
Character Fate Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"Characters in this movie don't just get hurt; they die."
"This could have been Oda telling us, the readers, that Luffy won't die the same way Roger did and his ending will be different."
"This death has real lasting consequence and is the end of our Gamora's story."
"Logan's gotta die, that's the whole point of the show."
"He went out like a true pirate, murdered by a bug woman in her spaceship."
"The Joker can never die because whoever kills the Joker within replaces him."
"A lot of people died, and a lot of stories were wrapped up in this arc."
"Bolas will take a lot of planeswalkers with him, but I guarantee he's going down."
"A truly evil being at getting exactly what he deserves."
"That is so true, like we've lost Leia, we've lost Luke, we've lost Han, why was I not thinking of course we're gonna lose Chewie?"
"Mothra is the first one down. Too pretty for this world."
"Not once did he so much as give a hint at the movie's outcome or the fate of his iconic character."
"Be intentional in the decisions you make when you're killing off characters."
"Seeing Archie beaten and then immediately cutting to a lantern wishing to get rid of Archie... it hit me."
"I even feel like he might have a chance to die because def's been setting it up so that plunger hates dark speaker man."
"Oh my god, if Naruto dies I quit. Bought a bottle of bleach, straight ass."
"I feel like if you don't want to kill your characters, don't kill your characters. If you do want to kill your characters, kill your characters. But don't do it and then take it back. It frustrates me so much."
"Even in a show as fatal as Game of Thrones, it's almost less about if they will survive and more about how they will survive."
"There's not a single person watching this movie thinking that Dylan is going to kill Ripley here."
"Alright now as I noted in my emoji review a lot of characters died right but some only died so let's talk about the legit debts first."
"That's like a thing now, that she can do this, you know, as soon as the daughter showed up, I was pretty sure Tony was gonna die."
"There's also going to be major deaths in volume two."
"Nobody that important dies off screen unless they're Tank in The Matrix."
"But let's be real, as soon as he started talking about his pregnant wife and kid we knew he wasn't making it out of this alive."
"The pure audacity that George has to kill not one but two main characters in the overall story is insane."
"That's almost as bad as if Luke Skywalker died in Star Wars by transmitting his essence across the galaxy."
"They wanted to kill Lara Croft, and so they did."
"Spike's fate is deliberately left ambiguous and Watanabe has not confirmed whether he lived or died."
"That's a wrap on old Jakey... but fortunately for him, it was not a wrap."
"Her fate is tied up with the fight against the Night King rather than who wins the Iron Throne."
"I guess it's because they wanted to see Ramsay beaten down in a more elaborate and I guess a slower way."
"It will be a tomb for Terry McGinnis, and you will die in it alone."
"Hopefully wherever Ronan ended up after he got dissolved by the Power Stone at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy didn't ask too many questions about how he got there."
"Yep, I predict that Ant-Man, in the final movie of his trilogy, is going to get exterminated like a bug...which y’know… is… it’s fitting."
"Peter Parker will eventually by Endgame face six ten years from now die."
"I can't wait to watch Destiny Season 3 starring Sean Bean where he gets me-headed."
"We can all agree at this point that Ultimate Custom Night takes place in hell... But specifically, the one we should not have killed."
"Despite his ultimate soul power, he eventually does die during the fire in FNAF 6."
"The only way he could die was through burning."
"Her final comeuppance in the Fire Caves is both understated and perfect."
"Unfortunately, I feel like Harry's gonna have to die, but I'm really happy that him, Peter, and Mary Jane are now together because that's all I ever want."
"JK Rowling considered killing one of the main three characters"
"The ending with Steppenwolf was so much better this time around. They killed his ass, he's dead."
"Leia in space again. She died, I was like 'Oh my god, they killed her.'"
"Perhaps our loki didn't die at the hands of thanos either perhaps our loki did the same thing cast a very strong illusion."
"Death is one of those things that gets talked about quite commonly in the One Piece fan base."
"I feel like it's nearing the end of one piece that gets people thinking about stuff, how the story is going to end, how is the straw hats Journey going to end..."
"If it came down to it and two straw hats had to die I know we're getting really intense with this here but if it came down to it in two to die it would be Zoro and Sanji..."
"Maybe Vision is gonna get to keep one of the reality stones and stay alive. That'd be nice, wouldn't that be nice?"
"The thing about Kill Bill is they killed Bill. I mean, she's dead." - Rob
"Because unless you see someone die and even they're not always Glenn there's a good chance that they'll be back."
"And all the better that with this character's fate, he's taken out in a heroic fashion."
"Sonic is just sleeping with a big laser hole in him."
"One of the most controversial aspects of Alien 3 is how the movie starts by killing off beloved characters."
"Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3: Major consequences, who survives?"
"Michael Corleone dies, slamming the door on the prospect of a sequel."
"I wasn't sure if it would be Jon, but I definitely didn't think Dany was making out of this."
"The book is just sad the book is not like by Frodo have a good time oh the book is like guys why didn't anybody tell me that Frodo dies at the end of Lord of the Rings."
"Where Red Skull would go after Nat's sacrifice and the Soul Stone was removed from Vormir."
"Hela seemed to meet her end during the destruction of Asgard in Thor: Ragnarok."
"Season two ending with Abby discovering Owen is dead would be great."
"The suspense always ratchets up a notch when you know that any character can die at any moment."
