
Individuals Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"I really hope nothing bad happens to Kyle; he seems really nice."
"At the heart of each of these momentous events were individual men and women."
"He was enamored with the beautiful teacher and librarian Laura Lane Welch."
"Even David Madsen might be an angel to somebody else."
"The landlady noticed something very odd about this guy."
"The story of how ideas travel... becomes about the individuals who've made them travel."
"I don't even think Donald Trump knows what the Fourth Amendment is."
"There's a lot of twisted individuals running around."
"The Riders of the day are Alex and Luca, congratulations both!"
"Hugo is definitely up there in the likes category."
"I'm really interested in the perspective of specific people."
"It only takes a few individuals to kind of change things."
"Individuals and interactions over process and tools."
"It's evident that these individuals are in a state of panic."
"There is no business to be taxed. There are people."
"Some people in the camp have special abilities like strength and healing."
"Misinformation exists across individuals, cultures, and societies."
"Now we keep talking about uplifting races or even whole planets but in practice you might simply be uplifting small groups or individuals."
"The variety of individuals is that each of us can express another facet to unfold."
"Almost every major change in our society over thousands of years has been started by one single person."
"True success is when I can support these individuals."
"Everyone has something special about them."
"People don't have ideas but ideas have people."
"According to the records, she had signed in with two men, Arthur Cyber and Alfred Huntsman, and a woman named Felice Fisher."
"Later they would be identified as Dorothea Benner, Clara Kroger, Stephen Lishka, Renate Fullen Rosen, Rorig Ruth Hoffman, Karen Reinhold, and Ingeborg Khan."
"That's been the problem that Emily's had with Artega."
"Every one of you is an entrepreneur."
"It takes so much more than money to make whole individuals."
"...individuals at the end of the day matter..."
"You can be a symbol, what's more important than an idea or a person? Exactly, a man."
"Andor focuses on the individuals that sacrifice their lives to make sure the Empire doesn't win."
"Compatibility is about how well you work together as individuals and as a team."
"It's about individuals having to work together to start a revolution."
"To have a peaceful society, you need peaceful individuals."
"When I first learned about Thomas Midgley and Clare Patterson, I was amazed by how much harm or how much good a single person could do to the environment."
"Motivation like this comes from talent bestowed on certain people and not others."
"There are no enlightened people, there are only enlightened actions."
"I just never met a person like her."
"We celebrate not only the passage of time but also the profound impact that you've had on the lives of countless individuals."
"We use terms like the post office and Fujitsu but actually you're dealing on when you were going through this still are going through this you're dealing with individual people."
"One person I want to talk about is Melanie Pawlowski."
"I think that individuals make a huge difference... The Bedford Boys on Omaha Beach in the first wave... made a big difference."
"Witnessing these individuals with these mutated masks screaming their heads off."
"...at some stage... Samuel Ken Rings a woman called Fiona Dolan..."
"Everybody, not just the baptized, every single person has an individual guardian angel assigned to him alone."
"Weak boundaries can make individuals feel like victims."
"Zaman was in the relationship with K-ray worth, but then later on he started an online relationship with Myra Wood."
"There's just this vast difference on income tax that trusts pay and income tax that individuals pay."
"There obviously isn't only one person like that in the world."
"Society is only as good as the people who live in it."
"Susan and Tony aren't that much different from each other."
"The social structure and the state continually evolve out of the life process of definite individuals, not as they may appear in their own or other people's imagination, but as they really are."
"He underscores the responsibility that leaders have to these individuals."
"Walt was special, yes, but he wasn't unique. He was one of many, some of whom developed before him, like Miles, and others who developed powers after him, like Hurley."
"Distinct individuals with one dream."
"Sometimes these standout figures are normal humans such as Caiaphas Kane or Sly marble."
"Honestly, how's that Mr. Zinga, Toby right up there too, maybe even Vic?"
"Historians no longer believe that one individual, no matter how powerful, can shape history."
"I think we built an amazing network of individuals that we know, that we call friends."
"The people who change the course of these diseases aren't neurologists the people who change the course of diseases are ordinary Americans and ordinary people from all different parts of the world."
"It's unique because it is truly a combination of Keith, Hughie, and Alex."
