
Electoral Reform Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"We're heading towards political violence like what's a genuine solution or approach that could work, and I believe that shifting to open primaries and ranked choice voting in a critical mass of red, purple, and blue states is a solution."
"My view on this is that we ought to get rid of the Electoral College so a vote counts for everyone."
"Rule number one of game design: find the fun."
"We believe one solution is permanent voter registration."
"I think the first step is the first past the post voting system."
"What you're seeing in Georgia right now in Georgia the secretary of state is moving to end runoff elections which I think is great."
"Final five voting equals healthy competition, more choice, more voice, better results."
"Reforming primaries and ranked choice voting would be a game-changer in terms of innovation, ideas, and true democracy."
"The future of our democracy depends on reform of the Electoral Count Act."
"It's about time we get elected officials that pay attention to the law of the land." - Jesse Ventura
"Remove D and R from ballots... well-informed voters will succeed and you're voting for the person not some ideology."
"I think ranked choice voting is amazing. I think it's awesome."
"If ranked choice voting existed, I think Andrew would have finished top five, possibly top three."
"We need new forms of voting, such as ranked choice voting."
"There's this absurd zero-sum game... Ranked choice voting gets rid of that objection."
"Most Americans want a genuine choice beyond the duopoly."
"We can change the system and it doesn't have to come from the electorate."
"We should have extended voting hours. We should be paying people to go and man these polling stations."
"Voting should be simple, voter registration should be automatic."
"Alaska has a ballot proposal to introduce rank choice voting."
"The best process would be primaries with rank choice voting."
"Ranked choice voting is a very interesting way to vote."
"We should have rank-choice voting in this country so that people can actually vote the way they want and then not be worried about 'wasting their vote.'"
"We need to build a third party at this point."
"There are a variety of different voting systems that would offer a significantly better representation of the actual will of the people."
"I think there's a strong case to be made for ranked choice voting."
"I believe this election cycle has revealed how desperately we need reformation in the prophetic movement."
"Ballot access, ranked choice voting, open primaries. That will change the country."
"First past the post is a crap system, and it was a stupid time to have it."
"We want to eliminate corruption in voting and give everyone a voice for the first time." - Tom
"Proportional representation can help solve this problem. It will give us fairer, more representative electoral results."
"UBI was the what, open primaries and ranked choice voting is the how. This is the second leg of the journey and let's do it."
"One nation, one election would be a death knell for regional parties and political blackmailers."
"Republicans in many states are reluctant, resistant to early voting or voting by mail."
"Electoral reform is a precondition for better political ideas."
"I would love to have a different system like rank Choice single transferable vote Etc. so that more people could vote for who they really want to see win without concern."
"Virginia drops voting restrictions; no longer requiring voters to show photo ID."
"This bill expands voting access, streamlines both counting procedures, and ensures election integrity." - Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia
"It's always an interesting scenario to apply a different type of electoral process."
"I think it's a shame though that there's only two options I think it's a shame there's only Republicans only Democrats I wish that it was four or five parties that were competitive for people to actually choose from."
"Enable us through the reform of our elections, through the security of our elections and through massive participation in our elections enable us to save this nation."
"That's why I said, I want my politicians to not take corporate money."
"I think we have to get rid of the Electoral College."
"...but if you're willing to vote for the Green Party you might also be ready for change in the electoral system and I did hear people say I'm gonna vote green and I'm gonna vote yes."
"Every election should have the 'None of the above, try again' option."
"The Electoral College will no longer pick the President; American citizens will directly elect the President."
"I want to open up electoral politics for youth."
"We have an electoral system that isn't fit for the 19th century, let alone the 20th and 21st."
"We need to get the basics right, so just getting the basics like a written Constitution... or having a decent electoral system."
"Mandatory voting... moving on to the voter side."
"We should have automatic registration electoral reform."
"Instead of voting in one candidate only, here you're gonna rank your candidates in order of preference."