
Anti-hate Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"We believe in bringing communities together, both in person and online, and we stand against hate speech."
"Please do not spread any hate on any platform ever and be respectful in the comments."
"I'm not a hater, man. You know me, I don't look at no dude and hate, man."
"We've got to stand up against the slander and the hate."
"Now is the time to be love, as my father said, hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that."
"Spread love 'cause it's too much hate in this world, love you guys."
"Don't have hate in your heart, let's have a civil discussion."
"Everyone is our people, everyone is our family. We're all children of God, and that we must stand up to change this culture of hate and promote a culture of love and inclusiveness and kindness."
"Ensuring that we are advocating for equity, speaking out against hate crimes, and taking actions to fight them."
"Love's important and unity is important. We can't let hate settle in our hearts."
"We just want lower gas prices and better lives for our family and no hate speech, you know, this Common Sense stuff."
"There is no place for hate in the United States of America."
"Do not incite death, do not commit crimes, do not threaten anyone violence, even if they do fly the Antifa flag. That is absurd, plain and simple."
"You shouldn't have to deal with hate toward your family, friends, or kids."
"Proud to say I'm not an incel or believe any of those hateful ideologies."
"Spread love cuz it's too much hate in this world."
"This is about the future of who we are as a nation. We have got to stop this hatred and divisiveness."
"There's no room for hate in the heart of any American."
"I stand against hate. I will stand against hate in love and will make my presence known."
"I'm all in favor of laws that protect communities from being abused and smeared and hatred incited against them."
"There's no reason to hate. There's absolutely no reason to hate."
"Let people love and let love. We should not be hating each other."
"Nothing good has ever come out of hate. Love and understanding is what we need."
"Justice League teaches us anything it's about coming together and there's no room for hate."
"There's enough hate out there in the world, you should not be one of those people."
"There's nothing hateful about taking care of each other."
"We together, we are making a stand for the truth against lives and hate and ignorance and intolerance."
"Spread love because it's too much hating, it's wor."
"We're here to give people a platform for debate, but we're not here to platform hate."
"Let it be known that there is no place for hate."
"Pro-black doesn't mean you have to hate anybody."
"Spread love and not hate, please stop the hate messages, please let's share some positivity."
"Spread love 'cause there's too much hate in this world."
"I'm against anti-Semitism I'm against anti-really anything that promotes a hate and conflict."
"There really should be no place for hate in this world. Love is love."
"I'll shame hate if you're being hateful to a group or a specific person. Yeah, I think that's shameful."
"Hate is evil, nasty, negative; it's all the things you don't want in your life."
"The only rule is no hate right so if you stand for hate go somewhere else."
"Canadians deserve to be protected from hate groups."
"What if the Jewish community fought alongside the black community, what if the white community fought alongside the black community rather than fighting against one another?"
"We are very, very against any form of hate."
"Humiliation and hate can cause massive harm. Please stop the hate before it's too late."
"Stop hating because it's popular to hate."
"If we don't take a stand against hate when we see it, then we are part of that hate."
"You have to be able to peacefully protest, but you gotta call out hate. You gotta call out hate."
"I would never support anyone who has made a career out of hatred, racism, and discrimination."
"You can be anything you want in this world, but don't be a hater."
"...I do realize that there's no place for hate."
"There's no reason, there's nothing wrong with destroying hate with violence because that [ __ ] is only gonna grow."
"and we're here to stomp out hate yes absolutely I love that message yes sir."
"...there is no place for such hate in our society."
"...this scene truly paints a picture of a music scene where everyone is welcome and the only thing they hate is hate."
"Can we, like, not hate certain groups of people for being who they are?"
"I don't really subscribe to hating other women because of boys. I think that's so stupid and I really resent that narrative that was being tossed around."
"People supporting people, whether it's women supporting women, people just supporting people, period, is important. It just really is. It's what we're called here to do. We're not here to spread hate."
"Stop spreading hate to people, man, just be normal, don't be hating, yeah."
"Stop being so hateful. There's already so much hate going on in the world right now and it's just not needed."
"We have to go out to young people and deliver a message of love as powerful as the message being delivered by the preachers of hate."
"Everyone in society can commit to genuine condemnation of hate, dehumanizing rhetoric, bullying against whoever it may be."
"Nobody's born to hate. That's what this image is about."
"Tell people to love each other as I love them. There's too much hate in the world."
"We got enough hate, man. We got to start the love."
"We must give hate no safe harbor against anyone."
"The treatment to cure the disease of hate is to accept or reject people on their individual worth and to speak up wherever you are against prejudice and for understanding."
"Spread love and destroy hate, hate is a cancer."
