like fine wine."
"It's got a bunch of severed heads blood metal lightning it's as wild as it sounds."
"The trees and bushes here are colored white because they're meant to be covered in snow."
"The night level in world 8 features an awesome visual style that outlines scenery in black and white."
"Try to establish a visual style throughout your content. This helps build your brand and make your content more recognizable."
"Genuinely felt like I was watching a comic book play out."
"The art style in Castle Crashers is unmistakable charm and visual humor make it stand out."
"This looks like a garbage man, this looks like District 9 and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Independence Day."
"Shadow: tragically overlooked masterpiece with inspired photography and mind-boggling set pieces."
"Nintendo managed to nail the top-down look for this game."
"The Phantom of the Opera aesthetic is gorgeous."
"The characters now look like they are trying too hard to be realistic and the once celebrated art style has been replaced with a mismatch of uninspired visuals."
"The dream angle is in turn very heavily assisted by the movie's unique visual style... incredibly stylized and surreal in a somewhat Wes Anderson sort of way."
"The visuals captured the look and feel of the movie in every way."
"Spyro one reignited has a distinct visual style."
"Alien's aesthetic is incredible even to this day and it's way better than pretty much every other sci-fi movie."
"It plays a lot like Black Ops 2, looks like Black Ops 3."
"It looks and plays completely differently, so give it a shot."
"They're almost like a painter or an illustrator to give a look and a feel to a game."
"The film was lauded for its distinct visual style, trailblazing effects work, non-stop action, and brooding comic-book tableau."
"Creep Show captures that comic book style and does it a damn good job at it."
"The animation styles immediately grab your attention."
"The first Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse was the most comic book movie of all time."
"I'm really impressed with the style, watching gameplay of this game is better than the trailer of the game."
"Dripping with style, unpacked with blisteringly cool fight scenes..."
"Skate the Infinity is an eclectically influenced psychedelically colorful shonen-tastically fun tribute to the king of action sports."
"Creatively, visually, stylistically, Hoecake Island was some of the best this series has to offer."
"The grayness of this game. It feels so gray and so blue, so sad and so empty."
"That looks like something out of Blade Runner or some other cyberpunk property."
"It's animated with flash noise and movements are almost too fluid for Butch's style."
"Trick to yomi is ultimately a collection of static and panning shots that frame a very classically inspired samurai epic..."
"Lost Paradise is your game if you want to explode the heads of fiendish Marauders with stylish Flair."
"Critics gave it positive reviews, saying that, as can be expected from a Tim Burton movie, 'Corpse Bride' is whimsically macabre, visually imaginative, and emotionally bittersweet."
"Persona 5's aesthetics kick you in the face, run you over with a car, and you'd still want to spank it afterward. It's that cool."
"The graphics are really cool, I love this style. Angry Birds always had a great style and I think they've really translated it nicely."
"This feels like the most comic bookie movie I've seen in a while."
"Slimes bounce around like jelly, zombies and husks stumble forward like the undead mobs they are."
"The stylization of anime allows us to witness the weight of these emotions and conflicts."
"Color grading is giving it a certain aesthetic."
"It almost looks like um, it looks like fallout 2. Remember? I don't know how many people remember the old school Fallout games but they were, they were isometric as shit."
"Wicked is presented from a top-down perspective like many other action RPGs but offers a unique visual identity that elevates the presentation."
"When making a leveling UI we basically want a UI that does the job without taking up too much space while ideally having a cohesive visual style and good UX."
"Wow, that's imperium! That's top tier imperium aesthetic."
"Rise seems to pull its primary visual inspiration not just from anime, but from specific Animation Studios like Trigger."
"It's the same visual style, the same format of jokes."
"Angel's Egg holds one of the most unique and well-fitting snails in anime."
"Everything within it is literally dead, and what follows is this really fascinating style of cinematography."
"Its character and story are so gripping it's color palette is so bombastic its musical score is so classic it all just blends itself into a quintessential anime experience."
"Those are 10 text animations that I often use for that sleek and dynamic look."
"Matthew Vaughn, great director visually he's gonna be able to pull this off."
"One last note, I initially watched this movie in the black-and-white version, because that's how Darabont wanted it to be made and shown..."
"The files have that Leica look which we love."
"Creating a more cinematic look is about adding mood and drama."
"This lighting is so good, it's cyberpunk in the making."
"Good lord there are elements of this art style that are my favorite in the entire franchise."
"But notice Spider-Man Noir who still only glitches in black and white."
"I really like the black and white look with the film grain and the animation is surprisingly polished and Sleek looking considering it's a 10 year old Flash game."
"Faith emulates the stylings of 1980s 8-bit video games and nails down that haunted game cartridge look."
"It's all except both both in the Japanese screenshots and the trailer is just the Mario 3 style and I in the desert in the desert theme right right exactly yes."
"When we try to create the film look, we attempt to emulate these key characteristics of film."
