
Contact Quotes

There are 283 quotes

"The smallest of contact can lead to the largest of consequences."
"Maybe an intelligent civilization is watching us and waiting for the right moment to make contact."
"He's been found right now and he takes a hit to the head, unintentional obviously."
"Intelligent beings from outer space visit our world in an effort to enter into contact with us."
"Contacted in the past... not too distant past."
"We're in a different time zone now, and we're at the point of contact."
"There is an increase in contact with the spiritual world."
"The infection is caused directly by contact exposure to any of the substances."
"This man had also made contact with at least two of the parents of missing girls, it might have even been three but it was definitely the mother of Amber Schwartz Garcia whose name was Kim, and the mother of Michaela Garrett who is Sharon."
"Kelly's landlord reached out to him since he was listed on her lease as the emergency contact."
"Aliens are indeed real and have been in contact with our civilization for decades."
"I think there's a connection between UAPs and consciousness. If you perform something like CE5, when you get in contact with supposed extraterrestrials, that's one of the graces."
"Cultures always rub off on one another when they have contact."
"There's no reason why not to have absolute contact."
"There's abundant evidence that we're being contacted and that civilizations have been visiting us for ages"
"I find in the Bible and in ancestral narratives there's a heap of information there designed to prepare people for contact."
"One little bit of contact with them can start the whole destructive cycle over again."
"Your ex baiting you a little bit to reach out or trying to trick you to break no contact."
"Contact is going to come, we know how it's going to come, it's going to come very unexpectedly when you don't expect it."
"We felt the contact with irresistible forces."
"Tales will be told of that glorious day when we are first contacted by our brothers from beyond the stars."
"Damn tales will be told of that glorious day when we are first contacted by our brothers from beyond the stars."
"According to Haim Eshed, extraterrestrial beings from a Galactic Federation have been in contact with humans on Earth."
"It seems almost certain that if other beings more advanced than ourselves do inhabit other sectors of the universe then it's quite probable there will come that day that moment in time when official contact can be made."
"Life would change forever if you had undeniable contact with something; it would just change forever your perception of life."
"We could have contact with many alien civilizations, each with their own unique cultures, technologies, and philosophies."
"Call me, beep me, if you want to reach me."
"If you need us, just call 9-1-1 and tell them you need us."
"They are willing to make that effort and contact you."
"I've had no contact from her at all."
"What kind of perfect man of a father keeps away from his eight-year-old daughter only to contact her when she's 17?"
"Roller derby is a full contact sport."
"They are thinking a lot about initiating contact or making a move."
"Thanks for watching this video, guys. If you want to arrange a similar trip in Kyrgyzstan, make sure you contact Akil and he'll hook you up."
"I reached out to a guy I follow on social media, Chris Vanderschaft or Chris V TV."
"Now that we know that guy is honest, I'll give you guys his WhatsApp number."
"Will this person contact Capricorn? They might. This person is lying to themselves about their feelings."
"I'm inclined to believe Josiah when he admitted to being in contact with children."
"If people want to learn more about you or get in contact with you, is there a way they can do that?"
"There might be neutral civilizations that prefer to hide and not make contact as well as civilizations that could establish a friendly relationship with Earth and help us solve Global problems."
"Remember to get the best rate guaranteed, give me a call, my number's right there on the screen."
"Suddenly faced with a possibility that Mark might be alive, they immediately contacted the Navy."
"So if you're interested, just send me an email or contact me on Twitter."
"Imagine if there are aliens someday, we have contact with them."
"Wow, let's get the telephone number."
"Ever since we as a species have first come up with the idea that there could be extraterrestrial life, we've tried to initiate contact."
"If you would like to contact An directly I'll leave her email and social media links there too."
"Gary, call us, you know what our number is, do it."
"Give me your cell number. I'll call you."
"You may have somebody trying to contact you."
