
Detention Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"It's time to send a clear message to every government that arbitrarily detains foreign nationals and tries to use them as leverage: This will not be tolerated by the international community."
"Detention of children for even brief periods causes known and well-documented developmental, physical, and psychological harm."
"We detaining him indefinitely is not justified."
"I know my rights. I don't have to say any of that. Uh, you do if you're being detained for what reason. What legal reason am I being detained for? I need to know that legally."
"I was detained in Dominican Republic for 4 days. Denied food, water, a bed to sleep."
"I'm not being detained or anything, right? I'm not being detained or anything?"
"Because they aren't actually determining criminality at those camps."
"I genuinely think the only reason they're arresting him is because they get to keep him being held in a cell longer."
"I'm not breaking any law, deputy. Am I being detained?"
"We can detain if there is unusual activity no."
"This military prison camp held hundreds of Al Qaeda soldiers - as well as many people who claimed to just be people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"You cannot lock people up if they've not committed a crime."
"This is not how I wanted to spend my day. This is stuck in detention."
"You've been set to detention. I can't even spell the word detention, is that weird?"
"You're being detained, you're under citizen's arrest."
"I think it is interesting that they're currently investigating while he's detained if they actually had evidence of wrongdoing hard evidence they would have charged him and then arrested him."
"It's very rare for someone with a pending Asylum application to be detained without being charged with a crime."
"I don't appreciate being held like this. You are officially arrested and you are in the Clark County Detention Center."
"Detention was sickening. It was so scary. It's probably the scariest thing of my life."
"Even after Mr. Hatton provided his ID, Deputy Gordon still didn't let him go. He was detained."
"This detention was different. This how detention is. Sign me up. I'm there every Saturday. Bender's there."
"It's not every day you find a girl who flushes someone to get you out of detention."
"Detained again, but this time was detained properly."
"Nobody likes detention, not even teachers."
"Can't legally hold us at all unless they arrest us."
"Detaining families is bad for children, it has lifelong traumatic consequences."
"...I do NOT agree to stay here with you for any reason and are you detaining me or am I free to go."
"7 a.m. We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention. Saturday detention, brutal."
"It strips a person of all freedom and dignity. I'll never forget how horrible it was being detained in that cell."
"Putting these kids in camps it's just so prison you know the [ __ ] [ __ ] can make money yeah they're all private prisons"
"The suffering of those detained is profound and it's ongoing."
"The state's motion for pre-trial detention is granted."
"They're literally in detention. It is 100% The Breakfast Club."
"...we have to have a system which says if you do come here illegally having crossed through multiple safe countries on your way then it's reasonable that we detain you and remove you to a safe alternative."
"You're being detained, you're not under arrest."
"Mansura daifi is a former Guantanamo prisoner, detainee 441, imprisoned without charge for 14 years and seven months."
"You're being detained for every second I'm here."
"I was detained at the airport and then they put me in a foster home."
"It is possible to hold an individual who is charged with capital murder with no bond."
"I wonder if they are doing that, keep him there."
"We are talking about horrifyingly huge numbers, by far the largest number of people who have ever been detained, imprisoned in concentration camps in United States history."
"We can prove that immigration detention is entirely unnecessary."
"I don't believe detention is a deterrent with adolescents."
"We hope your brief detention in the relaxation vault has been a pleasant one."
"The court shall exercise supervision over all persons in custody for the purpose of eliminating unnecessary detention."
"They shall ascertain the number of detainees, inquire on their proper accommodation and health, and examine the condition of the jail facilities."
"The person arrested shall not be subject to a greater restraint than is necessary for his detention."
"It sucks being in detention. I feel like we're in The Breakfast Club or something."
"The arrest, detention or imprisonment of a child shall be in conformity with the law and shall be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time."
"We are not unmindful of the length of the pre-trial detention and the presumption of his innocence."
"It's getting so freaking good, I'm at the part where Harry and Hermione just got detention."
"The law is clear that people should be detained if necessary to protect Public Safety."
"The detention must be reasonably brief according to what the law says."
"The detainees were shut out from the outside world in totality."