
Lion Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"The lion is considered king of the beasts, its mane a royal crown."
"Majesty of the male lion. It is powerful in every movement."
"The lion recognized her immediately and jumped up the bars of his cage, pulling her close and hugging her."
"The feeling of a lion's growl travels through your chest, straight to your adrenal gland."
"When you meet a lion for the first time, you realize that this really is a true king of its surroundings."
"Mac OS 10.7 Lion began the trend of borrowing features and apps from iOS."
"So the lion fell in love with the lamb."
"Harness the loyal and protective Aura of the lion, charge ahead magnificently."
"The Great Sphinx used to be a lion because the lion was the great protector and guardian of the ancient world."
"...it's good they send someone out every time. Of all the ones to be real, I bet they never expected the lion in the living room, huh?"
"Be a lion and be a warrior. You're a king but you've got to be a humble and a gentle king. You gotta know when to use the sword and when not to use the sword."
"He's like a big cat, like a lion, just that big size in a day when that was not common."
"Perhaps so," the lion thoughtfully replied. "If I had no heart, I should not be a coward."
"A lion never loses sleep over the opinions of a sheep."
"The lion is the king of beasts, taking on some of the lion's qualities could be an important thing for him to do."
"You are glorious like a lion you will roar."
"A lion is still a lion if it's quick, if it has good speed, if it's got strong shoulders."
"Thank god I never forgot that lion, especially because he had a big scar across his face."
"A lion's gonna lion, [__] lying online, [__] get blaming alligators and [__] for [__] eating people."
"A lion, no fear to walk alone. Destiny has no competition."
"Are you a lion or are you a sheep?"
"In fact, a lion's roar can be heard up to eight kilometres away."
"I mean, nose to nose. I actually thought you guys started talking." - The Lion
"I love that jumpsuit. All right, Amy, come on." - The Lion
"The king of the jungle, or rather the Savannah, usually leads its pride consisting of two adult females and maybe a few cubs."
"I learned that you never know when a lion is crying because they Roar yep and that's crying and it's also I'm about to go hunt so you never know."
"The world is a jungle, loud and with dangers, but you are its king, a lion."
"I think my lion would really like fresh fish."
"There's something much more appealing I find about a sleeping leopard than there is about a sleeping lion."
"Ugallu, the great Lion, emerges as a symbol of the untamed forces of nature and chaos."
"With the head of a lion and a body designed for terror, the Ugallu was depicted with ferocity in every line."
"The Ugallu fearsome aspect was designed to embody the raw untamed power of the natural world."
"The darker the lion's mane, the more likely they are to top the totem pole."
"He faced a lion and tore it to pieces with his bare hands, this monumental feat earned him the name obago, which means the lion killer, a title that echoed his bravery."
"The new logo that we know today is a shield shape that features a single lion taking up most of the badge."
"March can be difficult, quite the lion."
"Amelia began to hug the lion and admire his thick mane."
"Be a lion, not a cat. Have courage, be bold, be brave."
"Who is Jesus? He's the lion of the tribe of Judah."
"If truly you are a lion, the dignity of your command is global, wherever you are."
"A lion diet is not everybody needs that, but some people need to try it."
"The lion is roaring because you're at the place of the vineyard."
"And they clung to the lion and kissed his mane and his nose and his paws and his great sad eyes."
"The lion fought with every iota of skill."
"Fearlessness is one of the key traits of lions."
"Isn't that amazing? A lion has to do with the king."
"And we have another lion in the Bible, different from the king of the jungles, his name is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah."
"The lion was waking up; it was his time."
"The lion represents the sun and the Thousand Sunny, feeding into the idea that the lion represents the horizon in a new dawn."
"Albino lions are believed to exist as well, and like any other lion, they hunt large mammals such as zebras, antelopes, and buffaloes."
"Lions might be known as the king of the jungle, but most lions actually live in the savannas or grasslands."
"A lion's mighty roar is used to communicate with one another, it's so powerful that it can be heard as far as 8 km away."
"The lion looks as though it grows out of the island itself."
"Everybody wants to be a lion until it's time to do lion [__]."
"Here's a cool demonstration of how a lion's retractable claw works."
"We're gonna follow up on reports of Dark Main, the male lion, crossing back from just on the other side of our traverse."