"Please just contact me. I'll have my information down below. I do a lot of business out of state you know most people that see this are from not this area so we get the best prices we're 20 miles from the factory and I just love sharing all this information with you."
"So one of the things that the digital revolution has made possible is you can get in contact. You can make yourself heard anyway, whether it's in comment sections, or Twitter, or Facebook, whatever it is. Every man is a pundit now."
"I approached the entrance to the castle, hoping my contacts would show up, not looking forward to entering the place on my own."
"We shall make contact with alien life forms."
"Please come to me, contact me, and I'll answer your questions."
"I think if there's actually aliens, why wouldn't they have made themselves known by now?"
"When we talk about the idea of having open contact with you, we are not just talking about having open contact with humans. Open contact is with all life on your planet."
"While experts debate the risks involved in attempting to contact alien life-forms, there are so many people around the world who believe that contact has already occurred."
"He got me again 'cause I don't know his number either."
"If you have a Sasquatch encounter that you want to get off your chest, you can contact me at [email protected]."
"If you're interested in purchasing anything you see, please send me an email."
"...it's probably I don't I haven't seen the ingredients but probably mostly just mineral spirits it's just a solvent it's designed to get in there and really clean contact."
"If you are a squisher or a patron and you want a cool Kraken pin mailed to you free of charge, you must email [email protected]."
"Thank you very much for watching if you have any further questions in relation to our Regal motor homes that we offer please do not hesitate to contact us."
"I hope this was useful and feel free to email me if you have questions."
"If we somehow did make contact with a parallel universe, it could be the last thing we'd ever know."
"This was first contact, not with a distance signal or an unmanned probe, but with a living, breathing alien being."
"The captain lost the injury room but where have we made contact?"
"You can go and check them out and contact a team there for anything that you need."
"All compacted together, it was inevitable there would be some form of contact."
"Give us a call at 614-389-5601 or check our Instagram, ask for Tomas."
"...we were the weird guys who had been living in the middle of a busy universe and had never even managed to make contact."
"That's awesome, I'll get your number in a bit." Misa said with a wink.
"I suspect if we ever do encounter them, it'll be by radio rather than by actual bodily contact."
"This is how you can get in touch with me and read about the things that I do."
"We're just gonna take a five minute break and come back in, but if not, here's where we say goodbye and... Look, if you want me or Joshua to contact you, please leave your contact details on the chat and we'll pick that up as well."
"Email is the only way to reach someone directly where they live."
"All you have to do is text me, my number is 917."
"You guys know where to find me. I'm Caitlin Ray with two Ns."
"If you have had a Bigfoot encounter and would like to talk about it one day here on the Channel please contact me at Sasquatch Theory at outlook.com."
"Other civilizations out there might avoid reaching out because they might be thinking, 'We can't possibly be the first ones to make contact.'"
"So anyway, that's my story, and if you have any questions after you read the book, my card has my email address and stuff on the back."
"If somebody was starting a brand and they wanted to contact you guys how could they do that"
"His colleagues at the court phoned Pete, Elect Circuit Court's line."
"...text me at the number on the screen."
"...if you're interested in this RV and need more information you can text me at the number on the screen there or even better there's a link down below in the description where you can leave your name and contact information..."
"He loves contact but this time he didn't even need to go near it."
"I'm Anthony Baker. If you don't mind, can you give me your number so I can thank you properly on another occasion?"
"You ain't gonna do people. You don't fight defensive linemen. All they do is hit all day. You ain't got none for they love contact."
"If there are aliens in the universe, that we're going to happen upon them because we're moving through the universe."
"Everything is on the screen, contact them."
"I have successfully made contact with the Prime Minister of Kamino. They are using a bounty hunter named Jango Fett to create a clone army."
"We're making contact, contact with another civilization, that's what we're doing here."
"How can people find out more about you? Where to find you?"
"No plan survives the first contact with the Enemy."
"Gestalt therapy is about contact, not only with the client and the therapist, but also internal contact with oneself."
