
Crowd Quotes

There are 788 quotes

"The bird's-eye view is absolutely beautiful, but it is a place where the fans have been thronging in. Saturday was packed, Sunday today looks even busier."
"A man stands in a crowd thinking of the true essence of human souls."
"The crowd was alive for this my goodness did they love La night my goodness did they love heckling Roman Reigns this is where the crowd really shined."
"I was really amazing, walking down the ramp, just seeing a sea of people."
"This is the largest paid crowd ever on record."
"There is nothing more exciting than the energy of a loud crowd in a big game."
"On December the 21st, Masaric arrived to vast crowds."
"Thank you everyone in the crowd for taking part and enjoying yourselves."
"Four hundred thousand people, yeah, it's [__] crazy."
"A string open hasn't even begun yet but have a look at all these people here at Melbourne Park it's called the happy games for a reason."
"The crowds have come out, it's incredible, it's an experience."
"Every single fan inside this stadium up on their feet."
"Incredible sunset with like hundreds and hundreds of people."
"The best part of the whole thing was the entire arena going crazy."
"I really enjoyed the crowd, I enjoy entertaining people, I enjoy the fans and stuff like that and the atmosphere is crazy."
"This place is stepping. This is a massive, massive event, a fight for the ages. The crowd are on their feet, I love it."
"The crowd was so spectacular today. Just the energy from you all was just amazing."
"An incredible crowd I've seen since Katowice."
"He unveiled a set of magical bows known as refracting bows, sparking excitement among the crowd."
"I think we like the energy when there's like a lot of people around."
"I don't think I've ever watched a Bellagio fountain show without at least two three rolls of people in front of me."
"I feel great, man. Listen to this crowd, it makes me want to come out of retirement."
"...legitimately standing room only and the place was filled like a rock concert."
"What an experience that is, you turn the corner and you know there's 100,000 people all having a great time."
"We just got the crowd going and following me."
"This crowd is so damn loud and they're making this even more fun."
"It's standing room only almost in here, there's someone in every seat, it's absolutely incredible."
"It's almost felt like the crowd went back to their normal selves."
"This crowd here is absolutely laughing with excitement!"
"I don't hear very well but once you put me in an arena full of 20,000 people, if the sun [__] up there and row 100 is booing and everybody else is cheering, I know exactly where he's at."
"Putting on a show for the crowd, awesome."
"She thrilled the crowd last night with her first place performance."
"The crowd chants 'we hate Jordan'."
"In front of a crowd, I'm sure we'll find you a part that you like. Now let's go play."
"There's not a greater feeling than to be in front of a crowd of 20,000 people and have them right there in the palm of your hand."
"This crowd is loud, electric, and ready to rock."
"It's unbelievable, imagine this in front of 80,000 people."
"The crowd reaction is all you need to know."
"This is why angli car auctions is so special there is a great atmosphere a real crowd of people"
"The crowd often wonders if the effect is actually coming from inside their head."
"A glorious day for racing with over 300,000 fans packed into the speedway."
"...that's when you know you got something hot there that's when you know the crowd is really invested in what's going on in front of them..."
"He whispered to the crowd as if to quiet down... without easy explosive touchdowns today, it's going to bring out the gritty side of Jordan Travis."
"That's the kind of excitement that I love to see in crowds."
"Your blow-off crowd will be better than your first crowd."
"Being in the middle of that crowd for that pop was something I'll never forget."
"It was a great performance. The crowd loved me."
"Jesus consistently and intentionally disconnected from the crowd."
"This is the feeling that I dream of having, standing in front of a crowd that looks like this and sounds like this. It just makes everything worthwhile."
"Did you see that crowd? That crowd was beautiful."
"I always played my best snooker even as a junior when there was a big crowd at the bigger the occasion."
"A hot crowd makes a good match great and a great match."
"Apparently in the summer there will be tons of people out here, this place will be packed."
"To be a good magician, you have to win over everyone in the crowd."
