
Induction Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Induction is a method that consistently produces reliable results."
"Induction reasons that because all observed f's have property p, probably all f's have property b."
"The problem of induction isn't a problem with science; it's a misunderstanding of what science does."
"Congratulations on completing your basic induction, blah blah blah."
"Sign the petition to get Sha Na Na inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."
"Yellowjacket was officially inducted into the Guardians of the Galaxy."
"...the induction therapy stays the same in maintenance that's been the message for a long time in IBD."
"Fetal positioning is incredibly important so during the induction process I encourage you to ask your providers where is your baby where is their head where is their back ideally we want to get baby over to the left side."
"Nirvana were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2014."
"It's all about the induction. Listen, it's just incredible."
"You are now inducted into the Hall of People who know now a little something about databases."
"The induction sound though, when you do wind it on, is sexy."
"But I do think it's really, really important that you're making the decision about having an induction at 39 weeks or seeing what happens in your pregnancy with the right information."
"I really want to be induced at 40 weeks and I don't want to be over."
"Induction happens for so many different reasons. I was really worried about it before, but during this time, I was like, 'Induce me up and get this baby out like we're ready!'"
"This finishes this proof by induction."
"...The moving magnetic field acts on the coils of wire and it induces current to be generated."
"These induced currents generate themselves electromagnetic waves."
"Induction seems to involve a rule which tells us to infer from the premise 'all past F's have been G's' to the conclusion 'the next F will be G'."
"Induction has worked in the past, so we can expect that induction will work in the future."
"If we assume that the future will be like the past, then in fact we've got pretty good reason to infer from the fact that all observed fires have been hot to the conclusion that the next fire will be hot."
"We're asking whether using induction is reasonable or rational. Now what Strawson says is that inductive methods are simply part of the definition of reasonable and rational."
"We have everything to gain and nothing to lose by adopting the inductive method."
"Induction is the only path; it's the only hope."
"You have a magnet like an iron magnet, and you have a coil of wire, and you drop the magnet through the coil of wire."
"An induced magnet is a material that becomes a magnet when it's placed in a magnetic field."
"Induction or the inductive effect is pulling electrons through the bonds due to your electronegativity."
"Electromagnetic induction is when you generate a current or a voltage when a wire or a conductor cuts through a magnetic field."
"You have the ability to overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps."
"Mathematical induction is an excellent way to prove a family of statements which depend on each other."
"The fact that p(k) implies p(k+1) tells us that p(1) implies p(2), then p(2) implies p(3), p(3) implies p(4), which implies p(5), and so on and so forth, making every statement true."
"If she's induced, she actually has a much less risk of having a cesarean section compared to an identical woman who isn't induced."
"As scary as it might seem to be induced, it actually can be quite a safe thing to do."
"Electric fields are caused by a changing magnetic field."
"An induction, by the way, in mathematics is basically just mathematical proof technique used to prove that a property holds for every natural number."
"It's really important if you're doing reflexive TA that you want to hold on to a sense of deduction and induction."
"All inductive arguments are based on inductive generalizations."
"A current is induced in a direction such to oppose the motion that created it."
"Rotating the coil produces an output voltage because we've got a conductor cutting through a magnetic field, inducing an EMF."
"They did actually find in this study that there was a decreased chance of a c-section when you were electively induced at 39 weeks."
"The interesting thing is that if you move a magnet near a conductor, current will flow through that conductor."
"Informal reasoning or induction works by gathering sufficient amounts of relevant evidence which, when clearly presented, leads us to believe the conclusion is more likely than not."
"Science is an entirely inductive process."
"Congratulations to Kirby Puckett, inducted into the Hall of Fame today, along with Dave Winfield and Bill Mazurowski."
"...to understand the world we just have to collect data, and then by induction we will sort of distill down the laws of the universe."
"Induction is by far the most powerful and commonly used proof technique in computer science."
"Induction is the idea of if I can prove for the next idea, the next term, the next term, the next term, I create a proof that's very similar to knocking over a domino."
"Engineer's induction means that you try small values, small numbers in sequence, and then you try to notice a pattern."
"This first day of new teacher induction has been fruitful and positive and a great experience."
"If it's true that P of K implies P of K plus 1, and I can get to the first rung of my ladder, then I can get to every rung of my ladder."
"By the inductive hypothesis, x and y both may be written as a product of primes."
"Mathematical induction is a method of proof."
"The most important thing about natural numbers is induction."
"The principle of mathematical induction is a problem-solving technique."
"Dave Chappelle's induction speech for Jay-Z was so good."
"We're going to prove this by strong induction."
"Induction as a foundation for science is hopeless... science actually is based on deduction."
"Electromagnetic induction is the voltage induced in a coil proportional to the rate of magnetic force across it."
"We're just going to have to induct David Ortiz every year so that we get this big crowd here at Fenway Park."
"...we've been spending the first couple of weeks constructing the real numbers and now we're going to turn to a particular proof technique that's going to come up a lot as we move forward and that's the principle of induction."
"...the well ordering property and the principle of induction are in fact equivalent."
"By the principle of induction, the statement holds."
"A magnetic field induces an electric field; that electric field induces a magnetic field, and this keeps repeating."
"Induction is the kind of logic that makes its conclusions plausible or likely."
"Induction is safer because your kid can't turn it on because it's got to sense metal."
"If a statement about natural numbers is true for 1, and if it is true for some K, then it is also true for K plus 1."
"By the principle of mathematical induction, the theorem is true for all N in the natural numbers."
"The principle of mathematical induction is a method for proving that a given statement involving natural numbers is true for all of n."
"Electromagnetic induction is the principle behind the generation of electricity."
"The faster your motor rotates, the larger an induced EMF is generated in the loop."
"You can't prove it by ordinary induction, but you can prove it by what's called transfinite induction."
"Mathematical induction... is a very familiar way of proving results in mathematics."
"Induction relay operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction."
"Mathematical induction is actually a kind of deductive reasoning."
"Fallacies of weak induction are unique in that the premises genuinely do lend some support to the conclusion."
"The interaction between the electromagnetic field emitted from the reader and the current induced in the tag enables two-way communication."
"Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch were officially inducted into Earth's mightiest heroes."
"Then from there, we're gonna write down some data, we're gonna make a good guess because we'll be able to see what the pattern looks like, and then we'll prove that guess by induction."
"Here's strong induction: here's a tree I want to show that it's got at most 2 to the N leaves."
"Guessing an answer to a recurrence equation and proving it by induction is a great example of the power of induction."