
Emotional Advice Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"What I'd love to do today is to teach y'all a little bit about...why we catch feelings but most importantly to help y'all avoid getting into a situation where you actually have romantic feelings for someone who's a friend."
"Shift your focus from the man to the relationship."
"Do not get under someone to get over someone."
"There's a lot of happiness coming in for you as long as you avoid conflict."
"I feel like you're gonna set yourself free from this honestly."
"Stop ignoring the red the deal breaker stop it jen just just stop it just just stop it."
"Hug your parents if you have a bad relationship."
"How the hell do I deal with unrequited love? What's more of an important question is asking yourself why do you want a love that was never promised to you?"
"Simba, have you tried just not effing worrying about it?"
"But my only biggest advice to you is to let it out but do not 12 do not stay in that spot because when you stay in that spot you're not helping yourself you're not limping down the door to let someone in that can treat you better."
"Don't drive angry. Don't drive after the breakup."
"I love you, but who cares that I love you though? It is like you love you, so make sure you love yourself a little bit more every day."
"Letting him do for you requires you to be vulnerable."
"You know, grief is a scraggy [ __ ], and she doesn't give a royal [ __ ] about best intentions or whether you have the luxury of waiting her out. You've got to find a way through this, Max, not around it."
"Don't open back the chapter that you closed. Don't do it, don't do it."
"You would be way happier if you put all your focus on something that makes you truly happy, apart from this person."
"You should tell your dad how you feel. Neither of you is the [enemy]. You were both just dealing with and healing from your grief differently."
"Listen to your heart. You know what's best in this situation."
"Let's all calm down a little. This isn't good."
"You are deserving of this love, and it does not have to be a fight. You do not have to fight for love."
"Please know that you don't have to show everything you got to get love and respect."
"You don't need a replacement mother, you had a mother who raised you."
"Please don't make lifelong decisions based on what you feel right now."
"Life happens, guys, appreciate your loved ones."
"Take every little bit of joy out of this world you can right now, hug a baby, hug a parent, hug a friend."
"I'm in the studio with killers, they told me get out my feelings."
"Let it go... to be honest with you I still think you should let it go and continue manifesting your plan B cuz like I said you feel majorly betrayed here that's what that feels like."
"It's like saying no will lead to more growth here, Cancer."
"Don't be sad that it ended, be happy that it happened at all."
"You gotta let your heart be your guiding key."
"You need to stop panicking because it will eat you raw."
"He's never going to love you until you love yourself."
"You don't have to hold on to the past just because something was valuable to you in the past."
"Only you know the right way for you to grieve."
"You need to let this go. Forgiveness, okay? You need to let this go."
"Follow your heart essentially is what the ace of cups is saying."
"Protecting your very innocent and virtuous heart is what it says at this point in time."
"Give them advice based on how it's going to make them feel emotionally."
"When you're stressed, just telling yourself 'Don't stress, calm down' rarely works."
"Take a very close look at it, Sagittarius. Really get to know this person before you open up and give too much of yourself."
"If somebody cannot love you and accept you for truly just being you, they never loved you in the first place."
"If they don't love you, then you don't need them in your life."
"There's so much in that, but that's definitely one thing, is love yourself."
"Stop talking about the fact that you don't have this person."
"Soak in this moment because it won't last forever."
"If you've been spending too much time in your mind being rational, it's time to sink into your heart space."
"Don't cry, you'll fog up your jar."
"Don't cry. No, she says, just shake it off."
"Seeking revenge will not appease your anger, it can only serve to fuel it."