"Can Picard have a happy ending? Does he need to be sacrificed?"
"Denji had killed the gun fiend and Aki Hayakawa was now officially dead."
"The visuals are cool and it is distressing to know Cassian was forced to build part of the super laser that will eventually kill him."
"Aqua stuff, she's a master. And uh, Aqua wants to see him die fighting."
"You murdered him because you could. His death was a favor. Yours will be a triumph."
"It's such a fitting end... he doesn't have to die to end his story."
"But that self-sacrifice does not stop the fact that he ended up in the Citadel reserved for people who committed cruel cosmic crimes."
"Oh, the sweet release of death, where Wartox belongs, in the ground."
"The ending for Joker... well, that went well."
"Is the Night King really dead? Okay, just lock Cersei up or just exile her."
"Yuji is going to die; it adds more emphasis to the concept of rebirth, which has always been at the core of Jujutsu Kaisen."
"We're just gonna leave her in this cave for the rest of the game."
"No, Kylo does not die but the good part of him does."
"There are a lot of ways this story can go. Any or all the cast can die at any time."
"Maybe that’s how her story could end. Maybe she could say her farewells, get on a boat, and sail west, into the sunset, like Frodo in Lord of the Rings, passing on to a place of rest somewhere between heaven and death…"
"I thought it would be cool if like actually the main character just like died like randomly I would have been more down with that."
"I will literally be heartbroken if crow dies."
"So here we can assume that these pruned Loki's aren't actually dead."
"Seeing such important and powerful characters killed off by debris felt incredibly disappointing."
"He's basically like making a prophecy he's like yeah I will only die to all might I won't let myself die."
"She grabs both, it's crazy and silly and [ __ ] Daffy, but when she does that and then die I was like, 'Oh, she's gonna die. That's so cool.'"
"It would be crazy if during the final battle Deku learns that the Quirk which Shigaraki has been using to kill so many innocent people was actually his own original Quirk."
"In the original pilot, Brandon Stark was killed by the Mad King."
"The force was trying to show him that Kenobi was alive and that Maul was still hunting him."
"Guess what happens to a Replicant who does his job really well? Early retirement, baby!"
"Where does he go from here with Avengers Annihilation around the corner and possibly Thor's final appearance in tow?"
"Bond dies here and yes he does die his vitals go flat we see him incinerated before our eyes."
"Cersei blowing up Margery and the High Sparrow along with everyone inside the steps during her trial."
"Melisandre burning Shireen will happen in the books."
"Blackbeard's ultimate defeat will be by himself."
"Mona, the Stars illuminate all Mortal destinies."
"I didn't buy that Felicity's dead for like a second."
"Noble Team's deaths are all ironic...each Spartan and Noble Team dies in an ironic fashion."
"Oh, is this it? Oh, he's gonna use the actual jaws, oh, he's gonna do it, he's gonna take the Warhammer, oh, Lara's dead."
"Make Kenneth from Resident Evil 1 live or not die."
"Lord Voldemort, killed by his own rebounded curse."
"Arya either disappears into the west or dies."
"It sounded like the fate of a main character from a fantasy novel."
"Which of them do you think will make it to the real world and finally make it out of Westworld: Dolores, Maeve, both, or neither?"
"I think its a really dignified death and again sums up that even Tessio knows its just Business."
"When we originally learned the good-natured Rapunzel was tied to the black rocks and the moon drop... it seems they could be bringing Rapunzel to the source of the Moon drop's energy to corrupt or destroy her."
"I don't think we know. It's possible. Arya, however, will tie herself very closely to Fagon, and I think that he is going to be not long for the world."
"Once Jon has come back, my theory is that Jon will, when he dies, he will cast himself into Ghost."
"That ending, but damn it, he had it coming."
"Not all of these characters are going to survive the series."
"You have to give him a glorious death or a pathetic one."
"House decides to live. But the building blows up — and oh no, House is dead!"
"How ironic that them dying together was a happier ending than what happened in the game."
"Is Luffy really dead? He might be dead... but he's not dead."
"Dumbledore is raising Harry Potter knowing that he's got a piece of Voldemort's soul in him, just to get him killed."
"I think that Arthur Dayne had to die there."
"Getting stabbed in the gut by a lightsaber doesn't really mean you're dead unless you're Qui-Gon Jinn."
"In the end, Jaws is merely a mortal shark and dies from his injuries just before getting the chance to take a bite out of Brody."
"We all love Tank Top Master, and he certainly shouldn't be the one main character who dies in this series."
"Gatsby turned out all right at the end; it is what preyed on Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men."
"Wonder Woman does not die at the end of Wonder Woman."
"The question is not whether Spock is killed, but whether he's killed well."
"It was obvious to me that Thor's was going to die because we had to make him so powerful, which is how he is."
"I'm scared for Jotaro man, I'm scared for the other characters, we could lose some lives here today."
"It's not meant to be about giving those two characters justice right there; they were meant to be killed in really horrific ways to set the standard and the tone of how intense and strong the Quincies are."
"When Superman flies in, that was dope up to the point where Superman dies."
"I found it, ask when Dorothy goes back to Kansas at the end of The Wizard of Oz, what happens to Miss Gulch at the end of the movie, she never comes back again for the dog."
"Toriyama knew what was going to happen to all 10 warriors from Universe 7 right down to the biggest detail."