"Uplifting people, neutral people, and non-uplifting people are the three types of individuals we encounter."
"Prophets deliver God's message for the benefit of others, but sometimes God speaks directly to individuals."
"We had so many of the greats come in."
"None of these elderly gents have been given individual names as of yet which is kind of insane."
"Some guys are harder to crack than others."
"I am very proud of each and every single one."
"Nope. You never get hired by a company, you get hired by people in the company."
"You can't predict the behavior of one person based on the behavior of a group of people who are somewhat similar to that person."
"Okay, Willem does have a favorite bookies."
"I guess the creation came through Roy estie's leo seal and Myron Webb who is that time public affairs."
"We all have different backgrounds."
"...my guides have said the woman will bring the women will bring him down I Al I used to think it was Mary Trump but it's not he had no connection to her he could care less about her I think those stormy Daniel things is the beginning of it e Carol and there's others..."
"Systemic change is what was needed but it did kind of begin with individual change."
"One of the things I've always been fascinated by when I write history is the intersection between the great forces of history and the individuals."
"The last thing you want to get help is a bunch of people. The best chance you have is one person, counter-intuitively and against the math of multiple people."
"Every experiment shows that if it's just you and one person, you are incredibly more likely to help that person than if it's you among five people or 10 people."
"It's quite poignant, I think, that out of the thousands of people, it was Camilla who Diana zoned in on."
"Connor Kennedy gets number eight because it's not really about him and like he didn't really provide a lot of flavor to anything really."
"People typically trust people not government or other entities."
"There's only one thing that differentiates people, and that's the degree of talent that they have."
"...society has to be seen as made up of individuals...the benchmark of their excellence is that they ensure protection and prosperity and, above all, mutual benefit."
"Some people aren't meant for school."
"A relationship is only going to be as healthy as the two people who are in it."
"They all come with their own baggage."
"Skillful means involve using appropriate methods and strategies based on the unique needs and conditions of individuals."
"Turns out, there's a whole lot more like you. People that are immune. Dozens of them."
"I remember them coming, it was um Jeff agent Croft and um and I believe uh agent Ryan Kelly."
"I think the show's gonna ultimately be about how individuals can be good people but institutions can't."
"... every individual person is more connected to certain archetypes than others so they're more comfortable with certain archetypes than others."
"We have four persons in our dataset: Taylor Swift, Robert Downey, Me, and Jenna."
"...the need to project a certain facade... is going to say something about the psyches of the individuals."
"Dan Healy I believe and uh Ryan Zagar will bolzak grime."
"The weight of history on individuals."
"Oh Lynn complained about you Delta but she complains about everyone."
"Remember, there's always a bad apple here and there in every form of life, but don't take out what this bad apple is on everybody, the whole system."
"Blessings will be given to every single one of us in the end."
"When these individuals start to see what the Divine always had planned for you, they're going to beg for mercy."
"They are actual people who have like these great gifts to bring."
"Individuals and institutions are capable of change."
"Let's meet them now: Mason, Dean, Angela, Lauren, and Trace."
"More and more people will opt to drop out of insurance entirely because they just say, 'Look, this doesn't apply to me.'"
"It's scary to think that there really are individuals capable of brainwashing people to do the most insane kind of things."
"Recruiters come in all shapes and sizes."
"Money doesn't motivate everybody."
"I do not judge the people of a country based on the actions of their government."
"Everybody went d one, yeah, like high major, only one the lowest was probably army guy named uh Connor went to Army. Conor, my fault."
"So no every single person is not on the autism spectrum."
"He's redefining what wellness means by putting the power back into people's hands."
"Men like waxy Gordon, Louis lepy Gores Shiro, and long e Wilman."
"It's taken to Rossland and interests some individuals."
"Even if it forced the individuals into a desperate situation where they have no choice but to fight."
"The person's name in the comments was Taku."
"Creating a strong team isn't just about hiring the right people; it's about nurturing and respecting them as individuals."
"We're really focusing on individuals in history, not systems or frameworks."
"One of the cast members was Tran Deng."
"I absolutely love each and every one of them."
"There's not a bad apple in the bunch, not one."
"I love each person in very different ways."
"We want a world full of people who feel personally powerful."
"I remember Borelli endowed that's two of the lead detectives."
