
Nature Observation Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Darwin came to understand the process of selection because he spent his adult life, even most of his childhood, obsessed with observing nature."
"I glanced with teary eyes at the moonlit trees, the gradients of autumn leaves warming the scene with tranquility, just above those unimaginable horrors below."
"Human presence is minimal, spots like this might never be noticed."
"Trail cams indeed provide us with intriguing glimpses of the natural world."
"Thank you for indulging me today on this different video, spider. It definitely has babies because it had like a white thing."
"Animals were just amazing. Did that just happen? It's one of those moments, nature's wild."
"The question is not why does smoke get in your eyes, the question is why does smoke follow you around a bonfire after you've lit it?"
"Everything went absolutely quiet, birds and tree frogs stopped."
"Plants oftentimes grow a lot faster than you think they're going to."
"Turns out it wasn't a rare pink spotted southwestern leaf and meadow lizard. It was just a gecko. Who knew?"
"Spring is here, I hear the birds singing. It's amazing thing about a bird, none of those birds know anything's going on."
"I noticed something about 20 yards away from where I was, it looked like some boulders so I just walked over to have a look."
"If you see a falcon in the wild, it's more afraid of you than you are of him."
"Come on, have you ever looked a goddamn Hawk in the eyes? It's like the grim reaper staring into your soul."
"Consider the ravens and the lilies, how God cares for them."
"When you live out in the country you tend to notice things like leaves, bugs that hatch from year to year."
"I see the weather in the ocean currents and the mountains and the rivers but I can't see the borders between the countries."
"So much life going on, you can see all the little water fleas and stuff."
"That deer is just sleeping in the field covered in snow."
"Predators are far more complex than we give them credit."
"There's always been that much magic in the world; we just have to have a better way to capture it and share it. Today, modern times are indeed a fascinating time period that puts the Earth and its creatures on display like never before."
"Nature can sometimes be pretty brutal, but this is survival right here."
"Beautiful, it's nice to see that the creatures are finally caught up and adapted to Modern Life."
"If a tree falls in a forest and nobody's around to see it, did it really fall?"
"Using their wings in the longest recorded single glides, these creatures can cover an incredible 180 meters or more, which is about 600 feet, using updrafts to extend their time in the air."
"Maybe that's part of my disguise if you watch like the nature channel like you know some of the most uh some of the species that have lived the longest is because they they know how to survive by blending in."
"Let's look at the clouds the birds are chirping I just don't know what like those clouds mean."
"I'm just taking in the sheer Beauty but also like a kind of gross Beauty of this environment."
"Mosquitoes are not goal-oriented organisms. Not dislike them, that's just how they are. They don't make a plan and stick with it day after day. They're wanderers, let's say, as a sort of simple model."
"It's about learning about the habits of the deer, knowing that the deer doesn't do things because you think it needs to do it because the deer does it because that's what the deer does."
"That's no buff Crow, that's your everyday Crow sunbathing."
"This creature makes people shout, especially when they don't."
"Look at the stripes! Oh my gosh, look at all of those! There's a lot of them down there! Wow, these are doing really well, this is great!"
"I watched the moose he went up and he laid down in the Willows and he was took a nap."
"Oh my God, he's going to eat that marmot. He is going to eat that marmot."
"Everything was witnessed by the nearby Lions, they didn't miss this opportunity."
"When trout were laying down in the rock, they see that thing coming, and it's like you just can't argue with how alive that is."
"This probably took the beaver all year to construct."
"I didn't even recognize it as this type of bird because it was so tiny; it was like a little baby cardinal, but man, was it beautiful."
"Get a plant identifier app, because this will definitely help when you're out and you're just observing nature around you."
"Oh man, we made it to where we're gonna camp now. It's time to just relax, see if we can figure out where these dang elk are."
"To me, it is just watching nature in action and I just love that kind of thing."
"I now notice the long semi-curved horns protruding from its head like those of a goat."
"Everywhere you went, and for the birds and that, it seemed such a cracking breeding season for them."
"Bees coming and going, you can see pollen on their legs and you can see things happening."
"Every year in early spring, bird watchers, families and retirees take front row seats for a show they'll likely hear before the day's first light sneaks over the horizon."
"I was just looking to see if there's any fish hanging out here."
"What I believe you're seeing were fish taking midge pupae in the surface film."
"Look at their blue bellies, that's so cute"
"These are the most amazing creatures I've ever seen."
