
Plate Tectonics Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Plate tectonics is as basic to geology as evolution by natural selection is to biology."
"Bonita white formed when an oceanic plate and a crustal plate came together."
"The existence of active volcanoes shows the movement of one continental plate under another."
"When plate pushes plate, you get Quake. When plate pushes plate, you get an earthquake."
"This groundbreaking research highlights how little scientists truly know about plate tectonics and past movement, and the need to better understand these dynamics for our own benefit."
"Plate tectonics fully embraced by science."
"Adding water to that hot rock, uh, in the overlying plate causes it to melt, and that's what causes these volcanic island arcs like, uh, you know, Tonga and, uh, the Aleutians and, uh, South America and the Caribbean."
"Rapid plate tectonics must have been a major aspect of the year-long flood catastrophe."
"The Himalayas are crumpled up ocean floor that resulted from the collision of India with Asia."
"The North American plate is moving kind of to the southwest, mostly to the west, but a little bit to the southwest at an average speed of 3 centimeters per year."
"These tectonic plates as they're called are big chunks of the Earth's surface that literally float around, moving in different directions while we sit on top of them and enjoy the ride."
"But what we see on Venus is that there's no evidence at all for plate tectonics like we have on Earth."
"We no longer have dynamothermal metamorphic rock being created in the Appalachians, and that's because we no longer have two continents colliding."
"The pillows formed at the ocean spreading center at the end of the plate boundary."
"The hot spot acted as a fixed location, and the plate was just rolling over the top."
"Because the mantle is convecting, that's essentially what's causing the plates to move."
"We predict that the subduction zone here will pull Antarctica towards Australia, eventually leading to those two colliding, forming another supercontinent."
"Once we know that mid-ocean ridges are where new crust is being formed and that the trenches represent the locations where old crust is being destroyed, it becomes very obvious the surface must be split into plates."
"When two pieces of crust slam into each other, it will produce a lot of deformation, just like two very large cars crashing into each other head-on."
"The first way the earth loses heat is at spreading ridges, taking hot material from inside the earth, transferring it to the surface where it cools down."
"As new oceanic crust is made, it will start pushing both sides of the continent away from each other."
"If we didn't have plate tectonics, every few hundred million years the surface of the Earth would literally become liquid."
"If we lock the continents together using the continental slope and the shelf break, we can actually lock the continents together with extremely good accuracy."
"Water is not only essential for life but it is also required for plate tectonics to function correctly."
"Last week was kind of wild, huh? Ocean plates, and I think the wildness is due in part to the fact that the science has not been settled yet."
"The Himalayas were formed from the collision of the Indian plate with the Eurasian plate."
"By 2.7 billion years... we have fully functioning proper plate tectonics happening."
"These greenstone belts exist; they're showing us we have stable seafloor and they're also clearly demonstrating to us that by the Archaean we have fully functioning plate tectonics."
"The Earth is not growing but staying the same size due to constructive and destructive plate boundaries."
"The rifting is ongoing, and this here, which is going to be the East African Rift Valley, is basically the plate boundary."
"We're going to produce a rift, we're going to have a new ocean there, we're going to have two new plates laterally moving apart, and Africa breaking into two over the next 20-50 million years or so."
"Tonight we're talking about plate tectonics, kind of a part two to what we were doing before."
"A lot of evidence has accrued over the years that major chunks of the western edge of North America didn't form as part of North America."
"The face of Earth is continually shifting, influenced by a process called plate tectonics."
"A complex splintering took place with fragments of continental crust of variable sizes left adrift."
"The vast majority of pillow basalts are formed at divergent plate boundaries."
"The business of today is to talk about the places in the Earth's surface where plates begin to separate."
"Plate tectonics is an extremely powerful theory, explains a lot of geology."
"The continents were once together and they moved to their current position."
"We've got a way to get some hot mantle rocks up through this subducting plate."
"The Rocky Mountains... were formed because of the subduction zone between the North American and Pacific plate."
"We're actually measuring plate motions. It's not just sort of geology anymore."
"We have a major Kula plate heading north, that's the magic carpet ride for our Baja BC block."
"The forces contributing to plate tectonics and continental drift are convection forces, ridge push, and slab pull."
"These processes of subduction, continental extension, and hot spots have created Central Oregon's landscapes, and they've been active for millions of years and they continue to be active today."
"The earth is divided into basic layers: there's the core, the mantle, and the crust of the earth, and the crust of the earth is broken up into these brittle plates that are constantly moving."
"The hotspot basically stays in one place, but the plate moves over it, and so over time, the original island moves off or the original volcanic structure moves off of the hotspot, and a new one forms."
"The West Coast has a convergent boundary where two plates are coming together."
"The volcanoes of the towering Andes Mountains were produced by molten rock generated by the subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the South American plate."
"Plate tectonics is a scientific theory describing the large-scale motion of the Earth's lithosphere."
"The interior heat of the Earth drives the relative plate motion."
"Volcanoes often form where tectonic plates converge."