
Silver Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"Silver has the highest conductivity and lowest resistivity, making it indispensable in anything related to mobility, from electric vehicles to smartphones."
"Silver is extremely rare for the first time in human history."
"There's going to come a day where the majority of the people...are going to find out that silver is more rare than gold."
"Silver's price could be higher than gold's price and that could be by multiples."
"This sets up silver for a rally from this ridiculous $22.295 level."
"Silver is strategic and is required to do what we need to do... the ball is not going backwards, it's going forwards."
"Silver is considered real money, it is historically speaking undervalued right now by an extreme amount."
"Silver has the ability to be a precious metal and is highly used in the industry."
"Silver is being utilized by sectors of the economy that are going to be more recession-proof."
"Gold is still the money of Governments, silver is still the money of people."
"Retirement enriched by the stability and growth potential of silver becomes not just feasible but firmly within grasp."
"Silver emerges as a versatile element, a beacon guiding us toward a retirement that promises security and prosperity."
"Silver has risen more than gold every single time in major bull markets in history."
"You want to have exposure to silver itself. Buy physical silver."
"Physical silver has dramatically lower risk compared to stocks."
"First Majestic Silver is the one to start with."
"We are primed and ready for what I'm calling a silver price shock."
"I find it very fun to continue to stack both gold and silver because I know what the true value of both of them are and it's a bargain so I like a good sale."
"The silver market has much more life than people are giving it credit for."
"Investment demand is the one component that determines if silver is going to rise or fall."
"Silver is gonna have a bigger percentage move than gold."
"All you need is one billionaire to say, 'get me every single piece of silver you can possibly get your hands on,' and it's gone."
"There's a difference between GameStop and silver. There really is a global shortage of silver."
"I think silver is gonna go to 100 to 500 by 2025."
"A silver revolution is now sweeping the world."
"I believe that you're going to see silver someday be at astronomical levels and I don't care who who who thinks I'm cuckoo bird we'll see who's laughing"
"What we're seeing in the last two and a half weeks, Mario, is a revolution in the silver market."
"Keep an eye on silver again over thirty dollars."
"Silver is bracketed by tremendous demand on either side of it, industrial and monetary."
"I for one will be putting my profits into silver."
"I do not see a better place to put your money period than silver."
"You need to have some silver in your portfolio."
"To buy silver at these prices to me is an absolute bargain."
"The silver squeeze movement worked exactly as intended."
"A synergistic effect of people wanting silver for monetary reasons."
"No one in my opinion has better manipulated market like silver."
"Silver is probably the most undervalued, underrated, and least understood commodity on the planet."
"As we see demand for physical silver increase, there will be a point in which they will not have enough silver in the warehouse to meet the delivery contracts."
"1935 mark the end of six centuries of silver currency in China."
"Export silver is now returning to modern China."
"China is once more the biggest importer of silver in the world."
"Silver is both a precious metal and an industrial material, making it uniquely valuable."
"Silver historically moves later than gold but moves further."
"Silver has been hated for some time, more so than gold."
"The entire dealer market worldwide is effectively out of inventory of retail quantities of silver."
"If you have the courage to do that...silver is a perfect market."
"Silver is actually a much better value than any other asset right now."
"Historically, silver should be valued at sixty dollars right now."
"The fundamental argument now for silver is certainly the best it's ever been."
"Gold and silver are money and they've been money that have outlived two world wars, German hyperinflation, the Great Depression, every pandemic."
"In a real gold bull market, you will see that the gold miners and silver would outperform gold."
"Silver is going to follow gold in the coming months."
"He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver."
"I'm interested in silver precisely because it's disappointed people."
"silver silver and gold precious metals huge huge especially with the inflation"
"I think the ratio of 70 to 1 is easily achievable."
"Silver can be the thing that really moves the wheels."
"Silver is attracting new attention."
"Industrial buyers will have to pile in as silver goes up as a monetary metal."
"Silver is our gold in Chinese history."
"Silver changes China's history and the history of the world."
"I can't believe it. It's a cob, a silver cob!"
"That's pirate ship money, Spanish galleon type money, old world silver. What a crazy coin!"
"People should own gold, they should own silver, have a real inflation hedge."
"Every time silver gets up to, you know, whatever, look at how many times it tested 24 just recently."
"I look at Silver as a strategic metal, I think it's a critical metal and a strategic metal."
"Silver prices will go higher but the paper Market needs to be broken."
"These Charleston coin silver treasures offer a glimpse into the skilled workmanship of silversmiths."
"Our silver rounds are now 29, government o.u.n. is 30, Eagles 32, and we're now down to 20 times face."
"This is the final color of my hair. Yeah, quite silver."
"Silver is unique in that it serves as a store of value, a medium of exchange, and is also used widely for industrial purposes."
