
Film Preference Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Mad Max: Fury Road is probably my favorite action film, and that's pretty much just one ridiculously long chase sequence."
"I like watching movies where women are the main character."
"Yep, no surprises here. Moana's the best Disney movie that came out during the 2010s."
"Every time I revisit Saw 6 I remember why I like it so much."
"I think die hard with a vengeance is the best Die Hard film out of all of them."
"I've seen this film more than any other film ever."
"I would take a choreographed fight film by a stable camera any day of the week."
"This is gonna be a weird dark indie movie which is the kind of indie movie I like."
"Reservoir Dogs: This is my favorite Tarantino movie."
"I think Kingsman is the universe I want to visit again and again."
"The 1990 movie, in my opinion, is still the best one to date."
"Even if you're not a fan of traditional Adam Sandler movies, this is not one."
"First Blood or Die Hard? Personally, I'm keeping Die Hard."
"It's a funny thing, like Star Wars to me is the main thing but yeah..."
"Which Terminator movie is your favorite? Let me know in the comments down below."
"What is my second favorite movie? The Lord of the Rings trilogy probably."
"My favorite Harry Potter movie... I think prisoner might be mine... that was always just so well done."
"This is my favorite Coen Brothers movie by far."
"As of right now, it's my favorite film of 2024."
"Ratatouille takes it by a landslide, no surprises here."
"Django Unchained is my all-time favorite movie."
"The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite Star Wars movie of all time."
"Women were more interested in a less political movie starring a beautiful and feminine heroine like Wonder Woman."
"Billy Madison, that's my favorite movie, so fitting now!"
"I'd rather watch a bad movie that's entertaining than a good movie that's just boring."
"The Descent is my all-time number two favorite horror film."
"Thor Ragnarok is one of, if not one of my favorite MCU films."
"You watch Spirit Away, you watch Princess Mononoke the way they're supposed to be watched: animated. Screw that live-action shit."
"Definitely enjoyed this more than House of Gucci."
"Predator is just incredible. I have a really big soft spot for predator 2."
"But basically 'Midsommar' is better than 'Hereditary' and it has quickly turned itself into my second favorite horror movie."
"I think that's like my comfort movie, hold on. Did you even watch it?"
"Gray area characters are something I would love to see."
"I'm like a sucker for late 90s early 2000s rom-coms, so I love 'She's All That' and '10 Things I Hate About You.'"
"Booksmart is now my new favorite movie of 2019."
"There's something about Terminator 1 that just always, every time I'm like, 'No, it's Terminator 2,' but it's Terminator 2."
"The harsh reality is that I find 'Fast and the Furious' a lot more watchable and a lot more of them more fun on a consistently level than the James Bond franchise."
"Easily School of Rock is what I'm taking."
"We're going to have to give it to Gone Girl, have to."
"I'm all for bringing back the Western... just good old-fashioned westerns, I'm all for it."
"The second one's probably definitely the better movie, but I love Davy Jones. I love Davy Jones, so the second one probably."
"My favorite of all three of the films."
"Mulan is one of my favorite Disney movies of all time."
"I was a Braveheart guy. Nonstop action."
"I love putting in my Portra 400 when I'm doing outdoor shots."
"My favorite Godzilla movie might still be Shin Gojira."
"I would definitely say that this is the best of the prequels."
"I actually prefer this over Logan now, after re-watching it again."
"I'm more interested in the cinema I grew up with, which were European films and more sophisticated American films."
"I'm picking the original trilogy over each one."
"Some people say Casablanca or Citizen Kane; I say Jason and the Argonauts is the greatest film ever."
"I prefer the ascent cut over the theatrical cut of the Lord of the Rings; such an amazing trilogy."
"Empire was the best, Return of the Jedi might be a close second."
"Rocky 3 is the best of all Rocky movies."
"I prefer Pulp Fiction to Reservoir Dogs, though I do like it a lot."
"My favorite is Saving Private Ryan, as is mine."
"I loved Us. I actually liked it more than Get Out."
"This is what we do in the shadows, which is my favorite film that I've seen so far."
"Casino Royale is my number one James Bond movie."
"His favorite film is Miracle. Good choice."
"I love Ghostbusters. I think honestly like I love the original Ghostbusters, but the second one might be my favorite."
"Because I think even the prequel detractors, they all agree that like Revenge of the Sith is the best one."
"My favorite movie is probably Shawshank Redemption."
"People like a well-made superhero film."
"I'm going Avengers: The Infinity War, one of my favorite movies."
"Movies are better than TV because they can accomplish so much more because they're so focused."
"I feel like Black Panther is like one of my favorite Marvel movies so far."
"Jackie Chan might be the most likable person. He always says that the dialogue days are his least favorite; he just wants to punch stuff."
"Guardians of the Galaxy 2, which is the best Marvel movie."
"I prefer European cinema; American movies just seem too commercial."
"I have gone on the record that I believe the world would be a better place if we got more movies like Muppet Treasure Island."
"I'm gonna go with Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King because of what Lord of the Rings brought to the table."
"I believe Snatch was one of the ones that I like the most."
"Goodfellas is better than Godfather."
"I like Batman 2022 a lot, and that's because of how dark it is. I can't help that I love darkness in films."