"There's nothing like an AEW crowd."
"Are you ready? Are you ready? The Anfield crowd, are you ready?"
"I love Arrowhead Stadium but one of the best feelings ever is making 70,000 people go silent."
"You know, there's two things that make it more nervous: hearing how loud a crowd can be and then how quiet they can be on the flip side. Because if they can be really loud, then the silence becomes so much louder."
"So what do you think of this particular case and its outcome? Were the crowd right to take justice into their own hands or did their thirst for blood make them every bit as bad as those they were enacting it upon?"
"A crowd just short of 60,000 desperate to experience the magic."
"It's a sellout with close to 60,000 fans inside Anfield."
"It's extremely busy this year, a lot of people here."
"The big units coming in the ball game and listen to the crowd now this place got loud when the big fellow came in from the bullpen."
"I shed tears when the crowd sang his theme song, bro. Everybody in that arena felt the same [expletive] emotion. Everybody here joining me tonight felt the same [expletive] emotion."
"That crowd was so loud, especially at the end because it was a little dicey there for a second. He got dropped, comes back, wins. When he did the, oh, that whole thing, man, that was, I mean, it was deafening."
"At some point I'm sorry just want to clarify when you say crowd are you talking about the participants in the middle of the street or the spectators on the side of the road?"
"We're gonna open early. There's a couple hundred people outside."
"900 motorcycles here, just kind of like, I've never seen this many bikes anywhere in my life."
"There are very few of the great sports events of the world where the crowd itself becomes an important part of the occasion. Something that helps to lend the excitement and the enchantment to what is going on. So it is at the Indianapolis 500."
"The crowd is packed into this arena, it's electric in here."
"With the music taking effect, the crowd finally defeats the tomatoes by stomping on them."
"All these people behind me were at one point corralled in this little area over here."
"It was a very, very special moment having the crowd back."
"The crowd has made that song. There's ownership. Sometimes you just gotta do it. Sometimes you just gotta play it, and they seem to like it, so I better be into it."
"That performance has so much energy in it from the crowd."
"There's always an edge in a crowd."
"It felt like being at a rock concert... it proves that certain genres really function best with a crowd."
"And now she's the last five minutes and four seconds in this game, we've had 24 points scored, and the crowd's right back in it, and we're just warming up, baby."
"The crowd roared their appreciation."
"His opponents would face an onslaught fueled by the roars of the crowd."
"Both guys adapted and they went with the crowd. Hogan played babyface and Rock played heel."
"The UK crowd, they stay with it. That's why I love their UK tours or whatnot, bro. It just hits so good."
"Fans were lined up all over the street."
"Hard to find room to watch right now so many people gathered."
"It's going off, there'll be tons and tons of people."
"Wow, it's so many people, it's so special."
"He noticed that the speech had broken up, so a crowd was walking down Constitution Avenue. He joined them at 13th street. But he said the mood of the crowd was positive and festive."
"Sunset with probably a thousand other people."
"...that's Top Fuel world champion no motor speedway is one of the largest crowds ever to witness a drag race has jammed the grandstands."
"The crowd will wake up. More than a hundred thousand people have gathered."
"The DJ should be giving the crowd a good time."
"Piper kicks out and the crowd absolutely loves it."
"Every single person in here is screaming."
"I'm in the Champions League, the crowd is on fire for this."
"This mini run by North st. Paul is getting the crowd going."
"On the 14th of November 1864, an estimated 50,000 people gathered outside Newgate Prison to witness the execution."
"Guests of astonishment ripple through the crowd."
"Wow," said Steph. "It's seriously busy. Never seen so many craft packed together in one place."
"But you're gonna have a lot of crowds. The people, you know, the kids are out of school. Um, and that's, you know, when people, most people are visiting."
"Crowd was definitely getting into it."
"It's the most amazing feeling. You don't feel like you're amongst crowds of people even though you know that there's like two or three thousand people on board."
