
Fast-paced Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"The show's fast nature really makes it hard to stop watching."
"Samurai Pizza Cats: It never stopped to take a breather as pop culture references and rapid talking characters zoomed by every second."
"It's just so lovely and again it's super fast read and it's hilarious."
"Anthem is a fun, fast-paced ability-based shooter that really scratches the co-op fever."
"The sheer amount of movement options combined with the need to constantly track your target using their movement options contributed to a fast-paced shooter really like no other."
"The evolutionary pace of crypto is like four years is 20 in traditional markets. It's really, really fast."
"There is an opportunity there, and with the eight of wands next to the knight of ones, I think this energy is going to be moving very fast."
"This book was compulsively readable... we hit the ground running."
"Ghouls go from zero to 100 real fast in this game."
"Mithra is a rush-down character similar to Sheik but with a sword."
"It's fascinating bro, I'm enjoying it so fast, it's only been a few days but I'm effing enjoying it so far."
"I do feel like it's a pretty faithful nod to the Anna Karenina story and I thought this was amazing I read it in 24 hours it was super fast-paced and I thought the tropes in this sort of this dramatic high school setting was done with such success."
"All of the things that they talk about are really interesting, really impactful, they move really fast, they have really good people."
"It's fast paced and there's lots of [ __ ] happening it's a story of Revenge."
"I got so swept up in this page-turner, I read most of it in a day. I've not done that in many years."
"A relationship with a love bomber feels like fast food."
"The multiplayer in this game is fast, it's frantic, it's fun as heck."
"All the King's Men was actually mad good. It was real fast-paced, easy to understand."
"The world is changing, all the time, and in a way almost too damn fast."
"This city never sleeps, and if you want to keep up with it, you can't either."
"Efforts are rewarded temp work fast-paced physical loan interest and commission."
"You're going to develop emotions for each other maybe the fastest you've ever for someone."
"I don't remember ever not being friends with you like I don't know the process between shaking hands with you and becoming friends because it happened so fast."
"Nursing school is very fast paced, it's a whole different world, and a lot of people feel very overwhelmed going into nursing school."
"I love a good arranged marriage, I love a good kind of like enemy lovers. It was fun, it was easy, really fast-paced. Just what I wanted."
"Coming fast. That's what she said."
"The thing I want to say is it is so fast-paced that I feel like sometimes we don't appreciate yes we appreciate in the moment however once it's gone like I truthfully was so in love with tekashi marami."
"Both movies incredibly short, barely an hour ten or so, but such concise story, very fast-paced."
"Thank you for tolerating me, thank you for tolerating my opinion, and my excessively fast speaking as I was trying to get through a lot without making this video too long."
"I flew through it it was so fast paced so much happened in such a short amount of time but it didn't feel like kind of like an overload of information it felt perfectly paced."
"I liked it a lot more first. First time I watched it, I was like 'whoa, this is ridiculously fast.'"
"Life is crazy. It feels out of control. It feels very fast-paced these days."
"I'm really thoroughly enjoying the writing style of this, it is so fast-paced, you just sit and kind of binge it."
"Now, I understand why people talk so much about this. It was so fast-paced. It's only like 200 and something pages, actually, it's 291. It was so short, so fast, and easy to read. I loved every second of it."
"Running a lean 95 minutes, Blind Date is a fast and fun comedy that brings Edwards's traditional directorial style to a new generation of audience."
"The world has become so fast. Everything is just instant, but people are realizing that isn't necessarily a good thing."
"It is fast-paced without feeling like it skips over important moments or like it's rushed or anything like it's just the perfect pace."
"I'm sure some of you out there have been in one of those whirlwind romances where everything just kind of happened so fast."
"Enemies to lovers in this book is incredible this was just so fun and fast-paced and I feel like it had everything I love about reading and more in it."
"I love the hospital setting just because it's much more fast-paced, and you can kind of see patients at a much quicker pace."
"This chapter puts its foot all the way on the gas and sped past most of our expectations."
"What a time, so much is happening so fast."
"SE Cosby's thrillers read like action movies, breakneck pace, but even though it's the plot driving the book forward, the character relationships and the main characters especially are so dynamic, there's so much depth to them."
"I'm always in the game, but I'm too fast to catch you."
"Life's been a whirlwind lately for us and I'm just trying to keep up with it but it's all good and it's all fun and I'm having a blast dream job dream job."
"My preferred way to check exposure especially in a fast-paced scenario. It's quick, easy, and it gets the job done."
"Everything is moving very fastly for you and it's all going to hit you at once in a good way."
"They emphasize the importance of respect in this fast-paced world."
"Startups, everything is fast paced. You'll be thrown with a problem statement."
"Game: it's fast, it's fun, and it's free."
"Life is happening and coming at us fast."
"It was a great fast-paced read. I read all of them like a day. They were super quick because it was young adult though writing was very easy to read and I just really liked it."
"Without doubt, the fastest game of Monopoly I've ever played."
"Dubai life is so fast, everything is moving at every single minute."
"So I know I went through that really really fast if you have any questions first go back through the video because you can rewind stop and you know watch it over and over again."
"Do you like to live your life one quarter-mile at a time?"
"I'm just trying to gain footing where I can, but it all seems like it moves so fast."
"Neuralink moves quite fast. That's similar to Tesla as well, like a lot of Elon's companies are known for being fast-paced."
"It's not bad, don't get worried. It reads so fast, right? Because this is told entirely through like one to two-page chapters. It reads faster than a 380-page book should."
"It's just going fast right now, facts only."
"The Powder Mage [series]... if you like the magic system in [the] Mistborn Trilogy and you want a faster and action-oriented series, you cannot go wrong with reading the Powder Mage [series]."
"Right now, it seems the world is moving fast, things keep changing, and we know it can be overwhelming."
"Time does not exist in our own bubble. We are literally in our own bubble, and time is just going by too fast."
"I just want to live like a fast life, so like if that means I'm like 90 years old, driving illegal street cars on the road and getting in trouble by the law, that's fine."
"I live my life a quarter of a mile at a time."
"This book is so endearing, charming... has a rather fast-paced plot as well."
"When readers grab a thriller novel off the shelf, they're hunting for a fast-paced, high-stakes, edge of their seats page-turner."
"It's got some wonderful energy and it's briskly paced."
"Honestly, these are flying by, but I'm having the best time filming them."
"The movie moves at a breakneck speed and keeps you on your feet the whole time."
"Books that happen in a short time period, like only 24 hours to one week."
"This life is fast, man, and it's crazy and it's like over the top and it's big."
"The traffic is fast and the money was slow, the people I met you never get to know."
"This is fast-paced, tension-filled, icy, and magical."
"I'm in the fast lane and I'll see you guys next time."
"I loved it. I read it in like two sittings, it was lightning fast."
"It is fast and it is exciting because you only play 8 ends, 22 minutes."
"He lived life at 100 miles an hour."
"It's so page-turning, you'll read it incredibly fast."
"Sushi Go, you can plop this down on the table and you really can burn through it in 15 to 20 minutes at most."
"It's just so good and it is so gripping, the plot is so fast-paced you will not be able to put the series down."
"It's a fast-paced game where players on your turn you get to make three moves."
"I do feel like this year has just whizzed past."
"I've loved the Cruel Prince. I think that they are such amazing fast reads."
"This epistle is a ride. From the first chapter through the end of the book, it takes us on this incredible, fast-paced, rapid fire journey."
"There's so many random things happening, it goes so fast you almost can't appreciate how cool the video is."
"I can't believe how quickly December really literally whizzed by."