
Cooking Process Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"I only have one Dutch oven that I can cook these in, and so I will just get them all ready, cook one of the loaves for 30 minutes covered in the hot Dutch oven, then take it out and remove the lid, put it back in the oven, and let it finish cooking for about 10-15 minutes with the lid off."
"Mix it really well until everything is melted and well combined."
"Every time I add vinegar, I'm adding more liquid and it's going to have to cook down longer, but I think it's going to be worth it."
"It's adding a nice mouthfeel, it's adding fat, so then you go through and you add your acid to cut the fat and then you taste for final seasoning, right?"
"It never looks like it's gonna work but trust the process it does turn into beautiful pasta."
"Making your food from scratch and seeing everything that goes into that food."
"We're gonna use our hands to just kind of stir it and break up the leaven."
"You want to be crazy about it? Do that again five or six more times. You'll have a hell of a patina."
"I just mix until incorporated, here's our stock."
"Take it seriously and take a moment to appreciate the beautiful Pebble ground beef."
"We're gonna let it keep cooking for maybe an hour and a half up to two hours, that's what I call stewing chicken."
"Layer flavors at various stages in the cooking process... it gives you the ability to detect problems in the dish when they're still small."
"By tasting as you go, you'll get better and better over time at learning when a dish is lacking a certain flavor or element."
"Once it's done cooking, you can either let it release on its own for a little while or you can turn the knob to venting."
"So let's move it over to the stove and spend the time showing love and attention to this broth."
"One two is dry and two four X later and the chips are just about done."
"All that liquid has been soaked up everything is just looking delightful."
"Now we have to make ourselves a little egg wash."
"Every recipe that you do, there is some type of lull or a point where you have to wait for something to boil or you have to wait for something to cook."
"The pancakes are cooked, and now it's time for the flip."
"Dump stuff in and then we'll taste it later."
"We're almost done, then we can freeze this, yeah, get that, get that served."
"It's a living food all the way until it's baked."
"So here they are, I've uh, there's 12 in here, it's about half of my dough."
"The sizzle sound now what we're going to do now is pile this up like so."
"The brown bits are now in that white wine, and that's exactly what we want."
"It's that caramelization process that really starts the soup tasting the way it should."
"It looks kind of runny here but as it cools it will thicken up."
"I'm gonna go ahead and pull this chicken and start assembling our salad."
"You don't just throw your food in the oven and all of a sudden 2 minutes later it's ready; you got to wait for your chicken to cook all the way through."
"Remember those beautiful batter pieces that we have? We are going to count on those to soak up that beautiful sweet and sour."
"Cooking a brisket is a long process, it's a commitment."
"Mix everything together to ensure that they get to know each other."
"It's important to allow this process to happen because this is what activates the pectin and will make it gel so well with your jellies and your jams."
"We're going to load this in our pie."
"Live your life, enjoy the food, lean into it, all of the mistakes and all of the process is what makes the cooking fun."
"Roast potatoes are very special, you peel them, you boil them, then you cover them in fat... and then you put them in the oven and cook them until they're golden and crispy."
"I'm gonna finish trimming this thing up, I'm going to go ahead and rub both of them down."
"The oils from the fish, and the oils from the herbs have started to mingle a bit."
"When you put it into our baked goods, the heat evaporates the alcohol, just leaving behind that wonderful vanilla flavor."
"It's still cooking until it gets back down to room temperature."
"I think it's very important when you're going to make a meal, taste as you go along, and definitely taste before you finish it to see if you need any more herbs or seasonings or salt or something like that."
"We're going to smush this down to fold through ricotta to make a squash and ricotta ravioli."
"The color will change from that dark yellow to a pale yellow, and the texture will become creamy."
"The pecans are starting to float up to the top already, and when you bake it, they'll all be on the top."
"We're just gonna take our oranges, we're just gonna squeeze them in, just like that, drop them in."
"We're gonna take our Italian seasoning now and add some to our sauce."
"When you cook down bones and other animal parts containing collagen, the collagen is released as gelatin."
"In just two hours, we went from flour and tomatoes to a buttery, crispy, and decadent deep dish pizza."
"It's going to be like a big furnace, just cooking that corn."
"They're thickening up and they're almost done."
"I'm going to start with the meat filling because once we make it, we do have to chill it."
"Tip the bacon and mushrooms into a bowl, and then pour over four whisked eggs."
"It'll be like bubbly, like the sugar is just bubbly and caramelly, and that's when it's ready to be coated."
"Like Grandma said, start with plump, whole tomatoes, we do that, and cook it down."
"You should notice that as we continue to mix, it will get frothier and frothier."
"Good job, good job. Now see, the cool part about cooking is now it's going to start changing."
"We are gonna leave our chocolate bar to fully cool down because we need it to be crunchy."
"Once it gets really hot, all the water in here is going to go away, and they're just going to become big fluffy mashed potatoes."
"Just take your time with it, slowly form it; pretty easy to do, might take you around five minutes or so to get it perfectly, but I'm telling you, the end result is worth it."
"We're going to toast our rice until it's like golden brown on like a medium heat, medium low heat."
"It's a simple process, look at this fish, you can see the pearlescence on it, perfect."
"We're going to coat our chicken and we're going to pan fry it, we're going to make a pan sauce that involves reduction of white wine and chicken stock, and then we're going to mount that sauce with butter to make it kind of like silky and smooth."
"Time to go into our pot, here comes the whole chicken."