
Spiritual Call Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Don't wait another moment, call to Him now and ask Him to come rule in your heart."
"Eden is available for you right now, all you have to do is call on the name of the Lord and he'll save you."
"Call out to Jesus, even when surrounded by water."
"Rise up from your deep sleep, awaken and stay awake, rise out of the depths of the underworld."
"We need to change our values, abandon the worship of Mammon, and cherish our planet and its inhabitants in accordance with the will of the creator."
"The world is in crisis, and only a moral and spiritual revolution can save it."
"We're in a dark time, and I beseech you, and listen, I beg my brothers and sisters to not be used as dark matter for Satan."
"God, I need to hear you clear. I need you to make me the best witness that I could be. Please God, make me a better witness so that people don't have to perish. They can know you now. God, please help me, help me step out in boldness."
"You are salt and you are light, and the question is: Are you willing, for Him, to be as salty as you can be, as bright as you can be, that the circle of your impact will go beyond your fondest dreams and imagination?"
"Do not be afraid to call on the name of Jesus."
"This is your moment. Call on the name of Jesus. Type 'I want to be saved.'"
"In this very moment, God exists in glory and Majesty, calling you into his own blessed life."
"Jesus Christ is king of kings and Lord of lords. He loves you. Repent for your sins today is the day of salvation."
"To the west, we turn. We call to the sombra depths of the dark abyss."
"When Allah calls you back to Toba, cared enough about him."
"If you're watching this right now live or on playback God said this today is the day of salvation."
"The rescue mission that God is launching right now, calling his body and his ecclesia to stand up, is paramount."
"If you haven't trusted Christ right now would you do it just call on his name Jesus you're the Son of God you've died on the cross I trust you right now."
"May the eklesia rise to voice as never before your will and your plans never backing down."
"We must turn back to God. Without that, without Revival America as we know it is gone."
"Are you saved? Will you see Him someday in glory? If not, get saved today. Jesus saves, amen."
"Rise, divine feminine. You are being called on to rise."
"The time is short. Call upon the name of Jesus today."
"God is looking for some people who will continue with Him."
"You are being called into deeper levels of peace."
"And I'm urging you not to say, 'I'll be damned,' but instead, 'I'll be saved.'"
"Call on the name that is above every other name: the name of Jesus Christ."
"To step into what God has for you to step into your purpose, to write the book, to preach, to prophesy, to travel."
"Jesus Christ is saving those who would call upon his name."
"Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord."
"Anybody here wanna get themselves right with God and be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ, stand on your feet."
"Cry out to the father, it's time to ascend, it's time to level up."
"I repent, I change my mind, and I accept you as my savior."
"Don't wait around. Call on the name of the Lord and ask Jesus to come into your heart."
"Are you serious? It's time to give your life to Jesus Christ."
"It's kind of like he said to the disciple, 'Go and tell blind Bartimaeus, be encouraged on your feet.' He's calling you."
"God has called us into a deeper, deeper place, yes."
"If you're not sure that you will see Jesus, if you were going to leave here in five minutes, get to this altar."
"The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe."
"When the role is called up yonder, I don't mind you calling the role down here."
"One day Jesus the chief Shepherd is gonna call the roll."
"God's calling you today to be obedient to him."
"You can call on your Father and He will send angels."
"Pray so much that we can purify this planet of racism."
"Now is the time. Jesus for the kingdom of God has come near to your repair."
"Call unto me, inhabitants of Europe, call unto me, the Lord, for your answer."
"Chroniclers tell us that those who were momentarily roused from their trances screamed for help from bystanders, God, and the Saints."
"Repent and believe the gospel. Come back to the real Jesus and the real Word of God."
"Repent of your sins now and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ."
"The only hope for Israel, along with the rest of the world, is to surrender to the will of Yahweh."
"God is drawing you closer to Him. He's calling out to you right now."
"Turn to Jesus, the real one, before it's too late."
"In the last days, God is calling for a church that is going to return to the faith that was once delivered to the saints."
"There is a cultural cry today for Kingdom men."
"The kingdom of God says to go into the world, like go move."