"If enough people start to hold physical gold and silver... we have a shot at being at the seat of the table."
"There are very few things on the planet that offer the potential that silver does."
"Oh look, here's a little bracelet. Do you think that's sterling silver? Yes, it says 14k."
"Silver straddles the world of both investment and jewelry uses."
"...if you have been making jewelry for any time at all you know that we are constantly fighting the charish and Silver Base metal in particular tarnishes so quickly..."
"...this one is also silver, it says 'litter coin'."
"Silver is going to do well because of currency debasement and the green transition."
"Silver is the best thing on the markets today."
"A werewolf can be killed only with a silver bullet or a silver knife or a stick with a silver handle or a silver dollar or a silver fox or the silver surfer."
"Gold and silver coins, real coins, no counterparty risk to 'em, that means it's in your hands. It's in your hands only."
"Gold is everyone's First Choice historically but when retail run starts and gold is gone overnight silver will be next and silver will be gone in the blink of an eye."
"Silver could easily go up 50% while a 50% move for gold would be quite something."
"Silver has been money for thousands of years."
"I think it is sterling silver. It's quite cute. I put it on. It's quite cute. I like it."
"Why was gold and silver considered money for the last four thousand years? Because it took work and effort to make that nice beautiful coin."
"Silver has been a really huge theme within fashion for the last couple of seasons."
"Hey, heck yeah, silver, silver buddy. Good job dude."
"Wow, unreal. That's my oldest silver, uh, besides the real, but, uh, oldest U.S silver right there. Wow."
"This will be 80 silver and it's their silver dollar."
"Wow, it's a bicentennial, that has to be silver."
"The beauty of silver has not only inspired stunning works of art, but its rich value is reflected throughout the entire country."
"What would I buy today right now? If I could get it for spot price, I would buy silver."
"I want the prettiest silver in the whole world."
"I wanted to have a silver one in my collection."
"I wish I would have read those before I bought all the silver."
"My Lord hearken unto me the land is worth 400 shekels of silver."
"Everyone who came to the Coeur d'Alene mining district was in search of a silver lining and in the case of the Hercules those involved literally found it."
"Nothing wrong with silver at all."
"I think silver could actually run to about $36 an ounce, which brings us right to this critical pivot line on the chart where it broke up."
"Gold and silver are God's money; they cannot default, they cannot be debased."
"Silver is a wonderful thing to collect because it has two values: it has its intrinsic value; it is a precious metal so this Fork which is solid silver is worth something just for the silver alone."
"So let's get to the number one type of silver bullion right now for stacking or investing, and that is generic silver rounds or generic silver bars. These are excellent for stacking, excellent for investing in."
"Any silver is better than no silver."
"Junk silver is great because usually you can buy this right around the spot price of silver. So typically the premiums aren't too high on junk silver, but also it's very recognized, very trusted."
"Silver will never ever go out of style and it's always a nice little piece to add to your credenza or your coffee table."
"These boats are worked on this is Bocas silver."
"Number two on my list: old ball Mills and stamp Mills, where heavy metals like gold and silver might be trapped."
"You could sell your silver and you could buy 17 of the same home that you sold eight and a half years earlier."
"If you have a mercury or a silvered ornament, we usually see most of those from the early years of the 20th century."
"If they go to a digital currency for the people, take the cash away, you won't be able to buy gold, you won't be able to buy silver."
"However, the crew may have found the largest concentrations of gold and silver during their whole quest for the Oak Island treasure above the tunnel, which they found at a depth of about 95 feet while digging nearby in the so-called Baby Blob."
"Silver Eagles continue to trend upwards."
"I'd say that the industrial portion of silver... makes it a little more interesting."
"I see my silver as gold in waiting."
"Even if you are one of these people that just don't ever want to sell your silver, you've got to understand that there might be a situation where it could be required."
"...this works the same way on fine silver let's say that you're a PMC artist and you like working with the precious metal clay..."
"A major supply demand mismatch is poised to drive silver prices significantly higher."
"Occasionally, I will find silver here, so I do check through the silver-looking pieces just to see if anything catches my eye."
"I'm excited to go through these and see if I find any silver."
"Silver conducts electricity more effectively, more efficiently than any other metal out there."
"If you're buying silver as part of your portfolio that you're looking to hold for medium to longer term, I think it's still a good value."
"On the slopes of Toad Mountain, they discovered a magnificent vein of silver or silver and gold, but mostly silver."
"At some point again soon enough, silver is going to take off like a rocket."
"We do have a silver, which is a very good way to end this hunt if you ask me."
"I hope I find a W. If I find a silver as well, that would be nice."
"Silver should be protected as a special precious metal with special industrial value and closely linked to human industrial civilization."
"There's a lot more to look for than just silver when it comes to quarters."
