
Sustainable Practices Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"There are so many companies out there doing sustainable things that are great for women and great for the planet."
"Our vision behind this industry is trying to set up an alternate paradigm to meat production in this land."
"Buy the rock today, get it into the cycle bins and just start getting that beneficial bacteria."
"Become a member. It's the only way that we can sustainably do sketches."
"Giga Berlin is not only going to replant more trees than they took down but they're also going to have a solar roof."
"Crawfish aquaculture relies on natural reproduction so no hatcheries or nurseries are needed."
"We need to be aware that making use of nature should not be synonymous with destroying it or using it up."
"You're in the first of your three seed-saving years, so it's great, absolutely."
"Let's go build great things and grow abundant nutritive food and raise awesome animals because that's what the future is."
"For every pair of sneakers sold, Cariuma plants two trees."
"Organic gardening creates less and less need for pest control."
"We should push for sustainable, well-pastured animals where it can be done."
"Established titles work with the global charity Trees for the Future and One Tree Planted to help them plant a tree for every order."
"Burning biogas to make electricity is a way to harvest those gases before they enter the atmosphere."
"Sustainable consumption and production patterns."
"I switched to using a menstrual cup about three years ago and it was an absolute game changer for me when it came to my period."
"K-cups need to be thrown away. You can't recycle K-cups as far as I'm concerned. But even then, there is just plastic and you can easily use a reusable K-cup."
"It's really exciting that we don't have to take car tires and either burn them or chop them up to recycle them."
"It actually is a much more efficient way to farm."
"They have a piece of ground and you know lots of Teslas drive across it over time and they take the observations from all of these."
"We can start talking about ending fossil fuel expansion."
"We should start focusing on Real Change rather than just letting corporations sell us what they think is sustainable."
"Efforts to improve the eel population include regulating fishing and releasing adult eels back into the water."
"One bad week or month will not make or break you. Stop fixating on returns and focus on doing things sustainably."
"Composting as a habit that is sustainable for 2024 might be the most important thing you do."
"Farming has to be an act of gratitude to the earth."
"Bring a very lightweight produce bag...90% of the time."
"For every pair of sneakers sold, Cariuma plants two trees in the Brazilian Rainforest."
"Preserving our oceans and maintaining livelihoods is not something that's mutually exclusive. In fact, it is part of a virtuous cycle."
"The best thing we can do for our oceans is to simply stop eating marine life."
"Do good for the planet and get rewarded for that."
"You can buy rarer varieties of basil once. And then once you're done buying them, you just propagate them ad infinitum, right?"
"Start making your own compost, even if it's in a pile in a corner."
"Natural beekeeping that has very low mortality rates is real accessible to everyone."
"I just think there's other ways to support charities rather than buying newly manufactured items of clothing."
"But one promising option seems to be seaweed."
"Quality reps over quantity: the key to sustainable growth."
"Continuing to promote catch and release is crucial for sustainable fishing."
"Growing mushrooms on fermented straw and cardboard for inner city urban farmers."
"GM aims to have 50% of its manufacturing capacity in the US and China capable of producing electric vehicles by 2030."
"The greater food transformation is the transition to a decentralized food production."
"We carbon offset the manufacturing, shipping, and life cycle of your purchase."
"Buying no new cars and driving a lot less is probably the most environmentally friendly way forward."
"Most countries look at water as something that needs to be extracted. Our government looks at it as something that we need to replenish and build into."
"We're also committed to recycling at all of our cell factories."
"What regenerative agriculture is, is restarting those cycles of nature."
"Agromining is one of the tools we will need in the future."
"It's unsustainable...rethinking around the world work with the United Nations."
"Root Cafe is committed to sourcing 100% of its ingredients from small local farmers."
"Collaboration is ultimately... more sustainable approach... rooted in the idea... fittest as in the one that fits best within the whole system."
"Solar Punk has the potential, already partially realized, to motivate action to build the future today."
"A good restaurant owner doesn't design a menu where the leftovers have to be thrown out."
"Literally, the sun is free, for now, it is efficient in drying the clothes, it is efficient in sanitizing your clothes, 'cause it will kill bacteria, and it is sufficient in bleaching out your whites and also line dried clothes smell so damn good."
"Natural beekeeping is about protecting the landscape and ecological balance."
"Avoid fad diets, it's not about dieting, it's a lifestyle change."
"Little changes like using brands that product packaging and single use packaging is sustainable is just one of those things that you can be a little bit more conscious of."
"Have you ever heard of the kangaroo harvesting program? It's a unique program implemented in Australia that allows for the sustainable and managed harvesting of eastern and western gray kangaroos."
"At least on a bike, he's not polluting the environment, which is really good, he's setting a good example for not polluting the environment."
"This would have the added benefit of providing a rich source of food and nutrients for the rest of the ocean's food chain, bringing life and fishing back to where we've been depleting it."
"Our league, our format, is always evolving. I trust them to balance the interest of player burnout, player improvement, team improvement, with sustainability, health of the league."
"Our greenhouse gas emissions went down by 50 million tons from 2019 to 2021, equivalent to pulling off 11 million cars from our roads."
"Renewable energy isn't just great for preventing a climate apocalypse; it also means not having to look past the human rights records of countries you rely on to keep the lights on."
"No dig compost mulch on the beds. Not a huge amount, enough to cover the soil, protect, soft feed, and feed the soul life."
"You cannot be green if all you do is sell as many new vehicles as you can as quickly as possible."
"There's really two emerging greener death technologies that I see as a potential replacement for cremation."
"It is a lengthier process however we don't use the natural resources regular Crematory would"
"We've got to stop mining... by 2050 and from then on we must use everything we've got again and again."
"Regenerative farming is the future, focusing on the health of the soil and the balance of land uses."
"Lam Mer's Innovative spirit and commitment to sustainability have left an indelible mark on the industry and will continue to influence generations to come."
"Ultimately, this is going to help F1 be more sustainable going forward."
"How to regenerate the earth and really establish resilient community."
"Seaweed grows 10x faster, consumes less water and takes up less than 10% of the land those crops need."
"...they actually harvest the rainwater and use it to flush the toilets, which is crazy."
"Carry reusable dishes, utensils, and straws to avoid disposable items when dining out."
"It's good practice, the big breeding females you want to put them back."
"Using the right biological tools to suppress it is always better if we can learn how to use that."
"60 million bison, no one was feeding hay, no one was vaccinating, they were just impacting the soil."
"This is reducing my carbon footprint. Any time that you have soil covered with the root, you're sequestering carbon."
"Regenerative agriculture is a journey, not a destination."
"Wild caught animals are amazing and essential to creating a healthy sustainable breeding population."
"Delayed harvesting of crops allows seed dispersals, so increasing species diversity."
"An ethical hunter eats what he kills."
"Regenerative agriculture is one of those things that we talked about as having co-benefits or stacked co-benefits."
"We can create habitat corridors or we can have sustainable use practices to restore those previous habitats."
"Sustainable agriculture is the use of techniques that are designed to mitigate agricultural environmental damage."
"You're not spooking those does; you allow that doe movement to continue the entire season."
"I do my best to as closely imitate nature and natural processes."