
Rawness Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"Her books are so raw and bold and I love that."
"The appeal is in the fact that this is real and raw."
"Gimme Shelter... so brutally raw... it feels so triumphant and it feels so epic as a composition... the iconic guitar riff."
"I don't want something that's too refined, I want to go mental."
"Kodak is so raw and so lyrical that he can record a verse on a phone and put it out and still get millions of views."
"We ain't got no choruses or catchy [__], it's just straight raw."
"There's something very raw and something very real about you."
"You guys definitely embody a lot of raw authenticity."
"Disconnected but beautifully raw."
"I love this video so far. I haven't even put it together, I haven't watched it, I haven't posted it on YouTube, obviously I'm still filming it, but I love the way it's coming out because it's so raw."
"You're seeing it in its rawest form."
"... nothing in this world is meant to be pretty or to have soft flourishes with heightened emotions it's all grimy raw silly and intense at the same time."
"It's an incredibly raw sports car, and that's something I love about it."
"When you read Jane Eyre, you are reading Charlotte Bronte at her most intimate, vulnerable, and raw."
"I love the rawness of it, I love Deano's vocals. It's an amazing song. I'd give it a 10 out of 10."
"This is my body, just all natural, no sucking it in, no good angles, just me, the real, the raw Amy."
"And even N.W.A wasn't as raw as Brown Side was back then."
"She's got a lot of really raw talent, which I don't like to use that word too much, but she has a lot of really beautiful potential."
"If you're looking for rawness and authenticity then come to me."
"I felt like it was really raw and really honest."
"I think people just like that sort of rawness and that authenticity, no filter."
"I always wanted more growling and more just rawness inside of rap. This track has it in spades."
"This was betrayal in its rawest, most fundamental form."
"We going to get to y'all raw. No ddy, no sh C. We ain't going to jump on you ra, no se exactly. Ain't nobody saying nothing like that."
"It's these themes that are so raw and real that made so many people come to love Lou CK and his deep body of work."
"They're more raw, they have more visceral intensity."
"It's raw, it's real, it's authentic."
"The point of a good documentary should be a rawness, a textural quality that feels like, 'Wow, I'm there.'"
"Brown Sugar was a massive song for the group and it was about the horrors of slavery, abuse, black and white relationships, and it was all presented in a very raw upfront way."
"I love the fact that we're so [ __ ] raw and hungry again."
"Everything on this planet is so raw, dangerous but also real. That includes the men."
"There's just something so raw and so real but also so poetic about the way that Taylor Jenkins Reid wrote this book."
"I ain't never seen nothing like it, she raw."
"It's raw, it's expressive, it's something different."
"Straight uncut raw product, feel me."
"There's just something pure and raw about them."
"She obviously had a great voice but it kind of felt like an untamed animal."
"I gotta say, I love how raw this feels, man. I love how raw this feels, you know, I mean the cinematography is bringing forth that rawness to us, but there's this like weird layer of surrealism that is kind of like underneath the surface of that rawness and it's crazy."
"Realization is realizing that the Universe has always been [__] itself raw without a condom. You just gotta get out of the way."
"...it's so Raw, so well done, it's so Unapologetic."
"Keep it real, uncut, uncensored, raw, and unedited."
"It doesn't get any more raw than that."
"Because obviously I have my fun songs, but then there's those ones where I'm just raw and going off, and those are the ones people gravitate towards more."
"I think people would appreciate it raw again."
"Cheating cheater, he clocked it as well, raw."
"None of it's pretty dude we're going to the butcher shop."
"It's so raw and complicated and awful at times but beautiful for a book that is incredibly sad and heart-wrenching."
"Yeah, that's just what this record is. It's really raw."
"It's wonderful, it's not as polished or refined as x7, it's a little bit more raw, it's a little bit more aggressive, it's a little bit more like it's a little bit rougher because that was all like scaffolding."
"Appetite for Destruction: a sleazy and disgusting romp, running on heroin and cheap liquor."
"The Kodiak Island felt rugged and raw, like the ends of the earth."
"This isn't Hollywood, we don't cut and splice and edit and pretend and act. This is raw, unedited, natural."
"They address topics that so many people don't address and the ways in which they went about it, like, it was just so kind of raw and real."
"He just told his truth in this raw, unfiltered fashion."
"It's very raw and visceral, and they just don't make cars like that."
"There is a rawness and energy there."
"I love the rawness, I always talk about things feeling raw and I think that maybe what I mean is like it sounds unpolished in a really good way."
"It's so raw and confessional but also so pretty."
"There's a motion, there's an energy to it; it's just very raw and visceral."
"We need to commit ourselves to being with the rawness of our experience so it doesn't get covered over in trance."
"I just wanted to make something really raw and simple and direct and emotional."
"I love the raw simplicity of it all."
"I love that it's like that raw, unfinished look on all of the pieces."
"You have to be prepared to be utterly raw and real."
"If you want a proper raw, analog, visceral driver's car that's still got some form of comfort to it, you have to take a look at this."
"Keep it real, keep it raw, that's the essence of live streaming."
"It's very, very raw, natural, real."
"Dutch is one of the rawest novels ever."
"Her interviews are as raw as her music."
"This is one of the rawest travel experiences of my life."
"High voltage was just raw, timeless, basic rock and roll."
"He must have looked up at an unfamiliar sky through frightening leaves and shivered as he found what a grotesque thing a rose is and how raw the sunlight is upon the scarcely created grass."
"It's merciless, it's brutal, it's savage."
"It's subtle, it's sophisticated, but there's a rawness to it; it's very honest and real."
"There's something so raw about a Lotus Exige S; it gives you all that McLaren, Ferrari stuff, but I think it gives you more."
"It's hip-hop, it's raw, it's edgy music."