"The birds were talking. One bird said to Billy Pilgrim, 'Poo-tee-weet?'"
"Imagine sitting over a lake in the evening, watching the sun illuminate the iridescent wings of a dragonfly."
"It just shows you the strength of these cats to pull that thing up that bank, I mean it's just crazy."
"I can scan out in front of me out 70 or 80 feet and I can see the weed line, I can see schools just crappie, I can see a tilapia or two, I see a bass or two."
"I cannot get over how calm the water is in the Gulf of Mexico right now."
"Every time that lightning flashes, I think I'm going to see something out there."
"The country then abounded with any amount of game, and from the hills, you could see a thousand buffalo at a site."
"Look at that, that ray, that is a massive, massive ray."
"By the time we got to the bottom, there was no clouds at all."
"You can literally see all the icebergs as they float down."
"Be sure to bring binoculars because this little gem is best viewed from the water."
"It's amazing, once we get to slow down here after some of these things are in the ground, we'll go through the garden a little bit slower."
"Weird, huh?" Sophia said, looking skyward. "I've never seen a storm come and go so quickly before."
"There's a difference between looking out at the bluebells and looking down at the bluebells."
"For me, my best hack to get me to pay deeper closer attention to the world and to really have fun just geeking out with phenomena."
"She watched her cocoon religiously; I don't think she even slept until the day came that the butterfly began to emerge."
"I love watching them form trails all the way up the mountain."
"That's the best name for a dragonfly I've ever heard, they do look like baby helicopters."
"The bobber started swimming, that was cool."
"They're awesome nocturnal predators."
"Wow, guys, look at that butterfly right there, he's just hanging out on a leaf, having a great day."
"I saw some goats today... criss-crossing the bridge."
"Holy, oh my God, is that a bald eagle? Okay, a bald eagle just tried to take out a freaking heron, that was ridiculous."
"These waves are getting big, oh my goodness."
"How many of us can boast we've seen a Marten in the forest? Probably not very many."
"Following the contours of Earth, all the rainwater is going to drain down this way."
"When drawing, he zones out a lot and keeps staring at the clouds, thinking how beautiful they are, having different forms."
"Look at that blue flowers, it's a little tube for a Hummer to stick their beak through and get it going."
"It's been really lovely to watch the birds."
"It's wonderful to go out in nature and really observe how plants and trees grow from the seed all the way on, watching the changes through the seasons."
"Pay attention to what nature does, and probably the most important tool that you need is a microscope."
"I loaf and invite my soul, I lean and loaf at my ease observing a spear of summer grass."
"This is one of my favorite things to do because you never know what's going to show up."
"Squirr friend was here this morning, I saw his little footprints out there, it was cute."
"Isn't that cool to see the air bubbles going by underneath there?"
"Look at the tiny baby newborn deer, he's so small."
"Now let's find a better spot where we've got more bird action."
"When his branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh."
"Being able to see like individual branches is pretty much a game-changer."
"The bees are buzzing, and the rain's about to come, so I better go inside and have another cup of coffee."
"Has anyone else noticed that the apple trees are flowering like crazy this year?"
"We learned that plantain squirrels sound like birds when they chitter and that they are amazing tree climbers."
"Just watch the birds of every color fly, and marvel from such an awesome sight."
"That there, that red and black thing, I'm pretty sure that's a ladybird larva."
"I like bears. I like watching them scratch their backs and stuff. I like them sitting in a pool of water like they're in a Jacuzzi."
"Behold the fig tree and all the trees; when they now shoot forth, you see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand."
"It promises to be a good one; we haven't seen the sunrise in a while."
"We're seeing lots of worms, aren't we? Yes sir, boy, lots of worms, good size too."
"I would very much like to see swimming elephants again."
"Guys, there are literally five hummingbirds fighting to feed on our feeder right now, but this is incredible, this is the best thing I've ever seen."
"There are hundreds of oxpeckers; that's really really amazing."
"Look how cool this is now, everything's very exciting this morning, spotted cats, big lions, all sorts of things."
"It's fascinating watching them watch a squirrel for like 30 minutes."
"It's amazing to see how still the bird stays whilst its wings move so quickly."
"I saw a starfish laying on a rock, and then I look up and I see in the distance in the ocean a ship coming in."
"You see those tulip-shaped leaves really easily there, backlit by the sun."