"Let your name be glorified by the gospel we preach in a nation that so desperately needs it. In Jesus' name we pray, amen."
"If you need your belief tonight to be fixed changed, if you are making the decision that yo I gotta take my belief at the level that God wants, I need you to get down to this altar right now."
"We need a revival, we need the church to wake up."
"If you're listening right now, if you're watching right now, if you will type I want to be saved, I will pray with you."
"It's time to give our lives to Jesus Christ."
"We must be converted, we must pray, and mortify ourselves."
"God said he needs people who are going to be bright lights."
"This is the time for nations to get right with God."
"Behold the lamb of god, blessed are those who are called to the supper of the lamb."
"The call of many of your people is many many powered and overwhelmingly heard to the infinite reaches of the one creation."
"Let's declare over our homes: a culture of Honor, love, and forgiveness. Let's call upon His name, Hallelujah!"
"God is calling you to come out of the realm of patches..."
"The time has come... repent and believe the good news."
"Jesus is coming. Time is short. Call upon the name of Jesus today."
"How in the world can we expect our government to repent if we the people of God will not repent?"
"You should have heard it high on the mountains, repent, repent, repent."
"For anyone here today, anyone online watching this but has never called upon you I pray that today they would surrender to you put their trust in you and call upon you to be saved in Jesus' name. Amen."
"Let's arise and let the equity arise and let our enemies be scattered. Amen, amen."
"Call upon the Lord while he's near."
"When I cry out to you, my enemies will turn back."
"Get right with the Lord today. Turn from your sin and run to the arms of your loving Heavenly Father."
"If you want healing, say His name."
"Jesus says to you come, come to me."
"Sometimes, man, Jesus just wants to hear you say his name."
"That's why the Lord said come out from among her and be separate."
"You want everyone come to repentance, to turn around, and turn to Jesus."
"O give thanks to the Lord, call on His name, make known His deeds among the peoples."
"Here is the exhortation to the unbeliever: come to this King."
"Spirit of the living God, come, break all chains, break every chain."
"I call upon my true beloved now to be at one with my heart purpose; through divine grace, our sacred union is now sanctioned and blessed."
"...the call to Christian Unity is more relevant than ever before."
"The enemy is attempting to cast shadows, but I say to you, I am calling a people to remove the veil of that shadow and step into the light."
"Father, light our lamps and let us burn with holy fear."
"Turn unto me, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will turn unto you."
"The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' Let the one who hears say, 'Come!'"
"God is calling you back right now, begin to return to Him."
"What great nation is there that has a God so near to it as the Lord our God is to us, whenever we call upon him?"
"But beneath the noise and clamor, a still small voice, a voice that says come."
"We can break out of it only with the help of the heavenly king who has invited us all to come unto him, and denieth none that come unto him."
"Call unto me and I will answer and show you great and mighty things that you know not about."
"When you see doves, when you see birds, when you see the white feathers, it is a call for you to just stop, take a deep breath, get in a centered place almost a place of peace."
"Spirit is calling you guys to really like listen to music."
"It's more of a message of calling people to return to God."
"If there's one here tonight that's not saved, you not filled with the Holy Ghost, would you come?"
"Let the nations sing, let the people shout to Jesus, let Your kingdom come."
"Cry out and shout, O inhabitant of Zion."
"Holy Spirit, come and visit us tonight."
"May your name be sanctified is grammatically a call to action."
"Wake, My children, wake! Think ye of thy Guru’s lotus feet."
"The Lord says shout as loud as you can, tell my people Israel about their sins."
"May every one of us be disciples and not consumers."
"Age after age, amidst the clamor of disruptions, wars, fear, and chaos, rings the Avatar's call: 'Come all unto me.'"
"Every man who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
"Ask Jesus Christ to save your soul and trust Him."
"The spirit and the bride say come; get ready, get your garments ready."
"Turn around, God is calling. He is calling you from a life of wasted years."
"I am here, feel my presence, call upon me, I'm the Divine Mother."
"The call begins with one. This call is equal to infinity and is not counted. It is the cornerstone."
"The judgment card is all about hearing the call from spirit to move in a new direction."