
Multiplayer Games Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"It's one thing to say we're going to have 500 player battles; it's another thing to only see 30 people at a given time in that 500 player battle."
"Now that multiplayer games have drifted off to explore other trends, it may become unique again with time."
"Despite the clunky combat and everything else, there’s still fun to be had in multiplayer."
"Martyrdom seems like it'll be really useful in Dom and Hardpoint."
"So if you play other multiplayer games... it does kind of work."
"Mods, as long as they aren't things designed to harm multiplayer environments, should be accepted for what they are: free passion projects that are made by fans for fans."
"It actually helped me a lot with depression and anxiety and I can attribute a lot of that to the multiplayer aspect of it."
"Breath of the Wild is the game to get when you come here. If you're wanting a single player, if you're coming over and you want the multiplayer online aspect, Mario Kart or Splatoon for sure."
"The multiplayer minigames are perhaps the most balanced and fun."
"The landscape has changed when it comes to multiplayer Shooters." - Xbox Ready
"I'm Wrecking Charlie into the Chuck Pro Gamer OJ."
"These days when a multiplayer only thing, free to play, mobile release or games as a service hits the market it’s a countdown to extinction in my eyes."
"Multiplayer games not to become obsolete, the people that make them need to support them."
"A multiplayer that appeals to casuals and competitors."
"The most important item in the game 100% most powerful items you can buy are wards guys."
"Rainbow six siege is the most ambitious multiplayer shooter that's ever been made."
"The next thing I want to talk about is asymmetrical multiplayer."
"The game is just more fun when people are enjoying it."
"There's games like Ark and Forests and Rust."
"It'll appear as if it's the Pokemon in slot 6 of your party to your opponent."
"Flash pods are king, which is why I made it a requirement to bring three flash pods as well as flash bugs to craft even more flash pods."
"Minecraft has the least toxic community ever."
"The best thing about Road to SI is not the maps or the skins, it's the friends we made along the way."
"There is a play style for glaives in pvp now that it's getting more ammo too I think you're going to see an uptick in people using glaives in pvp."
"Every now and then there comes an online multiplayer title that just defines or screams being from a particular age of gaming."
"I've been having more fun with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer."
"I really am genuinely enjoying this. It rises beyond a lot of older school PC multiplayer titles."
"Behaving selfishly in an online multiplayer game is no bad thing... but the best online multiplayer games are set up in such a way that behaving selfishly will benefit the team."
"An activity that can support up to 60 players in a single game."
"It was one of my first experiences with LAN parties, playing with my dad."
"It actually still to this day has a pretty solid multiplayer scene."
"If we're playing Halo, I want to go back to death match, I want to go back to capture the flag, king of the hill."
"I enjoy this a lot, it's never good fun, cheeky little push."
"This is going to be perfect for not just GM's but also master raids later in the season."
"It's a back door to your base with a handy force field that lets your team through and keeps the enemy team out."
"In Overwatch, it only takes one person to throw the game but it takes six people to win the game."
"We're just gonna start ecoing, which is gonna eco so much."
"Who says that multiplayer experiences cannot have great stories, right?"
"From a multiplayer perspective obviously you know we've touched on it but but multiplayer quake is such a you know such a such a big deal."
"It's worth talking about the multiplayer in my opinion in Call of Duty 3 because it's pretty much the baseline for the multiplayer in every following Call of Duty game up and toothless day."
"The nice thing about this title compared to x3 is it's multiplayer."
"In a team game you want a lot of trade carts."
"Cheating in multiplayer games should be punishable."
"Even if you don't intend on making multiplayer games, this knowledge is helpful to understand computers better."
"AI may affect multiplayer games negatively, but I think we'll see a huge increase in single-player and co-op adventure games thanks to artificial intelligence."
"These online multiplayer games are often some of the most successful on the platform because when done right, operating live game servers demands connection between game developer and the community."