"Everybody has a secret, some just hide them better than others."
"God loves and wants each one of us."
"It's so unfortunate that a few people ruin it for the rest of us."
"In terms of where the edge is, it's really being made by lone individuals."
"...a testament to the power of community funding brought to life and sustained by individuals like you."
"Every now and then in life, you meet an incredible individual."
"It's incredibly important that we bring out those little stories about people."
"Almost every significant change that's ever happened was sparked by often isolated individuals who were willing to take a stand on something."
"A few bad people don't represent everyone."
"Most people in the world are ordinary people."
"History is about people; it's about individuals."
"Brian Holdsworth might be the nicest man in North America."
"A chilling reminder of the darkness that can reside within seemingly innocent individuals."
"It's a different sort of span of time, but what the books share in common is a sense of place and bright individuals."
"Individuals have limited resources but a large reach."
"What we want to optimize for is the virtuous cycle between the individuals and the society."
"We're supporting all the individuals, that's what it's about."
"If Amy is not there, then the party's boring."
"No two are alike and I feel that that is exactly like all of us; none of us are exactly alike."
"Major respect to both these individuals."
"Those glowing things I could have said about Devin Brian apply to Leviticus."
"It's just a fascinating story about extraordinary individuals at an extraordinary period of English history."
"...it's the people on the ground, it's individual lives that are being decided on the battlefield."
"It's not the story, it's not the abuse, it's not the trauma that's at the front and center, it's the people themselves."
"History is made by the great mass of individuals."
"My faith's in people, I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say that for the most part, they haven't let me down."
"Governments have been far less farsighted than private individuals have been."
"Morale is important, really important not only for a military unit or a business but also for individuals."
"Every single person that we met was sort of unique and different unto themselves."
"It's individuals that change the world, not governments."
"You will find individuals that have a very high level of consciousness and a very high level of awareness."
"...every white person is not a racist...you had white people like John Brown."
"The single biggest thing we could do is economically empower individuals."
"I had over 60 individuals come through."
"We believe big change starts with people like you."
"I'm really happy for Aaliyah and Rodriguez."
"We see how successful each and every one of these guys can be or have already been."
"How much do individual characters matter and make a difference, and how much are things determined by institutions and structures?"
"Culture change doesn't happen without individuals; in order for culture to change, because culture is created by individuals, it can only be changed if you have individuals on board."
"They are not numbers; they are human beings, just like me and you."
"My heart is always touched by the people; as I look out over the church, I don't see a big building or lots of activities, I see individuals, people's hearts."
"I couldn't be more impressed with a group of individuals than those guys right there."
"I think I'll remember Kylie forever."
"It's hard not to watch all these people; they're really, really talented great individuals."
"Freedom and slavery were intertwined, intertwined for the citizens on the ground, intertwined for people like John Jack, Frederick Douglass, of course, and others after."
"The difference is both Michael and Esther. That's actually huge, that's actually massive."
"It is individuals, not large organizations, that drive progress."
"We also want good individuals, good human beings."
"It's mostly about the people and like a few individuals and their stories from the collapse of the society."
"We expect to get the best of everyone in all of their spaces and that's not realistic."
"You can't judge people by the actions of its government, you got to judge them by their own merit."
"Destiny has brought these two men together."
"It's so tempting to boil large groups of people into single forms because it's so much easier to think about than the truth, which is that the individual level is where things really happen."
"It's a livelihood matter, and behind livelihoods are individuals, and behind individuals are families."
"I had a lot of respect for all individuals involved in this story."
"Once these cities were enchanted, magical metropolises, and if you lived there or even visited, you could encounter genuinely interesting individuals."
"I believe that these individuals probably were targeted."
"All it takes is one good person that'll change your life."
"They are wonderful people, in and of themselves, but their relationship was absolutely great."
"Every person you know has had a past."
"It's amazing to think that this guy here played such a pivotal role."
"Outstanding performances by so many different individuals."
"However, there are some steps that both the government and individuals can take to mitigate these problems."
"I have crazy respect for each of them."
"Respect for these individuals is key, and respecting them all equally."
"It's people like Jeff who are the real conservationists."
"Magnificent individuals they are."
"These people were fascinating individuals and in a very true sense, they're the real heroes of this battle."