"Please let us know if you have any feedback by contacting us on social media or via email."
"Not really a lot else to say except, give us a call if you want to buy it."
"The car will automatically contact emergency services in the event of an accident."
"One society can contact another and neither of them would suddenly explode as a result."
"If you have any information that the families of the Balbo 5 need to know, please contact us on our encrypted email."
"Most of our contact situations will happen at under 10 meters, in fact, many of them happen at 5 meters and less."
"I'm very easy to find, I have had the same email."
"One point of contact at all times."
"Feel free to reach out to us. You can comment in the video or you can directly reach out to us at ledgergurus.com."
"If you're thinking about next year and wanna really jazz things up at your house, give these guys a call."
"Please email me, and I will put you on a list. I'm over the amount of amps that I'm gonna make."
"Might Temple Mount really be the place where ancient aliens first made contact with early humans?"
"The Mongol period is wonderful because it not only produces the reality of contact but also a large number of narratives."
"A life of solitude with no contact with the outside world would begin."
"I'm gonna have to like text Christina here in a second."
"If people want to contact you and find out more about your seminars and and everything else the wealth of information and practical tools you bring to the field how can they get in touch with you? Just google chase hughes or go to chasehughes.com."
"You can reach out to me, I am available via Instagram on PamWiz."
"So anyway I'll quit babbling as always if you need anything you can reach out to me at power apps nine-one-one."
"Big Draco got left off. Tell Kanye don't hit my phone number."
"So, if people want to get a hold of you and use your services, what's the best way to do that?"
"Sometimes, newborns just want to be held, you know? They don't just want to be fed, burped, and changed; they just need some contact."
"I like to give the address that if you have any questions for Ed and Lorraine Warren or myself."
"As you're coming in the middle of the football field, you know there's going to be contact, and he took a major hit."
"During the course of this investigation, did you have any other direct contact with Mr. Halderson?"
"Well, I did contact Matt from Diesel Creek."
"It's a tough one I clearly felt a lot of contact."
"If you are a relationship therapist, counselor, instructor, email me at [email protected]."
"So, the contact is not over forever. There will be further contact for you, pile one."
"You have to give me your number now."
"your job ain't just to show up your job is to make contact"
"I kept calling Mr. Marquette. I've contacted him a few days before the 30th."
"He was greeted by federal agents, unexpectedly. He said there was no prior contact with him before that. That was one part that was a little surprising to me."
"No contact. So somebody who we haven't been in contact with for a while about to reach out to you."
"Explorers from another world might need to establish contact with their home base."
"I'm excited for her to get into contact with Fred Johnson and then in turn get into contact with Holden after everything that's gone down."
"If you are listening to this and you know me from school or university, thinking of getting in touch, do not bother. Ditto, ditto. I do not need your friendship."
"No contact, I think, is the best bet."
"After European contact, 18th-century contact with Europeans began but did not intensify until the arrival of British missionaries."
"We'll see you guys soon I will keep in touch by email."
"Don't be afraid to shoot your shot. Email us. I would definitely save your email contact."
"Here's my number if you want a friend."
"It's as if this person wants to hold on to their dignity with regards to your next contact."
"If you want to learn more, shoot me a tweet or an email."
"How do we get a hold of you and where can people find you and follow your work?"
"If you want to send me mail, the address is in the description of this video."
"...if there's anything in particular any questions anything you want to find out about don't hesitate to shoot me a note."
"Wow that's definitely aliens we've totally made contact."
"Well you see it definitely was contact on this play"
"Thirty years ago, modern man came into actual contact with these wondrous people."
"Humanity regained contact with SCP 1000 after discovering their underground cities sometime during World War I."
"It feels like you're always making good contact with the golf."
"Attempts at contact have often resulted in aggression with the tribe using arrows and spears to defend their territory."
"You can email me on the email address down below."
"If you're interested in this car, you want to get hold of me quickly, the best way to do it is to ring me."