"The lion never backs down from anyone."
"The magnificent Leonberger dogs, named after the German town of Leonberg, emulate the majestic lion."
"To be the lion and experience their unique behavior in this particular place at this particular time."
"The lion's mane gives the lion a defensive advantage."
"It was a lion, huge, shaggy, and bright, it stood facing the rising sun, its mouth was wide open and sung."
"The lion of Judah shall roar again today."
"I am a big and strong lion, they call me the king of the jungle, and I like it."
"Born free, to be who he is, he's a lion so he does what lions do."
"Little Ahmadi, with tummy like a little tank, seeks attention from big dad."
"Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death."
"The lion represents loyalty, ignatius ness, way to fight, and he's always hungry."
"The Gospel of Matthew presents Jesus as the lion of the tribe of Judah."
"The lion is often called the king of the jungle, which is weird because they don't actually live in the jungle."
"There is something about a lion when a lion is moving; it is not his size."
"The day ends with the distant echo of a lion coming to the nearby waterhole to drink."
"Lion, his fangs are sharp; he likes your taste. Your party better move posthaste."
"I live in a group called a pride, and I let out an enormous roar."
"It's like the greatest music to my ears, a lion roaring out in the wild."
"The lion is the most powerful and formidable of the beasts on the ground."
"The lion does not give a flying Continental what anyone else thinks of him."
"His lion claw was always soft, his fur clean and shiny, perfect for quiet steps."
"The lion is the second largest cat in the world, only slightly smaller than the tiger."
"You see, even for a lion, and even if he's a very strong cub, he's still being very gentle with the youngster."
"This is definitely the new playmate."
"I think this cub was probably lucky and born into a pride that's going to try their utmost best to make sure that it manages to get into adulthood."
"Look how fierce it is; it's not letting the rest of the pride bully it."
"She's being irritated by some flies now, must be a constant source of irritation as a lion."
"I love a male lion; it's just one of the most beautiful animals, really magnificent."
"Male lions have manes to protect themselves."
"A lion is a carnivore, which means that it eats meat."
"Kapali, the male lion that you see walking towards us, I think has achieved his mission this morning."
"Sometimes we call them kings of the savanna, and truly he is."
"The classic lion pose, the inspiration of the Sphinx in Egypt."
"Nothing can look as hard done by and injured, that picture of injured innocence, like a male lion."
"That is as epic as it will ever get when it comes to seeing a male lion on top of a beautiful big termite mound."
"She's got the leaf on the cheek, maybe it's something like a piercing in the lion world."
"He is an absolutely gorgeous lion there, magnificent."
"The dominant male of the Paradise Pride is one of the most famous lions in the world."
"It's tough business being a male lion; there's lots of competition."
"When a lion sleeps all day, it appears to be lazy, but it isn't; while it's snoring, it's cleverly storing up energy when it's needed."
"We as humans can hear a lion roar from about eight kilometers away."
"Lions are by far the strongest and the most powerful."
"A male lion can sleep/rest for up to 20 hours in a day."
"Juma has given us another gift once again, some epic lion sightings this morning."
"You can cage the lion, but you can't tame it."
"Isn't that a picture synonymous with Africa, of a big male lion walking through the long white grass? Absolutely fantastic."
"When a lion roars, it literally vibrates through your entire body."
"We have a huge male lion just a few meters from our car."
"There is no sound I think that is just as magnificent as a male lion roaring next to us."
"It's amazing that you got to see that lion stalking."
"It's a tough life being a male lion."
"You don't get more camouflaged out in the wilderness than a lion."
"Nothing that looks quite as comfortable as a lounging lion."
"It's the lion, the true king of cats."
"Of all the animals in the wild, the lion seems to be the one most represented in pop culture."
"The lion reaches a top speed of 50 miles per hour, twice the speed of a cyclist in the Tour de France."
"...this is a male lion, yes his name is Mohawk from the Avoca coalition of males who reside over the Inghuma pride, they are fierce and dominant and very large."
"Not always the biggest lion is the most dominant, sometimes it's the one with the biggest attitude."
"The biggest male lion you've seen in recent years, for me, it would be the Claridon male lions."
"You are a lion, you are of high honor."
"One kill of a lion is really amazing to change the whole healthy body system of a lion; it will change completely and it will look even stronger and healthier."