"Tiffany, a name to conjure with American silver, 20th century, very glamorous, it's modern, it's smart, it's got a cachet to that name."
"Silver is the best conductor of any metal; it conducts 276% more electricity and 177% more heat than iridium."
"I bought a 100 ounce silver bar, and I have absolutely no regrets; it's incredible, it's stunning."
"The river Guadiana lay beneath the South Essex's light company like a misted streak of molten silver."
"It is estimated that 85% of the silver mined in the Andes came from that mountain alone."
"This is probably the most perfect silver and the most beautiful silver I have ever seen."
"Gold and silver to me are the best wealth insurance you've got."
"Silver is chemically combined with the gold in the Rand district ore and provided by-product value."
"It was almost as if he, Allah, had fashioned him from Silver."
"The purchasing power of gold and silver has remained relatively the same from ancient Roman times to now."
"The sword has a silver hilt... exceedingly fine workmanship."
"Gold and silver have that survivor bias of, they're the ones that beat everything else for thousands of years."
"Surely there is a mine for silver, and a place where they refine gold."
"Gentlemen of Congress, a United States Senator from Nevada, I stand before you today to protest against the demonetization of silver."
"Did you know that right now SD Bullion is giving away an entire sealed Monster Box of 2022 silver eagles?"
"Silver filled wire... is when you take a core of another metal and then you heat and pressure bond on a very thick layer of sterling silver on the outside."
"Anytime you can pluck silver from Mother Earth, it's a good day!"
"1980 was a great year for silver... it wasn't the New York Bankers who were in charge, it was individual investors or entrepreneurs."
"That's 92.5, and that means that this is 92% pure silver on the back of the shoe."
"There's just something really satisfying about a bar of silver; you can stack them up, they feel quite a bit like treasure."
"So I called up my silver dealer today and said, 'Hey, I'm looking for some 90 percent silver. Do you have any?'"
"We got three hundred and fifty dollars face value of US constitutional silver here."
"I've got a whole mess of silver quarters, so just in silver weight alone there's like several thousand dollars."
"This is a very positive thing for silver from a technical standpoint."
"There is about 1207 pounds worth of value in silver."
"It's a little silver bookmark, made in Chester around the turn of the century, made by Charles Horner."
"This thing is massive and made entirely of silver; it's a sight to behold."
"Every pure silver bar or pure silver round coin on the planet began life as pure silver crystal just like you see right here."
"Above her brow, her head was covered by a cap of silver lace netted with small gems, glittering white."
"Silver has gained over time and kept up with inflation."
"Everything we do on a daily basis requires silver."
"Discovered in 1920, with its primary commodity being silver, the Silver Souls mine was worked heavily from 1952 to 1958."
"If we had a hundred dollar silver where I think silver should be trading at today, then we would have more investment into the silver sector."
"This is sterling silver, the whole thing."
"Silver one color, one feeling, business clever, reliable."
"The main theme of the Trinity series is silver, glistening bright, futuristic silver that is absolutely eye-catching."
"The price of silver goes up and down, but over time it generally goes up."
"American Silver Eagles are one of the best things to stack for privacy."
"Gold and silver have been those monetary metals for human beings for thousands of years, that's not going to change anytime soon."
"Silver is the most conductive; it's five percent more conductive than copper."
"Silver is highly reflective in the visible; that's why if you have some sort of pure silver sample and you look at it, you'll see yourself being reflected back at you."
"Silver still is money. Silver is a monetary metal."
"Silver always speaks in the Bible of redemption."
"Silver to me is the most undervalued asset on the planet for a myriad of reasons."
"If you believe in the reflation trade, silver looks very interesting here."
"Silver is legendary, it is said it can slay magical creatures, it's the story of legends."
"Silver is just another part of a very diverse portfolio for myself and for a lot of other people."
"I really love silver, I'm really so in love with like silver right now."
"The interesting story behind the origins of these coins is that the California Gold Rush and subsequently the Civil War had resulted in a dramatic spike in the price of silver in the U.S."
"Silver has always kept up with inflation and probably always will."
"That shiny silver which has sort of really helped both be informed by and defined what we think of as the future."
"Silver has a strong history and woven through our lives quite a bit."
"Silver being antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral."
"Silver is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it's very much about wealth preservation."
"I actually really liked silver, I didn't think I was gonna."
"Silver is the traditional gift for the 25th wedding anniversary."
"It's the most intense silver ever."
"Silver is an exceptional conductor, one of the most conductive metals out there in the world."
"The magnet should slide down the silver coin nice and slowly and smoothly."
"The ping test is a way of seeing whether something is truly a silver coin."
"This one has the most beautiful silver I have ever seen in a palette."
"I think I actually like the silver color."
"The Canadian Silver Maple Leaf is my honest 100% favorite silver coin to stack outside of the American Silver Eagle."