
Political Comparison Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"Name me a world leader who'd change places with Xi Jinping. Name me one."
"Do you want the guy who's gotten rich off other people's suffering, or do you want the guy who has been suffering because he had a stroke, which millions of Americans have had, but is otherwise completely healthy and mentally alert and ready to do this job?"
"The left is generally a much more political culture than the right."
"Some things aren't equal Joe Biden mispronouncing a word is not the same as Donald Trump going out there bragging about being a dictator rambling on about Q andon conspiracy theories forgetting who his wife is saying weird making weird noises."
"This country is a model in democracy, compared to what's happening in France, it's a miracle how smooth it's been."
"He could have had 9/11 levels of approval and just like W squandered it all."
"I don't want to be Herbert Hoover and I won't be Herbert Hoover."
"I think Donald Trump is probably the most transformational political figure in the last let's say six or seven decades of American political life maybe you can compare it to Ronald Reagan in terms of the transformational effect and to uh FDR."
"Donald Trump... manages to connect much better with average people than Joe Biden ever will."
"Biden's calm town hall: a stark contrast to Trump's chaos."
"The Democratic party is a center-conservative party and Joe Biden would be an extreme radical right-winger in any other country in Europe."
"The desantises will never be Camelot. Jackie and JFK symbolized the opposite of vulgar pettiness."
"George Soros is an evil, evil Palpatine-like character."
"Joe Biden acted voluntarily where as the former president did not act voluntarily."
"The only difference between Trump's policy and Obama's policy is that Trump is doing it more often. That is literally the only difference."
"Convince me that this is not the British equivalent of Donald Trump's big lie."
"This appears to be on par, if not far exceeding, what happened with Watergate."
"Judge Enron went on record saying that Donald Trump isn't as bad as Bernie Madoff."
"Joe Biden is the reasonable alternative to Donald Trump instead of the way more dangerous with way more blood on his hands."
"This is truly worse than Watergate, goes up much higher, very likely touches the president himself."
"African-American income grew nine times more than it did under Biden and Obama."
"Brexit and my father's election are one and the same." - Donald Trump Jr.
"Barack Obama today is more like John F Kennedy than it was 15 years ago."
"Trump isn't the hero we deserve, he's who we need just like Bruce Wayne."
"There's a difference between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren."
"Putin is real Hitler so absolutely everything is possible if the world will not stop him."
"Trump's statements parrot many of those from Adolf Hitler and Mussolini."
"I think Boris Johnson is sort of a smarter version of Trump."
"He's saying it's like communist China... these are the rules."
"There was no alternative to Donald Trump that was exactly the same vibe."
"Until someone else comes along who can properly carry the torch, and I only see one person who could potentially do it, and it isn't Ron DeSantis right now."
"Under Obama, the black labor force participation rate hadn't been that low since they were keeping stats. Under Trump, black unemployment is at an all-time low."
"The Chinese Communist Party risks becoming what the United States used to be in the eyes of these different terrorist movements."
"The European Parliament is like the Soviet Parliament."
"It's like watching a soap opera and for me, I would rather turn on question period and see two sides of the house sitting at a table working together to try and fix our problems."
"Maybe he really is just going to be like Reagan or Thatcher for Argentina."
"We're in 2024... not a big gap between the New Democrats and the Liberals."
"On our worst day, nobody up on that stage could not do a hundred times better than Trump on his best day."
"Hillary has comprehensive policies to help people, her opponent has tweets, you decide."
"At least Labour is confronting the challenges we face, unlike the Conservatives."
"I do think that on the issue of climate change, there is a stark difference between Biden-Harris on their worst days and Trump-Pence."
"A recent Gallup poll found that 56% of Americans polled said that they were better off now, much better off, than they were four years ago under Obama."
"Occupy Wall Street used language that PBS will not air; the Tea Party used language that you could use in church."
"You know you're the flip side of Donald Trump."
"They said Obama sent blankets and Trump sent the tank busters."
"His policies on Russia were significantly harsher than Barack Obama's were."
"How do you walk that line between pointing out similarities between the parties without giving the impression that not voting has no substantive difference?"
"Biden is way better than Obama, not even close."
"Liz Truss is basically operating a Reagan Thatcher Trump economic policy."
"He never got a [expletive] in the office, you know? He's not Trump, you know? Like, comparing him and Trump, it's like, 'Wow, this is like the most well-behaved, well-put-together dude on earth versus the biggest savage of all time.'"
"Look at California like we look at Texas... You think that you just imagine Governor Abbott... they want to get rid of Governor Abbott."
"They've learned from Trump, and it's a strategy that the Boris Johnson government, when their Cummings era, pioneered."
"Biden, in comparison, was maybe more stately."
"Things are still looking good for me, which is more than we can say for the king of Sweden."
"The bar is set very low for Joe Biden on my end as well. It's not like I'm gonna not vote for Joe Biden because like no matter what the f he says he's still not Donald Trump."
"Rumble in the fight for free speech is doing more than Trump's done more than Congress is doing more than Jim Jordan."
"It's practically like FDR, and that's the reality of what they're doing."
"This is a man who respects the Constitution unlike the other guy."
"There's no equivalence between Barack Obama and Donald Trump."
"Listening to Trump talk compared to Putin... he's just a dumb fuck."
"The difference between Reagan and Donald Trump."
"Joe Biden just proved that he's kind of where Ronald Reagan is legislatively and economically."
"He's the dumber version of Ted Cruz... still an empty shell of a human being."
"Not training mobility... a huge huge problem that's going to hold you back."
"Is it safe to say Trump wasn't that bad after seeing a year of Joe Biden?"
"He really cares about this country, we need that after eight years of Obama."