"We must rise against hate, meet across the divide, see our common humanity."
"You can't fight hate with hate; you can only fight hate with love."
"You cannot use your voice to promote hate; it doesn't matter what you do not agree with."
"There's already so much hate in the world; it's like, why add to that?"
"What stops hate is one thing: all of us."
"There's no place on any campus in America, any place in America, for anti-Semitism or hate speech or threats of violence of any kind."
"The world doesn't need any more hate."
"There is no place for hate in America, not against Jews, not against Muslims, not against anybody."
"Let's do what we can to spread the love because I think we've all had enough of hate."
"If you're a hater, go away please. There's enough hate in the world."
"I'd rather tear down the people who hate us than the people who are resonating with us and who are us."
"Hate has no place in Orange County, Florida. We love and protect our diverse community."
"Can we fight against anti-Semitism and other forms of hate simultaneously? Not only can we, we must."
"The message of hate should stop immediately and be replaced with a message of peace and justice."
"We need to support all students who are being threatened on school campuses and stand against all forms of hate."
"Love, I'm gonna propagate love, I'm gonna stop hate."
"We can't stop hate unless we reach out beyond our comfort zones and fight hate together."
"You ain't never going to get anywhere hating on people, man."
"Hate killed my son, therefore, I dedicate the rest of my life to fighting hate."
"There is far too much hate in the Ninja World, so the best way to fight that is to understand one another."
"Thank you for not being a part of the hate."
"Live the best way you could, always try to be positive, never let hate dwell in your heart."
"What he's doing in that role is the opposite of celebrating hate."
"There is no place for any kind of hate."
"I don't want to spread any hate, please don't send hate to anybody."
"Let's stamp out hate, don't be hateful."
"Stop the hate, cover up the tape, forever be top Gs."
"'Hate can't win, no matter what, it can't.'"
"There's too much hate in the world to spread it even more."
"Don't let the hate make you bitter; make it your goal to never be like them."
"We don't need any more hate and we don't need any more fear."
"I want the hate to stop, I want the hate messages to stop."
"This is a life I will proudly defend against hate and intolerance and bigotry."
"Room for everybody but no room for hate, everybody eating."
"Please do not show any hate to anyone anywhere... please remember to be kind to everyone everywhere."
"I don't know why anyone would want to spread hate, especially the way the world is now."
"If justice teaches us anything, it's about coming together, and there's no room for hate."
"Brothers, don't hate; we got to stop hating."
"When you up, you don't have time to hate."
"There's enough hate in this world, man, let's try to end it all in whatever small way we can each and every day ourselves."
"Please do not show hate to anybody, anywhere."
"We as a people would get out the hate business because the hate business don't pay."
"Life is too short for hate to be around you all the time."
"Each day I wake up motivated to ensure that hate will not win."
"Life is short... love each other, give each other love, enough with the online hate."
"Life is short so I suggest... love each other, give each other love, enough with the online hate."
"We are also rolling out formal anti-hate speech training and processes to better inform and give team members actionable resources to remain vigilant as a collective studio."
"Hate has no safe harbor here; he's all about making sure we move forward with shared values, making sure that everyone in this country has the dignity and the respect that they deserve."
"It's not okay to hate on anyone, regardless of their religion."
"The only war worth fighting for is the war against hate."
"We have one life to live and you have to enjoy it. There is no room for hate in this world."
"Stop spending so much time hating each other. There's too much hate in this world."
"Please stop the hate and love everyone more."
"My job is to make sure that we as a government do everything that we can to combat hate and to bring people together."
"Hate has no place, and I just want you to know wherever you are that you are loved, you are important, and that you are valuable."
"Let's just stop hate against people in general."
"Let's not start the year with hate; let's start with some positivity."
"What we need to do is cancel hate. What we need to do is cancel fear."
"Don't send hate to people, it's too tiring."
"You've got to spend your time in helping these people, showing them love, not hate."
"I'm sick and tired of all the hate and people hating each other because of the color of their skin."
"I really hope and I expect that they will receive a lot less hate."
"Spread love, spread positivity, don't hate."
"We cannot spread hate against them, we shouldn't."
"I always put God first, always put love first because hate gets you nowhere."
"None of us are perfect, like stop with the mad hate."
"Just spread all the love you can, please, please. Too many people hating, that space is so full already, the hating section is packed, we ain't here for that at all."
"Every one of us must stand against hate wherever and however it may appear."
"You can't beat hate with hate; you've got to beat hate with love."
"Hate and exclusion are so washed out."
"It's so much easier to be a good person than it is to hate and be pent up with resentment."
"Our league needs to be anti-hate at every turn; our league needs to condemn hatred at this time."