"...thanks to the crowd, Australia here, it's horrendous."
"The only reason why the crowd actually cared about this match is because of the tope a sua seed."
"Electric crowd here at AT&T Center, a sea of red."
"Electric crowd here at a t center a sea of red."
"Wall-to-wall we are sold out and now we've lost half the crowd, just the ones wearing helmets."
"The crowd was gathered about them, thronging the entire common, a crowd whose awful silence was unbroken by any outcry or murmur."
"This crowd inside Nationwide Arena is rocking tonight."
"Name something that gets pumped up: the crowd."
"Just when you thought this crowd was out of it, Evan Conley comes in and breaks off a big run to get them back in."
"The crowd wanted a flag on the Wolfpack again."
"You just fight your ass off and you give the crowd everything they want."
"It's about strength, reflexes, perseverance, the ability to bring a crowd to its feet."
"The crowd going absolutely bonkers."
"...and there's so many people still. The sun is fully up. Well, not fully. I mean it's sunny outside."
"There's nothing better than being excited and then having the crowd get excited with you."
"I think the Eagles get that they know that the crowd is there to sing at the top of their lungs."
"Recognizing that he's turning into the crowd, into the stands, into the seats."
"The average age was 94. And can you imagine that, the crowd that attended the ceremonies in Gettysburg during the 1938 reunion is estimated to be like 200,000 people?"
"They were all there, a million over a million people."
"It was just a sea of people, I don't know seven, eight, nine thousand people are standing out there and they're screaming three in a row."
"And the crowd loved every minute of it."
"Oh man, these screaming people, it's intense."
"Over 200,000 people attended opening day."
"I looked up on the 14th street bridge which was, you know, only 50 feet away or something like that and saw that there was a big old crowd up there watching us."
"This tire Slayer gets a bit of a crowd when you start revving the engine."
"The crowd was quite indescribable and their enthusiasm truly marvelous and deeply touching."
"Nothing draws a crowd more than food."
"That was the best moment in my England career, just because of the crowd and you net it, and then you've got people cheering you on that you don't even know."
"The crowd support felt really overstimulating for me."
"It's Bristol, that's why there's a hundred forty-seven thousand here, it's getting intense."
"Seeing 70,000 people in that stadium is like so insane and so."
"A crowd has taught me that what you give is what you get."
"The qualifications are the first big show of the year at the track and large crowds are on hand to watch the exciting run."
"you feed off of the energy of the crowd"
"you know you get that crowd noise and you get that energy and yeah there's nothing like it"
"It's nice, I don't know what the crowd's like yet, but I do know that tomorrow when a lot of magic key holders are blocked out, I think it won't be as busy."
"A bigger crowd than watch two alley fights here."
"We've got probably 70 people here, yeah, it's amazing, yeah."
"Pure elation with a roaring crowd behind them."
"It's absolutely wild how many people are here. I'd really say get here as early as possible."
"The crowd is finding a way to come together in their power to really become an entity that can engage institutions right I don't think they replace them but it's good to have a voice."
"Black Flag made an impression on every crowd they played for."
"This is smooth jazz, this is a grown and sexy crowd. Okay? We are all of a certain age. This ain't Coachella, this is old cello."
"Accelerated directly into the crowd."
"There were real people in the crowd, there were normal people, there were women, there were kids, there were old people. There were black and white and Hispanic, there... It was not all 20 to 40 year old guys in black t-shirts with bald heads and beards."
"Best crowd of the year, no questions asked, and there's only 11,000 of them in there and it sounds like it's 30."
"It's definitely a full house, you guys."
"The next morning, a crowd had gathered around the boutique but it wasn’t for the grand opening. It was more like the grand finale and instead of all the influential people, there were policemen and passers-by just looking at the ashes left behind."
"Trump wants to see a crowd that's mostly made up of CEOs, celebrities, athletes, people of that caliber, not the guys dressing in the tricorner hats and looking goofy."