"Octopath Traveler's HD2D style is one of its most prominent features, a visual shorthand that reminds us of the past."
"His surreal imagery becomes the stylistic back-bone of Aim for the Ace."
"The animation style becomes one of the show's greatest aspects."
"Classic game design forever: low poly models."
"Anime is hugely influential now. I mean, I was at Elizabeth's graduation from art center and they were showing people's work, you know, graduates work. So much of the work was anime influenced. I was surprised. I was like, wow."
"I loved the severity and the discipline and the lines in the Atreides house."
"Dragon Ball super films Stand Out significantly due to their willingness to experiment visually."
"The gameplay is pretty darn stylish, fast-paced. Looks like a lot of fun."
"A dark tale laid out in a comic book format."
"Vagabond as a samurai story of course has many battle scenes every last one of them is Illustrated beautifully and painel in a way that flows like you're watching a film"
"This impossibly good port nails the look and feel of its inspiration and could easily be mistaken for 16-bit title at times."
"The immediate thing that catches my eye about Iris 2.0 is how Red Juice adapted his art style."
"Knowing what kind of look that I can accomplish now I was encouraged to just keep on pushing things."
"Burst's graphical style helps it to stand apart from other 8-bit Mega Man titles."
"It's hard to imagine Disney today taking outlandish risks on Creator-driven projects, letting a team run wild with a concept and breaking every rule they have, including abandoning the house visual style."
"This thing looks amazing, there's also a black and white mode."
"I guess I was trying to go for like a cartoony type of look."
"Gotham's aesthetic struggles between gritty realism and playful zaniness, resulting in visual chaos."
"Oh man, look how cute the animation style is."
"I think it's got a great steampunk feel to it with all the brass."
"The camera-based lighting system has become a defining characteristic of the game's unique visual style."
"As much as I prefer the whole weighty suit of armor brand of Samus body language, the animations here are tight."
"It's not perfect, but I don't know if people are gonna be shouting like this is perfect. What is perfect about it is its visual style."
"Using natural picture style instead of cine-like D."
"The graphics, while dated in some areas, have a stylistic choice that works well."
"These particular images, everything that Tim Burton does well put into a cool story could be intriguing."
"The art style in the game, especially the text on the names of the characters, is actually really cool."
"Looks so cool like anime start inspired went to some crazy universe and then came back."
"It looks like the cover of a comic book and so I feel like I'm gonna read a comic when I watch this show."
"Sucker Punch is like watching an adult animated movie."
"The opening animation is so beautiful and evocative that making everything cutesy with creepy little button eyes seems like a huge waste."
"The sheer style and vibe of everything you interact with is such a large part of what makes this massive game not tiresome or boring to play."
"What I can feel from this trailer is a direct answer... Here's your single player stuff, here's a crazy new different visual style!"
"There are a few distinctive visual elements that make chaos space marines look very different."
"Curious game art style, stands out and is memorable."
"Photorealism probably and hopefully isn't the future of game Graphics to me, what makes games so fun is there's slight distinction from real life that allows developers to take visual Liberties and make for a more fun experience."
"Stylistically, this film is as beautiful as the first with great transitions and awesome camera movement."
"I do love the uh the aesthetic here is cool I do like yeah you're right it is very like kmfdm album art it's pretty cool man uh I want to show off the the water really quickly."
"It doesn't want to look perfect, it's meant to look random."
"Mr. Game and Watch's frame-by-frame movement is distinctive."
"The very panels themselves have this curvature to them."
"NieR: Automata isn't the prettiest looking game out there, but Yoko Taro presents the game with such flair and panache that it's easy to look past some of the flaws."
"There's very few games that I can look at and say, man, this is just... for a cartoony art style, it's fantastic."
"The combination of his garish visual style, studio merchandising mandates, off-the-wall performances, and a general wacky vibe resulted in Batman and Robin living in infamy."
"I do really like the abstract shape quality of this."
"The Last Wish is one of the few instances I can think of where the movie's visual style would actually lose a great deal if it were rendered in 2D."
"Visual style can communicate the atmosphere of a story."
"I've been yearning for superhero movies willing to get a little weirder, to really go all out in their visual style, and to not worry about having to be for everyone."
"The epitome of a film look, cinematic look, and it's pushed."
"It's interesting to how the Jackson films do the battle of Helm's Deep in all blue and the Bakshi film does the battle in red."
"This visual style is seriously so incredible."
"Animated films have a unique visual style and animation that can be difficult to replicate in live action."
"Any game can strive to look the most real, but not every game can create an aesthetic or an art style that's solely unique to itself."
"Miller is a guy who's always pushing visually."
"That's the shot in the arm that Marvel needs visually because it's setting itself apart visually very differently from anything else that we've seen so far. It's just like, very, very unique."
"The spiraling heroin-fueled drama immediately drew me in through its visual style and its stark portrayal of addiction."