"Democrats could equally be doing well as Republicans are doing poorly."
"It could have been a light new deal, do you understand? Like this could have been regarded as potential new deal of our generation."
"We're talking about this bill... essentially bringing about a lot of things over here that we've seen in another country over the last few years."
"If Israel doesn't want to be compared to the Nazis, it should stop doing Nazi-like stuff."
"What we have in Zelenski is a sort of king among political leaders."
"Biden and Carter share many similarities Lane leadership soft economy Rising inflation worsening crimes and for both two a Kennedy on their sixth back in 79 Carter was challenged in the Democrat primaries by Senator Kennedy."
"Who's going to keep your kids safe: the former prosecutor with plans or the candidate with thoughts and prayers?"
"The Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans. That's it. They... make us nuts, whatever, but they are not as bad."
"When you compare the Biden-Harris agenda with the agenda of President Donald Trump, the choice is clear."
"Obama sold more guns than President Trump did."
"Many of the things that happened in the old Soviet regime and in the Soviet Empire are at least in a varied form and to varying degrees happening here in the United States."
"Boris Johnson's approval rating in the polls is lower than the lowest it was ever for Jeremy Corbyn."
"Bernie totally outflanks Elizabeth Warren and is just Aeons better."
"Bernie is Michael Jordan or LeBron James, Elizabeth Warren is Tracy McGrady."
"The green New Deal is the new build the wall."
"Bernie Sanders is far more electable in the United States of America than Michael Bloomberg."
"Trump is his daddy so why would anybody vote for this for the guy the copy of trump when you could just vote for the real deal also Trump."
"Biden isn't fantastic, but Trump is far, far worse."
"The difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is the same as the difference between sunrise and sunset."
"How does a 17-year-old kid have a better perspective on our culture than the president of the United States?"
"There's elements of Trump that are similar to JFK too."
"In some ways the leaders of the largest corporations on the globe may hold more power than elected officials."
"No one has rigged the system like this since Richard Nixon. That’s bad for our constitutional republic."
"The United States is really an idea, right? The idea is Liberty, freedom, and our constitution. That's the idea that America is, and he's more committed to those values than certainly Barack Obama is or John Kerry."
"Literally, if we invested as much as we vote, that would literally do more to shrink the wealth gap than any politician ever could."
"Joe Biden is a bigger fascist than Donald Trump."
"It's kind of a false equivalency issue when we're sort of comparing Donald Trump putting all these little Mexican kids in cages to Nicki Minaj maybe not showing enough love."
"Who would you rather was running your country? A Putin or Biden?"
"The American family's plan that came out today 60 support from the American public that's that's almost like 20 more than Joe Biden got when he won the presidency."
"Canada, you are already doing so much better than we have it here in America."
"Democrats can win by proving that the other side will screw them and we will not."
"Bitcoin is a greater instrument of freedom than the U.S Constitution." - Robert Breedlove
"President Donald Trump is unafraid to tell you hard truths and not carefully crafted lies unlike Joe Biden."
"Boris is not Trump, he is better educated, erudite, funny, and civilized."
"It's like Trump alone isn't all that great, but compared to the barbarism that we're seeing... he seems pretty great."
"Who kills more people socialist or capitalist?"
"You have to fight for those voters, and you don't get to just say, 'Well, I'm better than the other guy because the other guy is an insurrectionist.'"
"Victim mentality is toxic and can lead to Stalin's Russia."
"People are very enthusiastic about the Brexit party and are not as enthusiastic as they used to be about the Tory party."
"It is remarkable that one of the messiest families in America will end up being better role models for the country than the President of the United States."
"The Democratic Party in Europe would be a far-right party... no daylight between them on all of the major issues."
"China is probably smarter about this than we are."
"How long will it take until he's seen as the more reasonable Republican compared to the next lunatic that comes along?"
"Makes the McCarthy period look rather limited."
"There's barely daylight between the Bush-Cheney years and the Trump-McConnell era."
"I feel like our top military officers are consistently more rational sounding than a lot of our politicians."
"This election is a choice between Trump recovery at a level that nobody's ever seen before and a Biden depression."
"Politics matters. Look at the South Korean response versus ours."
"When you're following up Trump's presidency, it's pretty easy to look like a good guy in comparison."
"Biden really is Jimmy Carter except honestly worse in many respects."
"You can't have a regular party like the Democrats who have their flaws and we can make issue with them and a party that is willing to seize power by force because that's what that sounded like to me."
"I think Elon Musk is desperately trying to become the next Trump."
"He made a mistake on this issue, while Sanders did not."
"He's a better dressed-up version than Donald Trump. He's a more articulate charismatic version of Donald Trump, which makes him ten times more dangerous."
"Biden has spent a lifetime serving others and serving the working class Donald Trump spent a lifetime serving himself so uh that's good old Biden the greatest politician of all time"
"Compare Trudeau to what a politician can be."
"They likened it to actual coups that take place around the world."
"It's almost as if the race isn't between Biden and Trump; it's between the three anti-war candidates."
"The question: 'You were vice president for eight years, in Washington, D.C. for 40. I did more in three years than you did in 40. Why?'"
"We do our homework in advance, unlike the Obama-Biden administration."
"Kier Starmer now has worse ratings than Jeremy Corbyn did at the same point."
"The fear that I have is that we will see a rehash of the 1970s."
"Our economy is doing fantastically, and if you take a look at the previous administration, they weren't paying interest, they had no interest rates, they have loosening not tightening."
"Biden's fighting for you and your future. Trump is consumed by his past."
"Churchill's Tory democracy was almost analogous to the New Deal politics of FDR."
"The chancellor in Germany would be more like the British prime minister."