"What an incredible moment just for the crowd to be there with it."
"I'll just start wandering off, and because I'm pretty short, it's hard to find me in a giant crowd."
"Easily the best crowd of the year so far for wrestling."
"This was great... the crowd made it that much better."
"This crowd tonight was the best wrestling crowd so far of the year."
"Either way this crowd tonight was the best wrestling crowd so far of the year."
"Folks, Not only was I wrong but we may have just witnessed the greatest crowd in professional wrestling history."
"Guys, the line is down two blocks."
"Slow times in the Parks aren't gone forever."
"A crowd like that makes you think."
"She used the compulsions fell to gather a large crowd of crystal ponies in an underground cave."
"Most of all that we will be able to hear above the noise of the crowd that still Small Voice that says you are my beloved."
"Great crowd here tonight, great energy in the building."
"Absolutely amazing the swag of the he walks in he's dancing afterwards a letter of the crowd he's getting the crowd going."
"Look at this line for Scoops. People want their ice cream on spring break, huh? I guess so."
"Don't get any ideas that I am fast and loose. I don't do this with every crowd."
"I felt like the Beatles. There were so many people, and they were cheering. It was special to be a part of."
"Making his return, the crowd goes insane."
"The crowd is always wrong and if it doesn't feel good, it's usually the right thing."
"I never had such a cheerful crowd of cherry pickers before," Mrs. McAllister said at last.
"The energy of a crowd creates a crazy feedback loop that amplifies your energy. It's nothing compared to just a performance video in a studio or a nice venue."
"It's almost become a mini Solheim Cup day, the crowd here for it, that's got a bit of that feel."
"Having a big crowd and like a hype crowd that's kind of lit really helps you feed off that energy."
"The more people there are, the more people don't know what to do, and they do nothing. Because they don't want to do something weird and embarrassing like make trouble or not do what you're supposed to do."
"Look at the mob, and this will go on for days."
"UCLA, Rose Bowl, Arizona State, those two for sure, we took over. Crowd noise, crowd energy, those were home games."
"The crowd filling in here, ready for the first discipline in today's three-prong final."
"This was an excellent show helped very much so by the crowd. Without this crowd, it's a good show; with this crowd, it's an excellent show."
"For all of those reasons, it'll never be duplicated. Nobody can ever be that big and dominate the business by that amount of a margin for that long with that kind of publicity and draw crowds like that ever again."
"We couldn't have done this. This crowd doesn't know what a smooth talker this guy is."
"in a crowded Street means everyone is now at risk"
"I like to give the crowd what they wanted to see so if it was the odd Mark or the goal yeah, so be it."
"AJ had the crowd chanting something and I mean it was so [ __ ] loud that the cameras were shaking."
"There's nothing like a live crowd. The Thunder Dome is cool from a visual standpoint, but there's nothing like a live crowd."
"The crowd, they were into it. They were behind Cody. They so badly wanted to see Roman drop these titles, maybe even more so than seeing Cody win."
"I cannot wait till we get back to a live crowd situation."
"The start was amazing, a sea of people."
"Look at all these trucks jam packed with people."
"This is awesome, look at this crowd."
"Beautiful perfect speed I'll say that is perfect speed our crowd yeah recognizes that was good stuff."
"Mildred felt very shy as the vast crowd fell silent and every pair of eyes swiveled in her direction."
"The whole thing is set up wonderfully well for the home crowd."
"The biggest crowd we've had so far. I think Earl puts butts in the seats as they say. He sure does."
"I think our crowd would rage it whatever as long as the song's they would rage no matter who it is that's what you're telling me."
"The crowd loves it, apart from the poor bastard who gets mauled to death."
"Everywhere we went, enormous crowds turned out and she didn't disappoint them."
"Nice way to end, Booster Money giving the crowd a little energy."
"Great crowd at BC Place a beautiful day"
"Wow, so many people are here. This is crazy!"
"Love Parade 1999, I played in front of 1.2 million people."