"When Dario Argento was involved, you're going to get something really good. I mean, the colors, the black levels on here are sensational."
"I think it's really cool seeing such a smooth and bleak look applied to the story it honestly kind of borders on parody with just how modern art house this comes across"
"Boardwalk Empire shows fantastic clothes, suits, colors, and patterns."
"This is not a super contrasty look at all. We wanted this to feel bright and airy and naturalistic."
"...I think that heavy split tone adds a lot to the cinematic vibe of these images because a lot of the movies we watch nowadays a lot of the TV shows we watch have heavy color grades and one way to kind of mimic that in Lightroom is applying a heavier split tone..."
"Better Forever had a much more creative visual style than this movie."
"I loved the less saturated, more selective use of the colors throughout the movie."
"They want to make their films look like almost like paintings."
"I think that I've found a pretty nice graphical style for the game."
"The Pentax look is pretty unique when it comes to color; it's delicate and subtle but it's somehow also strong and powerful."
"The visual style immediately sends out the signal that we are a serious drama and we're not trying to impress you either way; look at our plot, that's what we want you to look at."
"Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse... the fact that they make this movie look as if you're flipping through the pages of a comic book."
"The film has been re-evaluated and recognized as a classic, blending fantasy swordsmanship with a slick, fresh look."
"It's a really cool sort of cel-shaded look."
"I like 24 frames per second. I like more motion blur. I think it looks more cinematic."
"We've got standard 16x9 or we've got the 2.39:1 which will give you that sort of black bars, a little bit more resolution on the sides."
"The visual presentation of the film is so stylized and so well put together."
"That's why we like things like chromatic aberration, to dirty it up."
"It looks different than you would expect from 3D animated movies that you would see from DreamWorks or Illumination."
"The Mandalorian brought back that dirty, grimy look that we remember from the original trilogy."
"I love how the John Wick movies always utilize like bright neon rooms."
"I can add movie bars with an anamorphic look over it to make it stylized and cinematic."
"From the very beginning, we wanted to emulate a comic book... that the comic book language that we had grown up with could really inform a really unique visual style."
"Baz Luhrmann's bold visual style is one that is uniquely his own."
"Film noir isn't dark necessarily... it's low shadows, dark environments, high contrast, and of course nowadays, color."
"This movie has a very unique visual style to it, specifically when they do the shrinking effects."
"Love the comic book inspired shots here."
"The Leica look has a ton of character."
"As a creative person, you need to make the decision as far as how bright or how dark your image should be because that's part of your style."
"This is the film we're gonna be talking about: the bright, garish colors of a gorgeously black-and-white film noir classic."
"Blade Runner 2049 itself is vastly different from the original, though it still has that iconic Blade Runner look and feel in many aspects."
"I love this show. I love the look, I love its art direction, I love its cinematography and direction."
"It's almost this flat metallic look everywhere and I really, really like that."
"These bars just make things look cinematic; we call it the widescreen look."
"I just love the art style of the show."
"Shoot 24p if you want that cinematic look."
"The aesthetic of Gotham City, the reddish night sky... it's a bizarre but very unique and fitting aesthetic."
"It was like a contemporary film noir, stylish with colorful comic-book style visuals and an all-star cast."
"It is deeply stylized and beautiful, in an odd way, because this is Dune we’re talking about."
"I'm a big fan of the very contrasty look."
"I just love the art style of these and the writing in it is gorgeous."
"It's a super high contrast kind of vibrant film, something a lot different than other film stocks, and it really gives Euphoria this look."
"A design system consists of UI components and a clearly defined visual style."
"Let's talk about bokeh, alright? That's something that has been in style, trending for about the past 10 years."
"A look is what I'm going to call a macro level creative transform that hits all of our images in the same way."
"I like this art style, it's really cute."
"I'm impressed... it looks pretty good and very, very stylized."
"Lenses dictate the overall look, density, sharpness, contrast, mixed in with distortion and flares, and color aberrations."
"It looks like the poster is giving me like mob psycho, spider verse, and cyberpunk vibes, but like it was put in a blender."
"I would love if they made them look like the cartoon."
"If an artist does have a set visual style, it will help with their branding and their marketing way more and way better."
"Use artistic techniques and process to define and achieve a product's visual style."
"This show is shot so much different than the rest in CW stuff."
"You really feel like you're looking at a comic book when you watch this movie."
"I like your subtle, muted processing on this, it has that cinematic look to it."
"The game has an old school kind of retro PC game point-and-click adventure from the 80s or 90s visual style, which I really like."
"This is obviously a very unique looking game because of its graphics, it's visual style, and it's unlike anything you've probably ever seen."
"We're gonna add some chromatic aberration on our title, this is really gonna sell the retro look."
"There are moments in both films that are perfect; they're amazing, they capture that source material, the visual styles, the filmmaking."
"I love the visual style of that movie."
"Look at this goddamn game, it looks hand-drawn."