"If any of you guys are interested in buying any parts or any of the cars, you can contact Fiona, which is the website, bristols bristols bristol.co.uk."
"If you want to contact me, you can follow me on Instagram."
"Boundaries don't work with an abuser. There's one boundary: no contact."
"The person who contacts me first is likely going to have the greatest chance of getting the business."
"The demographics of the Ohio country in the 18th century were markedly different from the centuries prior to contact with Europeans."
"Please feel free to contact us at Plaza homes to discuss how we can assist you in finding the best home for you."
"If you're interested in a greenhouse like this, get in touch."
"He's contacting me the most, blowing my phone up."
"Hey yo, it's me Topher and you can find me in your Instagram app, your Twitter app."
"Accidental contact between your naked ass cheeks and another individual's naked ass cheeks."
"Please, if you have anything, if you have any information you have anything at all, as small as it may be, contact roosterteeth.com, please send it there."
"If anybody's interested in using the services here at Remotely, how can they get in contact with you or the team?"
"Make sure you hit him up if you're interested in this spot."
"Last year we've seen it here, Chase Elliott and they only got together for some contact."
"So yeah, if you need anything, get in touch with us at launch at createstudio.com."
"...I just thought of contacting you because I consider you the expert on all of this stuff."
"We kept in contact a little when I first got out there, but in order to move on you gotta let go of the past."
"In the wake of our discoveries, a bold decision was made: we would attempt to contact Eleanor's spirit."
"First contact was more than a century ago."
"If you're having problems with your own career, with your own throwing mechanics, go ahead reach out to us at [email protected]."
"The Mississippian peoples were the first Indians in the southeast to be contacted by the Europeans."
"It's to come into direct contact with this strange, beautiful, and sometimes perfectly ordinary thing that we call life."
"I have this hope that one day we do like get some kind of contact with some alien civilization."
"When you raise your vibration, when you meet us halfway, that's when contact will happen."
"It was a form of making contact with the star people, their Gods."
"This might be the first contact with extraterrestrial life."
"We had no contact, no physical contact at all with anyone, and it was heartbreaking."
"We have been alone for so long, but no more; a friendly hand has reached out amongst the stars, and we will be joining them."
"Every single second that you are in some kind of contact, that's when your chance is, that's your opportunity."
"As seen by the boot messages, EUROPA has made first contact with ODYSSEY_II!"
"If you have any questions, you can contact us."
"If you have any trouble at all, you can always get in touch with me directly for a one-to-one."
"Your tires are the only contact patch between your motorcycle and the road."
"The clouds part, the Imperium makes first contact with the Knight world of Krag after the warp storm surrounding it, which had raged for over 20 millennia, finally abates."
"She draws another contact, beautiful stuff."
"Obtain contact information for a safe relative or friend; that should be part of a safety plan too for the victim."
"It is highly possible that advanced civilizations have in the past, or may in the present, try or have tried to contact us."
"Any life form which makes contact will come from a very distant world."
"To be more consistent, you really want to focus on making good contact, meaning that your racket is somewhere in front."
"It's another thing to be touched; yes, physical contact from something you cannot see, hear, or comprehend has to be the most terrifying thing."
"My guess, it was a spirit trying to make contact."
"We can settle this legal argument whether these two people came in contact, and so we find the truth and present that truth."
"I love planning trips for my clients, so be sure to contact me by email or on the website linked below."
"Feel free to contact me, my contact info will follow."
"Would I want to contact him? Say hey, what's up? Yeah, probably."
"If you need me, you can contact me at this address."
"When you talk about contact with these civilizations, you're going to have to add in this other area of exploration of the science of consciousness."
"If it is actually a piece of alien civilization, then we are closer than ever to finally making contact with these extraterrestrial beings."
"If there was ever a time we needed to make contact with a supremely logical civilization, it would be now."
"I decided to take a leap of faith and get in touch with Jessica."