"It feels like a raw, raw SAG movie."
"It's a raw and honest portrait of addiction, anxiety, and the difficulties of navigating life today."
"Songs were not quite as polished, but it was our own thing."
"We hope these videos give people a raw and detailed insight into what's involved."
"A crude extravaganza, an intoxicating rawness, a sense of big things to be done."
"It's very raw and visceral, I love the energy of this film."
"The stories will always be raw and uncut, but it's gonna be a message hidden inside."
"All of its raw authenticity included."
"It's such a hardcore feeling car."
"The basic and raw nature of the Viper has been really, really cool and it's become very, very desirable."
"We wanted to keep that raw flavor typical of a band and let our three instruments and Damiano's voice be heard without any additions."
"It's earthy but it's so raw yet it's so smooth."
"It's very human, it's very real, it's raw."
"God's gift maggot, classic very aggressive very raw track."
"This is energy that is yet to be shaped or molded into any particular avenue; it's just kind of pure, raw, unfiltered energy."
"Life is pretty raw most of the time."
"I want to stay raw and authentic, I want to stay me."
"Seeing it so close up and seeing it so raw is amazing."
"Raw and edgy for music which is also raw and edgy and just incredibly expressive."
"It's just so raw and real and honest."
"That is one of the most [expletive] incredible songs, it was so raw and so pure."
"It's a little raw, it's a little loud, there's some clanging and clattering going around, and well, I just love it."
"It's called real, it's called raw, and we make it beautiful."
"That's really who I am... it's probably the most raw form."
"Giving birth is a nasty process, yo. It's visceral."
"We are bringing you raw and real uncut realness."
"That's where all the real shit is. Like when once in a while you get the guts."
"It's a very stripped down, raw kind of performance thus far."
"If you want to act, you absolutely need to become like raw and vulnerable."
"There's a new energy, I feel like people want that raw energy."
"It's raw, raw like steak tartare, raw like freshly sliced sashimi, raw like a freshly shucked oyster."
"This song is just so emotionally raw."
"I personally really like gora because it's very raw and unfiltered."
"The very first season of Hell's Kitchen was almost like watching a documentary; it was as raw as it gets."
"Don't slave away making your film polished and perfect because if anything, there's going to be a lot more truth in that raw, unpolished, imperfect film."
"It's not pretty, but it's authentic."
"It feels less like it's done for my benefit and it feels like a more honest, raw, and sincere moment."
"This is Dartmoor's true wilderness, well away from people, houses, infrastructure, and there's just a rawness about this landscape."
"It's very raw and honest and explores really difficult things."
"You are an unpolished diamond, but you still shine."
"I love stuff that's got raw emotional elements because I can connect with them."
"If you want raw thoughts, raw reactions, raw emotions, you'll get that here."
"People want it to feel like someone's holding it with their hand... just raw, real, that's what people want."
"With this raw, I shall be reborn."
"It feels like it's written from experience; it's really raw."
"Lisa was hood, Lisa was raw and uncut."
"There's something gritty and earthy about it, and it's not supposed to be refined."
"The power of the pirate was the realness, the rawness, and the uncut – it is what it is, this is the street speaking right now."
"It's very true, it's very raw, it's honest."
"It's about stripping away the veneer and coming to that point of raw instincts."
"...my favorite moments in Thrones are these moments, the quiet, stripped down, raw moments."
"It's almost as if your spirit has to be raw in order to get closer to God."
"It did have kind of a real feel and a raw feel."
"When the bands have exited that and are left to just their own accord, you tend to get something that's more honest, more real, more raw."
"The Lonesome Crowded West is raw, unfettered indie rock perfection."
"No edits, no cuts, just raw, real."
"I'm excited for it to be really as raw and real and personal as we can make it."
"I love how real, raw, and inspiring he was."
"You get to see the real raw me without the super in-depth thought process."
"It's very raw, like in the best possible way."
"This pigeon's that raw, it can still fly."
"It's real and raw, it's not rehearsed, it's not made up, it's not fabricated."
"It's one of my favorite records... something very raw about it and something very passionate."
"Continue to be raw and authentic."
"This is real GBC, this is not fake GBC, this is not polished GBC, this is real raw GBC."
"It's just like hella real; it's like raw."
"That's the thing I love about raw."
"It's just such a more raw feeling."
"I'm serving you up the real and raw."
"I'm gonna give it to you with no added preservatives, raw and real."
"We're giving it to you raw, uncut, and rugged."
"It's nature at its most raw, its most true."
"There is a raw and sort of like just inspiring charisma to this thing."
"It is here that the raw elements of nature are felt at their most extreme."
"I could feel my own emotions calming, and I don't want to. I want this story to stay raw."
"For the power and the impact and the rawness, I have to give it a spot in the top 10."
"The author doesn't sugarcoat anything; it is very difficult to read, but it was amazing."
"Hello future is the rawest NCT Dream song ever."
"It's animalistic, it's primal, and that's interesting."
"It seemed much more raw and real."
"I'm gonna try to be the most raw, most chill person I possibly can on cam."
"I think I just like people who are honest and raw."
"I interpret that rawness as authenticity."
"The only Channel on YouTube bringing you the truth 100% raw and uncut."
"The amazing thing about YouTube content is that it's so raw and that there's no filter between the audience and you as a creator except the camera."
"The only way you're going to heal is to hear it real and raw."
"This movie is more raw and uncompromising, in all the right ways."
"Everything can change in a split second because it is nature and it is raw."
"This world is gritty and it's dirty, and I love the dirtiness of it."
"This car is not sanitized for road use, it is so brutal and raw and aggressive."
"I love putting something that's really raw like this next to something that is really pristine."
"I'm here to keep it raw and give you the truth."